Monday, November 29, 2010


Thomas Allen

[Editor’s note: The footnotes in the original are omitted.]

The Illuminists have used ecumenical movement as one of its tools to take over the Church. (The true Church of Christ is the greatest spiritual and temporal enemy and threat of the Illuminists.) The ecumenical movement seeks to unify all Protestant churches and ultimately all Christians. To accomplish this goal, it encourages an undenominational church. It disregards all forms of Church polity and does not care about the Church being an August body of saints. It emphasizes common religious teachings and beliefs.

The ecumenical movement was formalized in England in 1846 in the Evangelical Alliance and in the United States in 1867. Later in 1908, the Federal Council of Church of Christ, which later became the National Council of Churches of Christ, was organized as the leading proponent of the ecumenical movement in the United States. The World Council of Churches, which consists of more than 200 Protestant, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Old Catholic bodies, has become the principal instrument of ecumenicity.

Thus, Christian religion was attacked overtly and covertly. The covert attack against religion primarily took the form of ecumenicalism. All religious differences were ignored. Everything, except orthodoxy, was tolerated. Defenders of orthodoxy were ridiculed. Defenders of Biblical Christianity were slandered. Biblical revelation was meaningless; religious truths were derived from nature, not from revelation. The Bible was reduced to meaninglessness by subverting it to mean whatever one wanted it to mean. Religious unity must be achieved at all cost.

The covert attack took the form of stressing scepticism, materialism, naturalism, Pantheism, and homosexualism. Pornography was also another important overt weapon against Christianity. Anything that would lead to a moral breakdown was used.

World Council of Churches and National Council of Churches
One important actor in supplanting the religion of Jesus with the religion of Lucifer is the World Council of Churches. The World Council of Churches was founded in 1948; its founding began the modern ecumenical era. Most mainline Protestant denominations in the United States are members of the World Council of Churches. Heavily influenced by Freemasonry, it is interconnected with the World Constitutional Parliament Association and is a co-conspirator in bring about Lucifer’s New World Order. Its funding comes in part from the Rockefeller Foundation. Its goal is to unite Christianity to make bringing it into the New World Order easier. Christians should embrace Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and all other religions as equal in value to Christianity—interfaithism. With Vatican II, the Catholic Church joined the ecumenical movement and interfaithism. Ecumenism seeks to unify the Christian churches. Interfaithism seeks to unify all the religions of the world. As Communists and communist agents and sympathizers run the World Council of Churches, it is also a strong supporter of Communism. It has financed terrorists in Africa, who have slaughtered not only Blacks, but also Christian missionaries.

Closely allied with the World Council of Churches is the National Council of Churches. The purpose of the National Council of Churches is to promote Illuminism, especially Communism, among the churches in the United States. It also lobbies political leaders on behalf of communist causes. To advance Illuminism, one of its goals is to destroy the family. To achieve this goal, it has promoted feminism to destroy fatherhood and sex education to destroy the moral authority of the family. Members of the National Council of Churches have also promoted Black Nationalism and the Negro Revolution in the United States and have financially supported these movements. Like the World Council of Churches, the National Council of Churches strives to stripe the Bible of its authority—man should decide right and wrong based on the situation, i.e., moral absolutes do not exist.

In 1950, the Federal Council of Churches reorganized and merged with seven other interdenominational organizations to form the National Council of Churches. Of the 358 clergy who were voting delegates to the constituting convention of the National Council of Churches, 123 were associated with Communist projects and enterprises.[1]

[Editor’s note: The appendix in the original exposing Billy Graham is omitted.]

1. Billy James Hargis, Communist America Must It Be? (Tulsa, Oklahoma: Christian Crusade, 1960), pp. 147-148.

Allen, Gary. The Rockefeller File Secret. Seal Beach, California: '76 Press, 1976.

Hargis, Billy James. Communist America Must It Be? Tulsa, Oklahoma: Christian Crusade, 1960.

Kah, Gary H. En Route to Global Occupation. Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1992.

Kah, Gary H. The New World Religion. Noblesville, Indiana: Hope International Publishing, Inc., 1998.

Mullins, Eustace. The Curse of Canaan: A Demonology of History. Staunton, Virginia: Revelation Book, 1987.

Poncins, Leon de, Vicomte. Freemasonry and the Vatican: A Struggle for Recognition. Translator Timothy Tindal-Roberston. London, England: Briton Publishing Co., 1968.

Preuss, Arthur. A Dictionary of Secret and Other Societies. St. Louis, Missouri: B. Herder Book Co., 1924.

Stormer, John A. The Death of a Nation. Florissant, Missouri: Liberty Bell Press, 1968.

Stormer, John A. None Dare Call It Treason. Florissant, Missouri: Liberty Bell Press, 1964.

Wardner, James W. Unholy Alliances: The Secret Plan and the Secret People Who Are Working to Destroy America. James W. Wardner, 1996.

Copyright © 2010 by Thomas Coley Allen.

 More articles on history.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Thomas Allen

[Editor’s note: Footnotes in the original are omitted.]

During the last half of the nineteenth century, the United States saw its wealthiest men becoming Illuminists and funding and otherwise supporting Illuminism. They included Andrew Carnegie, John D. (“competition is a sin”) Rockefeller, and J. P. Morgan. One of the greatest instruments in advancing Illuminism was the establishment of foundations, which funded illuministic causes in the twentieth century.

The major American foundations are the creation of Daniel Gilman, a German Illuminist and a member of Skull and Bones. In 1898, Gilman created the General Education Board by merging the Peabody Education Fund and the John F. Slater Fund. Gilman had been vice president of both funds. Later in 1902, the General Education Board became part of the Rockefeller’s Southern Education Board, which retained the name of General Education Board.

In 1907, he set up the Russell Sage Foundation. Assisting Gilmore in setting up the Russell Sage Foundation were Cleveland H. Dodge, a director of National City Bank, and Moses Pyne, grandson of the founder of National City Bank.

The first large scale foundation began with the wealth of George Peabody. Peabody left the slave trading business and moved to England. With the aid of Brown Brothers and Nathan Mayer Rothschild, Peabody established his banking house, George Peabody and Co., in England in 1835. Peabody made a fortune buying depressed notes during the Panic of 1837. He had become, by 1861, the largest trader of American securities in the world.

In 1865, Peabody founded the Peabody Education Fund, which worked closely with the occupying military forces in the South during Reconstruction. Ostensibly, the Peabody Education Fund was established to educate freed slaves following the War for Southern Independence. In reality it aided carpetbaggers to gain control of the South. They used their control of the governments of the Southern States to improvise them by saddling them with huge loans from Northern bankers. The Peabody Education Fund later became the General Education Board.

Junius S. Morgan, as the head of Beebe, Morgan and Co. of Boston, became Peabody’s agent in America. In 1854, Morgan became Peabody’s partner to form Peabody, Morgan and Co. Through this connection, Morgan and later his son, John Pierpont (J.P.) Morgan, Sr. collaborated closely with the Rothschild—so closely that Morgan was considered an agent of the Rothschild. With the retirement of Peabody in 1864, Junius Morgan and J.P. Morgan gained control of Peabody, Morgan and Co. and changed the name to Morgan and Co. Morgan and Co. became one of the most powerful banking houses in the world.

In 1864, Junius Morgan persuaded Charles H. Dabney to join with J.P. Morgan, Sr. to form Dabney, Morgan and Co., which was the agent of Morgan and Co. in the United States. In 1871, Anthony Drexel became a partner and the company changed its name to Drexel Morgan Co. When Drexel died in 1895, Morgan changed its name to J.P. Morgan and Co. This company soon became the principal source of funds for the United State government. With Rothschild’s gold, Morgan rescued the United States government following the Panic of 1893.

In the United States, J.P. Morgan, Sr. provided banking services for those who preferred not to do business with Jewish bankers. Kuhn, Loeb and Co., another banking firm allied closely with the Rothschilds, provided services for those who wanted to deal with a Jewish bank.

John D. Rockefeller followed Peabody’s example and established the Southern Educational Board. It was established to promote education without regard to race, creed, or sex—that is, it was established to promote racial amalgamation and the elimination of distinction between the sexes. It also promoted globalism and socialism in the public school system.

Andrew Carnegie, a spiritualist, built his fortune on looting the public treasury. To overcome objections to his fortune and how he got it, he, like many other wealthy Illuminists, built a reputation as a humanitarian philanthropist. Besides donating money to churches and public libraries, he established the Carnegie Institute (David Gilman set up the Carnegie Institute in 1902 and became its first president) and the Carnegie Hero Fund Commission. Having made a fortune from wars, Carnegie donated large sums to organizations that advocated consolidation of governmental powers into regional, supranational, and international bodies. As an opponent of nationalism, he supported establishing a League of Nations.

Carnegie was a fascist socialist at heart. He was an advocate of a strong central government. Government must control private business. He supported implementation of the planks of the Communist Manifesto, such as a central banking system and heavily progressively graduated income taxes (after he had protected his own fortune in foundations and trusts). He bought 18 newspapers in Great Britain to spread his radical ideas on abolishing the monarchy and the House of Lords, dismantling the British Empire, and disestablishing the Church of England. He supported a union of Great Britain, Canada, and the United States. Carnegie was drunk with Illuminism.

Theodore Marburg was another wealthy man who wanted to establish a world government. His scheme was to use Carnegie’s wealth, international financiers, and Fabian Socialists to form a League of Nations to enforce peace with an international “peace army.” Controlling this world government would be the international financiers.

The tax exempt foundations, like the Rockefeller Foundation, provided the financing that the Illuminists needed to gain control of education, religion, and government.

Much of the funding for the advancement of Illuminism during the twentieth century has come from the tax-exempt foundations. The major foundations are the Carnegie Corp., Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Rockefeller Foundation, and Ford Foundation. Many less well known foundations, such as, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Carnegie Institute of Washington, Commonwealth Fund of New York, Fund for the Republic, Markle Foundation (a major source of funding for the Aspen Institute ), Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Samuel Rubin Foundation (a major source of funding for the Institute for Policy Studies), Starr Foundation, and Twentieth Century Fund, have also supported Illuminism. These tax-exempt foundations have also been a major source of funds for Communists and Communist sympathizers and their organizations. Illuminists controlled all these foundations. The goal of these foundations is to alter the life of the American people so that they will accept Illuminism and its New World Order with its one world government and one world religion.

The major foundations have specialized in supporting different aspects of Illuminism. The Ford Foundation specializes in altering the United States so that they “can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.”[1] The Carnegie Endowment specializes in controlling the foreign policy of the United States and using war to alter the life style of the American people. The Rockefeller Foundation and Guggenheim Foundation specialize in controlling education. While the Carnegie Endowment deals with international issues, the Rockefeller Foundation deals with domestic issues.

The foundations gained control of higher education by making colleges and universities dependent on them for research funds. They control “practically all social science research and such research is used to promote collectivism and world government.”[2] Grants from the United States government do not lessen this control because Illuminists also control the United States government and the Department of Education.

Along with other foundations, the Carnegie Endowment uses its wealth and power to maneuver the American people into war. War is the most effective way to persuade people to enslave and impoverish themselves. People are not inclined to question the acts of government, i.e., the acts of people who really control the government, during war. The longer the war, the more inclined people are to accept the changes as permanent—thus, Bush’s never-ending War on Terrorism.

On the power of tax-exempt foundations, Congressman B. Carroll Reece remarked in 1954:
It has been said that the foundations are a power second only to that of the Federal Government itself. Perhaps this statement should be modified because it seems to have become an affront for a congressional committee to dare to subject the foundations to criticism. Perhaps the Congress should now admit that the foundations have become more powerful, in some areas, at least, than the legislative branch of Government.[3]
These foundations are more powerful now than when he made this remark.

1. Archibald E. Roberts, Emerging Struggle for State Sovereignty (Fort Collins, Colorado: Betsy Ross Press, 1979), p. 114.

2. Ibid., p. 127.

3. Ibid., p. 125.

Cuddy, Dennis L. The Globalists: The Power Elite Exposed.Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone Publishing, 2001.

Cuddy, Dennis L. Now Is the Dawning of the New Age New World Order. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone Publishing, 2000.

Hoar, William P. Architect of Conspiracy: An Intriguing History. Belmont, Massachusetts: Western Islands, 1984.

Kah, Gary H. En Route to Global Occupation. Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1992.

Marrs, Jim. Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids. New York, New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2000.

Monteith, Stanley. Brotherhood of Darkness. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone, 2000.

Mullins, Eustace. The Curse of Canaan: A Demonology of History. Staunton, Virginia: Revelation Book, 1987.

Mullins, Eustace. Secrets of the Federal Reserve. 1991.

Mullins, Eustace. The World Order: Our Secret Rulers. Second edition. Staunton, Virginia: Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization, 1992.

Roberts, Archibald E. Emerging Struggle for State Sovereignty. Fort Collins, Colorado: Betsy Ross Press, 1979.

Roberts, Archibald E. The Most Secret Science. Fort Collins, Colorado: Betsy Ross Press, 1984.

Skousen, W. Cleon. The Naked Capitalist: A Review and Commentary on Dr. Carroll Quigley’s Book Tragedy and Hope. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1971.

Smoot, Dan. The Invisible Government. Dallas, Texas: The Dan Smoot Report, Inc., 1962.

Still, William T. New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies. Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1990.

Stormer, John A. None Dare Call It Treason. Florissant, Missouri: Liberty Bell Press, 1964.

Wardner, James W. Unholy Alliances: The Secret Plan and the Secret People Who Are Working to Destroy America. James W. Wardner, 1996.

Copyright © 2010 by Thomas Coley Allen.

 More articles on history. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Office of Strategic Services and Central Intelligence Agency
Thomas Allen

[Editor’s note: Footnotes in the original are omitted.]

To collect and analyze intelligence for Illuminists and to organize and execute covert operations for Illuminists, Roosevelt created in 1942 the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and appointed William J. Donovan as its head.

In 1915, the Rockefeller Foundation had sent Donovan to Europe on a war relief mission. J. P. Morgan, Jr. sent him to Europe in 1920 to obtain intelligence related to the issuance of bonds that Morgan’s Foreign Commercial Corp. was planning to float. During Hitler’s rise to power, Donovan had established a network of informants in the German government. Roosevelt selected Donovan to head the OSS because for two decades he had been carrying “out secret missions for the Morgans, Rockefellers, and Rothschilds.”[1] Before setting up the OSS, Roosevelt sent Donovan to the Tavistock Institute in London where British intelligence indoctrinated him. (To this day the Central Intelligence Agency uses the techniques of mind control taught at the Tavistock Institute.)[2]

British intelligence organized the OSS. Thus, the OSS was merely a front for British intelligence. Four members of the British Chief of Staff set up the OSS. They were Lord Louis Mountbatten, who was related to the King of England and the banking families of Rothschild and Cassel; Charles Hambro, director of Special Operations Executive and director of Hambros bank; Colonel Stewart Menzies, head of the British Secret Intelligence Service; and William Stephenson, head of the Special Intelligence Section (SIS).

With aid from the Rockefellers, Stephenson and the SIS operated the British espionage network in the United States. Stephenson’s task was to provoke war between the United States and Germany. Donovan provided special passports for Stephenson’s agents and otherwise assisted him.[3]

Many people that Donovan employed in the OSS were Communists, many of whom were veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. He knew that they were Communists and employed them because they were Communists.

In 1943, Donovan went to Moscow to establish a permanent alliance between the OSS and the NKVD. Assisting Donovan in this endeavor was W. Averell Harriman. The alliance was to allow the NKVD to have offices in various American cities and to exchange officers with the OSS. Fearing bad publicity in his upcoming election, Roosevelt withdrew his support for the alliance.

Truman abolished the OSS in 1945. The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was established in 1948 and assumed the intelligence work of the OSS. Allen Dulles of J. Schroder Banking Corp., William H. Jackson, a Wall Street lawyer, and Mathias F. Correa, a Wall Street lawyer supervised the organization of the CIA. Dulles became the first director of the CIA. The law establishing the CIA gave it immunity for all civil and criminal laws.

One of the first tasks of the CIA was to scare Americans and Europeans with propaganda about the might of the Soviet Union. (As it turned out, the Soviet Union’s threat was a chimera.) In Europe, the objective of this propaganda was to scare Europeans away from neutrality. In America, it was used to fund the military-industrial complex, most of which Illuminists owned, and to scare the American people to surrender liberty for security by allowing nearly unchecked growth in the U.S. government, which the Illuminists controlled. To carry out this program, the CIA funded media organizations and hired journalists, editors, and others connected with the news media. Many major news outlets became willing co-conspirators with the CIA—after all, the Illuminists controlled them—to dispense its propaganda and disinformation.

One of the most influential magazines on the right was National Review founded by (former?) CIA agent William Buckley. Also involved in the founding of National Review was James Burnham and Wilmoore Kendall, both of whom were CIA agents. William Casey, who was involved with the OSS and who later became director of the CIA, drew up the legal documents for the magazine.

The CIA continued Donovan’s policy of hiring Communists. Soviet KGB defectors have claimed that the CIA has Soviet spies within it. Members of Skull and Bones have essentially controlled the CIA from its founding. Since its establishment, the CIA has never undergone an outside investigation. One was attempted in the 1950s, but Vice-President Nixon squashed it.

The CIA collects and analyzes intelligence not only for the United States government, but also for Establishment Insiders. With bribes and coercion, it influences foreign elections for the advancement of the New World Order. As Truman remarked, it even makes its own wars.

Some of the people who have studied the assassination of President John Kennedy are convinced that the CIA was behind it. Kennedy may have been assassinated because he was planning to withdraw from the Vietnam War, which the Illuminists wanted escalated. He also wanted to reduce the U.S. government’s reliance on and the importance of the Federal Reserve System by having the U.S. government issuing notes directly instead of indirectly through the Federal Reserve System—an action apparently disapproved by the bankers. Another action taken by Kennedy that led to his assassination was that he fired Dulles and wanted to weaken the power of the CIA. Additionally. He opposed Israel’s development of nuclear weapons. Among the people believed to have been involved in the assassination were James Angleton (the CIA’s liaison with the Israeli Mossad), George H. Bush, Allen Dulles, J. Edgar Hoover, Vice-President Lyndon Johnson, and Nelson Rockefeller.[4]

1. Eustace Mullins, The World Order: Our Secret Rulers, (Second edition; Staunton, Virginia: Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization, 1992), p. 143.

2. Ibid., p. 140.

3. Ibid., p. 139.

4. Chris Millegan, “The Order of Skull and Bones,”, Apr. 28, 2003.

Cuddy, Dennis L. The Globalists: The Power Elite Exposed. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone Publishing, 2001.

Mullins, Eustace. The World Order: Our Secret Rulers. Second edition. Staunton, Virginia: Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization, 1992.

Still, William T. New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies. Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1990.

Wardner, James W. Unholy Alliances: The Secret Plan and the Secret People Who Are Working to Destroy America. James W. Wardner, 1996.

Copyright © 2010 by Thomas Coley Allen.

 More articles on history.