Thursday, July 8, 2010

Years Following World War II

Years Following World War II
Thomas Allen

[Editor’s note: The footnotes in the original are omitted.]

Two great events following World War II were the Cold War and the establishment of the United Nations. The Cold War was a fictitious war although real but limited wars, such as the Korean War and Vietnam War, did occur during it.

Wars are necessary for the Illuminists to control people. To avoid the destructiveness of wars like the two world wars, the Illuminists resorted to fictitious wars and limited wars. Limited wars are necessary to make the fictitious wars convincing—thus, the war with Iraq and Afghanistan to make the War on Terrorism convincing. Furthermore, fictitious wars with their limited wars are easier to control and their out comes are more certain for the Illuminists, who control both sides of the conflicts.

The Cold War
The Cold War that followed World War II was the creation of the Illuminists working primarily through the Council on Foreign Relations. A principal component of the Cold War was the containment plan written by George Kennan. This plan became the official foreign policy of the United States toward the Soviet Union. It guaranteed the borders of the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union’s control of eastern Europe. Nevertheless, the Illuminists did not let the bellicose talk of the Soviet Union toward the United States and of the United States toward the Soviet Union interfere with trade between the two. Such verbal hostilities did not halt lending money to the Soviet Union. (Of coarse, the American taxpayers guaranteed these loans if the Soviet Union defaulted.)

The Cold War did not stop the selling military equipment, nuclear reactors (used to make plutonium for nuclear weapons), chemical plants and technology (used to make chemical weapons and other war material), transportation equipment (used to transport troops and munitions), and machinery (used to make components for weapons) to the Soviet Union. United States companies also supplied communist countries with chemicals, electronic equipment, food, medicines, machinery, metal products, metal ores and scrap, petroleum, plastics, radars, rubber, and textiles.

The Soviet Union had to be built up and maintained to make it a credible enemy of the West. Having a perpetual enemy is necessary for the Illuminists to maintain and expand their power over the people and to transfer wealth from the people to the Illuminists.

Concomitant with building up the Soviet Union was disarming the United States. President John Kennedy began the disarmament movement in earnest when he delivered his disarmament speech to the United Nation in 1961. A few days later the State Department formalized the United States government’s program for disarmament in Freedom From War: The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World. This program contained three stages: (1) banning nuclear tests, (2) ending production of nuclear weapons and their delivery systems (bombers and missiles), and (3) transferring all existing nuclear weapons to the United Nations, which was the real goal. Additionally, anti-missile missiles and other defensive weapons would not be developed. Congress immediately created an agency to carry out Kennedy’s disarmament program. Kennedy appointed John J. McCloy (CFR member) as Director of Disarmament. To this day, the United States government has continued to carry out Kennedy’s disarmament program. Only the Reagan administration provided a slight reversal.

Another important function of the Cold War was “perpetual war for perpetual peace.” To carry out this program, the United States government implemented the “no win” policy against Communism. Presidents Johnson and Nixon carried this policy to its height with the Vietnam War. Although the United States could have won this war within a month, Johnson and Nixon dragged it out for 10 years. Nixon eventually allowed the North Vietnam too win it.

(George W. Bush’s never-ending War on Terrorism replaced the Cold War as the “perpetual war for perpetual peace” in 2001. With his War on Terrorism, he was able do what none of his predecessors could do with the Cold War. He was able to lay the foundation and build the structure necessary to turn the United States into a police state of which even Stalin and Hitler could not dream.)

The Cold War was necessary to maintain American support of the United Nations. If no threat to peace existed, Americans and other people might lose their enthusiasm for the United Nations — especially when its record of fostering wars rather than ensuring peace was considered.

Furthermore, to maintain the United Nations, the United States and its European allies had to maintain a strong Soviet Union. The United Nations had to be maintained, for it was the hub around which the New World Order was to be built. The United Nations had to be maintained so that a central authority existed to which the United States could surrender their weapons. A central global authority was needed to redistribute the wealth of the United States. It was needed to socialize the economy of the United Stats and the rest of the world and to bring the economies of the world under one authority, which the Illuminists would control. World government is needed to achieve world domination.

During the Cold War, few leaders in the United States really saw the communist Soviet Union as a real enemy. Why? Because the Illuminists controlled the Communists who ran the Soviet Union, just as they controlled most of the leaders in government, business, labor, the media, education, and religion in the United States. (The same is true with communist China.) Because the advancement of Communism benefitted the Illuminists, the United States adopted a policy of containment and appeasement toward the Soviet Union, China, and other communist countries. The United States strove never to defeat Communism or to overthrow a communist regime.

When the Soviet Union collapsed, Communism did not die. It merely entered a new phase. Mikhail Gorbachev, who oversaw the dismantling of the Soviet Union, adamantly admitted that he was a Communist and continued to support Communism. The dismantling was being done to advance Communism by lulling gullible Westerners into believing that Communism had been defeated. Communists still dominate much of the politics of Russia and the former communist countries of Eastern Europe.

The real reason for dismantling the Soviet Union and its obvious communistic government was to make consolidating Russia and other (former) communist countries with the United States and Western Europe into the New World Order easier. (Former communist countries of Eastern Europe are now being incorporated into the European Union.)

United Nations
The Council on Foreign Relations was instrumental in organizing the United Nations, which was the reincarnation of the defunct League of Nations with expanded powers. Its goal had always been to establish a world government, an essential element of the illuministic New World Order. Of the American delegation to the U. N. Conference at San Francisco in 1945, 47 were members of the Council on Foreign Relations. They included Dean Acheson (Assistant Secretary of State, head of the pro-Soviet group in the State Department, former employee of J.P. Morgan and Co., and later Truman’s Secretary of State), Ralph Bunche (Negro, official of National Negro Congress and Institute of Pacific Relations, both Communist fronts), John Foster Dulles, Thomas K. Finletter (State Department official, later Secretary of the Air Force and ambassador to NATO), Alger Hiss (Communist spy and secretary general of the United Nation’s founding conference), Clark M. Eichelberger, Philip Jessup (Soviet agent, member of Round Table Group, former chairman of the Institute of Pacific Relations), Joseph E. Johnson (chief of International Security Affairs division of the State Department, later trustee of Carnegie Endowment and director of the CFR), Owen Lattimore (communist sympathizer and fellow-traveler, Soviet agent), John J. McCloy (later president of the World Bank, head of the Rockefeller’s Chase Bank, chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations), Leo Pasvolsky, Nelson Rockefeller, Robert Schuman, Harold Stassen, Adlai Stevenson, Edward Stettinius (Secretary of State), John Carter Vincent (security risk), and Harry Dexter White (Soviet agent). John D. Rockefeller, Jr. donated the land for the United Nations building.

The United Nations and treaty organizations made under its authority severe to create a method to bypass Congress in making war, i.e., to bypass the constitutional charge that only Congress may declare war. The Council on Foreign Relations was able to violate the constitutional provision by concocting a false theory that treaties could be used to commit the United States to war without a congressional declaration. Thus, treaties, not the Constitution, became the supreme law of the land.

The charter of the United Nations is more than a treaty; it is a constitution for world government. It commits each member country to become a socialist country and to support socialism in all other countries. It creates a global political, social, economic, cultural, and education alliances. Its agencies have acquired the features of ministries in world governance. The United Nations has striven to abolished individual nationalities, cultures, political systems, and economies. A primary objective of the United Nations is to destroy nationalism, pride in one’s nation. Monsignor Michel Schooyans described the dangers of the ascendancy of the United Nations and globalism:
. . . the plan to govern the world via the UN has inherited a number of features from the Communist “International.” . . . Along with this plan for a world government, there is the process of globalization, or economic interdependence. . . . Globalization is dangerous because control of goods signifies control of workers. . . . New Age influences, including holistic theories which perceive man as only a particle of the universe, are challenging Christian values of human dignity. According to these theories, man is a result of evolution . . . [and] this transient being should, above all, respect nature and honor the Earth-Mother, Gaia. . . . Once more attempts are made to limit population growth and national sovereignty in the name of new pantheist and monist philosophies. . . .[1]
Korean War
The first important limited war that the Illuminists created was the Korean War. It was done to advance the United Nations and to secured Communist control of China. It was the first war of the United States’ policy of never again wining any war of any importance unless it advanced the cause of Illuminism.

The foundation for the Korean War was laid at the Yalta Conference. The United States and the Soviet Union agreed to partition Korea; the Koreans had no say in this partition. China and the Soviet Union were given control over North Korea. At least a year earlier, the Council on Foreign Relations was promoting a divided Korea.

To encourage war, Dean Acheson, Secretary of State and one of the conspirators turning China into a communist country, had declared South Korea to be outside the United States’ defense perimeter. To make South Korea more inviting, it was not allowed to have military aircraft or tanks. As the Soviet Union built up North Korea’s army, the United States restricted South Korea to light arms. As North Korea massed troops along the border with the intent of conquering South Korea, the Council of Foreign Relations controlled Truman administration did nothing.

To ensure that war would take place, the Soviet Union’s delegates walked out of the United Nation Security Council in protest when the issue of the North Korean invasion came before it. Had they remained, they could have vetoed involvement of the United Nation in Korea. After the Security Council voted to involve the United Nations in Korea, the Soviet Union’s delegation return. Using the United Nation’s declaration, Truman bypassed Congress and committed American troops to the Korean War.

To assure the Chinese Communists that the Illuminists of the West had given them China, President Harry Truman, a 33rd degree Freemason, dismissed General Douglas MacArthur because MacArthur made public that he was fighting Chinese in Korea. Several hundred thousand Chinese “volunteers” had entered North Korea to fight Americans and their allies. MacArthur also wanted to bomb Chinese supply lines, but Marshall, Secretary of Defense, would not allow him to do so. MacArthur’s superiors had placed Manchuria off limits to his forces. Within days after China’s involvement came public, Truman dismissed him. Secretary of Defense Robert A. Lovett, a member of the Skull and Bones and CFR, had urged Truman to recall MacArthur. Also urging his dismissal were John J. McCloy, who had also pressed for General Patton’s dismissal, and Averell Harriman, a banker and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and Skull and Bones. General Ridgway, who was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and who supported a stalemate in Korea, replaced MacArthur, who wanted to defeat the Communist in Asia, as Supreme Commander. (MacArthur was not going along with the Illuminists’ policy of “containing” Communism; instead, he wanted to defeat it.)

The Korean War was not a complete success for the Illuminists. South Korea was slated to fall to the Communists. Owen Lattimore of the Council of Foreign Relations and the Institute of Pacific Relations had written in 1949 that South Korea was to fall to the Communists.[2]
Nevertheless, Lucifer would again feast on a great blood sacrifice. At least 400 American soldiers were left in Chinese and Korean communist prison camps for the Communists to torture and use as slave labor and experimentation. So much for Eisenhower’s “peace with honor.” The Korean War did accomplish the goal of empowering and strengthening the United Nations.

Eisenhower’s acceptance of a divided Korea led to a divided Vietnam, the work of John Foster Dulles. A divided Vietnam led to a protracted no-win Vietnam War, which ended with the Communists conquering South Vietnam.

[Editor’s note: The appendices in the original are omitted.]

1. Dennis L. Cuddy, The Globalists: The Power Elite Exposed (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone Publishing, 2001), p. 292.

2. W. Cleon Skousen, The Naked Capitalist: A Review and Commentary on Dr. Carroll Quigley’s Book Tragedy and Hope (Salt Lake City, Utah, 1971), p. 78.

Allen, Gary. None Dare Call It Conspiracy. Seal Beach, California: Concord Press, n.d.

Carr, William Guy. The Conspiracy to Destroy All Existing Governments and Religions.
Cuddy, Dennis L. The Globalists: The Power Elite Exposed. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone Publishing, 2001.

Cuddy, Dennis L. Now Is the Dawning of the New Age New World Order. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone Publishing, 2000.

Davidson, Mary M. The Profound Revolution. Omaha, Nebraska: The Greater Nebraskan, n.d.

Hargis, Billy James. Communist America Must It Be? Tulsa, Oklahoma: Christian Crusade, 1960.

Hoar, William P. Architect of Conspiracy: An Intriguing History. Belmont, Massachusetts: Western Islands, 1984.

Kah, Gary H. En Route to Global Occupation. Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1992.

Kah, Gary H. The New World Religion. Noblesville, Indiana: Hope International Publishing, Inc., 1998.

Kirban, Salem. Satan’s Angels Exposed. Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania: Salem Kirban Inc., 1980.

Knight, Stephen. The Brotherhood: The Secret World of the Freemasons. Briarcliff Manor, New York: Stein and Day, 1984.

McCormick, W. J. McK. Christ, the Christian and Freemasonry. Carryduff, Belfast: Great Joy Publications, 1984.

Marrs, Jim. Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids. New York, New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2000.

Monteith, Stanley. Brotherhood of Darkness. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone, 2000.

Mullins, Eustace. The Curse of Canaan: A Demonology of History. Staunton, Virginia: Revelation Book, 1987.

Mullins, Eustace. The World Order: Our Secret Rulers. Second edition. Staunton, Virginia: Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization, 1992.

Poncins, Leon de, Comte. State Secrets: A Documentation of the Secret Revolutionary Mainspring Governing Anglo-American Politics. Translator Timothy Tindal-Robertson. 1975.

Skousen, W. Cleon. The Naked Capitalist: A Review and Commentary on Dr. Carroll Quigley’s Book Tragedy and Hope. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1971.

Smoot, Dan. The Invisible Government. Dallas, Texas: The Dan Smoot Report, Inc., 1962.

Still, William T. New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies. Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1990.

Stormer, John A. The Death of a Nation. Florissant, Missouri: Liberty Bell Press, 1968.

Stormer, John A. None Dare Call It Treason. Florissant, Missouri: Liberty Bell Press, 1964.

Sutton, Antony C. National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union. New Rochelle, New York: Arlington House, 1973.

Wardner, James W. Unholy Alliances: The Secret Plan and the Secret People Who Are Working to Destroy America. James W. Wardner, 1996.

Copyright © 2010 by Thomas Colely Allen.

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