Monday, May 10, 2010

The Rise of Hitler

The Rise of Hitler
Thomas Allen

[Editor’s note: Footnotes in the original are omitted.]

Out of the chaos that the Versailles Treaty brought Germany, rose Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist Party (Nazi). The National Socialist Party “was the political party of the Ashkenazim, the Germany Jews.”[1] Hitler, who was an occultist and a strict vegetarian (because he believed souls were reincarnated in animal bodies), said this about National Socialism: “Anyone who interprets National Socialism merely as a political movement knows almost nothing about it. It is more than religion; it is the determination to create a new man.”[2] National Socialism was as much, if not more, of a religious movement as a political movement, and yet it was more than either. It was a New Age religion (with the Fuhrer as god on Earth); and like all other New Age religions, it was Satanic. What distinguished it from other New Age religions, except possibly secular humanism, was that “it was a spiritual ideal translated into a political system.”[3] National Socialism grew out of the Bavarian Illuminati, Freemasonry, German Order, and Teutonic Knights and ultimately the Mysteries and Nimrod.

Hitler was deeply involved in the occult and the cult of Ostara espoused by Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels, who had combined Aryan occultism with eugenics. The cult of Ostara was based on the principles of Tibetan magic adapted to Aryan racial theories. Tibetan magic claimed to be uncontaminated with Cabalism, its chief rival. It also claimed to be the most powerful occult—even more powerful than Cabalistic, Egyptian, or Hindu magic.

Guido von List influenced Hitler. List taught that a hidden and exiled priesthood had preserved the ancient occult knowledge of the Aryan ancestors of the Germans. These ancient traditions and laws had been retained in secret and continued to live through the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, and Templars.

Another occultist who greatly influenced Hitler was Karl Haushofer, who became Hitler’s spiritual mentor. Haushofer, who claimed to be a clairvoyant, was a disciple of Blavatsky. He introduced Hitler to her teachings. Thus, Hitler became strongly influenced by Blavatsky’s book The Secret Doctrine, which glorifies Lucifer.

More than any other person, Haushofer inspired Hitler to undertake a program of conquest. Haushofer was once an advisor to Stalin and a counselor to the Japanese militarists. (Based on astrological predictions, Haushofer convinced Hitler to ally with Japan.) During the war, Haushofer’s advice superseded that of Germany’s military leaders.

Hitler also practiced channeling and was guided by an “inner voice.” (In 1918, he heard a voice telling him that God had chosen him to be Germany’s messiah. Later an ascended master, whom he believed was Lucifer, controlled him.) He became completely demon possessed, a vassal of Lucifer. He believed that he was the reincarnation of the Norse god Odin.

Not only was Hitler heavily involved in the occult, so was Heinrich Himmler (member of the Thule Society and head of the SS, which Hitler considered the spiritual arm of his New World Order and as such Himmler was actually more powerful than Hitler), Rudolph Hess (Hitler’s Minister of State, a disciple of Haushofer, and a member of the Thule Society), and Alfred Rosenberg (a Jew, a member of the Thule Society, and the philosopher of National Socialism). Occultism was the driving force behind National Socialism.

Hitler viewed “his mission as a spiritual mission being worked out on the physical plane.”[4] He sought to establish National Socialism as the new world religion with himself as the head. His religion came complete with its own distinctive doctrine, clergy, rituals, religious symbols, hymns, and celebrations. It was a religion that stressed pride, will, and hate—and above all unquestionable obedience to the Fuhrer. Serving the Fuhrer, Hitler, was serving god, Lucifer (although most did not know that they served Lucifer).

Thus, National Socialism led to suppression of the true Christian church. Like other New Age cults, Hitler and National Socialism were inimical to true Christians and Christianity. To him, Christianity was defective and a failure. He proclaimed himself the voice of Christ Jesus and proceeded to replace the God of the Christians and his Son Christ Jesus with himself. Christianity needed to cleanse itself of its Jewish taint. To corrupt Christianity, National Socialism sought to replace true Christian understanding of the Bible with Gnostic interpretations with pagan overtones. Although most Christians and Christian churches finally succumbed to National Socialism’s religious doctrines, some did not. Those churches and Christians who opposed National Socialism, the National Socialists began purging from Germany even before they began to drive Jews from Germany.

Like other New Agers, Hitler believed that man would mutate into a new species, a higher level of mankind, a “higher level of consciousness.” This new man would be freed from “the dirty and degrading chimera called conscience and morality,” “the burden of free will,” and “personal responsibility.” All these undesirable attributes would fall upon a few, the ruling elite, the Illuminists, who would make all the decisions necessary for the good of mankind.

Behind National Socialism was the occult Thule Society, a front for the German Order. The Thule Society was nationalistic and anti-Semitic and anti-communistic. It sought to destroy physical self and moral constraints so that one could merge with the divine self in the spirit realm. This merger would result in superhuman psychic abilities. This ability would lead to the control of the world. A disciple of the Thule Society had to give unquestionable obedience to the enlightened master—the Fuhrer.

The Thule Society was founded on the philosophies of Liebenfels and his mentor Guido von List that gloried pagan occultism and the superiority of the Aryan people. It was also built on the philosophies of Blavatsky and Nietzsche. Its inner circle was Satanic and practiced black magic. Using seances, the Thule Society sought demonic guidance. It also practiced ritual murder, human mutilation, and sacrifices to Satan. Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorf, a disciple of Blavatsky, founded the Thule Society ostensibly as a literary discussion group.

Hitler’s world view developed from his occult practices. National Socialism became an expression of his world view. Thus, National Socialism grew out of the New Age occult.

When the Communist took over Bavaria in 1919 (Communist rule of Bavaria lasted less than a month), members of the Thule Society were the only ones whom the Communists arrested and executed. Members of the Thule Society were accused of kidnapping and murdering Jews and Communists as sacrifices in the rites of “Astrological Magic.” To defeat the socialist-controlled labor unions, the monarchists, industrialists, and leaders of the Thule Society knew that they needed the rank-and-file workers. So, in 1919, they formed the German Workers Party by merging the Committee of Independent Workman led by Anton Drexler, a machinist and a member of the Thule Society, and the Political Workers Circle led by Karl Harrer. Hitler was selected to lead the German Workers Party. In 1920, Hitler changed the name of the party to the National Socialist German Workers Party, better known as the Nazi party.

Dietrich Eckart, the high priest of the Thule Society and a student of Aleister Crowley, was Hitler’s primary mentor. He initiated Hitler into the inner most circle of the Thule Society and made him head of the German Workers Party.

After the war, Winston Churchill, a Freemason and Druid, sought to suppress exposing the occultism of Hitler and the National Socialists. The Nuremberg Trials refused to consider the occult aspects of National Socialism.

Once Hitler obtained power, he began imprisoning Freemasons and occultists. Apparently, he feared them and what they could do to and with him. Knowing the power of the occult, he wanted to eliminate occult competition; he wanted to prevent others from manipulating the forces that he was manipulating and using these forces against him. He also wanted to conceal his occult roots. People who knew about his occult roots, he eliminated early in his regime. Nevertheless, he continued his own occult practices and rituals.

The rise of Hitler and the National Socialists Party was a great benefit to Zionism. (Anti-Semitism, real or perceived, encourages Zionism, which is why Zionists are always encouraging anti-Semitism. The Zionists and true anti-Semitists share a common goal of preventing Jewish assimilation.) Hitler was a promoter of Zionism in that he wanted to establish a Jewish homeland. In the early years of his regime, Zionist Jews even collaborated with his anti-Semitism as it promoted segregation of and cohesion among Jews, which in turn aided Zionism.

The Illuminists brought Hitler to power to destroy the bourgeois states and to serve as a check against Stalin. (The Illuminists appeared to have been losing control Stalin as he was using the Communist Revolution for the benefit of the state instead of using the state for the benefit of the Revolution. However, by the time that World War II began, they appeared to have regained control of Stalin, but they had lost control of Hitler. He had violated a golden rule of Illuminism and had deprived the Illuminists of their monopoly to manufacture money.) The war that Hitler would bring, the Illuminists hoped would bring the death of the two of the three objects that they hated most: nationalism and Christianity—the two greatest enemies of Illuminism. (The third object of their hatred is the Aryan race; the war would kill enormous numbers of them.) If the war failed to achieve these objectives, it would at least advance Illuminism as war nearly always does.

Hitler’s principal financial backers included Max Warburg and the Oppenheimers. Warburg and the Oppenheimers were Jews. Simon Hirschland Bank in Essen was another Jewish bank that financed Hitler; it arranged loans for him through Goldman Sachs and Co., a Jewish bank. Fritz Thyssen, a German steel magnate and former head of the German steel trust, which Dillon, Reed financed, and Alfred Krupp of Krupp arms were early financial backers of Hitler. Henry Ford was another financial backer of Hitler; his money Hitler used to incite the Bavarian rebellion in 1923. Other early financial backers of Hitler included Emil Kirdorf (before aiding the National Socialists, he had sent money to the Bolsheviks) Henri Deterding (head Royal Dutch-Shell Oil), and Montagu Norman (the Bank of England).

Another important financial backer of Hitler’s regime was Baron Kurt von Schroder, a member of the Thule Society and a partner of J.H. Stein Co. in Germany. Schroder was also associated with J. Henry Schroder Banking Co. in London, which collected contribution from German industrialists for Hitler and the National Socialist Party, and J. Schroder Banking Corp. in New York. J. Henry Schroder Banking Co. was Germany’s financial agent in Great Britain. Schroder, who was on the board of directors of International Telephone and Telegraph’s (ITT) German subsidiaries, became the protector of ITT interests in Germany. Through Schroder, ITT funneled money to Himmler’s SS (Schutzstaffel) during World War II. Also, through Schroder, ITT bought a significant interest in German armament firms.[5]

By the end of 1932, Hitler was on the verge of leaving the political scene because of a lack of funds. (He had incurred an enormous debt maintaining his private army.) In early 1933, Allen Dulles, John Foster Dulles and Schroder met with Hitler to guarantee him that Kuhn, Loeb and Co., a Jewish bank, would provide him the funds that he needed to become Chancellor of Germany.[6] Other German industrialists and bankers offered to fund Hitler if he would break the power of the trade unions, which he did.

In exchange for the support of the international financiers, Hitler promised not to interfere with the bankers. Krupp, Thyssen, and others pressured President Hindenburg to appoint Hitler Chancellor. Thus, Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933.

Among the financiers of Hitler were Guaranty Trust Co., Union Banking Corp. (a Harriman interest), J.P. Morgan and Co., and Chase National Bank. During the war Chase National Bank and J.P. Morgan and Co. continued to finance Hitler through their French offices.[7] Niederman, who was the manager of Chase National Bank’s Paris branch, was a Nazi collaborator. The head office in New York was aware of his collaboration and supported his good relations with the Germans. (Before and after World War II, Chase National Bank was also a major advocate of exporting United States technology to the Soviet Union.)

After Hitler became Chancellor, the Reichstag building was burned—probably by his agents. The fire was blamed on the Communists. Regardless of whom set the fire, Hitler used it to get the Reichstag to enact a law that empowered him to govern outside the constitution thus making him a dictator. When Hindenburg died in 1934, Hitler merged the office of president (head of the military) and chancellor (head of the government) and made himself an absolute leader, fuhrer.

Besides international bankers, several major United States corporations supported Hitler and his National Socialist Party and front organizations. They included General Electric, Standard Oil, International Telephone and Telegraph (ITT), General Motors Co., Ford Motor Co., International Harvester Co., Alcoa, Dow Chemical, and American I.G. Farben. American I.G. Farben, which was I.G. Farben’s wholly owned subsidiary in the United States and under the control of American directors, funded most of the pro Nazi propaganda in the United States. General Electric controlled about 40 percent of German’s heavy current industry, 60 percent of its radio, and 20 percent of its wire and cable industry. ITT controlled about 35 percent of Germany’s telephone and telegraph industry, 35 percent of its radios, and 20 percent of its wire and cable industry. These industries were never prime bombing targets. ITT also owned 28 percent of Focke-Wolfe, a manufacturer of fighter aircraft. Standard Oil of New Jersey, which the Rockefellers controlled, in partnership of I.G. Farben developed and financed the process used to manufacture synthetic rubber and gasoline from coal. With these processes in place, Hitler had a large enough domestic supply of gasoline and rubber to wage war.[8]

On the eve of World War II, I.G. Farben (Germany’s chemical cartel) and Vereinigte Stahlwerke or United Steelworks (Germany’s steel cartel) accounted for 95 percent of German explosives. American money and to some extent American technology built these two cartels. With technology obtained from Standard Oil, I.G. Farben produced most of Germany’s aviation gasoline during World War II. At the beginning of the war, it was the largest chemical manufacturer in the world. It also provided most of Germany’s plastics, gunpowder, and poison gas, and all of its synthetic rubber and lubricating oil. Moreover, it eagerly served the German army as an intelligence and research agent.

Hermann Schmitz organized I.G. Farben. He was a supporter of Hitler and an early member of the National Socialist Party. Also, he was the president of American I.G. Farben and I.G. Farben in Germany. He was a director of the Deutsche Bank and the Bank for International Settlement. In 1929 he became the president of the board of National City Bank. (An early financial backer of I.G. Farben was Rockefeller’s National City Bank.)

Max Warburg was a director of I.G. Farben in the 1920s while his brother Paul Warburg was a director of American I.G. Farben. Besides Paul Warburg (Bank of Manhattan Co.), other directors of American I.G. Farben were Henry Ford (Ford Motor Co.), Charles E. Mitchell (Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Paul Warburg’s National City Bank), Edsel Ford (Ford Motor Co.), Walter Teagle (Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Standard Oil of New Jersey), and H.A. Metz (I.G. Farben Germany, Warburg’s Bank of Manhattan Co.).

The subsidiaries of General Motor Co., which J.P. Morgan, Jr. controlled, and Ford Motor Co. were the two largest tank manufacturers for Hitler. General Motors was also a part owner of Siemens and Halske A.G., a Germany company that manufactured aircraft instruments.[9]

Even after the United States entered the war, Rockefeller’s Standard Oil continued to sell Germany petroleum products through Spain and Switzerland. Ford Motor Co. continued to produce trucks for Germany. International Telephone and Telegraph, headed by Sosthenes Behn, a director of National City Bank, continued to improve Germany’s telephone system and produce fighter planes. All this trade with Germany was legal. Any trade with the enemy approved by Henry Morgenthau, Jr., a Jew and Roosevelt’s Secretary of Treasury, was legal.

Like Mussolini’s Fascists Party, Hitler’s National Socialist Party was founded on Marxism. According to Hitler, 90 percent of the members of his party were left-wingers.

Appendix 1. Mussolini
In Italy, Benito Mussolini, who was an Illuminist of some degree, founded the Fascist Party in 1919. He was hardly a “right-winger” as the Establishment historians and political scientists betray him. He was a socialist, an orthodox Marxist.

Although he opposed Italy’s entry into World War I, he changed his mind following a French bribe.[10] He was instrumental in bringing Italy into the war whose purpose was to replace the old order with Communism.

Soon after Mussolini founded the Fascist Party, many Communists joined it. Five of the founders of the Fascist Party were Jews. The Fascists Party was to do for Italy what the Bolsheviks had done for Russia. Unlike Lenin, but like Hitler, Mussolini came to power via constitutional means. He rose to power by promising the lower and middle classes handouts from the public treasury. Once in power, like other Illuminists before and after, he ignored the constitution and made himself an absolute dictator.

Like Hitler, Mussolini also received financial support from international financiers. In 1926, Thomas Lamont, a Morgan associate and a director of Guaranty Trust Co., secured a large loan for Mussolini.

When Mussolini rose to power in Italy, he outlawed Freemasonry. As a result, Freemasonry unleashed a vicious worldwide campaign against Mussolini. (This hostility between the Italian fascists and Freemasonry could have meant several things. One, a fracture had occurred among the secret societies, and a “civil war” was occurring. Or more likely, the fascist anti-Masonic law was a ruse to distract people in other countries so that the secret societies in those countries could expand their power base with less notice and obstruction.) Once Mussolini fell, more than 500 Masonic lodges promptly emerged.

Like Mussolini, Hitler also outlawed Freemasonry. Although they outlawed these groups, the Illuminists aided and abated their rise to power. They served the purpose of the Illuminists in bringing about another world war.

Appendix 2. Franco and the Spanish Revolution
In 1936, the Soviet Union sent Rosenberg, also known as Moses Israelssohn, and 140 insurgents to the Soviet embassy in Spain. Thus, began the Spanish Revolution, which lasted until 1939. Like other communist revolutions, the Spanish Revolution was filled with atrocities and mass murders for which Communist revolutions are notorious.

Years before Rosenberg arrived, Freemasons had overthrown the monarchy. With revolutionary labor strikes, they fomented violence. They incited the peasants and workers to demand replacing the monarchy with a socialist republic. Throughout the country, they provoked bloody clashes. They exasperated the unrest and focused it against the monarchy and the Catholic Church. As a result, the king fled Spain in 1931 and a republic was established. Soon afterwards, the government confiscated the property of the king, aristocrats, and Catholic Church. After establishment of the republic, which Freemasons controlled, strife, bloodshed, and revolt continued to fill the country.

Aiding the Communists in their take over of Spain was the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. The Abraham Lincoln Brigade was a communist mercenary force. Its members were largely Americans, and according to Victor Berch of Brandeis University, 40 percent of its members were Jews.[11] The American news media also allied themselves with the Communists in Spain.

With the 1936 election, the Popular Front, which represented all the revolutionary elements of Spain including Freemasonry, gained control of the government and the Spanish Revolution began. The Popular Front was under the control of the Soviet Union. Among its first tasks was executing the Red Terror.

Francisco Franco began his opposition to the Communist controlled Popular Front by taking command of the Spanish army in Morocco. He took control of the insurgent government and rallied the monarchists, republicans, and socialists to his side. In 1939, he finally defeated the Communists and ended the civil war.

1. Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan: A Demonology of History (Staunton, Virginia: Revelation Book, 1987), p. 206. Archibald E. Roberts, Emerging Struggle for State Sovereignty (Fort Collins, Colorado: Betsy Ross Press, 1979), p. 153.

2. Jim Marrs, Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids (New York, New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2000), p. 146.

3. Bob Rosio, Hitler & the New Age (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1993), p. 24.

4. Ibid., p. 175.

5. Eustace Mullins, The World Order: Our Secret Rulers (Second edition. Staunton, Virginia: Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization, 1992), pp. 92, 152. Antony C. Sutton, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler (Seal Beach, California: ’76 Press, 1976), pp. 79, 80, 123.

6. Mullins, World Order, p. 153.

7. Sutton, pp. 150-151.

8. Ibid., pp. 15-16, 31, 62-63, 67, 74-75, 165.

9. Ibid., p. 31.

10. William P. Hoar, Architect of Conspiracy: An Intriguing History (Belmont, Massachusetts: Western Islands, 1984), p. 145.

11. Mullins, World Order, p. 143.

[Editor’s note: List of references in the original are omitted.]

Copyright © 2010 by Thomas Coley Allen.

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