Wednesday, December 30, 2020

COVID-19 Vaccine: Its Effectiveness and Safety

COVID-19 Vaccine: 

Its Effectiveness and Safety

Thomas Allen

For 20 years, big pharma has been trying to develop a vaccine for coronavirus. For 20 years, it has failed. Now, we are asked to believe that big pharma has accomplished in less than a year what it failed to achieve in the previous 20 years. (A major reason for previous failures is that the vaccine fell to pass the animal trials. Trump’s Operation Warp Speed eliminated animal testing.)

How Protective Is the Vaccine

There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics. – Mark Twain

The presstitute media continually report that Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is 90 percent effective. They mislead with their statistics. Thus, they lie with a deceptive truth.

Most people interpret the 90-percent effectiveness to mean that if they are vaccinated, they have only a 10 percent chance of contracting COVID-19. Or, they interpret it to mean that of every 100 people vaccinated, only 10 may become infected; the other 90 percent are immune and, therefore, need not fear catching COVID-19. They are wrong.

In the Pfizer trial, about 0.43 percent of the control, or placebo, group tested positive at the end of the trial while 0.04 percent in the vaccinated group tested positive. This translates into 90.7-percent-vaccine effectiveness [100–(1–(0.04 ÷0.43))]. However, the absolute risk reduction for an individual is only 0.39 percent [0.43–0.04]. That is, the vaccinated person has a 0.39-percent advantage over an unvaccinated person in not contracting COVID-19. Thus, 256 [1÷0.0039] people have to be vaccinated for one person to benefit from the vaccine. Of the remaining 255 vaccinated people, none receive any benefit. However, they risk the adverse effects of the vaccination, which can be severe. Of the trial participants, 10 to 15 percent suffered significant side effects. Moreover, the long-term effects of the COVID-19 vaccines are unknown. Even if one interprets Pfizer’s data to mean that an unvaccinated person has ten times greater chance of contracting COVID-19, it still means that an unvaccinated person has less than a 0.5-percent chance of contracting COVID-19. Why would one assume risking the side effects described below when only 0.43 percent of the unvaccinated population, based on trial studies, becomes infected? Thus, more than 99 percent of the population will receive no benefit from the COVID-19 vaccines.

New Technology and Side Effects

Pfizer’s and most of the other COVID-19 vaccines are using a technology that has never before been used in a vaccine in the United States: mRNA technology. And, only a few months of safety testing have been done with this technology. Instead of using the coronavirus in the vaccine, these COVID-19 vaccines instruct the body to make the COVID-19 spike protein. Consequently, the COVID-19 vaccines manipulate a person’s biological makeup, i.e., it changes the vaccinated person’s cell structure. Moreover, the RNA technology used in the COVID-19 vaccines is known to have caused autoimmune reactions; that is, it causes the body to attack itself.

Among the other side effects is the sterilization of women. Also, people with a compromised immune system are at great risk of dying from the vaccine. Narcolepsy (sudden and uncontrollable attacks of deep sleep), Bell’s palsy (facial nerve paralysis), Guillain-Barre syndrome (an autoimmune disorder that is an inflammatory neuropathy affecting the peripheral nervous system), shingles, and hepatitis are other potential side effects. RNA technology can activate dormant viruses. Moreover, people with a history of allergic reactions should avoid vaccination. (People with a history of allergic reactions were excluded from the study trials — thus, making the vaccines look safer.)

Another side effect is that people who have been vaccinated are testing positive for HIV. (Some researchers have identified COVID-19 as a synthetic virus, and at least one study states that it is made by combining coronavirus with HIV. On the other hand, the standard scientific methodology for identifying a new virus has never been done for COVID-19.)

Control and Track

The ruling elite, the globalists, have been developing mechanisms to use the COVID-19 plandemic and the COVID-19 vaccines as an excuse to control and track people. One consideration is a global passport that shows, among other things, a person’s vaccination status. People would need such a passport to travel. It may also be required for employment and for entering stores, restaurants, sports and entertainment events, etc. Moreover, this passport may be required forever — even long after the pandemic is a forgotten memory. (The ultimate goal of the globalists, the ruling elite, is to turn the world into a society like communist China.)

The current plan calls for giving people who have been vaccinated a vaccination card that shows proof of receiving a COVID-19 vaccination. How long will it be before these cards morph into the equivalent of a global passport? Moreover, people who receive a COVID-19 vaccination will be entered into the States’ immunization registries and reported to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention — so much for medical confidentiality.

View of Louis Farrakhan

In “The Covid-19 Vaccine and the U.S. policy of depopulation,” Ava Muhammad, Student National Spokesperson of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, argues that the COVID-19 vaccine is being used to genocide Blacks. [Any White progressive, liberal, or wokesperson who disagrees with Farrakhan on this or any other issue is a racist and White supremacist.]

This article associates White’s pushing the COVID-19 vaccines with the pale horse of Revelation, i.e., death. For the government to force Blacks to take the COVID-19 vaccines would be a declaration of war.

When COVID-19 vaccines are ready, governmental officials and the presstitute media will vigorously fill people with the fear of COVID-19. [To terrorize people into being vaccinated, every news broadcast stresses the ever-increasing number of COVID-19 cases and the number of hospitalizations. Also, accompanying these reports is a segment on the availability and distribution of the vaccines and their safety and effectiveness.]

Views that disagree with the establishment’s story of COVID-19 and its vaccines are suppressed and censored. The objective is to keep people fearful and ignorant.

Farrakhan believes that the COVID-19 pandemic and vaccines are weapons that Whites are using to genocide nonwhites. [If Farrakhan’s bigotry did not blind him, he would realize that the vaccines are as much a threat to Whites as they are to Blacks and the other races. Moreover, the only race facing genocide is the White or Aryan race.]

The article states that big pharma is the largest lobbyist in Washington and owns both parties. [He is correct about big pharma owing both parties. However, the industrial-military-security lobby is probably larger.] People injured by a vaccine cannot sue the vaccine manufacturer. Moreover, people injured from a COVID-19 cannot receive any compensation from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. This prohibition went into effect a month before the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 pandemic. [This action looks conspiratorial. Nevertheless, some compensation may be available from the Countermeasure Injury Compensation Program {CICP}. However, the CICP limits the maximum payment that a person injured by a COVID-19 vaccine to $250,000. Most likely, the injured person will receive less, much less, than this amount. However, no payment is made until the injured person has exhausted his private insurance. Also, the CICP only pays the difference between what the insurance covers and the CICP’s cap. Furthermore, the Department of Health and Human Services {DHHS} administers the CICP, and it is also sponsoring the COVID-19 vaccination program. Consequently, the DHHS has a conflict of interest that makes the CICP much less likely to find fault with the vaccines. Moreover, the victim has only one year to file a claim. Rarely, does DHHS pay a claim for a vaccine injury — less than 1 percent of those injured receive any compensation. In any event, why should taxpayers be coerced into paying for damages caused by vaccines? Should not vaccine manufacturers be liable for injuries caused by their products?]

[Hopefully, Farrakhan’s hostility toward COVID-19 will prove fruitful. His opposition has caused most governmental officials to cease pushing making vaccination mandatory — although forcing children to be vaccinated to attend a school or to keep child protection agencies from taking unvaccinated children from their families and forcibly vaccinating them remains to be resolved. As for businesses requiring the COVID-19 vaccination to work, buy, or travel, maybe Farrakhan can send thousands of members of Black Lives Matter to protest these businesses to halt their evil ways. They will certainly respond more quickly and more positively to Black protesters than to White protesters. Thus, the fate and temporal salvation of the country and even mankind may depend on Farrakhan and other people like him.]


Dr. Robert Koops writes, “Vaccines are not cures. Vaccines are not preventatives. Vaccines do not seek out and destroy.” (Koops has worked in the pharmaceutical industry in development, quality control, and biopharmaceuticals and vaccines.) The purpose of vaccines is to cause the body’s immune system to produce antibodies to a particular virus. Thus, in theory, if the body is later exposed to this virus, its immune system will recognize it and respond more quickly and efficiently than normal. Like traditional vaccines, the COVID-19 vaccines do not prevent the body from becoming infected; they attack the viruses in the infected body using a different technology as described above.

Governmental officials and the presstitutes are notorious liars. So, why should anyone believe anything that they say until independent sources collaborate their assertions? So far, the independent sources are saying no COVID-19 pandemic exists and, therefore, no vaccines are needed. Furthermore, independent sources are saying that the safety and effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccines are highly questionable.

Jon Rappoport writes, “What rational person would line up to take this shot?” Perhaps, that is why the first to receive the shots are those who do not have the right to refuse. Farrakhan needs to organize massive protests against vaccinating prisoners to prevent the genocide of Black prisoners.

To end on a positive note, if you are among the 90 percent who has had one of the common cold coronaviruses in recent years, you are probably protected from COVID-19. Many of these cases being reported as COVID-19 may be no more than cases of the common cold.


Koops, Roger W. “A Primer for the Media on Viruses, Vaccines, and Covid-19.” – September 25, 2020. Accessed September 25, 2020.

Mercola, Dr. Joseph. “COVID-19 Vaccination May Be Difficult to Avoid.” December 14, 2020. Accessed December 14, 2020.

Mercola, Dr. Joseph. “Emergency COVID-19 Vaccines May Cause Massive Side Effects.” December 08, 2020. December 8, 2020.

Mercola, Dr. Joseph. “New Report Claims to Shed Light on SARS-CoV-2 Origin.” September 28, 2020. December 8, 2020.

Muhammad, Ava. “The Covid-19 Vaccine and the U.S. policy of depopulation.” December 8, 2020. Accessed December 14, 2020.

Neill, Steven. “COVID-19 Vaccination Record Cards Will Be Issued.” December 10, 2020., Accessed December 15, 2020.

Neill, Steven. “Medical Freedom Activists Plan International COVID-19 Vaccine Protests.” November 29, 2020. Accessed December 15, 2020.

Neill, Steven. “U.K. Health Officials Warn of Allergy Risks From Pfizer COVID–19 Vaccine.” December 10, 2020. Accessed December 15, 2020.

Rappoport, Jon. “Shocking report on COVID vaccine adverse effects: the roll-out continues anyway.” December 14, 2020. December 14, 2020.

Roberts, Paul Craig. “They Are Using Fear to Create Acceptance of Vaccination. Why?” December 13, 2020. Accessed December 14. 2020.

Sardi, Bill. “99% Of U.S. Population Would Not Benefit From Mass Vaccination With Pfizer’s RNA Covid-19 Vaccine.” December 11, 2020. Accessed December 11, 2020.

Sardi, Bill. “The Science Of Lockdown, Masks & Vaccines Crumbles.” September 16, 2020. Accessed September 16, 2020.

Copyright © 2020 by Thomas Coley Allen.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Cusson’s Description of the Yankee


Cusson’s Description of the Yankee

Thomas Allen

The following description of the Yankee is from United States “History” as the Yankee Makes and Takes It (1900, third edition) by John Cussons, pages 52–54:

Self-styled as the apostle of liberty, he has ever claimed for himself the liberty of persecuting all who presumed to differ from him. Self-appointed as the champion of unity and harmony, he has carried discord into every land that his foot has smitten. Exalting himself as the defender of freedom of thought, his favorite practice has been to muzzle the press and to adjourn legislatures with the sword. Vaunting himself as the only true disciple of the living God, he has done more to bring sacred things into disrepute than has been accomplished by all the apostates of all the ages, from Judas Iscariot to Robert G. Ingersoll. Born in revolt against law and order — breeding schism in the Church and faction in the State — seceding from every organization to which he had pledged fidelity — nullifying all law, human and divine, which lacked the seal of his approval — evermore setting up what he calls his conscience against the most august of constituted authorities and the most sacred of covenanted obligations, he yet has the impregnable conceit to pose himself in the world’s eye as the only surviving specimen of political or moral worth.

What others say about the Yankee

A meddling Yankee troubles himself about every body’s matters except his own and repents of everybody’s sins except his own. – General D.H. Hill

A kind of eternal Ostrogoth, a Viking in a peacoat, the Yankee is a scourge upon the planet, a pox surely sent us for atonement for our sins. – Jason Morgan

American history is the history of the South trying to teach the Yankee to behave like a gentleman. – Jason Morgan

A Yankee is a creature without a civilization. – Jason Morgan

There is at work in this land a Yankee spirit and an American spirit.  – James Henley Thornwell, 1859 

One Confederate wag observed that the war happened because Southerners were a contented people and Yankees were not. – Clyde Wilson

[Yankees] are pretty much like Southerners — except with worse manners, of course, and terrible accents. – Margaret Mitchell

A Yankee is a particular breed of person who believes that everyone should live as he does, and if not, he will force you to bend to his will. – Dr. Brion McClanahan

Yankees. God love ‘em. It seems they just can’t help themselves. They have been coming down here to the South for 146 years now telling us Southerners how we should think and act. They just can’t rest until they get everybody to be just like them. So much for diversity being our strength. – Dr. Neill H. Payne

. . . what the Yankee achieved . . . were the shoddy aristocracy of the North and ragged children of the South. – Kenneth Stampp, a Northern historian

A meddling Yankee is God’s worst creation, he cannot run his own affairs correctly, but is constantly interfering in the affairs of others, and he is always ready to repent of everyone’s sins, but his own. – North Carolina newspaper, 1854

The pilgrim fathers of Massachusetts delighted in two things: first, in the freedom from persecution for themselves; and, secondly, in the sweet privilege and power to persecute others. – Albert T. Bledsoe

Do you notice that the above description of the Yankee fits perfectly liberal Democrats and members of Antifa?

Copyright © 2021 by Thomas Coley Allen.

More social issues articles.

Monday, December 14, 2020

COVID-19 Vaccine

COVID-19 Vaccine

Thomas Allen

Politicians, governmental health officials, the presstitute media, and others are pushing the COVID-19 vaccine and are encouraging people to take the COVID-19 vaccine when it is available. However, at least two important questions need to be answered. Will the vaccines really be safe or just claimed to be safe? (Of course, the Food and Drug Administration [FDA] will do the bidding of its masters and rule that the vaccines are safe.) Other than being a large moneymaker for big pharma, is a vaccine even necessary?

Many people who are pushing vaccination for COVID-19 have a financial interest in the vaccines. Even their presstitute propaganda media have a financial interest because much of their pay comes from big pharma. 

The pharmaceutical companies that are manufacturing and selling the COVID-19 vaccines have no real interest in producing safe and effective vaccines. They are exempted from any liability, so if the vaccines kill or maim millions of people, big pharma suffers no financial penalties. Moreover, since many people will be required to be vaccinated to work, travel, or go to school, big pharma has a guaranteed market regardless of safety or effectiveness. Also, if the vaccines prove deadly and ineffective, the presstitute media will shill for their masters, big pharma and the political establishment, and conceal any dangers or lack of effectiveness of the vaccines.

(The polio vaccine is an example of the media and political establishment protecting big pharma from the consequences of a deadly vaccine. The polio vaccine contained a cancer virus. A few people tried to expose this fact. However, the presstitute media and political establishment ostracized, made persona non grata, and otherwise destroyed the exposers. Instead of removing a deadly vaccine, the government acted to protect big pharma and its profits. Thus, the polio vaccine proves that power, propaganda, and profits are more important than safety. Some contributed the explosion in cancer during the 1970s and beyond to the polio vaccine.)

Most of the COVID-19 vaccines incorporate a never-before-tried new vaccine technology. Only short-term safety has been evaluated. Long-term safety will not be known until years later. In other applications of this technology, human health effects have been highly deleterious. Some of these adverse health effects did not appear until years later. 

        Furthermore, the vaccines are not designed to protect the vaccinated person from becoming infected with COVID-19. They are designed to lessen the symptoms of COVID-19 after a person becomes infected.

        Also, the vaccines have been solely or almost solely tested on young, healthy people. Little or no testing has been done on the sickly or aged. Testing on them comes when the vaccines are given to them after the FDA approves the vaccines.

Moreover, the immune stimulant, squalene, being used in the COVID-19 vaccines has been linked to Gulf War Syndrome. Naturally, the government and the presstitute media will deny any connection between the immune stimulant and any later health effects just as they have denied any connection between the immune stimulant and Gulf War Syndrome. (Also, manufacturing squalene may be endangering certain species of sharks since shark liver is the best source of squalene.)

The FDA cannot be trusted to protect the public from dangerous vaccines. Big pharma owns the FDA. Besides, the FDA is a political machine and, therefore, is highly susceptible to political pressure. If the president and Congress want a vaccine, the FDA will approve a vaccine — especially since big pharma wants to sell COVID-19 vaccines. Vaccines are risk-free rewards for big pharma because the taxpayers assume all the risk.

Politicians, high-ranking bureaucrats, officers and directors of pharmaceutical companies, presstitutes, and their families should be the first to be vaccinated (and no saline-solution-shot substitutions). If they believe what they promote, they should gladly be first in line for an untried vaccine. After all, since the government guarantees that the COVID-19 vaccines are safe, they should have nothing to fear.

If a person wants complete immunity from COVID-19 with no adverse side effects, all he needs to do is to join Antifa or Black Lives Matter (BLM). Then, he will have complete immunity from COVID-19 with the benefit of immunity from most laws. “Our” governors and mayors have told us so with their actions and occasionally with their words. Unlike what they have done with churches, schools, and businesses, no governor or mayor has restricted the size of Antifa or BLM crowds. Moreover, they have not imposed the requirements for social distancing or wearing a face-covering although most do cover their faces to conceal their identity. While taking a vaccination is risky, being a member of Antifa or BLM is safe and rewarding.

The number of cases of COVID-19 can be reduced significantly with a simple change in the testing procedures. If testers followed Dr. Fauci’s recommendations instead of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) recommendations, fewer infections would be measured. The CDC’s recommendations magnify the sample so much that all sorts of irrelevant fragments that have nothing to do with COVID-19 are detected, and, thus, the person tested is identified as having COVID-19. Moreover, as Elon Musk has shown, the test is highly unreliable. He took four tests in one day. Two tests were positive, and two were negative. Even papaya has been tested positive for COVID-19. Also, the New York Times has reported that 90 percent of the people tested as having COVID-19 do not have the disease.

Furthermore, the number of COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths can be significantly reduced with one simple action: Stop paying hospitals bonuses for COVID-19 cases and deaths. Whenever a hospital reports a COVID-19 patient or death, the federal government pays it a bonus. This bonus encourages hospitals to report as many COVID-19 patients and deaths as they can — thus, they greatly inflate COVID-19 cases and deaths. On the other hand, if the federal government ceased paying hospitals bonuses for COVID-19 cases and deaths and started paying bonuses for ingrown toenail cases and deaths, COVID-19 cases and deaths would plummet, and ingrown toenail cases and deaths would soar. The federal government gets what it pays for. It wants COVID-19 cases and deaths, so it pays bonuses for them.

In obedience to their masters in government and big pharma, the presstitute media have terrorized by extravagantly overstating cases of hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19. Terror is being used to stampede fearful people into taking a COVID-19 vaccination. Many presstitutes and political and business leaders are discussing forcing everyone to be vaccinated for COVID-19. The only winners are the politicians and health department bureaucrats, who get to wield more power, and big pharma, which makes a large profit with zero risks (the taxpayers assume the risk). The losers are the people — especially the vaccinated, who receive what are essentially experimental vaccines.

Deaths by COVID-19 have been greatly exaggerated. According to the CDC, the total number of deaths in 2020 is about the same as in 2019. Even the number of deaths of older people after the invasion of COVID-19 is about the same as it was before COVID-19. Offsetting the thousands of COVID-19 deaths is a reduction in other causes of death. The reduction in other causes of death approximates the deaths by COVID-19. (In an article, “A closer look at US deaths due to COVID-19” in “The John Hopkins News-Letter,” Genevier Briand uses CDC data to show that COVID-19 deaths are offset by a decrease in other causes of death such that there is little or no net gain in deaths after COVID-19 as compared with deaths before COVID-19. John Hopkins has since censored and removed this article.) The CDC seems to agree with her conclusion. According to the CDC, COVID-19 has caused only about 16,000 deaths. Other diseases and accidents account for the remaining deaths attributed to COVID-19.

As shown above, the COVID-19 “pandemic” (plandemic) is a scam to enrich big pharma. More important, from their perspective, the pandemic has fed the uncontrollable insatiable lust for power that consumes politicians and governmental health bureaucrats as they usurp ever more unchecked power. Unfortunately, it has terrorized most people into enslaving themselves to these politicians and bureaucrats. Moreover, these terrorized people will gladly line up to be injected with a poison that they believe will save them from a virus that they believe is more deadly than the Ebola virus.

Copyright © 2020 by Thomas Allen.

More political articles.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Old Right

Old Right
Thomas Allen

The following is Paul Gottfried’s, editor in chief of Chronicles Magazine, “Hall of Fame” of the Old Right:
– Albert J. Nock (1870–1945, author, editor, educational theorist, Georgist, and social critic),
– Frank Meyer (1909–1972, philosopher, political activist, and fusionist),
– Robert L. Dabney (1820–1898, Christian theologian, Southern Presbyterian pastor, Confederate States Army chaplain, architect, and chief of staff and biographer of Stonewall Jackson),
– James Burnham (1905–1987, philosopher, political theorist, and editor, began as a Trotskyite Marxist and later became a public intellectual of the American conservative movement)
– Eugene D. Genovese (1930–2012, historian of the American South and American slavery, abandoned the left and Marxism and embraced traditionalist conservatism),
– Willmoore Kendall (1909–1967, American conservative writer and a professor of political philosophy),
– Robert A. Nisbet (1913–1996, sociologist, and professor),
– H.L. Mencken (1880–1956 journalist, essayist, satirist, cultural critic, and scholar of American English),
– Russell A. Kirk (1918–1994, political theorist, moralist, historian, social critic, and literary critic),
– Samuel T. Francis (1947–2005, paleoconservative, writer and syndicated columnist),
– Melvin E. Bradford (1934–1993, conservative political commentator and professor of literature), and
– Murray Rothbard (1926–1995) economist of the Austrian School, historian, and political theorist).

To this list I would add:
– Donald G. Davidson (1893–1968, poet, essayist, social and literary critic, author, professor of English, a founding member of the Fugitives and the Southern Agrarians),
– Richard Weaver (1910–1963, American scholar, professor of English, intellectual historian, political philosopher),
– John T. Flynn (1882–1964, journalist),
– Garet Garrett (1878–1954, journalist, author),
– Harry Elmer Barnes (1889–1968, historian, professor),
– Howard H. Buffett (1903–1964, businessman, investor, and politician),
– Felix M. Morley (1894–1982, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, college administrator),
– Charles A. Lindbergh (1859–1924, U.S. Congressman),
– Frank Chodorov (1887–1966, writer), and
 – Justin Raimondo (1951–2019, journalist, author, writer)

Others included among the Old Right are:
– Robert Taft (1889 –1953, politician, lawyer),
– Frank C. Hanighen (1899–1964, journalist),
– Robert E. Wood (1879–1969, American military officer and business executive),
– V. Orval Watts  (1898–1993, professor, author, lecturer),
– Charles C. Tansill (1890–1964, professor, historian, author),
– George C. Roche III (1935–2006, 11th president of Hillsdale College),
– Thomas Fleming (1927–2017, historian, novelist),
– Robert R. McCormick (1880–1955, lawyer, U.S. Army officer in World War I, owner and publisher of the Chicago Tribune newspaper), and
– Josiah Bailey (1873 – 1946, politician, lawyer, editor, coauthor of the Conservative Manifest).
To this list, many more can be added.

Identifying characteristics of the Old Right were opposition to the fascistic state that Franklin Roosevelt established in the United States and opposition to an interventionist foreign policy. Although members of the Old Right varied in their economic views and about how much power a government should exercise, especially the federal government, most of the Old Right believed in limited government and free-market economics. Generally, they opposed the government granting favors and preferences. For most, the government was negative; its job was to prevent trespass against other people’s property, life, and liberty. Most opposed the government acting positively, which makes it become the state; consequently, they opposed the welfare state, including corporate welfare, and all forms of socialism. Most favored States’ rights; that is, political power was best retained at the local level. All opposed concentrating political power in the central government. They opposed the US government meddling in the affairs of other countries; thus, they opposed the war state that the United States became under Franklin Roosevelt and have remained until this day. They opposed building an American Empire. Most were cultural conservatives and traditionalists. The Old Right was of the Jeffersonian-Calhounian wing of American politics as opposed to the Hamiltonian-Lincolnian wing. (Today, with rare exceptions, all Democrats, Republicans, conservatives, liberals, progressives, libertarians, and everyone from the far Left to the far Right are of the Hamiltonian-Lincolnian wing or suffer from a dissociative identity disorder. Almost no one remains in the Jeffersonian-Calhounian wing. Except for those who suffer from a dissociative disorder, which seems to be the majority, most people today are statists and centralists; only a few are libertists and decentralists.)

Copyright © 2020 by Thomas Coley Allen

More political articles.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Reducing the Cost of Public Schools

 Reducing the Cost of Public Schools

Thomas Allen

[Editor’s note: Presented below is a letter-to-the-editor that appeared in a local newspaper.]

Mr. Cunard wonders about the new Republican county commissioner adequately funding education.

The Republican commissioners can adequately fund education by following the Democratic leadership in Raleigh — and save money. With his actions and words, Governor Cooper has told us that in-class teaching and learning are unnecessary; students can learn just as well at home.

Consequently, the Republican commissioners need only appropriate funds necessary for in-home learning. They will save a great deal of money by not funding busing since buses are no longer needed to take students to and from school buildings. Also, they can close most of the school buildings. Only a few buildings are needed for teachers who prefer not to give their lessons from their homes. Closing school buildings reduces maintenance costs. Moreover, administration costs are significantly reduced since fewer administrators and their staff will be needed.

The excess buildings, the commissioners can sell and use the money to upgrade the internet service in areas with poor internet service. 

Following Governor Cooper’s lead, the Republican commissioners should have no problem adequately funding education. They can even reduce the school budget and still adequately fund education.

Copyright © 2020 by Thomas Coley Allen.

More political articles.