Why Can’t We All Get Along?
Thomas Allen
People often ask, “Why can’t we all just get along with each other? Why can’t people just join hands and sing ‘Kumbaya’? Why is there such a great divide in the country — a divide that has not been seen since the War for Southern Independence?”
The answer is simple. There are three groups of people: (1) the go-with-the-flow or go-along-to-get-along group, (2) the want-to-be-left-alone group, and (3) the determined-not-to-leave-them-alone group. As long as both of the last two groups exist, peace and harmony cannot exist. One or the other has to cease to exist before peace and harmony can exist.
The go-with-the-flow group is by far the largest and is irrelevant. People in this group have taken the blue pill and remain in the Matrix. These people will march off to the concentration camps with hardly a grumble. They are the sheeple. No more needs to be said about this group.
People in the want-to-be-left-alone group just want to live their lives and enjoy the fruits of their labor and their family and friends. People in the determined-not-to-leave-them-alone group are determined not to leave them alone or let them enjoy the fruits of their labor.
Here is a short list, in no particular order, of what wearies people who just want to be left alone:
– They are tired of policies and programs being imposed on them that deliberately destroy their country (geographical territory) and nation (a people of common ancestry, origin, and heritage who have a common language, religion, and culture).
– They are tired of others telling them with the force of law how to use their property instead of allowing them to use their property as they see fit as long as they do not trespass against another.
– They are tired of the meddlers trying to disarm them so that they cannot resist the programs of the meddlers.
– They are tired of being forcibly medicated (water fluoridation, forced vaccination, etc.).
– They are tired of being denied medical treatment that the government does not approve even when these treatments have been shown to be superior to those approved by the government.
– They are tired of bureaucrats, who risk nothing, dictating to them how to operate their businesses, farms, etc.
– They are tired of being labeled “terrorists” because they love liberty.
– They are tired of being treated like criminals in order to fly and having their children molested so that they can board an airplane.
– They are tired of having the fruits of their labor taken from them via excessive taxation — especially when the revenue is used to control their lives, to impose on them agendas and dogmas to which they object, and to destroy what they value.
– They are tired of being forced to support programs with which they vehemently disagree — most of which they find inimical and detrimental to their welfare.
– They are tired of incompetent government agencies being rewarded for incompetence by increasing their budget when they fail to do their job, or, perhaps worse, agencies deliberately failing to do their job being rewarded with budget increases.
– They are tired of governments and big businesses spying on them.
– They are tired of their country and its people and resources being sacrificed for the benefit of other countries and multinational corporations.
– They are tired of governmental programs, policies, and agendas designed to reduce their standard of living — these programs and policies have been highly effective at doing this.
– They are tired of illegal aliens having more rights and privileges than they themselves have.
– They are tired of being forced to pay for a school system that propagandizes and indoctrinates the ruling elite’s dogmas and agendas instead of educating and teaching critical thinking.
– They are tired of judges, governmental agencies (usually child protection agencies), and the medical industry taking children from their homes because they disagree with the religion, politics, or medical decisions of the parents or because they merely disagree with the parents.
– They are tired of their language being corrupted in the name of political correctness.
– They are tired of being forced to take so-called tolerance-diversity courses where they are indoctrinated with the dogmas that people like them cannot be tolerated.
– They are tired of being indoctrinated with programs to effeminize men and destroy women with feminist dogma.
– They are tired of governments enforcing programs and policies against common sense and decency.
– They are tired of having a code of morality (immorality) forced upon them with which they not only disagree, but also find extremely noxious and destructive (a code of morality covers much more than sexual relations; it includes things like theft, murder, fraud, and lying).
– They are tired of being forced to participate in the delusions of mentally ill people.
– They are tired of being obligated for debts, especially without their consent, that because of their size can never be repaid and that will eventually destroy their country.
– They are tired of being laden with ever-increasing regulations and laws designed to control them.
– They are tired of governments and politicians lying to them.
– They are tired of governments siding with multinational corporations to oppress them.
– They are tired of governments serving shysters and special interests instead of the people in general.
– They are tired of the US Constitution being replaced with tyranny.
In short, people who want to be left alone have become extremely weary of Washington bureaucrats and politicians and their owners and their toadies and lackeys in State and local governments imposing their agendas on them. They object to others, i.e., the people who are determined not to leave them alone, claiming that they (the others) know how the want-to-be-left-alone people ought to live their lives and then imposing that lifestyle on them.
The do-not-want-to-leave-them-alone people have been coercing every item in the above list and much more. Moreover, they are determined to continue to impose these and more.
To use the Matrix as a metaphor, people who want to be left alone are like Neo and Morpheus. People who are determined not to leave them alone are like Agent Smith; like him, they are driven to cleanse the world of the likes of Neo and Morpheus.
Many people support Donald Trump because they see him as speaking for and defending people who just want to be left alone. They also see Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders as not wanting to leave them alone. They see these two only continuing and expanding control of their lives. Most supporters of Clinton and Sanders have the same view of Trump, Clinton, and Sanders.
As long as these two antagonistic groups, i.e., people who want to be left alone and people who are determined not to leave them alone, exist, peace and harmony cannot exist. One of these two groups has to perish to achieve peace and harmony.
Copyright © 2016 by Thomas Coley Allen.
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