Saturday, September 24, 2022

A Credibility Test

A Credibility Test

Thomas Allen

The following is a test to decide if a person is credible and has a rudimentary knowledge of recent American political history. It is especially useful for politicians and political commentators. (This article is an expansion of the credibility test given in “More Political Thoughts.”)

Does the person believe or act as though he believes:

1. The official story of the Kennedy assassination. (Along with the many other flaws and anomalies of the official story, the person believes that Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone assassin who killed President Kennedy by firing three shots from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. He believes that Oswald could fire three shots in six seconds and hit two men 200 feet away with a cheap, low-quality, defective rifle. Further, he believes that a single high-powered rifle bullet penetrated both Kennedy and Governor Connally causing seven wounds, shattering a rib and wrist bone, and emerging in almost pristine condition. Also, he must believe that all the eyewitnesses whose accounts contradict the official story deliberately lied. Moreover, he believes that the statements in the Warren Report that have subsequently been shown to be inaccurate or untrue are still true and accurate. On the other hand, he must ignore (1) evidence that more than three shots were fired, (2) the overwhelming evidence that shots were fired from the Grassy Knoll, (3) evidence of more than one rifle being used and more than one shooter, (4) the lack of evidence that places Oswald on the sixth floor of the Depository at the time of the shooting and the evidence that he was not on the sixth floor at that time, (5) no evidence that Oswald ever had possession of the rifle used in the assassination (moreover, the scope on the rifle was adjusted for a left-handed shooter; Oswald was right-handed), (6) a tree branch prevented a clear line of sight from the window of the sixth floor of the Depository, (7) Oswald never achieving marksmanship standard when he was in the Marines, (8) the paraffin test made on Oswald on the day of the assassination suggesting that he had not fired a rifle that day, (9) evidence that the FBI put Oswald’s finger prints on the murder weapon after he died, (10) the scientific evidence that different bullets struck Kennedy and Connally, (11) Connally’s claim that different bullets hit him and Kennedy, (12) the poor quality superficial autopsy, (13) the Dallas doctors claiming that Kennedy had a large hole in the right rear of his head while the Bethesda doctors claimed that the wound stretched from the upper side of the rear to the right front, (14) Kennedy’s body being wrapped in a white sheet and placed in an expensive bronze casket in Dallas for transport to Bethesda and arriving at Bethesda in a black zipper body bag inside a cheap military shipping casket, (15) changing the location of the entry wound between Kennedy’s shoulder blade that exited through his throat, which required the bullet to travel in an upward direction, by raising the entry wound to fit the official story, (16) the throat wound being smaller than the back wound, which suggests that the bullet entered the throat and exited the back. (17) evidence that three bullets hit Kennedy instead of two, and (18) the Commission not being allowed to see the autopsy photographs and X-rays. Moreover, he must ignore the Commission, FBI, and other federal agencies suppressing evidence that conflicted with the official story, changing evidence to support the official story, and harassing and intimidating witnesses whose testimony conflicted with the official story. Also, he must disagree with members of the Warren Commission who later questioned the conclusions of the Warren Report. Above all, he must believe that the Kennedy assassination involved no conspiracy.

2. The official governmental conspiracy theory of 9-11. (A gang of Muslims, who could hardly fly trainer aircraft, hijacked four passenger airplanes. They flew two into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, which caused the two buildings to collapse at near free-fall speed into their footprints. Somehow, they also caused Building 7 to collapse at near free-fall speed into its footprint. Moreover, they made an impossible turning maneuver to fly an airplane into the Pentagon so that they could avoid hitting the side of the building, which required no turn, where Rumsfeld’s office was. Instead, they made an impossible turn and hit the side of the building where an audit of the Department of Defense’s expenditures was occurring. Remarkably, they managed to do this by causing a hole in the building much smaller than their hijacked airplane and causing no damage to the adjacent lawn. If such miracles were not enough, they managed to create a fire hot enough to vaporize aluminum, greater than 4400̊F, yet cool enough not to incinerate human bodies, less than 1400̊F. Further, the hijackers caused several simulations of hijacked aircraft to occur while they carried out their dastardly deed. Moreover, they changed the standard operating procedures for intercepting hijacked airplanes. Additionally, the hijackers sent intercepting jets from airfields far enough away and at slow enough speeds so that they could not intercept the hijacked aircraft before they crashed into the buildings. Moreover, the United States have the most incompetent intelligence agencies that have ever existed throughout history [If this notion is rejected, then the other two choices are {1} high-ranking governmental officials knew that the attack was going to happen and let it happen or {2} high-ranking governmental officials collaborated in the attack.])

3. That the Democrats did not steal the 2020 presidential election but won it fairly. (Thus, the person believes that 81 million people hate America so much that they voted for its destruction by putting the great destroyer in office, who has done an excellent job in destroying the country.)

4. That White replacement is a hoax. (No program exists to replace Whites [Aryans, Homo albus] in Europe, the United States, and the White Anglophone countries with people of color: Negro [H. niger], Melanochroi [H. brunus], Turanian [H. luridus], Indo-Australian [H. australis], and  Khoisan [H. khoisanii]. [Being racial nihilists, most conservatives and libertarians, or albusphobes, most liberals and progressives, they refuse to acknowledge the facts that prove that White replacement is true.])

If a person answers “yes” to any of these statements, his credibility is questionable. If he answers “yes” to two or three, he has no credibility. If he answers “yes” to all four, he is ignorant beyond repair and is irredeemably stupid.

Copyright © 2022 by Thomas Coley Allen.

More political articles.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Black Replacement

Black Replacement

Thomas Allen

In “They’re Replacing You, Black America” (June 2, 2022,, Ann Coulter argues that immigrants are replacing Blacks and not Whites. As the following table shows, immigrants are not replacing Blacks. They are replacing Whites.

Coulter is a Dixiephobe and a Negrophile. With the possible exception of the American Negro, she is a racial nihilist who practices the new morality of sacrificing the races on the altar of humanity. Concerning the American Negro, she partially proclaims the old morality of racial preservation although she probably does not object to Blacks marrying outside their race, which destroys racial preservation.

Also, she believes that Republicans are the saviors of Blacks while Democrats are the enslavers of Blacks. Unfortunately, Blacks fail to recognize Republicans as their saviors and Democrats as their enslavers.

As the following table shows, the percentage of the White population has been declining since 1950. With the passage of the 1965 immigration act, the Regan amnesty, other acts and policies favorable to nonwhite immigrants, and the open-door policies of Clinton and the following administrations, the percentage of the White population has plummeted. On the other hand, except for 2020, the percentage of the Black population has been rising. Thus, immigrants are replacing Whites and not Blacks. (The non-Hispanic Whites percentage may be a better indicator of White replacement. Most Hispanics identify themselves as White although only about 20 percent are White. Except for Hispanics from the Caribbean, who are mostly Negroes and mulattoes, most Hispanics are Turanians [American Indians] and mestizoes.) Although the percentage of the Black population dropped in 2020, its total population rose. However, the White population dropped in total number in 2020. It fell from about 224 million in 2010 to about 204 million in 2020.

Coulter’s concern is about Blacks losing job opportunities to immigrants instead of Blacks falling behind in population. With some justification, she argues that immigrants, who are mostly people of color, are filling set-asides, quotas, and affirmative action jobs reserved for Blacks. (Apparently, employers have found that these immigrants are better and more competent workers than Blacks and that they satisfy the diversity and inclusiveness goals of discriminating against Whites — especially White males.)

Coulter claims that the purpose of the 1965 immigration act was to flood the country with cheap labor. (No, the real purpose was to genocide Whites.) She claims that employers have lost their source of cheap labor with the death of slavery and Jim Crow. (Slavery was dying because slave labor was becoming more expensive than free labor. That is, slaves were losing to the cheap labor of free Whites. Under Jim Crow, the Black middle class was rapidly growing, which is why the communists sought to destroy Jim Crow. Blacks had to provide services for Blacks that they could not readily obtain from Whites.)

Coulter asserts that “black academics, intellectuals and activists have been screaming from the rooftops about the devastating impact of mass third world immigration on African Americans.” (These Black academics, intellectuals, and activists must be an extremely small minority of the Black leadership as one rarely hears them.) Yet, most self-appointed Black leaders and politicians support unlimited third-world immigration.

Although Coulter moans about these third-world immigrants replacing Black workers, she places none of the blame on Blacks. Perhaps, if Blacks showed enough ambition to abandon their criminal and welfare state of mind, were more responsible, acquired a basic education not based on equity, developed a better attitude, and disposed of their entitlement mentality, they would be more employable and marketable and could successfully compete with third-world immigrants. After all, with set-asides, quotas, and affirmative action, the system is rigged in favor of Blacks and against Whites. Unfortunately, for Blacks, nonwhite immigrants have learned to game the system, and employers prefer them to satisfy their antiwhite agendas because they are more competent than Blacks.

Nevertheless, the real blame for replacing both White and Black workers with third-world people of color lies with the political leaders and the people who support them. With the 1965 immigration act, they opened the United States to third-world nonwhite immigrants. Further, they have encouraged ever-increasing numbers of nonwhite immigrants with various laws and policies.

Further, Coulter complains about Blacks losing their political power to immigrants. (Although nearly all these immigrants are people of color, most have no use for Blacks. For the most part, their opinion of Blacks is lower than that of the stereotypical Klansman. Even Black immigrants have a low opinion of American Blacks.)

Democrats take Blacks for granted. Blacks are going to support the Democratic Party no matter how poorly the Democrats treat them. (This attitude is not restricted to Blacks and Democrats. Most White conservatives still support the Republican Party despite the poor treatment the Republican leadership, especially at the federal level, gives them.)

Pessimistically, Coulter concludes with “without the tiniest sliver of hope that historic black America will ever notice that the Democratic Party is screwing them six ways from Sunday.”  Thus, by stating that Blacks are too stupid to learn that the Democratic Party is using them, Coulter proclaims the low intelligence of Blacks. (Like many Blacks who are too stupid to realize that they are being used, many Whites also suffer from this handicap.) She chastises Republicans who waste resources trying to win the Black vote.

In any event, Whites are suffering much more from the large-scale immigration of nonwhites than are Blacks. This nonwhite immigration is slowly genociding Whites.


Appendix. Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck, who like Coulter, is a racial nihilist and a Dixiephobe, agrees with the progressives about White replacement. On his radio program, he declared that White replacement was a hoax, a conspiracy theory. Obviously, he has not looked at the US population statistics for some decades. ("Conspiracy theory" is a derogatory term used to smear someone without offering any proof that he is wrong.)

Cochran’s Law Lexicon defines conspiracy as “an unlawful combination or agreement between two or more persons to carry into effect a purpose hurtful to some individual, or class, or the public at large.” Thus, when two or more people collaborate to carry out an act that harms an individual, class of people, or the public, a conspiracy exists. White replacement requires more than one person to carry out, and it is harmful to White Americans as it ultimately genocides them. Therefore, White replacement is a conspiracy fact and not a conspiracy theory.

Copyright © 2022 by Thomas Coley Allen.

More social issues articles.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

The Threat to America

The Threat to America

Thomas Allen

The following identifies several threats to the United States. The threats are listed in order of importance.

1. America’s leaders. American leaders, which include political, business, religious, and academic leaders, are the greatest threat to the United States. They are destroying the country with wokeism, political correctness, multiculturalism, and multiracialism and with a growing police state and welfare states. Further, they are deliberately destroying the economy. Also, America’s leaders promote policies that genocide the White race.

2. China. Second is China. America is rapidly becoming an economic colony of China. With America’s leaders destroying the country from within, China will soon become the world’s sole superpower. Then, following the US post-cold-war example, China will impose its will on the United States and establish Chinese hegemony. 

3. Latin Americans. Third are the nonwhite Latin American immigrants. Nonwhite Latin American immigrants, both legal and illegal, are flooding the country. These nonwhite Latin Americans, people of color, cannot be assimilated, and many do not want to assimilate. These nonwhite immigrants cannot truly and fully assimilate without destroying themselves biologically. (White Latin Americans can assimilate and most want to assimilate.) These nonwhite immigrants are changing the demographics and culture of the United States.

4. Zionist Jews. Fourth are Jews, especially Zionist Jews. Their control of and influence on politics, the economy, academia, entertainment, and the media far exceed their numbers. Moreover, Jews have captured and control most of the Christian Churches in the United States. Consequently, America has an Israel-first foreign policy. Thus, America’s leaders willingly destroy America for the benefit of Israel. (Although they lack the power and influence of Zionist Jews, Christian Zionists are almost as destructive as Zionist Jews. If they had the power and influence of the Zionist Jews, Christian Zionists would be as destructive as the Zionist Jews.)

5. Asian Indians. Fifth are Asian Indians, nearly all of whom are people of color, Melanochroi. Their numbers and influence are growing rapidly, and they are given advantages not available to most White immigrants and even White Americans. Like most Latin Americans, Asian Indians cannot truly and fully assimilate without destroying themselves biologically. Moreover, next to the Jewish Cabala, India is the source of most of the cults in the United States. Because it is the most subtle threat, it is one of the most dangerous.

6. Muslims. Sixth are the Muslims. They are a threat because American leaders have made them a threat and in the process enriched the military-industrial and security-industrial complexes, which control America’s leaders. With no navy worthy of the name and an air force that cannot cross the Atlantic, they cannot attack the United States from without. Muslims can only threaten America when they are allowed into the country. (Muslims did not plan, organize, orchestrate, or carry out 9-11. They were just the patsies. The primary purpose of 9-11 was to establish a police state, protect Israeli imperialism by destroying its enemies, and, most important, transfer more power and wealth to the rich and powerful.)

7. Russia. Seventh is Russia. The only real threat that Russia offers is its nuclear arsenal. If America does not threaten Russia, Russia is no threat to the United States. If America makes Russia believe that its only choice is to surrender to the United States and die, it may strike with its nuclear weapons. Such an attack would utterly destroy the United States, which many of America’s leaders seem to want.

The second through the seventh threats depend on the first threat. America’s leaders have built up China’s economy while dismantling America’s. American leaders have allowed massive immigration of nonwhites from Latin America, India, and other nonwhite countries. They have even imported these people to replace White American workers. Moreover, American leaders have surrendered to the Zionist lobby. Further, American leaders continue to threaten Russia. Worst of all, American leaders have brainwashed many Americans to promote and even demand their own annihilation.

Copyright © 2022 by Thomas Coley Allen.

More political articles.