World War II
Thomas Allen
Thomas Allen
[Editor’s note: Footnotes in the original are omitted.]
Through their international banks and multinational corporations, the Illuminists had prepared Germany and Hitler for the upcoming war. The Illuminists wanted a world war among the Aryan people, and they wanted it to last long enough to slaughter tens of millions as sacrifices to Lucifer. They wanted war to scare the American people into accepting world government to prevent such a war from occurring in the future. They had brought Hitler to power in Germany so that he would lead Germany to war and bring about another world war that would lead to the establishment of world government. Consequently, British and American bankers, industrials, and politicians supported Hitter up to and, in some cases, through World War II.
To provide Germany with funds necessary for war, the Illuminists had to end the crippling debt that they had forced on Germany. To end the debt payments, they got Hoover elected President. Paul and Felix Warburg financed much of Hoover’s campaign for the presidency. They were acting on behalf of Kuhn, Loeb and Co., J&W Seligman Co., and J. Henry Schroder Banking Co. They put Hoover in office so that he could place a moratorium on German war debts, which he did in 1931. The purpose of the debt moratorium was to intend not to help Germany, but to provide Germany money for rearming.
After Hitler became Chancellor of Germany, Illuminists in the British government began pushing for war with Germany. Jewish Illuminists also began planning a war against Germany. (Jews saw war as the means to achieve two of their goals, which Emil Ludwig, a German Jewish writer, described as “socialism as the national expedient, and the United States of Europe as the international policy.”[1])
To entice Hitler into war, he was allowed to occupy the Rhineland and Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia. (The illuministic Round Table Group prevented the British government from stopping Hitler’s annexation of the Rhineland and Sudetenland.) France had provoked Hitler into occupying the Rhineland. Under the Treaty of Locarno, the Rhineland was to remain free of Germany troops. By remilitarizing the Rhineland in 1936, Hitler violated the treaty. However, France had violated the treaty earlier in 1936 when it ratified a military pact with the Soviet Union. This pact violated the Treaty of Locarno. Czechoslovakia also violated the Treaty of Locarno when it entered into a military pact with the Soviet Union. After this violation, Hitler occupied the Sudetenland while the British Round Table Group supported and encouraged his occupation. His occupation of the Rhineland and Sudetenland were unopposed. Neville Chamberlain went as far as to sign a pact with Hitler in 1938. So, Hitler thought that he would receive no opposition to his invasion of Poland.
Hitler believed that Communism was a conspiracy of the Jewish international bankers to enslave mankind to maintain their credit monopoly. He saw Communism as a great threat to mankind and wanted an alliance with Great Britain to oppose the Soviet Union. Apparently, he failed to realize that Great Britain and the Soviet Union were controlled by the same people—who were the same people that had brought him to power. When Great Britain refused an alliance with Germany against the Soviet Union, Hitler made a pact with Stalin.
Further to entice Germany into war, Stalin signed a nonaggression pact with Hitler. A week later Hitler invaded Poland, and World War II began. Two days later Stalin also invaded Poland. Yet Great Britain, which had a treaty with Poland to defend it from all European aggressors, only declared war on Germany in the name of defending Poland. (If Great Britain and France went to war to defend the integrity of Poland, would they have not also declared war on the Soviet Union? Since they did not declare war on the Soviet Union, they must have gone to war for some reason other than defending Poland.) Playing on Hitler’s lust for power and territory, Illuminist maneuvered him into war. Provoking Hitler to war was easy, for he glorified war.
A necessary ingredient in the war was to convince France to carry the brunt of the war against Germany. To trick France into war for which it was ill prepared, the Illuminists employed enormous deceit. France was convinced that a highly armed Great Britain and the United States backed it and that Hitler’s regime would collapse within days of a war. All the time, the Illuminists knew that France would suffer great losses in the war and might even be conquered by Germany for a while.
Moreover, to encourage Germany to go to war, Polish troops fired on German border guards, and the Polish government claimed that it was marching on Berlin. As a result, Hitler attacked Poland. After invading Poland, Hitler offered peace to Great Britain and France. His only condition was that they not interfere with his expansion to the east. The Illuminists that controlled them wanted war, so they chose war over peace. Mandel, Paul Reynaud, and Maurice de Rothschild led the war faction in France. In Great Britain the principal leaders of the war faction included Winston Churchill and Rothschild.
When war broke out, the Illuminists protected their beloved communist state, the Soviet Union. They made sure that Hitler sent his army west against the Christian countries instead of east against the Soviet Union. (Hitler did not attack the Soviet Union until the war was well under way—and then only after Stalin was massing his troops along his western border in preparation to invade Germany.) They prevented the West from declaring war on the Soviet Union, which was Hitler’s ally at the beginning of the war. The Illuminists also ensured that the Soviet Union was well supplied. Their objective was the advancement of Communism (Illuminism), which was controlled from New York, not Moscow. After World War II broke out in Europe, the next step was to bring the United States into the war against Germany. To accomplish this goal, the British Secret Intelligence Service set up an illegal unit, the British Security Coordination, in the United States to bring Americans into the war against Germany. In charge was Sir William Stephenson. Assisting the British in this project was John D. Rockefeller, Jr.
Through front groups, such as Fight for Freedom, and newspapers and radio networks that it subsidized, the British Security Coordination smeared and demonized people who wanted the United States to stay out of the war and praised and supported people who wanted the United States to enter the war. It collaborated with Franklin Roosevelt and the Jewish community to bring the United States into the war. Working with Fight for Freedom and British Security Coordination to push the United States into the war were the New York Post (owned by Dorothy Schiff, a Jew), New York Times (owned by A.H. Sulzberger, a Jew, CFR member), PM (a New York Communist paper), Baltimore Sun, and the Jewish Telegraph Agency. Columnists who support the British Security Coordination by smearing Americans who opposed the United States going to war included Walter Lippman, Drew Pearson, Dorothy Thompson, and Walter Winchell (a Jew).
To ensure that a Republican president would not interfere with the British plans for the United States warring against Germany, British Security Coordination rigged the Republican convention and got Wendell Willkie nominated as the Republican presidential candidate for the 1940 election. As late as 1939, Willkie had been a Democrat. As Willkie was a pro-war candidate, he ensured that many antiwar electors would not vote. Thus, Roosevelt would win his third term. After he lost the election, Willkie became an executive for Fight for Freedom and an unofficial envoy for Roosevelt.
However, Hitler had no intentions of involving the United States in the war, and a vast majority (80 to 88 percent) of Americans opposed the United States entering the war—although most Jews wanted war with Germany. Try as they may, the Illuminists could not provoke Germany into attacking the United States or inflame the American people with the desire to war against Germany. (When in the summer of 1941 President Roosevelt ordered United States destroyers to attack German submarines, Hitler ordered his submarines not to fight back.) The solution was to provoke Japan to attack the United States.
To provoke Japan to attack, Roosevelt froze Japanese assets. He refused a visit from the Japanese Prime Minister, Prince Konoye. (This rebuff led to the fall of Prince Konoye, who wanted peace with the United States, and his cabinet and the rise of General Tojo and his military dictatorship.) He closed the Panama Canal to Japanese ships. An oil embargo was placed on Japan (the United States provided more than 90 percent of Japan’s oil) while United States ships violated Japanese waters transporting oil to the Soviet Union. The government seized major Japanese assets in the United States. He approved the recruitment of American “volunteers” (the “Flying Tigers”) to fight for Chiang Kai-Shek against Japan. To dare Japan to attack, Roosevelt ordered United States warships into Japanese territorial waters. He even threatened military action if Japan did not change its Pacific policy.
To entice Japan to attack, Roosevelt moved the United States fleet from the West Coast to Hawaii. Pearl Harbor was difficult to defend because it could be effectively attacked from any direction. (Several days before the attack, the aircraft carriers and the most modern ships were ordered to leave Pearl Harbor. Thus, most modern ships were saved, and the old World War I vintage ships that remained were left even more vulnerable to attack.) With the fleet in Pearl Harbor and a large number of troops in the Philippines, Roosevelt boxed in Japan. If Japan wanted the oil fields in Indonesia, which it needed to fuel its armed forces and industry, it had no choice but to attack Pearl Harbor.
To reduce the chances of the commanders at Pearl Harbor discovering the Japanese fleet, they were provided only a third of the aircraft needed for adequate reconnaissance.
Furthermore, intelligence directed them to concentrate to the southwest, away from the actual direction of the attack. To ensure further that the planned surprise attack would not be discovered and Pearl Harbor warned, the United States Navy forbade United States and allied shipping in the North Pacific about an hour after the Japanese fleet left port for Hawaii.
President Roosevelt, Bernard Baruch (presidential advisor), Cordell Hull (Secretary of State), Henry Stimson (Secretary of War, a member of Skull and Bones and CFR), General George Marshall (Chief of Staff and a Freemason), and Admiral Harold Stark (Chief of Naval Operations and CFR member) knew of the Japanese plan to attack Pearl Harbor. Yet they did nothing to warn the American commanders at Pearl Harbor. They feared that if they sent a warning, Japan would cancel the attack and war would be averted. War was the goal. So Roosevelt deliberately sacrificed American soldiers, sailors, and marines to force the United States into a war that most Americans did not want. The conspiracy worked. The United States entered World War II. (Roosevelt had worked closely with and had relied heavily on the British Secret Intelligence Service to bring the United States into World War II.)
(In 1940, the United States government had broken the Japanese code. It knew about the intelligence that the Japanese consulate in Honolulu was sending Japan. It also knew about the Japanese fleet movement toward Hawaii. [At a secret press briefing held on November 25, 1941, General Marshall told selected news reporters that “the United States is on the brink of war with the Japanese”[2] He predicted an attack sometime during the first ten days of December.] Furthermore, shortly before Japan hit Pearl Harbor, Churchill informed Roosevelt that the Japanese fleet was heading to Pearl Harbor with the intent of attacking it on December 7. Churchill’s information came from British agents in the Japanese military and foreign services and from Japanese messages that the British had decoded. Later Churchill wrote that Roosevelt and his top advisors “knew the full and immediate purpose of their enemy,”[3] i.e., Japan’s intent to attack Pearl Harbor. Likewise, the Soviet Union had learned of the forth coming attack from its spy in Japan and gave this information to the United States government. The Dutch also warned Marshal a few days before the attack that the Japanese fleet was close to Pearl Harbor. The day before the attack, the United States Naval Intelligence had spotted the Japanese fleet 400 miles northwest of Honolulu; Pearl Harbor was not notified of the sighting.)
Four days after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Germany declared war on the United States. Probably the deciding factor for Hitler’s declaration of war was “Rainbow Five.” Rainbow Five was the United States’ plan for war against Germany, which leaked out just before the Battle of Pearl Harbor. Roosevelt had arranged for this plan to leak out in hope that it would provoke Hitler to declare war against the United States.
Like all major, and most minor, conflicts, the Illuminists supported, and thereby had a great deal of control over, both sides in the conflict. Many major United States corporations, of which nearly all were (and still are) controlled by Illuminists, supplied both sides at the beginning of World War II.
Finally, the Allies invaded Italy. They quickly conquered most of Italy, but Roosevelt stopped the Allied advancement within a few hundred miles of Germany’s southern border. The Allied army in Italy was broken up and redeployed. The official reason was to prepare for the Normandy invasion, which would not happen for another nine months. The actual result was prolonging the war. Prolonging the war cost millions more Aryans their lives, and transferred billions more to the coffers of the international bankers and corporations supplying the war machine. It also gave the Soviet Union time to drive the Germans from Russia, which it needed to do before it could occupy Eastern Europe. (Churchill wanted to continue the southern invasion and move into the Balkans, which would have kept those countries out of Stalin’s hands. Roosevelt wanted to invade Normandy. Stalin also advocated an invasion of northern France.) Once the Allies invaded Normandy, Eisenhower held back the Western front as much as he could to give Stalin time to consolidate his position in the east. More often than not, military decisions were made to give long-range political advantage to the Communists and the Soviet Union instead of making them based on tactical needs or to take advantage of the enemy’s weaknesses.
Contrary to the claims of apologists for Roosevelt, Roosevelt did not go to war to end totalitarianism or to revenge the victims of concentration camps. His support of the Soviet Union proves these were not his reasons. Stalin’s regime was far more brutal than Hitler’s, and Stalin killed far more people. Roosevelt went to war to bring about a world government and the concomitant New World Order.
If Roosevelt, and his advisors, Baruch and Morgenthau, had accepted offers from high ranking German military officers, the war with Germany would have ended in 1943, at least on the western front, and hundreds of thousands of lives could have been saved. However, at this time Germany had not been completely destroyed, and the Soviet Union had not penetrated Central Europe. Furthermore, the United States government had not acquired enough debt to satisfied the Illuminists. The Illuminists had to prolong the war to kill more Aryans, to advance Communism, and to complete their debt enslavement of Americans.
World War II was another splendid sacrifice on the altar of Lucifer. When it ended, more than 100 million people had perished. Many of these people died of bombings of residential areas that had no real military value. Housing of workers were preferred targets because they were small and compact. Again the British led the way in barbaric warfare as strategic bombing of civilian housing became part of the British war plan months before the Germans adopted this strategy in retaliation. Among the most savoring offerings were the fire bombings of Dresden and Cologne, which sent more than a hundred thousand innocent children and women up in smoke.
The war also served the Illuminists by silencing Americans who wanted to preserve the traditional American foreign policy that began with Washington of not getting involved in foreign disputes. Anyone who spoke in favor of America’s traditional foreign policy was branded a fascist or Nazi during the war and even afterwards. (Anyone who openly supported American traditional foreign policy during the war risk prosecution for sedition.) After the war, these American traditionalists were smeared as “isolationists” and blamed for the war. (The implication being that if the United States had gone to war against Japan and Germany sooner, there would have been no war.) After World War II, the United States abandoned America’s traditional foreign policy and have since being meddling in the affairs of nearly every, if not every, country on the planet. American troops are scattered across the planet as the United States have been involved in most conflicts that have occurred since the end of World War II.
Despite what the establishment history books claimed to be the causes and purposes of the two world wars of the twentieth century, their basic goal was to destroy as much of Christendom and the Aryan race as possible. This goal they achieved remarkably well.
When the American army entered Germany after the end of the war, one of its first tasks was to reestablish the Masonic lodges. The Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and later the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) financed the reestablishment of these Masonic lodges.
What saved (postponed) the United States from entering into an illuministic one world government following World War I was knowledge of the objectives and schemes of the Illuminists. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Rockefeller Foundation were determined that this error would not be repeated following World War II. They were determined to prevent close examination of official statements and propaganda. Roosevelt’s war measures and policies were not to be critically analyzed. They were to remain secret. In this endeavor, the Illuminists were, and still are, highly successful.
A result of World War II was the achievement of one of the great goals of the Illuminists —the establishment of the United Nations. The charter of the United Nation embodied the essence of Illuminism. It is, as S. de Madariaga, a Spanish liberal, wrote, “in the main a translation of the Russian system into an international idiom and its adaptation to an international community.”[4] The United Nations has served as the hub around which Illuminists have been building the world government for their New World Order.
During the war, the illuministic Council on Foreign Relations gained control of the United States government. Through the Council on Foreign Relations and its control of the government, the Illuminists could now implement their program to destroy the United States. Smoot summaries this program of destruction:
(1) the redistribution to other nations of the great United States reserve of gold which made our dollar the strongest currency in the world;
(2) the building up of the industrial capacity of other nations, at our expense, thus eliminating our pre-eminent productive superiority;
(3) the taking away of world markets from the United States producers (and even much of their domestic market) until capitalistic America will no longer dominate world trade;
(4) the entwining of American affairs—economic, political, social, educational, and even religious—with those of other nations until the United States will no longer have an independent policy, either domestic or foreign. . . .[5]These goals have been mostly accomplished.
1. Comte Leon de Poncins, State Secrets: A Documentation of the Secret Revolutionary Mainspring Governing Anglo-American Politics (Translator Timothy Tindal-Robertson. 1975), p. 24.
2. Cuddy, Globalists, Dennis L. Cuddy, The Globalists: The Power Elite Exposed (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone Publishing, 2001), p. 73.
3. “Pearl Harbor: Mother of All Conspiracies.”
4. Billy James Hargis, Communist America Must It Be? (Tulsa, Oklahoma: Christian Crusade, 1960), p. 117.
5. Dan Smoot, The Invisible Government (Dallas, Texas: The Dan Smoot Report, Inc., 1962), p. 26.
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Cuddy, Dennis L. The Globalists: The Power Elite Exposed. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone Publishing, 2001.
Cuddy, Dennis L. Now Is the Dawning of the New Age New World Order. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone Publishing, 2000.
Cuddy, Dennis L. Secret Records Revealed: The Men, the Money, & the Methods Behind the New World Order. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone Publishing, 1999.
Davidson, Mary M. The Profound Revolution. Omaha, Nebraska: The Greater Nebraskan, n.d.
Hargis, Billy James. Communist America Must It Be? Tulsa, Oklahoma: Christian Crusade, 1960.
Hoar, William P. Architect of Conspiracy: An Intriguing History. Belmont, Massachusetts: Western Islands, 1984.
Larson, Martin A. The Federal Reserve and Our Manipulated Dollar. Old Greenwich, Connecticut: The Devin-Adair Company, 1975.
Marrs, Jim. Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids. New York, New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2000.
Mohr, Gordon. The Hidden Power Behind Freemasonry. Second edition. Burnsville, Minnesota: Weisman Publication, 1993.
Monteith, Stanley. Brotherhood of Darkness. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone, 2000.
Mullins, Eustace. The Curse of Canaan: A Demonology of History. Staunton, Virginia: Revelation Book, 1987.
Poncins, Leon de, Comte. State Secrets: A Documentation of the Secret Revolutionary Mainspring Governing Anglo-American Politics. Translator Timothy Tindal-Robertson. 1975.
Smoot, Dan. The Invisible Government. Dallas, Texas: The Dan Smoot Report, Inc., 1962.
Still, William T. New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies. Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1990.
Stormer, John A. None Dare Call It Treason. Florissant, Missouri: Liberty Bell Press, 1964.
Sutton, Antony C. How the Order Creates War and Revolution. Phoenix, Arizona: Research Publications, Inc., 1984.
Sutton, Antony C. National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union. New Rochelle, New York: Arlington House, 1973.
Webster, Nesta H. The French Revolution: A Study in Democracy. Second edition. Hawthorne, California: Christian Book Club of America, 1919, reprinted 1969.
Copyright © 2010 by Thomas Coley Allen.
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