Friday, July 30, 2010

Black Nationalism

Black Nationalism
Thomas Allen

[Editor’s note: Footnotes in the original are omitted.]

Soon after the Communists consolidated their position in Russian, they exported their revolution to the United States. Stalin sent Joseph Pogany to the United States to promote the Negro Revolution and Black Nationalism. The goal of Black Nationalism was to carve a Negro nation out of the United States. Pogany sought to convert American Negroes into Communist revolutionists and to use them to destroy the United States and to kill as many Aryan Americans as possible during the process. Black Nationalism grew into the Black Muslim and Nation of Islam movements. The “Million Man March” of 1995 and demands for reparations movement (the demand that today’s American Negroes be paid large sums of money and be given additional legal privileges because Negroes were slaves 150 years ago) are also out growths of Black Nationalism. Unlike most Communist revolutions, the Negro Revolution was more covert than overt. It was a revolution concealed in the crime statistics and frequent riots.

Part of the communist plan for Negro liberation was to agitate for “full racial, social, and political equality for the Negro people.”[1] The right of national self-determination, i.e., carving of an independent Negro nation out of the United States, was to supplement the struggle for equality.

Initially the Communist tried to get equality and independence for blacks in the South. In 1930, Stalin ordered that the Negroes in the North be included in the agitation for “equal rights.” However, the Communist did not advocate a Negro state outside the South.

Many leaders in the Negro Revolution and Black Nationalism were the Black Muslims. The Black Muslims were born in 1930 with the arrival of Farrad Mohammad, whose real name was Wallace Dodd and who was also known as F. Mohammad Ali, Professor Ford, Wali Farrad, and W.D. Fard. He came as a peddler in Negro neighborhoods. First he began teaching Negroes about their homeland. He began to preach hatred of the Aryan race and attacking the Bible. Negroes were not Americans and owed no allegiance to the United States. He taught that Negroes were gods and that Aryans were devils; in the Last Days, God (Allah) would separate his Negro people from their Aryan enemies. Then he began proclaiming himself as “the Supreme Ruler of the Universe.”

Dodd was not a Negro but was an Aryan from New Zealand, who had acquired a criminal record in the United States.[2] Dodd claimed his radical teachings were a scheme to extract money from gullible Negroes. Dodd, who as prophet W.D. Ford, became the God and Savior of the Muslims; he was Allah incarnated.[3] He appointed Elijah Muhammad (Robert Poole) as the leader of his new religion and returned to New Zealand.

Muhammad began proclaiming that several States in the South should be turned over to the Negro as an independent Negro country in America. He and the Black Muslims wanted the races to be separated. The United States owed these States to the Negro as payment for slave labor —so asserted James Baldwin. Under the leadership of Elijah Muhammad, the Black Muslims aligned themselves with Communists and began using criminal violence against Aryans (and Negroes) to achieve their goals.

Open revolt began in the early 1960s in New York City. Leading the revolt was the Blood Brothers. This revolt differed from most historical revolts. It was not an arm rebellion. It was an intensified crime wave with Negro riots and Negro perpetrating violent crime against Aryans. The Black Muslims wanted to annihilate the Aryan race.

An object of Negro revolutionary criminals was to force the police to kill a Negro criminal. Then provocateurs moved in and incited a Negro riot. Riots led to consolidating power in the United States government and the accompanying lost of freedom—a major goal of the Illuminists.

For the most part, the leaders and organizers of the “civil rights” movement and other Negro movements, Negro riots, and Negro organizations were Communists or communist sympathizers. Backing these leaders and organizers were Illuminists.

One reason that Communist opposed segregation was that it caused the development of a Negro bourgeoisie. Pepper (Pogany) rightly blamed segregation for “. . . a rapid development of a Negro petit-bourgeoisie, a Negro intelligentsia and even a Negro bourgeoisie. The very fact of segregation of the Negro masses creates the basis for the development of a stratum of small merchants, lawyer, physicians, preachers, brokers, who try to attract the Negro workers and farmers as consumers. . . .”[4] The Communists wanted to replace this independence and prosperity of the Negro people with hatred toward Aryans—and they succeeded remarkably well.

Furthermore, because Illuminism lives on crisis and turmoil, segregation was turned into a great social crisis. This crisis was one of the most artificial crises ever created in the United States. Illuminists, primarily through Communists, instigated it to add racial hatred to class hatred. (Integration also served the purpose of hastening the demise of the Aryan people as it facilitated breeding them out of existence through miscegenation.)

About Illuminists instigating the Negro Revolution, Lewis N., a prominent New York businessman, wrote to Strom Thurmond:
Roosevelt dismantled one American liberty after another and now Truman is trying to set up a Soviet land. The real problem is a cabal of Jewish lawyers behind the NAACP who are using the Negro for their own agenda. Washington is dominated by a handful of wealthy Jews and their hirelings. This is a struggle between Jews and Communists on the one hand and Christian Americans on the other. Please stick to your guns in this struggle to save the White race.[5]
Most promoters of the Negro Revolution were Communists or communist sympathizers. They included Herbert Aptheker (a Communist), Revels Cayton (a Communist and executive secretary of the National Negro Conference), Benjamin Davis (a Communist), W.E.B. DuBois (a Communists and a founder of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), William Epton (a Communist), James Farmer (a national director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, national director of Congress of Racial Equality), Jesse Grey (a Communist, organizer of the Harlem riot), Martin Luther King, Jr. (president of Southern Christian Leadership Conference), Malcolm X, Hunter Pitts O’Dell (a Communist, King’s secretary, executive director of Southern Christian Leadership Conference), William L. Patterson (a Communist and executive secretary of the Civil Rights Congress), Bayard Rustin (member of Young Communist League, King’s secretary and advisor, a field secretary for Congress of Racial Equality), Fred Shuttlesworth (vice-president of Southern Christian Leadership Conference, president of the Southern Conference Educational Fund), Aubrey Williams (a Communist, president of the Southern Conference Educational Fund, director of the National Youth Administration under President Franklin Roosevelt), Robert F. Williams (a Communist and a leader of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), Max Yergan (a Communist and president of the National Negro Congress), and Andrew Young. All these men were Illuminist of varying degrees, mostly lower level Illuminists.

The leading Negro organizations were founded, organized, and controlled by Communists and communist sympathizers. These organizations included the National Negro Congress (NNC), Civil Rights Congress, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), National Urban League, Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF), and Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC).

Not only were Illuminists using the financial might of their foundations to foment the Negro revolution, they also used the money and power of the United States government. President Johnson’s civil rights laws and War on Poverty were merely weapons that Illuminists used through the Negro revolution to destroy the constitutional government of the United States and the Aryan people.

One of the ostensible objects of the War on Poverty was to eliminate slums that agitators exploited to get Negroes to riot. Yet Communists and other agitators were hired to administer the War on Poverty. Actually, the real purpose of the War on Poverty was to create turmoil. (Before the riots of 1967 broke out, Sargent Shriver, director of the United States Office of Economic Opportunity, knew that the United Community Corp., an agency of the Office of Economic Opportunity, was organizing the riots.) Negro riots served the purpose of expanding the size, power, and intrusiveness of the United States government.

Black revolutionaries gave the Illuminists an excuse to carry out compulsory racial integration in the United States. Organization of racial integration was assigned to Ronald Lippert of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and the American Jewish Congress. His program called for the destruction of the individual’s personal identity and his racial heritage—especially the destruction of Aryan racial identity. The National Education Association was employed to execute this program. Controlling the National Education Association was the Stanford Research Institute. Controlling the Stanford Research Institute was the Tavistock Institute. The Tavistock Institute specialized in developing, teaching, and employing mind control and brainwashing techniques.

Some Negro leaders, such as former Communists Helen Wood Birnie and Manning Johnson, had the intelligence to oppose the evils of integration and to realize that Illuminists were using Negroes to advance their communistic, illuministic New World Order. These Negro leaders were ignored or smeared with vile epitaphs. (Probably many Negro leaders, such as King and DuBois, who had sold their souls to Illuminism were aware of these evils and that their people were merely tools used to advance the illuministic New World Order.)

To show Americans, especially Southerners, that the Illuminists controlled the United States government and that resistance to their despotic edits would be futile, the Illuminists had President Eisenhower to federalize the Arkansas national guard and use it to invade Little Rock in 1957. They had President Kennedy to federalize the Mississippi national guard in 1962 and use it to invade Mississippi. Thus, Illuminist used these national guards against their own States.

One of the most effective weapons used by Illuminists in the Negro Revolution in America was the creation of the so-called radical right-wing groups, such as the National States Rights Party and the American Nazi Party, both of which Illuminists controlled, to vilify. These organizations were labeled as neo-Nazi, fascist, or the like. They were often associated with noble causes, such as states’ rights, so that these noble causes, which blocked Illuminism, could be vilified or subverted. Then members of these groups, who were provocateurs, agitated Aryans into violent acts against Negroes. Thus, Illuminists won a public relation coup in favor of the revolutionists and against the real interest of the community. They drew support away from the true and legitimate opposition.

A major source of funding for the Negro Revolution was Carnegie’s foundations. Carnegie’s money also paid for Gunnar Myrdal’s study that purported to prove that segregation caused all the problems of the Negro. If it were not for segregation, the Negro would be the Aryan’s intellectual equal. Myrdal held that liberty must be sacrificed for the sake of social equality. He was a Communist who considered the United States Constitution to be a plot against the common people. Aiding him in his study were 16 people associated with communist fronts. At least four of them were Communists. The United States Supreme Court relied on Myrdal’s study to reject the United States Constitution and to impose integration.

Carnegie’s money also supported Whitney Young, a racial extortionist, and the National Urban League. Besides Carnegie’s foundations, Young and the National Urban League also received money from the Ford Foundation when McGeorge Bundy was its president. Young threatened the United States government into funding a social revolution to prevent an armed revolt. Actually, the political leaders and their illuministic superiors wanted to increase spending on social programs. Social programs make people dependent on the government, which Illuminists control. Thus, social programs facilitated Illuminists’ control of the masses.

Young was not the only militant black revolutionist to receive money from the Ford Foundation under Bundy’s leadership. The Ford Foundation also funded Milton A. Galamision, LeRoi Jones, and Floyd B. McKissick and the Congress of Racial Equality.

The whole civil rights movement was a hoax. Its purpose was not to grant Negroes “equal rights” per se. Its purpose was to enslave Aryans. The common excuse for Negro crime and Negro riots was that Negroes were rebelling against Aryan oppression. Aryans had denied Negroes their “rights.” Well, Negroes were not only granted “equal rights,” they were given superior rights. They became the new aristocracy, a privilege class. Yet Negro crime grew, and the riots still occurred. However, Aryans had surrendered enormous freedom in the name of “equal rights.” The more “equal rights” Negroes acquired, the more socialistic (fascistic) the United States became. (Wyatt Tee Walker, Kings chief-of-staff said, “If the Negro is to be given equality, our whole economy will have to be changed—probably to some sort of Socialism,”[6]) The more “equal rights” Negroes acquired, the more political power was concentrated in the United States government and in the Presidency— and less real rights anyone, Negro or Aryan, had.

The civil rights acts reduced the States, especially the Southern States, to little more than administrative districts of the United States government. They gave the President almost absolute control over every business in the country, public education, housing, and the media. In the name of eradicating the vestiges slavery, the civil rights acts reduced all to slavery.

According to King, slavery placed man’s services under the control of other men as masters, which is exactly what the civil rights acts that he supported did. Furthermore, Aryans were cowered into allowing their race and culture to be destroyed—the ultimate goal of the Illuminists, the annihilation of the Aryan race.

Realizing that it had ridden the black mule about as far as it could in fomenting a civil war, the Ford Foundation began financing a Mexican revolution in the United States. In 1968, it began funding the Southwest Council of La Raza. Its president, Maclovio Barraza, was a Communist. La Raza’s goal was to place the territory that Mexico lost to the United States in the Mexican War under the control of Mexicans. To expedite this revolt, Illuminists opened the border with Mexico virtually to uncontrolled Mexican immigration.

1. Alan Stang, It’s Very Simple; The True Story of Civil Rights (Belmont, Massachusetts: Western Islands, 1965), p. 31.

2. Ibid., p. 40.

3. William J. Petersen, Those Curious New Cults in the 80s (New Canaan, Connecticut: Keats Publishing, Inc., 1982), p. 238.

4. Stang, p. 140.

5. “History of Strom Thurmond’s 1948 States’ Rights Party Campaign for President,” The Truth at Last, issue no. 439, p. 6.

6. Stang, p. 145.

Cuddy, Dennis L. The Globalists: The Power Elite Exposed. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone Publishing, 2001.

Hargis, Billy James. Communist America Must It Be? Tulsa, Oklahoma: Christian Crusade, 1960.

Hoar, William P. Architect of Conspiracy: An Intriguing History. Belmont, Massachusetts: Western Islands, 1984.

Larson, Bob. Larson’s Book of Cults. Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. 1982.

Mullins, Eustace. The World Order: Our Secret Rulers. Second edition. Staunton, Virginia: Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization, 1992.

Petersen, William J. Those Curious New Cults in the 80s. New Canaan, Connecticut: Keats Publishing, Inc., 1982.

Skousen, W. Cleon. The Naked Capitalist: A Review and Commentary on Dr. Carroll Quigley’s Book Tragedy and Hope. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1971.

Smoot, Dan. The Invisible Government. Dallas, Texas: The Dan Smoot Report, Inc., 1962.

Stang, Alan. It’s Very Simple; The True Story of Civil Rights. Belmont, Massachusetts: Western Islands, 1965.

Stormer, John A. The Death of a Nation. Florissant, Missouri: Liberty Bell Press, 1968.

Copyright © 2010 by Thomas Coley Allen.

 More articles on history. 

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Great Depression

The Great Depression
Thomas Allen

[Editor’s note: Footnotes in original are omitted.]

An important aspect of World War I was that it had transferred enormous wealth to the international financiers while enslaving the American people. World War I was the cap stone of a process that began with the Great Depression to transfer massive amounts of wealth to the Illuminists and to convert the United States into a fascist country controlled by the Illuminists.

The most important actor in causing the Great Depression was the Bank of England, headed by Montagu Norman, who was called “the currency director of Europe,” in conjunction with the British government and the international financiers in the City of London. Benjamin Strong, the governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, was Norman’s chief American coconspirator in this endeavor. Strong had great influence over Andrew Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury for Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover. In Germany, Norman’s chief coconspirator was Hjalmar Schacht, Governor of the German Reichsbank and later Hitler’s Finance Minister.

In 1925, Montagu Norman, Hjalmar Schacht, and Charles Rist (deputy governor of the Bank of France) came to New York and met with Benjamin Strong. The purpose of this meeting was to inflate the money supply in the United States, which was done by lowering the interest rate in the United States. Norman returned in 1927 to promote once again inflation and speculation. Again the Federal Reserve System cut the interest rate. The 1928-1929 bull market resulted. In 1929, Norman visited Mellon in Washington. Soon after this visit, the Federal Reserve System abandoned its easy money policy, began raising interest rates, and contracting the money supply. Furthermore, to collapse the speculative bubble in the United States, the Bank of England began raising interest rates in Great Britain. The bubble burst.

The Illuminists put Franklin Roosevelt, who was a high degree Illuminist and a shrewd servant of the international financiers, into office in 1933 to do their bidding. They were through with President Herbert Hoover and wanted to replace him with Roosevelt. They wanted Roosevelt to bring fascism to the United States, which he did by building on and expanding programs that Hoover had started. Once in office, Roosevelt processed to complete the work begun by President Woodrow Wilson to reduce the American people to slavery under the crushing power of the international financiers.

The Illuminists created the Great Depression and used it to make Roosevelt President. The Great Depression started during Hoover’s first year as President. Between 1923 and 1929, the Federal Reserve System greatly expanded (inflated) the money supply. Then the bankers who controlled the Federal Reserve System started the Great Depression by greatly contracting the money supply. Although the Federal Reserve System could have alleviated much of the misery by expanding the money supply, which the law required it to do so, it did not. (If it had complied with the law, it would not have expanded the money supply during World War I and the 1920s.) When Roosevelt took office, the Federal Reserve System began expanding the money supply by creating money to buy government securities.

Congressman Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee, correctly explained the Great Depression, “It was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived occurrence. . . . The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so that they might emerge as the rulers of us all.”[1]

To ensure that Roosevelt would do their bidding, the Illuminist surrounded him with their agents. Among them were five communist agents: Alger Hiss, John Abt, Nathan Witt, Nathaniel Weyl, and Charles Kramer. Another agent was Stuart Chase, a Fabian, who believed in executing people who did not obey the government’s economic edits and who is credited with writing Roosevelt’s order stealing the gold owned by Americans.

Through Roosevelt and their other agents in his administration, the Illuminists destroyed most of what remained of the United States Constitution. One of the biggest achievements of the Illuminists was transferring legislative powers from Congress to “independent” presidentially controlled boards and commissions, which the Illuminists could more easily control than they could control Congress.

Another coup achieved by the Illuminists was to control that they gained over the States, universities, and farmers with federal aid and over business and labor unions with contract money. They also gained controlled over business, labor unions, farmers, and universities through new regulatory agencies. (Illuminists used these controls to prolong the Great Depression.) The success of this illuministic coup was guaranteed when Roosevelt appointed four Illuminists to the United States Supreme Court: Hugo Black, Felix Frankfurter, Stanley Reed, and William O. Douglas.

Once in office, Roosevelt raised taxes enormously. By greatly increasing public indebtedness, he transferred debt from the rich to the poor.

He outlawed gold as domestic money and forced Americans to exchange their gold for federal reserve notes. While Americans received $20.67 per ounce of gold that they were forced to sell to the Federal Reserve System, foreigners received $35.00 an ounce after Roosevelt devalued the dollar.

Claiming that he was going to bring prosperity, he greatly increased federal expenditures. Yet, he and the bankers knew that the Federal Reserved System, which they controlled, would not allow prosperity to return until the war that they wanted occurred. War was to the way to prosperity that they chose. Posing as the protector of the common man and as a great philanthropist, he gave the people insufferable debt and taxes.

The purpose and result of the Great Depression were (1) to punish the American people for not joining the League of Nations, (2) to increase greatly Illuminists’ control over business and finance in the United States, and (3) to bring about an enormously larger intrusive government. Illuminists who knew in advance that the international financiers were going to crash the stock market and economy, many lesser Illuminists lack this knowledge, sold their stock holdings early. Then, after the average stock price fell 90 percent, they bought blue chip companies far below their natural price. They were able to consolidate industries under their control.

Roosevelt prolonged the Great Depression to give the Rockefellers and other Illuminists more opportunity to buy stocks cheaply. It was also prolonged so that the United States government could usurp more power. The more people suffered, or perceived themselves suffering, the more willing they would be to sell their birthright and enslave themselves to the Illuminists, who controlled the United States government, for a morsel of security. The longer the misery lasted, the more willing the people would be to exchange their liberty for the security of slavery—though they would not perceive, or admit, that they were slaves.

With the Great Depression and World War II, Roosevelt crushed the American people under undreamed of federal control for the benefit of the Illuminists and their New World Order. He enslaved them for the Illuminists.

To transfer enormous amounts of wealth to the Rothschilds and other international financiers, the Bretton Woods pact was created. Its documents were made inviolable and placed beyond the reach of any government or court. It was exempted from taxation, so no government could levy taxes on any of its earnings. Furthermore, its officers and personnel were placed above the law in that they were immune from legal processes. Out of the Bretton Wood pact came the general agreement on tariffs and trade (GATT), which destroyed the British Empire and is now destroying the American empire.

More importantly than leading the United States into war, was Roosevelt’s deathblow to the Constitution. Roosevelt completed the work of converting the United States from a federal republic under common law to a fascist democratic state governed by bureaucratic fiat. Collective responsibility replaced individual responsibility.

Gary Allen, None Dare Call It Conspiracy (Seal Beach, California: Concord Press, n.d.), p.55.

Allen, Gary. None Dare Call It Conspiracy. Seal Beach, California: Concord Press, n.d.

Allen, Gary. The Rockefeller File Secret. Seal Beach, California: '76 Press, 1976.

Cuddy, Dennis L. The Globalists: The Power Elite Exposed. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone Publishing, 2001.

Cuddy, Dennis L. Now Is the Dawning of the New Age New World Order. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone Publishing, 2000.

Davidson, Mary M. The Profound Revolution. Omaha, Nebraska: The Greater Nebraskan, n.d.

Griffin, Des. Anti-Semitism and the Babylonian Connection. Clackamas, Oregon: Emissary Publications, 1992.

Larson, Martin A. The Federal Reserve and Our Manipulated Dollar. Old Greenwich, Connecticut: The Devin-Adair Company, 1975.

Mullins, Eustace. Secrets of the Federal Reserve. 1991.

Mullins, Eustace. The World Order: Our Secret Rulers. Second edition. Staunton, Virginia: Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization, 1992.

Roberts, Archibald E. Emerging Struggle for State Sovereignty. Fort Collins, Colorado: Betsy Ross Press, 1979.

Still, William T. New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies. Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1990.

Stormer, John A. The Death of a Nation. Florissant, Missouri: Liberty Bell Press, 1968.

Stormer, John A. None Dare Call It Treason. Florissant, Missouri: Liberty Bell Press, 1964.

Copyright © 2010 by Thomas Coley Allen.

   More articles on history.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Years Following World War II

Years Following World War II
Thomas Allen

[Editor’s note: The footnotes in the original are omitted.]

Two great events following World War II were the Cold War and the establishment of the United Nations. The Cold War was a fictitious war although real but limited wars, such as the Korean War and Vietnam War, did occur during it.

Wars are necessary for the Illuminists to control people. To avoid the destructiveness of wars like the two world wars, the Illuminists resorted to fictitious wars and limited wars. Limited wars are necessary to make the fictitious wars convincing—thus, the war with Iraq and Afghanistan to make the War on Terrorism convincing. Furthermore, fictitious wars with their limited wars are easier to control and their out comes are more certain for the Illuminists, who control both sides of the conflicts.

The Cold War
The Cold War that followed World War II was the creation of the Illuminists working primarily through the Council on Foreign Relations. A principal component of the Cold War was the containment plan written by George Kennan. This plan became the official foreign policy of the United States toward the Soviet Union. It guaranteed the borders of the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union’s control of eastern Europe. Nevertheless, the Illuminists did not let the bellicose talk of the Soviet Union toward the United States and of the United States toward the Soviet Union interfere with trade between the two. Such verbal hostilities did not halt lending money to the Soviet Union. (Of coarse, the American taxpayers guaranteed these loans if the Soviet Union defaulted.)

The Cold War did not stop the selling military equipment, nuclear reactors (used to make plutonium for nuclear weapons), chemical plants and technology (used to make chemical weapons and other war material), transportation equipment (used to transport troops and munitions), and machinery (used to make components for weapons) to the Soviet Union. United States companies also supplied communist countries with chemicals, electronic equipment, food, medicines, machinery, metal products, metal ores and scrap, petroleum, plastics, radars, rubber, and textiles.

The Soviet Union had to be built up and maintained to make it a credible enemy of the West. Having a perpetual enemy is necessary for the Illuminists to maintain and expand their power over the people and to transfer wealth from the people to the Illuminists.

Concomitant with building up the Soviet Union was disarming the United States. President John Kennedy began the disarmament movement in earnest when he delivered his disarmament speech to the United Nation in 1961. A few days later the State Department formalized the United States government’s program for disarmament in Freedom From War: The United States Program for General and Complete Disarmament in a Peaceful World. This program contained three stages: (1) banning nuclear tests, (2) ending production of nuclear weapons and their delivery systems (bombers and missiles), and (3) transferring all existing nuclear weapons to the United Nations, which was the real goal. Additionally, anti-missile missiles and other defensive weapons would not be developed. Congress immediately created an agency to carry out Kennedy’s disarmament program. Kennedy appointed John J. McCloy (CFR member) as Director of Disarmament. To this day, the United States government has continued to carry out Kennedy’s disarmament program. Only the Reagan administration provided a slight reversal.

Another important function of the Cold War was “perpetual war for perpetual peace.” To carry out this program, the United States government implemented the “no win” policy against Communism. Presidents Johnson and Nixon carried this policy to its height with the Vietnam War. Although the United States could have won this war within a month, Johnson and Nixon dragged it out for 10 years. Nixon eventually allowed the North Vietnam too win it.

(George W. Bush’s never-ending War on Terrorism replaced the Cold War as the “perpetual war for perpetual peace” in 2001. With his War on Terrorism, he was able do what none of his predecessors could do with the Cold War. He was able to lay the foundation and build the structure necessary to turn the United States into a police state of which even Stalin and Hitler could not dream.)

The Cold War was necessary to maintain American support of the United Nations. If no threat to peace existed, Americans and other people might lose their enthusiasm for the United Nations — especially when its record of fostering wars rather than ensuring peace was considered.

Furthermore, to maintain the United Nations, the United States and its European allies had to maintain a strong Soviet Union. The United Nations had to be maintained, for it was the hub around which the New World Order was to be built. The United Nations had to be maintained so that a central authority existed to which the United States could surrender their weapons. A central global authority was needed to redistribute the wealth of the United States. It was needed to socialize the economy of the United Stats and the rest of the world and to bring the economies of the world under one authority, which the Illuminists would control. World government is needed to achieve world domination.

During the Cold War, few leaders in the United States really saw the communist Soviet Union as a real enemy. Why? Because the Illuminists controlled the Communists who ran the Soviet Union, just as they controlled most of the leaders in government, business, labor, the media, education, and religion in the United States. (The same is true with communist China.) Because the advancement of Communism benefitted the Illuminists, the United States adopted a policy of containment and appeasement toward the Soviet Union, China, and other communist countries. The United States strove never to defeat Communism or to overthrow a communist regime.

When the Soviet Union collapsed, Communism did not die. It merely entered a new phase. Mikhail Gorbachev, who oversaw the dismantling of the Soviet Union, adamantly admitted that he was a Communist and continued to support Communism. The dismantling was being done to advance Communism by lulling gullible Westerners into believing that Communism had been defeated. Communists still dominate much of the politics of Russia and the former communist countries of Eastern Europe.

The real reason for dismantling the Soviet Union and its obvious communistic government was to make consolidating Russia and other (former) communist countries with the United States and Western Europe into the New World Order easier. (Former communist countries of Eastern Europe are now being incorporated into the European Union.)

United Nations
The Council on Foreign Relations was instrumental in organizing the United Nations, which was the reincarnation of the defunct League of Nations with expanded powers. Its goal had always been to establish a world government, an essential element of the illuministic New World Order. Of the American delegation to the U. N. Conference at San Francisco in 1945, 47 were members of the Council on Foreign Relations. They included Dean Acheson (Assistant Secretary of State, head of the pro-Soviet group in the State Department, former employee of J.P. Morgan and Co., and later Truman’s Secretary of State), Ralph Bunche (Negro, official of National Negro Congress and Institute of Pacific Relations, both Communist fronts), John Foster Dulles, Thomas K. Finletter (State Department official, later Secretary of the Air Force and ambassador to NATO), Alger Hiss (Communist spy and secretary general of the United Nation’s founding conference), Clark M. Eichelberger, Philip Jessup (Soviet agent, member of Round Table Group, former chairman of the Institute of Pacific Relations), Joseph E. Johnson (chief of International Security Affairs division of the State Department, later trustee of Carnegie Endowment and director of the CFR), Owen Lattimore (communist sympathizer and fellow-traveler, Soviet agent), John J. McCloy (later president of the World Bank, head of the Rockefeller’s Chase Bank, chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations), Leo Pasvolsky, Nelson Rockefeller, Robert Schuman, Harold Stassen, Adlai Stevenson, Edward Stettinius (Secretary of State), John Carter Vincent (security risk), and Harry Dexter White (Soviet agent). John D. Rockefeller, Jr. donated the land for the United Nations building.

The United Nations and treaty organizations made under its authority severe to create a method to bypass Congress in making war, i.e., to bypass the constitutional charge that only Congress may declare war. The Council on Foreign Relations was able to violate the constitutional provision by concocting a false theory that treaties could be used to commit the United States to war without a congressional declaration. Thus, treaties, not the Constitution, became the supreme law of the land.

The charter of the United Nations is more than a treaty; it is a constitution for world government. It commits each member country to become a socialist country and to support socialism in all other countries. It creates a global political, social, economic, cultural, and education alliances. Its agencies have acquired the features of ministries in world governance. The United Nations has striven to abolished individual nationalities, cultures, political systems, and economies. A primary objective of the United Nations is to destroy nationalism, pride in one’s nation. Monsignor Michel Schooyans described the dangers of the ascendancy of the United Nations and globalism:
. . . the plan to govern the world via the UN has inherited a number of features from the Communist “International.” . . . Along with this plan for a world government, there is the process of globalization, or economic interdependence. . . . Globalization is dangerous because control of goods signifies control of workers. . . . New Age influences, including holistic theories which perceive man as only a particle of the universe, are challenging Christian values of human dignity. According to these theories, man is a result of evolution . . . [and] this transient being should, above all, respect nature and honor the Earth-Mother, Gaia. . . . Once more attempts are made to limit population growth and national sovereignty in the name of new pantheist and monist philosophies. . . .[1]
Korean War
The first important limited war that the Illuminists created was the Korean War. It was done to advance the United Nations and to secured Communist control of China. It was the first war of the United States’ policy of never again wining any war of any importance unless it advanced the cause of Illuminism.

The foundation for the Korean War was laid at the Yalta Conference. The United States and the Soviet Union agreed to partition Korea; the Koreans had no say in this partition. China and the Soviet Union were given control over North Korea. At least a year earlier, the Council on Foreign Relations was promoting a divided Korea.

To encourage war, Dean Acheson, Secretary of State and one of the conspirators turning China into a communist country, had declared South Korea to be outside the United States’ defense perimeter. To make South Korea more inviting, it was not allowed to have military aircraft or tanks. As the Soviet Union built up North Korea’s army, the United States restricted South Korea to light arms. As North Korea massed troops along the border with the intent of conquering South Korea, the Council of Foreign Relations controlled Truman administration did nothing.

To ensure that war would take place, the Soviet Union’s delegates walked out of the United Nation Security Council in protest when the issue of the North Korean invasion came before it. Had they remained, they could have vetoed involvement of the United Nation in Korea. After the Security Council voted to involve the United Nations in Korea, the Soviet Union’s delegation return. Using the United Nation’s declaration, Truman bypassed Congress and committed American troops to the Korean War.

To assure the Chinese Communists that the Illuminists of the West had given them China, President Harry Truman, a 33rd degree Freemason, dismissed General Douglas MacArthur because MacArthur made public that he was fighting Chinese in Korea. Several hundred thousand Chinese “volunteers” had entered North Korea to fight Americans and their allies. MacArthur also wanted to bomb Chinese supply lines, but Marshall, Secretary of Defense, would not allow him to do so. MacArthur’s superiors had placed Manchuria off limits to his forces. Within days after China’s involvement came public, Truman dismissed him. Secretary of Defense Robert A. Lovett, a member of the Skull and Bones and CFR, had urged Truman to recall MacArthur. Also urging his dismissal were John J. McCloy, who had also pressed for General Patton’s dismissal, and Averell Harriman, a banker and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and Skull and Bones. General Ridgway, who was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and who supported a stalemate in Korea, replaced MacArthur, who wanted to defeat the Communist in Asia, as Supreme Commander. (MacArthur was not going along with the Illuminists’ policy of “containing” Communism; instead, he wanted to defeat it.)

The Korean War was not a complete success for the Illuminists. South Korea was slated to fall to the Communists. Owen Lattimore of the Council of Foreign Relations and the Institute of Pacific Relations had written in 1949 that South Korea was to fall to the Communists.[2]
Nevertheless, Lucifer would again feast on a great blood sacrifice. At least 400 American soldiers were left in Chinese and Korean communist prison camps for the Communists to torture and use as slave labor and experimentation. So much for Eisenhower’s “peace with honor.” The Korean War did accomplish the goal of empowering and strengthening the United Nations.

Eisenhower’s acceptance of a divided Korea led to a divided Vietnam, the work of John Foster Dulles. A divided Vietnam led to a protracted no-win Vietnam War, which ended with the Communists conquering South Vietnam.

[Editor’s note: The appendices in the original are omitted.]

1. Dennis L. Cuddy, The Globalists: The Power Elite Exposed (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone Publishing, 2001), p. 292.

2. W. Cleon Skousen, The Naked Capitalist: A Review and Commentary on Dr. Carroll Quigley’s Book Tragedy and Hope (Salt Lake City, Utah, 1971), p. 78.

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Davidson, Mary M. The Profound Revolution. Omaha, Nebraska: The Greater Nebraskan, n.d.

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Kah, Gary H. The New World Religion. Noblesville, Indiana: Hope International Publishing, Inc., 1998.

Kirban, Salem. Satan’s Angels Exposed. Huntingdon Valley, Pennsylvania: Salem Kirban Inc., 1980.

Knight, Stephen. The Brotherhood: The Secret World of the Freemasons. Briarcliff Manor, New York: Stein and Day, 1984.

McCormick, W. J. McK. Christ, the Christian and Freemasonry. Carryduff, Belfast: Great Joy Publications, 1984.

Marrs, Jim. Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids. New York, New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2000.

Monteith, Stanley. Brotherhood of Darkness. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone, 2000.

Mullins, Eustace. The Curse of Canaan: A Demonology of History. Staunton, Virginia: Revelation Book, 1987.

Mullins, Eustace. The World Order: Our Secret Rulers. Second edition. Staunton, Virginia: Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization, 1992.

Poncins, Leon de, Comte. State Secrets: A Documentation of the Secret Revolutionary Mainspring Governing Anglo-American Politics. Translator Timothy Tindal-Robertson. 1975.

Skousen, W. Cleon. The Naked Capitalist: A Review and Commentary on Dr. Carroll Quigley’s Book Tragedy and Hope. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1971.

Smoot, Dan. The Invisible Government. Dallas, Texas: The Dan Smoot Report, Inc., 1962.

Still, William T. New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies. Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1990.

Stormer, John A. The Death of a Nation. Florissant, Missouri: Liberty Bell Press, 1968.

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Sutton, Antony C. National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union. New Rochelle, New York: Arlington House, 1973.

Wardner, James W. Unholy Alliances: The Secret Plan and the Secret People Who Are Working to Destroy America. James W. Wardner, 1996.

Copyright © 2010 by Thomas Colely Allen.

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