Thursday, February 24, 2022

The Real Constitution of the United States

The Real Constitution of the United States
Thomas Allen

The following is a constitution that most of the politicians and bureaucrats in Washington wish that we have and often act as though we have. This constitution would be satirical if the politicians and bureaucrats in the federal government were not acting as though it was real.

The Real Constitution of the United States
Art. 1. The United States is a consolidated empire whose purpose is to spread democracy and equality throughout the world and across the planet.

Section 1. Congress.
Art. 2. Congress shall consist of a House of Representatives, whose members shall serve a term of two years, and a Senate, whose members shall serve a term of six years.

Art. 3. Congress shall raise revenue from whatever sources and by whatever means that it considers appropriate for the general welfare, as Congress defines it, for the President’s wars to spread democracy and equality throughout the world and across the planet, for the promotion of Zionism and the protection of Israel, for buying votes, and for whatever other things on which Congress wants to spend money.

Art. 4. Congress shall regulate commerce, as defined by Congress, for the benefit of its favorites, especially multinational corporations, which Congress shall subsidize and provide unlimited favors at the expense of the taxpayers and the inhabitants of the United States and the world.

Art. 5. Congress shall not restrict the immigration of nonwhites, but it shall restrict and otherwise discourage White Christians entering the United States.

Art. 6. Congress shall develop and authorize whatever is necessary to spy on the people of the United States in the name of keeping them safe, as Congress defines safety, and to encourage them to spy on each other, and the President shall implement such programs without restraint.

Art. 7. Congress shall enact civil rights laws to grant special rights, privileges, and immunities to nonwhites, sexual deviates, communists, Jews, Muslims, and such other groups provided Congress grants no special rights, privileges, and immunities to Whites or Christians. To the contrary, Congress shall restrict the rights, privileges, and immunities of Whites and Christians.

Art. 8. Congress shall encourage and provide for the annihilation of everything Southern and Confederate, and the President and the courts of the United States shall execute such laws with alacrity and vigor.

Art. 9. Congress shall prohibit humor and shall provide for the torturous death of anyone who ridicules Congress or a member of Congress or who reveals an unwanted truth about a member of Congress.

Art. 10. Congress shall provide for the punishment of any White whom a nonwhite accuses of “racism” or whom a Jew accuses of “antisemitism.” Proving that the accused is not a racist or antisemite is no defense; the accused must prove that no nonwhite or Jew has accused him.

Art. 11. Congress shall control education such that all pupils shall attend a school that indoctrinates them in worshiping the state and in the virtues of nonwhites, democracy, equality, Israel, and Zionism.

Art. 12. Congress shall declare what medical treatments and systems are acceptable and what medical treatments and systems are forbidden.

Art. 13. Congress shall regulate elections and fix the qualifications of electors. However, Congress shall not prohibit the dead from voting, provided the dead vote for the correct candidate.

Art. 14. Congress may remove the President or any judge for cause, as Congress defines cause.

Art. 15. Congress may do whatever else it wants to do without restraint.

Section 2. President.
Art. 16. The President shall be elected by popular vote for a term of four years.

Art. 17. The President shall execute the laws enacted by Congress with which he agrees.

Art. 18. The President may execute the powers of Congress when Congress fails to do so to the satisfaction of the President.

Art. 19. The President shall be the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and shall have absolute war-making powers.

Art. 20. During a war, the President may arrest any person in the United States for whatever reason and imprison such person indefinitely without any due process.

Art.  21. The President shall be solely responsible for the foreign policy of the United States.

Art. 22. The President shall spread democracy and equality throughout the world and across the planet and shall promote Zionism and the protection of Israel; to achieve this goal, the President shall use the armed forces. The President shall defend Israel to the last American.

Art. 23. The President shall have absolute treaty-making powers.

Art. 24. The President may do whatever else he wants to do without restraint.

Section 3. The Courts.
Art. 25. The courts of the United States shall consist of a Supreme Court and such inferior courts that Congress may establish.

Art. 26. Judges of the courts of the United States shall serve for life unless removed by Congress for cause.

Art. 27. The courts of the United States shall interpret the laws enacted by Congress and the States to expand the powers of the United States government.

Art. 28. The courts of the United States may void any State law that they dislike.

Art. 29. The courts of the United States shall draw Congressional and State legislative districts to suit the party that is the most statist.

Art. 30. Judges of the courts of the United States may spit in the faces of the States and their representatives, either individually or collectively and either figuratively or literally.

Art. 31. The courts of the United States may ignore the will of the people and run State and local governments as they desire and not as the people desire.

Art. 32. The courts of the United States may add to the laws enacted by Congress if they find such laws deficient.

Art. 33. The courts of the United States may revise or even void laws enacted by Congress or a State if they disagree with the law.

Art. 34. The courts of the United States may impose their predilection regardless of the facts of the case or the law.

Art. 35. The courts of the United States need not limit their rulings to the case before them, but they may use it to legislate.

Art. 36. A ruling by the Supreme Court shall be final and beyond question unless the Supreme Court later changes the ruling.

Art. 37. The Supreme Court may do whatever else it wants to do without restraint.

Section 4. The Bureaucracy
Art. 38. Bureaucrats are above the law and are the law.

Art 39. Nothing that the Congress, the President, or the federal courts enact, degree, direct, or order applies to the bureaucrats.

Art. 40. Bureaucrats may enact, enforce, and judge bureaucratic edicts;

Art. 41. Bureaucrats have absolute immunity from all their actions and inactions.

Section 5. The States.
Art. 42. The States shall be administrative districts of the United States government and shall do whatever Congress or the courts of the United States order them to do.

Art. 43. The States shall have such powers and authorities that Congress condescends to grant them provided the courts of the United States do not object.

Art. 44. The States shall have no rights except what the courts of the United States condescend to give them.

Section 6. The People.
Art. 45. The people shall have such rights, privileges, and immunities that the courts of the United States and Congress condescend to grant them.

Art. 46. The people shall have such duties as Congress imposes on them.

Art. 47. Congress, the President, and the courts of the United States shall do everything possible to promote paranoia, hysteria, terror, and fear among the people to inspire and encourage the people to surrender ever more power and wealth to the government as the representative of the state, that is to the ruling elite that controls the state and runs the government.

Art. 48.  Congress, the President, and the courts of the United States shall do everything possible to genocide the White race and turn the United States into a nonwhite country.

Section 7. Religion.
Art. 49. The official religion of the United States is statism. The people shall look to the state as represented by the government of the United States to provide for their needs, safety, security, and everything else; therefore, they shall do homage to the state and worship it.

Art. 50. The people may practice any other religion provided it does not interfere with the worship of the state.

Art. 51. Congress, the President, and the courts of the United States shall ensure that Jews, Muslims, and practitioners of other religions and their theologies have preference to Christians and Christianity.

Art. 52. Congress, the President, and the courts of the United States shall discriminate against Christians and Christianity.

Section 8. Reserve Clause.
Art. 53. Congress, the President, or the courts of the United States shall take no action against the people who really control the government of the United States, i.e., the ruling elite. On the contrary, the ruling elite is above the law, and Congress, the President, and the courts of the United States shall do everything that they can to transfer ever more wealth and power to the ruling elite and to enslave all the inhabitants of the United States to them.

Art. 54. In spite of anything in this Constitution to the contrary, the ruling elite retains all powers. Congress, the President, and the courts of the United States shall do whatever the ruling elite orders them to do.

Copyright © 2022 by Thomas Coley Allen.

More political articles.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

A Letter: Christian Zionism

A Letter: Christian Zionism
Thomas Allen

[Editor’s note: The following is a letter written in 2003 to Mr. Rick Wiles, American Freedom Net, Inc., about one of his radio programs where he negatively discussed British or Anglo Identity organizations. Identity folks believed that the ten lost tribes of Israel migrated to and settled in northwest Europe, primarily the British Isles.]

    I agree with you that the same people who control the U.S. government probably control many (perhaps most) of the Identity organizations — the Globalists, Elite, Establishment, Illuminati, Illuminists, etc. The Globalists also control most, if not all, mainline orthodox denominations, organizations, and churches. The mainline denominations are far larger and have much more wealth, power, and influence than the Identity crowd. So, you would get more bang for your minute by vehemently attacking the mainline churches instead of the small almost insignificant Identity crowd.
    The Christian Zionist are a much greater threat to our few remaining freedoms than the Identity crowd. Like the mainline denominations, Christian Zionists far outnumber and have much more wealth, power, and influence than the Identity folks. Furthermore, most of the Christian Zionist organizations are probably fronts for the Mossad or at least controlled by the Mossad, which, like the CIA, is merely a tool of the Globalists.
    Christian Zionists live under the delusion that today’s Jews are God’s chosen people (I always thought Christians were God’s chosen people). They seem willing to defend Israel to the last American. Many even want to rebuild the temple and reinstate the old sacrificial system — both of which God destroyed. (Is not this apostasy?) Christian Zionists are guilty of the same heresy of which you accuse the Identity crowd. The only difference between them is that Christian Zionists have substituted today’s Jews for the Identity’s Northwest Europeans.
    Based on my anti-Zionist comments, I am anti-Semitic. To add to my anti-Semitic commentary, Jewish influence in this country far exceeds their numbers — and if you deny that, you are a liar, and if you admit it you are an anti-Semite. But, then, I am in good company, for Jesus was one of the greatest anti-Semites. He harshly criticized the Jewish leaders of his day. To criticize Jews, especially Jewish leaders as a group, is by definition anti-Semitism.
    Furthermore, I am a racist and a segregationist. Again I stand in good company, for God is a racist and a segregationist.
    To prove that I am a racist, I contend that Negroes (Blacks) are superior to Aryans (Whites) at reproducing at low latitudes. Why? Because dark skin retards ultraviolet light from destroying vitamin B-12, which is essential for reproduction. To proclaim one race is superior to another race in at least one trait is by definition racism.
    To prove that God is a racist and segregationist, He told the Israelites after they left Egypt that he had separated them from other people (Lev. 20:26), which makes Him a segregationist. He told them that He put a difference between them and the Egyptians (Ex. 11:7), which makes Him a racist. Moreover, He created the races.
    Furthermore, God disdains interracial marriage and breeding so much that in Dt. 23:2 He proclaimed that “no half-breed may be admitted to the assembly of Yahweh” (The New Jerusalem Bible). The KJV uses the word “bastard” instead of “half-breed.” However, it uses “bastard” in the sense of “spurious” and “mongrel,” not in the sense of “being born out of wedlock.” (Jephthah was born of a prostitute and out of wedlock. Since he is among the list of heroes in chapter 11 of Hebrews, he is part of God’s congregation.)
    Apparently, you contend that all the races of men descended from Adam. If you believe that, then you are an EVOLUTIONIST. You have accepted the basic premise of evolution: “like beget unlike.” You reject the Biblical principle of “after his kind” or “like beget like.”
    As I reject evolution, I must accept that Adam was the father of only one race. According to his name and the descriptions given to his descendants (they were ruddy and fair: 1 Sam. 16:12, 17:47; 2 Sam. 13:1; Gen. 12:11, 14; 24:16, 26:7; Lam. 4:7), I must conclude that he was the father of the Aryan race.
    God created each race at a different time (“having determined their appointed seasons”) and place (“[having determined] the bounds of their habitation”) — Acts 17:26. To condone interracial marriages and interracial sexual relations is to condone breeding out of existence the races that God created, which is genocide.
    As for Hitler, he was an occultist, whom the Globalists, among whom were Jewish bankers, brought to power to aid them in bringing about a world war. He was also a great benefactor to the Zionists. Zionism would not have advanced nearly as far as it has without him.
    Beyond their advocation of violence with which I disagree, the Identity crowd does have some flawed teachings. The evidence refutes that salvation is available only to Aryans. (Not all Identity folks claim that only Aryans are saved.) Many of them blame all of the world’s problems on Jews. Jews are guilty of causing much of the world’s problems and of pushing the New World Order with its one-world totalitarian government and one-world Pantheistic religion. However, far more non-Jews are involved. (Most Jews are like most Freemasons, and most Democrats and Republicans, for that matter. They do not have a clue about what is going on. They are puppets being used by the New World Order puppeteers and do not even know it.)
    Although some Identity folks claim that Satan is the literal genetic father of today’s Jews, many (perhaps most) Identity folks reject this doctrine. (There is no fundamental difference in this doctrine and the orthodox doctrine that the “sons of God” who married the “daughters of man” in Genesis 6 were fallen angels. Both claim that spiritual beings can interbreed with man. [As a side note, is not it strange that the Nephilim, whom the KJV calls giants, who were supposed to be the product of this unholy union and were supposedly destroyed by the Noahic Flood, were in Palestine at the time of the Israelite invasion?])
    I am not convinced that the Northwest Europeans are the lost tribes of Israel. The lost tribes were submerged into a much larger Aryan population, most of whom now live in Europe. However, I suspect that more chromosomes of the lost tribes are in Europeans than are in today’s Jews. (Most of today’s Jews, the Ashkenazim, are descendants of Turks of the Turanian race and Armenians [and Alpines] of the Aryan race and their hybrids. A small number, the Sephardim, are descendants of the Idumeans, who were mostly of the Melanochroic race and Melanochroic-Aryan hybrids.)
    If you want to learn more about race and the true Biblical view on race mixing, you may purchase my books [Adam to Abraham: The Early History of Mankind; Species of Men: A Polygenetic Hypothesis; Integration Is Genocide; and False Biblical Teachings on the Origins of Races and Interracial Marriages] in which I explain them in some detail. Enclosed is my book list. [Editor’s note: Not unsurprisingly, he never bought a book.]

Copyright © 2003, 2022 by Thomas Coley Allen

More religious articles.

Monday, February 7, 2022

Nonphysical Racial Differences

 Nonphysical Racial Differences

Thomas Allen

In Making Sense of Race (2020), Edward Dutton presents some interesting information. Dutton shows that the differences in the races of humans go far beyond skin color and external features. Some of this information follows. This information is not grouped by type but is presented in the order that it appears in the book.

Diabetes. Turanians (East Asians) are more likely to have diabetes than other races (p. 10).

Prostate Cancer. Negroes are more prone to prostate cancer than other races (p. 10).

Donated Organs. A recipient of a donated organ is less likely to reject the organ if it comes from a person of the same race (p. 10).

Reaction Time. Negroes have the slowest reaction time, and Turanians (East Asians) have the fastest (p. 12).

Schizophrenia and Post-traumatic Stress. Negroes are more likely to suffer from schizophrenia and post-traumatic stress than are Turanians (East Asians) (p. 12).

Classroom Behavior. In the classroom, Negroes are the worst behaved, and Turanians (Asians) are the best behaved (p. 12).

Anxiety and Suicide. Turanians (East Asians) suffer from anxiety more than do Negroes and are more likely to suicide themselves than are Negroes (p. 13).

Influenza. Indo-Australians and Turanians are more likely to contract influenza than are Aryans and Negroes (p. 93).

Some More Racial Comparisons. The following is a comparison of averages of three races: Aryans, Turanians, and Negroes. This information is from a table on pages 105–107. Not included here are the numerical measurements in the table.

– Aryans have the largest brain, and Negroes, the smallest.

– Turanians have the largest endocrinal volume, and Negroes, the smallest.

– Turanians have the largest external head measurements, and Negroes have the smallest.

– Turanians have the most cortical neurons, and Negroes, the least.

– Turanians have the highest cranial capacity, and Negroes, the least.

– Turanians have the highest IQ, and Negroes, the lowest.

– Based on the number of times that all 21 accepted measures of civilization have been independently achieved, Aryans have four achievements, Turanians have one, and Negroes have zero.

– All the top 40 most important scientists between 800 BC and 1950 AD are Aryans.

– Of the scientists in the Dictionary of Scientific Biography, 98 percent are Aryans and 2 percent are Turanians; zero are Negroes.

– Adolescent female Negroes have the fastest skeleton development, and Turanians, the slowest.

– Negro babies began walking earlier than Aryan and Turanian babies.

– Negroes develop permanent teeth the earliest while Turanians are the last to develop permanent teeth.

– Negro women have their first pregnancy at a younger age than do Aryans and Turanians with Turanians last.

– A larger percentage of Turanians develop senility than do Negroes and Aryans with Aryans having the lowest percentage.

– Turanians have the longest life span and Negroes, the shortest.

– Negroes have the largest percentage of psychopathic personalities, and Turanians, the lowest.

– Turanians have the highest percentage of stable marriages, and Negroes, the lowest.

– Turanians are the most law-abiding, and Negroes, the least.

– Negroes have the highest rate of twins, and Turanians, the lowest.

– Negro males have the largest penises, and Turanian males, the smallest.

– A larger percentage of Negroes have AIDS than Aryans and Turanians, who have the lowest percentage.

Mental Instability. Turanians are higher in mental instability than are Aryans (p. 110).

Stereotypes. “75 percent of racial stereotypes have been found to be at least partially accurate and 50 percent completely accurate” (p. 161).

IQ. The average IQ of Aryans is 100. For, Turanians, the average IQ ranges from 85 (Pacific Islanders) to 105 (Northeast Asians). Negroes have an average IQ of 70, and Melanochroi have an average IQ of 84. Indo-Australians have an average IQ of 64 while Khoisans have an average IQ of 54. (p. 167.)

Personality. Hereditability (genes) accounts for 50 to 66 percent of a person’s personality (pp. 184-185).

Hybrids. Mixed-race people have a greater chance of suffering from mental illness, especially depression, which is significantly genetic in origin (p. 242).

Religion. Religiousness (the strength and rootedness of belief and collective practice) is about 40 percent genetic (p. 260). About religion, Dutton writes:

In Western societies, those who collectively worship a moral god are more likely to be married, less likely to be divorced, are more likely to have children, and more likely to have larger numbers of children. They have lower rates of physical and mental illness, live longer, are more likely to get over serious illnesses, and have lower morbidity. . . . [A]theism, and other deviations from traditional religious belief in modern populations, can be reasonably understood, therefore, as a mutation — and a harmful mutation at that. In line with this, atheism is associated with other markers of mutation such as autism, poor physical health, poor mental health, and being physically asymmetrical. Atheism may be associated with certain examples of deviant sexuality, something that would tend to reduce individual fitness (p. 262). 

Schizophrenia. Negroes are more prone to schizophrenia than are Aryans (p. 283).

Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Negroes are twice as likely as Aryans to suffer from temporal lobe epilepsy (p. 284).

Skeleton. A person’s race can be identified solely from his skeleton with 80-percent accuracy (pp. 329-330).

Taste Sensitivity. Negroes have higher taste sensitivity than do Aryans and Melanochroi (p. 332). 

Ear Wax. Races differ in the smell and consistency of their ear wax. Turanians (East Asians) have white, dry, flaky ear wax that has only a slight odor. Aryans and Negroes have yellow, wet ear wax with a pungent odor although the ear wax of Negroes is darker, closer to orange, and has a stronger odor (p 333).

Sleep. Races differ in how they sleep. When they sleep, Aryans move more than Negroes. Aryans are three times more likely to have restless leg syndrome (legs shake during sleep) than Negroes (p. 335). The sleep quality of Negroes is far more variable than that of Aryans. Thus, Negroes develop fewer memories, especially fewer long-term memories than Aryans (p. 336).

Dreams. Negroes are more likely to have lucid dreams, i.e., are aware that they are dreaming, than are Aryans. Turanians (East Asians) are less likely than Negroes or Aryans to experience lucid dreams (p.337).

Dutton’s Making Sense of Race is an excellent book that is worth reading. It offers far more interesting information than is mentioned above.

Copyright © 2021 by Thomas Coley Allen.

More anthropology articles.