Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Mysteries

The Mysteries
Thomas Allen

[Editor's note: The footnotes in the original is omitted.]

Secret societies may be said to begin with Nimrod and his worship of Lucifer—or, perhaps more correctly, with the death of Nimrod. Nimrod is often credited with founding Freemasonry; he invented it with the building of the Tower of Babel. This Nimrod is the infamous Nimrod of the Bible (Genesis 3:21), who established a great empire. Among the names given to Nimrod in later history are Marduk, Bel, and Merodach.[1]

Nimrod was a master of the occult and other Satanic practices. He employed genocide—especially of Aryans—and encouraged miscegenation—especially with Aryans. Ritual murders, human sacrifices, and cannibalism were also among his practices.

Legend has it that Shem, Nimrod’s great-uncle, beheaded Nimrod. Then he cut up Nimrod’s body and sent the pieces to Nimrod’s priest as a warning of what would happen to them if they did not cease their vileness and demonic worship. The priests hid the pieces of Nimrod’s body in their groves and shrines. They revered these relics of Nimrod’s body as objects of worship. The worship of these relics became the first “Mysteries.” These Mysteries were made known to initiates only after long indoctrination. When the Illuminists were convinced that an initiate could be trusted not to betray the true object of worship, they enlightened the initiate. Masonic rites originate from these Mysteries.[2]

Some of the secret societies counted among the Mysteries are the Persian Mysteries (Zoroastrianism and the cult of Mithra and Semiramis Mysteries), Greco-Thracian Mysteries of Eleusis (the Mysteries of Demeter, Persephone, and Dionysus), the Babylonian Mysteries (the Mysteries of Ishtar and Tammuz in Babylon), the Egyptian Mysteries (the Mysteries of Isis and Osiris), the Phoenician Mysteries (Mysteries of Baal and Ashtoreth in Canaan), Arabian Mysteries (from which comes Islam[3]) and Gnosticism. Much of the mystery cults survives in the Babylonian Talmud, the Zohar, and the Cabala. The Mysteries, especially the Egyptian Mysteries, also appear in the symbolism and rituals of Freemasonry.

Many of the Mysteries imitated the death of resurrection of Christ. Most Mysteries were built around the death of a god or goddess who later rose from the dead. Followers of this god or goddess would receive eternal life if they acquired the appropriate knowledge and performed the proper rite. The Mysteries ranged from extreme hedonism to extreme austerely, from satisfying all the lusts of the flesh to hating and mutilating the flesh because it was the enemy of salvation. At the heart of the Mysteries were regeneration, procreation, and reproduction. The Mysteries promised that the practitioner, with proper ritual magic, which was the secret of the Mysteries, would gain wealth and power. They promised the ability to control the fate of men and countries. The objective of the Mysteries was to make man god. Another basic tenet of the Mysteries was the idea of universal brotherhood.

Entry into the priesthood required the initiate to pass through a series of occult rituals. Secret doctrines were only revealed to the initiate once he reached the highest level of the priesthood. This secret doctrine always included the worship of Lucifer although he was frequently called by a different name, such as the God of Hades or the God of the Underworld. (Freemasons call Lucifer the Great Architect.) While in a trance, the high priest communicated with Lucifer or his demon messengers. These demons became the god or goddess of the Mysteries religion. Kah believes that the idols worshiped were more than pieces of stone, clay, or metal; they were actually images of the demons themselves.[4] The Mysteries would go on to form the foundation of the secret societies that followed.

The Canaanites partook of the Mysteries and more literally followed the hideous and evil practices of Nimrod than most others. Afterwards, the Nimrodic cult appeared in the Phoenicians, an offshoot of the Canaanites.

The Canaanites seemed to vanish from history around 1200 B.C. However, they essentially merged with their kindred the Phoenicians. With the fall of Carthage in 146 B.C., the occulted society of the Canaanites suffered a great set back, but it was not destroyed. The Luciferian occult of Nimrod would later appear in Freemasonry, various societies of the Illuminists, and other secret societies. Among the groups that later instituted various practices of Nimrod were the Pharisees, Sadducees, Zealots, Essenes, Herodians, Scribes, and Assassins.

Zoroastrianism Zoroastrianism arose around 600 B.C. Zoroaster taught the existence of two gods, a good god and an evil god, or the God of Light and the God of Darkness. These two gods constantly struggled against each other. Zoroastrianism is an ancestor of Freemasonry. (In Freemasonry, the God of the Christians is the God of Darkness. Lucifer is the God of Light That Lucifer is the God of Light who enlightens, illuminates, and frees man is the great secret of Freemasonry and other illuminated societies.) Zoroastrianism is also an ancestor of the Jewish Cabala and Talmud, i.e., Judaism.

MithraA branch of Zoroastrianism was the cult of Mithra. Mithra was the god of light and truth and intercessor between man and Ormuzd or Ahura Mazda. Ormuzd was the supreme god and creator and the good principle or light. Mithra became worshiped as a solar deity. He promised his worshipers worldly success and happiness and security in the next world. This cult contained seven grades of initiation. It became popular in the Roman Empire and was particularly strong among the Roman Praetorian Guard.

GnosticismGnosticism flourished several centuries before and after Christ. Gnostics claimed knowledge of the secrets of the Mysteries. Gnosticism taught that only by developing certain facets of his mind can man come to his full power. Knowledge is not merely the collection of facts; it is also mystical. Gnostics stress personal mystical experience, and initiates were guided to and through this experience under great secrecy. The secret knowledge of the Gnostics was how to contact the supreme being or power; contact with this power enabled man to work out his destiny. Once an initiate learned to contact this power, he became a vehicle for its use. He became identified with and part of the power. Accordingly, he attained his true purpose as a purified personality and became infinitely superior to the unenlightened masses. Gnostics believed that a person gained salvation through knowledge of his spiritual nature. Thus, Gnosticism taught that salvation came from knowledge, especially from “knowledge of the mysteries of the Universe and of magic formula indicative of that knowledge.”[5] Gnosticism promised the initiate that he could fully realize his divine nature and achieve oneness with God, “who is the Universe in all its phases and in its wholeness and completeness.”[6] Through knowledge, man could become God. Pantheism is the chief dogma of Gnosticism.

Gnostics considered themselves intellectual aristocrats; only a few were capable of receiving their knowledge. They saw themselves more enlightened and, therefore, more important than the unenlightened. While believing the basic principles of Gnosticism, they could easily participate in the outward ceremonies and teachings of the prevailing political and religious system. Gnosticism was the forerunner of a universal religion. Many held that they had a license to sin and that God’s law taught promiscuity. Gnostic masters often used drugs to debauch their followers and to make them easier to control.

During the Christian era, Gnostics attempted to supplement the Christian faith with the knowledge of the eternal and to give Christianity a wider meaning by linking it to earlier religions. Because Gnosticism was more deceptive and clever than other forms of Pantheism, it became the most effective and widely accepted form and the occult’s only major counter explanation to the message and person of Christ. Its primary objective was to subvert and destroy the person of Christ and Christianity and to replace Christianity with the worship of Lucifer. Gnostics taught that Jesus was an ascetic, a magician, or a sexual deviate who used secret ceremonies to initiate his followers. Jesus, who had found the secret knowledge of the Universe and thereby obtained higher consciousness, was not the savior of man. The fundamental principle of Gnosticism was the double divinity or dual principle: Lucifer is the good god; Christ is the evil god, the devil. Gnostics claimed that what Christians called vice was for Gnostics really virtue. For some Gnostics, good and evil were meaningless labels; experiencing everything was the way to perfection. Gnostics rejected the Christian idea of absolute morality.

Gnosticism descended from the Cabala. It was religious existentialism. The seal of Lucifer marked Gnosticism. Originally, the Gnostics were Jewish occultists, but non-Jewish followers soon dominated Gnosticism. Gnosticism is also part of the ancestry of Freemasonry and modern-day occultism, New Age religion. Experimentalism, which was popular among the hippies of the 1960s, is a modern-day form of Gnosticism.

Some notable Gnostics were Simon the Magician and Basilides. Simon merged Greek philosophy with Christianity and taught that the human soul existed outside the physical body. Thus, it had access to universal knowledge. He also taught that wisdom came from the heavens to Earth. Basilides was an Egyptian “Christian” who merged the ancient Mysteries with Christianity. He believed in extraterrestrial beings who were messengers between the heavens and Earth.

An important Gnostic cult was the Carpocratians of the second century A.D. This group held the laws of Christianity and Judaism in contempt. Carpocratians recognized only the knowledge of great men, such as Plato, Pythagoras, Moses, and Jesus, freed from the taint of religious doctrines. They made man God’s equal and approached the deification of humanity. (Man as God’s equal or man as god is a key doctrine of illuministic secret societies.) Since man is a god, he needs no revelation or guidance from God. Man only needs introspection about his own nature. As nature is divine, natural man is praiseworthy. For man to hold land, goods, women, and everything else in common is natural. Human laws to the contrary are unnatural. Carpocratians lived a lascivious lifestyle.

Another important Gnostic sect was the Valentinians who dressed their Gnostic beliefs in Christian terminology. Unlike the Carpocratians, who practices extreme licentiousness, the Valentinians practiced extreme asceticism.

Gnosticism eventually merged with Manichaeanism. Manichaeanism taught syncretistic religious dualism and releasing the spirit from matter through asceticism.

Greek Mysteries
In Greece the illuministic cult of Nimrod surfaced about 1400 BC in the Eleusinian Mysteries, which were also known as the Mysteries of Demeter, Persephone, and Dionysus. These Mysteries were the principal religious mysteries of the ancient Greeks. They began as agricultural rites combined with the afterlife. The Eleusinian Mysteries did not appear to have expressed any special metaphysical, ethnical, or social message.

A descendant of the Eleusinian Mysteries was Orphism, which was the next important Greek Mysteries. Orpheus introduced the Orphic Mysteries in the sixth century B.C. Orphism was centered around Dionysus and Zagreus, the son of Zeus and Persephone. Orphism dealt with man’s dual nature of good and evil and sought to deliver the divine soul of man from his evil flesh. Nevertheless, it glorified evil. (The glorification of evil is an important component of modern Illuminism.)

Related to Orphism was the Pythagorean School founded by Pythagoras, a Rosicrucian,[7] at Crotona in the six century B.C. The Pythagorean School was much more of a secret society than the earlier Mysteries. It was more like most modern-day secret societies in its concern for esoteric doctrines. Members of this school were carefully initiated. It emphasized the mystery aspects of philosophy. This school was an early school of secular humanism and an early school of dialectic. It was a communistic aristocratic community. Men and women held their goods in common and believed that they were the guarding rulers of the state. One of its key teachings, salvation through special knowledge, is a key doctrine of modern secret societies. Its two primary tenets were transmigration of souls and that numbers were the true essence of all things. Also, it stresses such virtues as truthfulness, temperance, fortitude, prudence, justice, and abstinence from vice. Many of its precepts, such as numerology, later appeared in the Book of Zohar and the Cabala. Theosophy is a modern-day version of the Pythagorean School. Pythagoras “may have been the first to predict a ‘New World Order.’”[8]

Following Pythagorus as a secret society leader was Plato. Plato was an important figure behind the scene of the political maneuvering occurring in his day. He wrote The Republic as a guide for humanist rulers.

In Plato’s ideal society, a small elite ruling class supported by a powerful army ruled the state. The ruling elite exercised absolute power over the masses. Women were completely equal to men and did the same labor as men including fighting wars along the side of men. Marriage and family were eliminated. Sex was promiscuous, and the government reared the resulting offspring when they were weaned. The government undertook a program of selective breeding. Children considered inferior were killed. Plato’s society had three classes: the ruling elite, the military, and the workers. The rulers assigned each person to one of these classes.

Illuministic Greek Governments
An early government established by Illuminists was the government of Sparta established by Lycurgus in the seventh century B.C. This government operated under the authority of superstition mixed with violence. It was an early form of Communism. Sparta became one great camp. All citizens shared in public meals and public sleeping quarters. Everyone held an equal share of land. Slaves worked the land to support the family of the holder. Although marriages existed, promiscuity was encouraged. (Marriage was permitted after age 20 and compelled for the unmarried at age 30.) When a child was born, a committee examined the infant to decide if it should live. Boys were separate from parents at an early age and underwent a uniform militaristic training program directed by the government. To prevent the accumulation of wealth, business enterprise was prohibited, and all male citizens essentially live a militaristic life.

Athens also fell victims to Illuminists. Its form of government differed greatly from Sparta, at least on the surface. In Athens the form was democracy. The Illuminists indoctrinated the Athenians with the idea that government should be by consent, so they became a democracy. Once democracy was in place, the Illuminists could manipulate the masses through demagoguery. Thus, Athens was reduced to a government of men and their immediate whims. The rule of law vanished.

Sparta provided the model for communistic Russia. Athens provided the model for democratic America.

Appendix. Garden of EdenIlluminism goes back before recorded history. Perhaps the earliest record of Illuminism is the story of the Garden of Eden and Eve eating the forbidden fruit. Lucifer sent his agent, an Illuminist named Nahash, who was a pre-Adamic human, to persuade Eve, the mother of the Aryan people, to rebel against her Master, and Lucifer’s arch enemy, the God of the Christians. Eve fell for Nahash’s illuministic deception, rebelled against God, and ate the forbidden fruit.

Nahash deceived Eve with two lies, which are the foundation of Pantheism, the religion of the Illuminists. They are (1) that she would not die, and (2) that she would become like God. Thus, Lucifer won his first battle in his war to destroy the race that God created in His image. By destroying the Aryans, Lucifer hoped to defeat God and supplant Him. If he could not defeat God, at least he would have the satisfaction of destroying God’s special people. Unfortunately for Lucifer, but fortunately for Christians, God foiled Lucifer’s scheme by sending His Son, Jesus, into the world.

1. Eustace Mullins. The Curse of Canaan: A Demonology of History (Staunton, Virginia: Revelation Book, 1987), p. 11

2. Ibid., p. 37

3. Gary H. Kah, The New World Religion (Noblesville, Indiana: Hope International Publishing, Inc., 1998), p, 246

4. Gary H. Kah, En Route to Global Occupation (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1992), p. 74

5. James W. Wardner, Unholy Alliances: The Secret Plan and the Secret People Who Are Working to Destroy America (James W. Wardner, 1996), p. 82

6. Ibid., p. 226

7. H. Spencer Lewis, Rosicrucian Questions and Answers with Complete History of the Rosicrucian Order (Second Ed. San Jose, California: Rosicrucian Press, 1932), p. 49.

8. Jim Marrs, Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids (New York, New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2000), p. 350

[Editor's note: The list of references in the original is omitted.]

Copyright © 2009 by Thomas Coley Allen.

 More articles on history. 

Friday, December 18, 2009

National Banking System

National Banking System
Thomas Allen

[Editor's note: Footnotes in original are omitted.]

In his report to Congress in 1861 on tax increases to finance Lincoln’s war to destroy the Constitution, Salmon P. Chase, the Secretary of the Treasury, suggested a national banking system to provide a safe and uniform bank note.[1]

"In 1863 Congress enacted the National Banking Act. It was promoted as a means to overcome the problem of bank notes fluctuating in value and losing all value by failure of the issuing bank. The ostensible objective was to provide a uniform and safe currency. The act did provide a uniform and safe currency and brought uniformity to banking.”[2]

Some, such as Anthony Sutton[3] and M.W. Walbert,[4] claim that the major banks were behind the National Banking Act. They wanted to gain control of the U.S. government by getting it indebted to them. (If they had enough control of the U.S. government to get the National Banking Act enacted, did they not already have control of the government? )

According to Sutton, Chase was an ally of the banking interest. He presented Congress with banking legislation favorable to the banking interest. Senator John Sherman was the frontman for the bankers in the Senate and got the Senate to adopt the National Banking Act.

Sutton writes, “What bankers wanted the government to undertake was transfer the right to issue money to banking interests, i.e., to allow bankers to act as agents of the Federal Government. The U.S. Government would then be a perpetual borrower required to borrow funds at interest from a private money monopoly—which had obtained the monopoly power from the government itself.”[5]

Banks issuing bank notes were nothing new. Establishing a system to charter national banks and requiring them to secure their notes with U.S. bonds was new. (The requirement to cover bank notes with bonds was a common practice in most State banking systems.)

Before the enactment of the National Banking Act, States chartered all banks. These State-chartered banks (State banks) could issue bank notes. Thus, no bank had a monopoly to issue bank notes. The National Banking Act created a note-issuing cartel of national banks (banks chartered under the National Banking Act). Even this monopoly was not secured until 1866 when Congress levied a 10 percent tax on notes issued by State banks.

Sutton claims, “The purpose of the National Banking Act was to give control of the money issue to bankers.”[6] Some bankers may have thought or hoped that the National Banking Act would do this. However, if this were its purpose, it was a failure. It did not give bankers monopolistic control of money issuance. Free coinage of gold and silver remained in place after the adoption of the National Banking Act. (Free coinage of silver ended in 1873.) National bank notes were redeemable in gold or silver (later only gold) and U.S. notes, which remained in circulation throughout the life of national bank notes, on demand. (Before 1879, except for banks on the West Coast, banks nearly always redeemed bank notes in U.S. notes as a dollar in gold was worth more than a dollar in U.S. notes.) Free coinage and mandatory redemption hampered any monopolistic privileges that the bankers may have wanted—hence, Roosevelt’s ending of the gold standard in 1933. Furthermore, national bank notes had to compete with fiat money issued by the U.S. government. With the adoption of the Bland-Allison Act in 1878 until the adoption of the Gold Standard Act of 1900, they competed with fiat money in the form of silver dollars. After the adoption of the Sherman Act, they also competed with the Treasury notes of 1890, another form of fiat money issued by the U.S. government.[7] Moreover, throughout their life, they competed with fiat money in the form of U.S. notes. If the bankers wanted a monetary monopoly, they did not get it until 1933. If the bankers had such control over the U.S. government, why did they wait from 1863 to 1933 to secure their monopolistic control of the monetary system?

Sutton supports his argument by citing correspondence between the Rothschild Brothers and Ikleheimer, Morton, and Vandergould of Wall Street about the National Banking Act.[8] As discussed below, the National Banking Act did benefit the Rothschilds and other major international European bankers. It did so to the detriment of U.S. commercial banks. As discussed below, the primary purpose of the National Banking Act other than forcing banks to buy U.S. bonds was to restrict greatly American banks to prevent them from becoming competition for the major European banks. Nevertheless, the National Banking Act did contain provisions to make it acceptable to large commercial bankers by restricting their competition domestically. (Within a decade State banks had discovered a way to overcome the advantages that the National Banking Act gave national banks. They successfully promoted the use of checking accounts, checkbook money, instead of bank notes.)

Murray Rothbard describes the role of Jay Cooke and his brother Henry in establishing the national banking system. Jay Cooke was a banker. Henry Cooke was the editor of the leading Republican newspaper in Ohio and a close friend of Senator Chase. The Cookes successfully lobbied Lincoln to appoint Chase as Secretary of the Treasury. Then the Cookes used their relationship with Chase to get a monopoly on selling U.S. bonds through Jay Cooke’s investment bank. Except for one year, he maintained this monopoly from 1862 to 1873 when his company went bankrupt. The Cookes and Chase promoted the national banking system as a means to create a market for U.S. bonds.[9]

As noted above, the National Banking Act was promoted as a means to provide a uniform and safe currency. “However, the primary reason for establishing the national banking system was to finance the U.S. government. It created a market for U.S. government bonds. Under this system, bank notes of national banks were required to be backed by U.S. government securities. Any bank that wanted to issue bank notes had to buy U.S. government bonds.”[10]

Originally, Secretary Chase wanted “to make a market for [U.S.] government bonds by requiring State banks to secure their circulating notes with such bonds, imposing a tax on all notes not so secured.”[11] This proposal evidences that elements of the U.S. government pushed the National Banking Act as a means to create a market for government bonds instead of a move by bankers to create a banking cartel. However, some bankers could have seized the opportunity to create a banking cartel at least in note issuance in exchange for guaranteeing a market for U.S. bonds.

When the revised National Banking Act passed in 1864 (it replaced the flawed 1863 National Banking Act), some also promoted it as a means to end U.S. notes. Congress would redraw U.S. notes, and national bank notes would replace them as the sole paper money. Bankers must have liked this plan. Unfortunately for them, only a fraction of the U.S. notes was ever withdrawn. Moreover, Congress invented additional competing paper money in the form of gold certificates, silver certificates, and Treasury notes of 1890.

“The law did give the country a uniform paper currency, the national bank note, so that bank notes issued on the east coast were acceptable on the west coast. National bank notes were not legal tender. Even so, they could be used to pay taxes except tariffs on imports.”[12] All tariffs, which were a major source of governmental revenue, had to be paid in gold.

Dunbar remarks, “There is no doubt that, in adopting the national bank system, Congress understood that it was establishing the agency by which the sole paper currency of the country should be issued in the future.”[13] This goal was never achieved because the U.S. government issued too much paper money in the form of U.S. notes (which stabilized at $347 million), gold certificates, silver certificates, and Treasury notes of 1890. If national bank notes were to become the sole paper currency, how and when did the bankers lose control of Congress? If bankers had enough control over the U.S. government to get it to enact a cartel that gave banks absolute control over money issuance, why did they not prevent the U.S. government from issuing paper money of all kinds? Why did they not get the U.S. government to phase out all paper money and make bank notes legal tender, which they eventually achieved under the Federal Reserve System?

Bankers were wrong if they thought that the National Banking Act was giving them control of the monetary system in the United States. The National Banking Act was highly ineffective at giving them such control. They would have to wait until 1933 for this control.

Now let’s review some features of the National Banking Act.

The National Banking Act provided for a system of free banking. That is, any association that met the minimum statutory requirements to establish a national bank could do so without a special charter from Congress. The Comptroller of the Currency had general supervision of chartering national banks.

The Comptroller was not compelled to grant a charter to any association that met the statutory requirement for forming a national bank. He could reject a request for a charter without giving any reason. Such power did offer the established banks the opportunity to limit their competition by corrupting the Comptroller.

A national bank in cities of more than 50,000 inhabitants needed a subscribed capital of $200,000. The minimum capital in cities of less than 50,000 inhabitants, was $100,000. With the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury, a bank needed only $50,000 in capital in towns of less than 6000. At least “one-half of the subscribed capital had to be paid in before beginning business, the remainder to be paid in monthly (or more frequent) installments of 10 per cent of the whole-amount.”[14]

This large capital requirement confined national banks to large towns and cities. Their absence from rural areas contributed to the financial plight of farmers during the latter part of the nineteenth century. It also fueled the inflationist movement, first the greenback promoters and then the silver promoters of that era.

“The, stockholders were made doubly liable for the debts of the bank in case of the insolvency of the latter.”[15] That is, shareholders were liable for an amount equal to the par value of their stock in addition to the amount invested. If bankers wrote this law or were the power behind its writing, why would they want to subject themselves to this additional liability? (Such a provision was common in State banking laws.)

The Act allowed national banks “to institute suits at law in U.S. courts as courts of original jurisdiction.”[16] According to Walbert, “This provision gave the national banks an advantage over the ordinary citizen, and placed these associations beyond the jurisdiction of the State courts; in other words, these banks could select whatever court their interest dictated.”[17]

When organized, a national bank had to deposit U.S. bonds with the Secretary of the Treasury equal to at least one-third of its capital stock or $30,000, whichever was greater.[18] Why would bankers impose this restriction on themselves? Would not they want to be free to decide the quantity of bonds to deposit?

With the deposit of this security, the bank could obtain circulating national bank notes from the Comptroller of the Currency up to 90 percent of the value of the bonds. It could obtain additional notes by depositing additional bonds. However, the quantity of notes that it obtained could not exceed its paid-in capital. The deposited bonds remained the property of the depositing bank.

Whenever the value of deposited bonds decreased, the bank had to deposit additional bonds. A bank could withdraw its bonds by retiring its circulating notes or by depositing an equal amount of lawful money in the Treasury.

Why would bankers want to restrict the quantity of notes that they issued to 90 percent of the value of U.S. bonds deposited with the Secretary of the Treasury? Would not they want the full amount? (The Act was later amended to allow banks to use the full total of bonds on deposit.) Furthermore, why would they want to tie their note issuance to U.S. bonds? This feature of the National Banking Act was a major contributor to the deflation between 1870 and 1900. Under sound banking, note issuance is tied to real bills of exchange and not to financial bills like U.S. government bonds.

Nevertheless, according to E. Edward Griffin and Sutton, banks did receive at least one benefit from this system. A bank received back 90 percent of the value of the bonds in notes. Thus, a bond costs the bank 10 percent of its value. These notes it could lend at interest. Moreover, it received interest paid in gold on its deposited bonds. By receiving interest on its deposited bonds and interest on lending bank notes received for the deposited bonds, the bank could significantly increase its income without increasing its capital. In essence, bankers conspired with the U.S. government to convert U.S. debt into money. Bankers received a handsome fee for their services.[19] (This double profit argument was a favorite of the critics of the national banking system during the latter part of the nineteenth century.)

Dunbar rebuts this claimed advantage:
Every bank, then, as a consequence of its use of its credit in any form, must receive interest earned by the investment of its capital and also interest earned by what we may call the investment of its credit; and the fact that the national banks, like others, have the opportunity for making credit as well as capital yield a profit, neither springs from the system on which their notes are secured, nor depends upon it. Indeed, it must be manifest that their deposits yield them a profit in precisely the same way as their notes, and usually much greater in amount. The conclusive practical answer to the idea of a supposed extraordinary profit is to be found, however, in the conduct of the banks themselves, especially after the passage of the act of 1874. This, recognizing the desire of many banks to reduce their circulation and secure possession of their bonds, provided that any bank might deposit “lawful money” with the Treasurer of the United States to enable him to redeem its notes, and thereupon withdraw pro tanto the bonds deposited, provided the amount of its bonds left in deposit were not reduced below $50,000. Several important national banks had never chosen to issue notes, although required by the law to maintain a deposit of bonds; under this provision a considerable number of others reduced their notes to the $45,000 which the required minimum deposit of bonds would support.[20]
This feature of securing bank notes with U.S. bonds caused bank notes to expand and contract as the U.S. government debt expanded and contracted. Instead of bank notes expanding and contracting as the needs of the markets for bank notes expanded and contracted, they expanded and contracted with U.S. government debt.

Contrary to Walbert’s claim, the Act did not place “in the hands of the money power [the ability] to contract or expand the volume of money at its pleasure, and, therefore, enhance or depreciate the value of stocks, bonds, and all other forms of property in the United States.”[21] At least it did not give them the power to expand and contract bank notes at will. The Act limited their ability to contract, and they could not expand any faster than the U.S. debt expanded. Although the Act did not restrict checkbook money except with the mandatory reserves, national banks had to compete with State banks. This competition thwarted the manipulative restriction of checkbook money, which is functionally the same as bank notes.

Walbert also errors when he claims that the Act deprived “greenbacks of their legal tender power.”[22] It did not. Before and after the enactment of the National Banking Act, U.S. notes (greenbacks) remained legal tender for all debts public and private except for payment of tariffs and interest on U.S. bonds. Bank notes could not be used for these payments either. They had to be paid in gold.

Requiring bonds to secure bank notes introduced an investment element. It prevented “banks from issuing notes in response to monetary needs.”[23] Johnson remarks:
National banks in the United States have been issuing notes in accordance with this system ever since the Civil War, and their experience furnishes abundant evidence that notes thus issued perform no useful service. They are elastic enough, but their elasticity is perverse, even vicious, for they expand in volume when contraction is needed and contract when expansion is called for. In dull times, when the supply of currency is already excessive and the rate of discount low, banks are tempted to increase their investments in bonds and to enlarge their circulation. . . . On the other hand, in good times, when banks are able to lend all their credit at high rates of interest, they are prone, no matter what the need for currency, to reduce their circulation and sell their bonds in order to increase their money reserve.[24]
Furthermore, banks could not increase their supply of bank notes to meet seasonal needs (more money was demanded during the fall harvest than during summer) without assuming an investment risk.[25] Thus, requiring bonds to back bank notes led to a flawed monetary system.

Requiring U.S. bonds as security for bank notes was a great benefit to the U.S. government. It gave the government a guaranteed market for its debt. Banks had to buy U.S. bonds if they wanted bank notes to issue.

All national banks had to receive all national bank notes at par. Thus, sound banks could not discount or refuse bank notes of unsound banks. The issuing bank had to redeem its notes in lawful money (nearly always U.S. notes before 1879 except on the West Coast). Except for tariffs, the U.S. government accepted them in payment. It could use them for payments except interest on its bonds.

Although the Act required national banks to receive each other’s bank notes at par, it made redeeming them in specie difficult. A person could only force a national bank note to be redeemed in specie at the issuing bank’s home office. Furthermore, the Act limited the quantity of notes that could be contracted (retired) to $3 million per month.

Congress later amended the act to make the U.S. Treasury the sole redeeming agency for all bank notes. It required each bank to maintain funds equal to 5 percent of its circulating notes at the Treasury to redeem its notes. Thus, imprudent bankers could speculate to the point of irrevocable insolvency with little effective check.

Although notes were a liability of the issuing banks, making the Treasury responsible for redemption made them obligations of the U.S. government. The Treasury was responsible for redeeming all bank notes of insolvent banks. It used the bank’s funds and bonds on deposit to redeem the bank’s notes. Also, the Treasury had a first lien on the insolvent bank’s assets and the personal liability of stockholders.

Originally, the Act limited national bank notes to an aggregate of $300 million.[26] Why would bankers want to limit the quantity of notes that they could issue? Congress later raised this restriction and then removed it.

After Congress taxed State bank notes out of existence, State banks had to keep deposits at national banks to obtain bank notes. These deposits gave the national banks more money to lend. Many State banks converted to national banks so that they could continue to issue bank notes.

Banks paid a tax of one percent per year on the average amount of notes in circulation. This tax was to offset the government’s expenses in printing the notes, keeping the mandatory deposited bonds, and supervising of the system. This tax was in place of all existing taxes on their notes. Congress also levied taxes on deposits and capital of national banks and allowed States to tax their shares.

Unlike U.S. notes, national bank notes were not legal tender. No one had to accept them in payment of debt. Therefore, banks could not count them toward their reserves and could not use them to extend credit. Thus, national bank notes did not have nearly the impact on prices as did an equivalent quantity of U.S. notes. As these bank notes replaced U.S. notes in daily trade, they made more U.S. notes available for use as bank reserves. Consequently, they contributed to price stability.[27]

One argument used by critics of national banks issuing bank notes was that only Congress can issue paper money. The argument used by the proponents of the national banking system to counter this objection was “that national banks do not ‘issue’ notes, but only use such as furnished them in such quantities and under such restriction as are prescribed by Congress.”[28]

People like Walbert error when they claim that with the National Banking Act, the U.S. government gave away “the power to issue legal tender paper money.”[29] It did not. Bank notes were never legal tender although the U.S. government accepted them for payment of taxes and fees. Furthermore, a strict reading of the U.S. Constitution reserves the right to declare legal tender to the States, and it restricts such declaration to gold and silver. The U.S. government has no authority to declare anything legal tender. Thus, it can give no entity the power or ability to issue legal tender currency. Although it can coin money, it cannot issue money or regulate its volume.[30]

A major flaw in the national bank note system was that it prevented the U.S. government from paying off its debts without a significant negative impact on the country’s monetary system. If it were to pay off all its debts, all bank notes would go out of existence.

Banks made little profit from issuing bank notes. They made their profits from buying securities and making loans with their credit. They could buy and lend with demand deposits (checkbook money) or bank notes with equal profitability.[31] To the contrary, the requirements for note issuance might make demand deposits more profitable. Some national banks found note issuance so unprofitable that they ceased issuing them.

In that the National Banking Act established a system where bank notes were tied to U.S. government debt, it followed the example of the first and second Banks of the United States—and which the Federal Reserve System would later follow. Also, to a great degree, it centralized control over banking. Like the two Banks of the United States and the Federal Reserve System, it continued the Hamiltonian philosophy of encouraging governmental indebtedness, especially to banks, and the concentration of power in the U.S. government.

The National Banking Act imposed minimum reserves. The reserves varied with the size or importance of the city in which the bank was located. Central reserve city banks, originally only natural banks in New York City, had to maintain minimum reserves of 25 percent cash in their vaults for their notes and deposits. National banks in reserve cities also had to maintain a 25 percent reserve. However, they could keep up to half their reserves deposited in New York banks as checkable deposits (demand deposits) and the remainder as cash in their own vaults. Country banks had to maintain a 15-percent cash reserve for their notes and deposits. They could keep up to 60 percent of their reserves as demand deposits in central reserve city or reserve city banks. All cash reserves were to be held in lawful money, i.e., U.S. notes, gold, and silver. Reserves restrict lending. Why would bankers want to impose statutory reserves on themselves? Why did they not leave each banker to decide the prudent amount of reserves to keep based on custom and experience? (An answer is that a statutory floor quickly becomes a ceiling. Many banks probably would have maintained higher reserves without the law fixing reserves. Thus, these banks acted less prudently than otherwise and lent more.)

Allowing smaller banks to keep reserves in larger banks did benefit large banks by giving them more money to lend. The way the system was designed, the New York City banks ended up controlling much of the country’s money. It also strained the New York City banks during financial crises as small banks withdrew their money.

When the smaller banks kept reserves in the larger banks, the larger banks became vulnerable to the actions of the smaller banks. Large banks typically lent these reserves as call loans, loans that the banks could call in at any time. Banks usually made call loans to stock speculators. When a small bank withdrew its reserves, the large bank would call the loans. To raise the money to pay the loans, speculators had to sell their stocks. The result was often a crash in stock prices.

On the other hand, the larger banks could engage in inflationary speculative lending with little concern about other banks checking the expansion. Thus, the system enabled the banks “to inflate uniformly and relatively unchecked by pyramiding on top of a few New York City banks.”[32]

Later, Congress removed the reserve requirement for bank notes in circulation. (Banks still had to maintain reserves for deposits. Money deposited with the Treasury counted toward these reserves.) It replaced this requirement with a requirement to keep a redemption fund in lawful money with the Treasury equal to 5 percent of the notes in circulation. This change benefitted bankers as it removed $20 million from reserves and made it available for loans.[33]

The reserve requirements were probably less than what most banks would have kept if the banks were freely competing. Thus, the National Banking Act allowed banks to operate with fewer reserves.[34]

The National Banking Act allowed national banks to conduct general commercial banking business. They could accept deposits and make loans on personal securities and discounts for promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange, and other evidence of debt. However, they could not make loans for real estate and deal in real estate. They could not lend on the securities of their own stock.

A bank could not buy or hold its own stock unless taken as security on a failed loan; such stock had to be sold within six months. The Act also imposed several other restrictions including a prohibition against opening savings departments.[35]

The maximum amount that a bank could lend to a single borrower was restricted. This restriction forced industrial corporations to borrow from many lenders, finance their own growth by borrowing from themselves or from other industrial companies (which banks did not like as it decreased their power), or turn to the great investment banks. Two of the major investment banks were J.P. Morgan and Co. and Kuhn, Loeb and Co. Both were associated with the Rothschild banking empire. Again restrictions in the National Banking Act benefitted the Rothschilds and their associates at the expense of the American commercial banks.

The most important of these other restrictions was that national banks could not accept drafts drawn on themselves by foreign or domestic merchants. This prohibition prevented national banks from financing American exporters and importers. Importers and exporters had to use London banks to finance their trade.[36] Why would bankers deny themselves such a lucrative market? This prohibition was highly beneficial to the London bankers, Rothschild being the dominant London banker. This restriction does suggest the involvement of the Rothschilds and other European international bankers in the National Banking Act.

The Act made the merger of national banks difficult. To control other banks, the big banks often had to resort to the unreliable method of interlocking directorates.

Why would bankers want to place these restrictions on themselves? To get around some of these restrictions, such as the real estate restrictions, many national banks formed affiliated State banks.

The Act also prohibited branch banking. Prohibiting branch banking did reduce competition. But why would bankers want to lock themselves out of new and potentially lucrative markets? Prohibiting branch banking also reduced the redemption of bank notes. Noteholders did not have many locations where they could redeem notes issued by non-local banks. Thus, notes circulated longer than they otherwise would. As notes spend more time in circulation, the bank’s potential for profit rises.

Later to entice State banks with branches to join the national banking system, Congress allowed them to keep their branches if they became natural banks.

With the enactment of the National Banking Act, the independent treasury system that President Van Buren had established ended. (Under the independent treasury system, the U.S. government kept its money solely in specie in its own Treasury vaults.[37]) Now the U.S. government deposited its money in selected national banks. These banks were depositories for all government revenue except customs. They also served the U.S. government as financial agents. To be a chosen bank was a great benefit. These banks received large sums of money, which they could lend. Their influence in Washington also rose.

The National Banking Act provided for, according to Rothbard, “governmental control and sponsorship of inflationary banking.”[38] Consequently, “the Republican Party was able to use the wartime emergency to fulfill the Whig-Republican dream of a federally-controlled centralized banking system able to inflate the supply of money and credit in a uniform manner.”[39] Along with the greenback, it implanted a desire for soft money.

A major defect of the National Banking System was the lack of elasticity of bank note issuance. Bank notes were not and could not be issued and contracted as the needs of commerce demanded more or fewer bank notes.

The National Banking Act failed to satisfy both the currency principle and banking principle of note issuance. Under the currency principle, bank notes above a statutory fixed amount have to be fully backed by specie. Above this fixed amount, bank notes are merely warehouse receipts for gold or silver, i.e., they are the same as gold or silver certificates. Under the banking principle, banks convert bills of exchange into bank notes. Although bank notes are redeemable in specie, bills of exchange back them. Bank notes expand and contract as bills of exchange expand or contract. Bills of exchange expand and contract as new goods offered for sale expand and contract. Bank note issuance responds directly to the needs of commerce.

Under the National Banking Act, bank note issuance responded to the expansion and contraction of U.S. government debt. They were essentially government debt cut into small pieces.[40] The national banking system monetized U.S. government debt.

The currency school considers bank notes as a form of money—a substitute for metallic money. They are merely warehouse receipts for gold, i.e., paper gold. The banking school correctly considers bank notes as credit instruments that are functionally the same as checks and bills of exchange. They are not gold substitutes; they facilitate the movement of gold and enable one ounce of gold to do the work of several ounces of gold without fractionalizing gold. In this respect, the National Banking Act followed the currency school and considered bank notes as money proper like U.S. notes instead of credit instruments like bills of exchange. Bank notes were to be covered by gold, U.S. notes, or U.S. bonds, but not by bills of exchange. Thus, they lost their flexibility (elasticity) to respond to the needs of trade.

Furthermore, the Act demanded that the U.S. government remain indebted to bankers, which bankers may like, to maintain a supply of bank notes. The system prevented the U.S. government from paying off its debt. If it did so, the supply of money in circulation would contract unnecessarily.

The restrictions in the National Banking Act did lead to the growth of State banks. During the decade following its enactment, State banks appeared on their way to extinction. However, by the end of the century, more than 60 percent of the banks were State banks. State banks contributed more than half the total banking reserves.[41]

The flaws inherent in the national banking system were so great that the United States were given one of two choices. They could return to decentral banking, which was beginning to reassert itself or move onward to full central banking. The big bankers (the money interest) deceived and tricked the people into central banking with the Federal Reserve Act.

Regardless of any conspiracy by the bankers, the underlying force behind the adoption of the National Banking Act was the desire of Republicans to destroy States’ rights and sovereignty and to consolidate all power in Washington. (The Republicans came out of the nationalist Whigs, who came out of the nationalist Federalists.) It epitomized Lincoln’s successful war to destroy the Constitution. Such a mood played into the hands of the international financiers like the Rothschilds.

Once power was centralized and consolidated in Washington, these bankers and their associates, through bribery and extortion, could and did gain control of it. Dewey remarks that having the U.S. government chartering banks instead of States:
appealed to the growing feeling of nationalism in all departments of political action; it appealed to those who were jealous of the power of private corporations; it appealed to those who wished to relieve the government from distressing bargains, and who hoped the government would thus gain the ascendancy in the control capital; and finally it appealed to those who feared that further issues of United States notes would ultimately ruin both government and private credit.[42]
Senator Sherman, who rammed the National Banking Act through the Senate, saw the national banking system, especially the national bank note, as achieving the major goal of Lincoln’s war: the destruction of States’ rights. States’ rights were the bulwarks that prevented those who really controlled the U.S. government from absolute despotic control of the country and its people.

The National Banking Act did destroy the decentralized banking system of State banks. It replaced that system with one that was highly centralized. Bureaucrats in Washington and the major banks in New York gained a great deal of control over the U.S. banking system. It greatly increased the power and influence of the New York City banks (the Wall Street banks). However, with the growth of State banks, decentralized banking was again beginning to reassert itself.

The many defects that the National Banking Act created in the banking system led to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. “With the National Banking Act, the currency had lost much of its elasticity because the quantity of bank notes was based on the quantity of U.S. securities and not on market demand. Because of the shortage of bank notes, depositors often had to withdraw gold coins or gold certificates, which served as reserves. Thus, banks had to maintain a higher level of reserves. To overcome the problems caused by the National Banking Act, the big bankers and their politicians decided further to concentrate and centralize control over the banking system. They created the Federal Reserve to manage the gold standard, which it did until 1933, after which it managed the fiat-federal-reserve-dollar standard.”[43] Furthermore, the major banks needed to do something to stifle the growth of State banks and to bring them under their control.

To the extent that a conspiracy involving the big bankers was behind the development and enactment of the National Banking Act, it was by major foreign bankers. If leading American commercial bankers were conspiring to get the Act enacted to receive special privileges, they failed. The Act did not really benefit them and gave them no great privileges. They would have to wait until the Federal Reserve System was established.

Endnotes1. Davis Rich Dewey, Financial History of the United States (1922; rpt. Adamant Media Corp., 2005), pp. 280-281. Robert P. Sharkey, Money, Class, and Party: An Economic Study of Civil War and Reconstruction (Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1959), p. 224.

2. Thomas Coley Allen, Reconstruction of America’s Monetary System: A Return to Constitutional Money (Franklinton, North Carolina: TC Allen Company, 2009), p. 144.

3. Antony C. Sutton, The Federal Reserve Conspiracy (Boring, Oregon: CPA Book Publishers, 1995), pp. 49-59.

4. M.W. Walbert, The Coming Battle: A Complete History of the National Banking Money Power in the United States (1899; rpt. Merlin, Oregon: Walter Publishing & Research, 1997), pp. 35ff.

5. Sutton, p. 51.

6. Ibid., p. 51.

7. Allen, pp. 86-89.

8. Sutton, pp. 52-56.

9. Murray N. Rothbard, A History of Money and Banking in the United States: The Colonial Era to World War II (Auburn, Alabama: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2005), pp. 132-135, 145-147. Murray N. Rothbard, The Mystery of Banking (Second Ed. Auburn, Alabama: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2008), pp. 220-224, 228-230.

10. Allen, p. 144.

11. Horace White, Money and Banking (Boston, Massachusetts: Ginn and Company, 1896), p. 408.

12. Allen, p. 145.

13. Charles F. Dunbar and Oliver M.W. Sprague. The Theory and History of Banking (Fifth ed. New York, New York: G.P. Putman’s Sons. 1929), pp. 238-239.

14. Frederick A. Bradford, Money and Banking (Fourth ed. New York, New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1938),p. 288.

15. Bradford, p. 288.

16. Walbert, p. 37.

17. Ibid.

18. Bradford, p. 288.

19. G. Edward Griffin, The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve (Fourth ed. Westlake Village, California: American Media, 2002), pp. 386-387.

20. Dunbar, pp. 245-246.

21. Walbert, p. 38.

22. Ibid., p. 44.

23. Joseph French Johnson, Money and Currency: In Relation to Industry, Prices, and the Rate of Interest. (Revised ed. Boston, Massachusetts: Ginn and Company, 1905), p. 334.

24. Ibid.

25. Ibid.

26. Bradford, p. 226.

27. Johnson, p. 275.

28. Dewey, p. 325.

29. Walbert, p. 41.

30. Allen, pp. 72-81.

31. J. Laurence Laughlin, The Elements of Political Economy (New York, New York: American Book Company, 1887), p. 342.

32. Rothbard, History, p. 138.

33. Rothbard, History, p. 141. Rothbard, Mysteries, p. 227.

34. Rothbard, History, pp. 143-144. Rothbard, Mysteries, p. 227.

35. Bradford, p. 345-346. Gabriel Kolko, The Triumph of Conservatism: A Reinterpretation of American History, 1900-1916. (Paperback ed. Chicago, Illinois: Quadrangle Books, Inc., 1967), p. 140.

36. Bradford, pp. 325-326.

37. Rothbard, Mysteries, p. 214.

38. Rothbard, History, p. 122.

39. Ibid., p. 135.

40. White, p. 416.

41. Kolko, p. 140. Rothbard, History, p. 144.

42. Dewey, p. 321.

43. Allen, p. 148.

[Editor note: The original contains an appendix that shows the quantities of various types of paper money for the years between 1865 and 1912 and a list of references. These are omitted.]

Copyright © 2009 by Thomas Coley Allen.

More articles on money.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Great Britain at the End of the Nineteenth Century

Great Britain at the End of the Nineteenth CenturyThomas Allen

[Editor's note: The footnotes in the original have been omitted.]

At the end of the nineteenth century, three great events happened that would have a great impact on Great Britain and the world. They were establishment of the Rhodes Scholarship, formation of the Fabian Society, and the Boer War.

Cecil Rhodes and the Rhodes ScholarshipOne of the most important Illuminists to rise to power, fame, and wealth at the end of the nineteenth century was Cecil Rhodes, “the progenitor of the modern secret societies.”[1] He obtained enormous wealth through exploiting the diamond and gold fields of South Africa and gaining monopolistic control of the diamonds and gold of South Africa for the Rothschilds. Between 1890 and 1896, he was the prime minister of the Cape Colony. He dreamed of Great Britain controlling contiguous territory from Egypt to the Cape of Good Hope and extending British rule throughout the world. He wanted to make the British Empire so great and powerful that war would become impossible. (Great Britain was his surrogate for world government.) To pay for achieving his goal, Rhodes’ secret society would gradually gain control of the wealth of the world.

The Round Table Group became a society for the financial elite, and the Fabian Society became a society for the intellectual elite. Although the two societies had some differences, both, nevertheless, had the same socialistic objective, where the elite would rule the people and use the same tactic of gradualism.

With the aid of William T. Stead, a Theosophist and spiritualist and a social reformer and imperialist, and Alfred Milner, who was a 33rd degree Freemason, Rhodes, a Freemason, established a secret society, the Society of the Elect, in 1891 with Rhodes as its leader.[2] Baliol Brett (Lord Esher) soon joined.

Rhodes used the Jesuit and, to a lesser extent, Freemasonry, as the models for his organizational structure. He organized his society with an inner circle and an outer circle. The inner circle was called the Society of the Elect, and the outer circle, the Association of Helpers. Controllers of the inner circle were the “Circle Initiates” and included Rhodes, Stead, Brett, Milner, and Victor Rothschild. Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild and Arthur Balfour were also chosen to be part of the Circle of Initiates.[3] Milner later organized the Association of Helpers as the Round Table Group. The British Rothschilds provided the money.

The principal objective of his society was to gain control of the government, the economy, the media, and education. Initially, Illuminists would capture influential positions gradually and surreptitiously. Within several decades, these Illuminists would hold enough influential positions that they could openly and more quickly fill key positions with other Illuminists. When Illuminists obtained control of these four aspects of society, the Illuminists could usher in Lucifer’s New World Order.

After Rhodes’ death in 1902, the Society of the Elect set up the Rhodes Trust. Among the members of the Society of the Elect at this time were R. H. Brand of Lazard Freres, Sir Alfred Beit, and Sir Alfred Milner. Sir George Parkin became the Organizing Secretary of the Rhodes Trust while Milner became its chief trustee.[4]

Rhodes’ fortune was used to establish the Rhodes Trust. This Trust has been an important component of the Nimrodic goal of world domination. Its purpose is to train young men in the ways of Illuminism.

The Rhodes Trust funded the Rhodes scholarships. These scholarships paid for attendants to Oxford University where the students are trained to become Illuminists. Quigley described the Rhodes scholarships as follows:

The [Rhodes] scholarships were merely a facade to conceal the secret society, or, more accurately, they were to be one of the instruments by which members of the secret society could carry out Rhodes’ purpose.[5]
The Fabian Society
The Fabian Society was founded in 1883. Its early members included, Anne Besant (later leader of the Theosophical Society), Edward Carpenter (poet laureate of British socialism), Percival Chubb (a governmental clerk), William Clarke (a disciple of Mazzini), Havelock Ellis (an apostle of free love), Lord Richard B. Haldane, Ramsay MacDonald (a founder of the Labor Party and first prime minister of a Labor Party government), Frank Podmore (a spiritualist), George Bernard Shaw (a dramatist and a Communist), Sidney Webb (a civil servant and later MacDonald’s Minister of Labor), Beatrice Webb (a socialist economist), Charlotte M. Wilson (an anarchist), and H.G. Wells (a writer).[6] The organizers of the Fabian Society were from the upper and middle classes. Most of its founders were Freemasons. They intended to use the Fabian Society to gain power and position.

The object of Fabian Society was to bring about a world revolution to establish global socialism—not through a worker’s uprising, but through gradualism. Its goal was to establish a godless, classless one-world socialist state. As outlined by H.G. Wells, its program included expropriation of private property through taxation, increase and expansion of public education and public services, governmental programs feeding school children, governmental takeover of health care, establishment of minimum wage, and transfer of child-rearing from parents to government. (For all practical purposes, the Fabian program has been carried out.) The only real difference between Fabian socialists and Communists is the tactics used to establish a world socialist state, which both seek. Communists use revolution to establish socialist governments. Fabians use propaganda, legislation, and, most importantly of all, indoctrination of school children and university students. “. . . these intellectual revolutionaries would acquire power and influence in the official and unofficial opinion making and power-wielding agencies of the world.”[7] Once such influence and power were obtained, a one-world socialistic state could quietly be established.

To achieve their goal, Fabians infiltrated academia, so they could indoctrinate the youth of England. They also established themselves in the political parties and the government. The Fabian Society concentrated on capturing key positions in the government bureaucracy where socialistic regulations could be written instead of winning elective political offices. They sought gradually to socialize Great Britain. The Fabian Society was closely associated with British intelligence. (British intelligence and the Fabian Society used Anne Besant to capture control of the Theosophical Society.)

In 1893, Keir Hardie and Friedrich Engels founded the Independent Labor Party (I. L. P.) It was the Party of the socialists. A majority of the Fabians belonged to it. Most of its leaders were Fabians. The Independent Labor Party soon took over the active political work of the Fabian Society. The Fabian Society then concentrated on its literary works and propaganda. Later, in 1900, the Fabians founded the Labor Representation Committee, which became the Labor Party in 1906.

The Boer War
The nineteenth century closed the way it began—with war. Although the Boer War (1899-1902) was much smaller than the Napoleonic Wars, it, nevertheless, served the Illuminists to test brutal tactics for use in future wars. The first use by a major European power of concentration camps, starvation, and disease as important weapons of war to defeat an enemy came in the Boer War. The British destroyed the Boers’ farms and refused to take prisoners, shooting Boers who attempted to surrender. The British used these uncivilized weapons in its genocidal war against the Boers (Afrikaans), the descendants of the Dutch settlers in South Africa. Directing the British in the use of these weapons was Sir Alfred Milner, who was Governor-General and High Commissioner of South Africa from 1897 to 1905 and an agent of the Rothschilds.

Milner is credited with starting the war; he certainly was an ardent advocate of war with the Boers. Stead promoted the war in the British press. As the political advisor of Queen Victoria and King Edward II, Brett persuaded them to support the war. Thus, these three men, who had assisted Rhodes in forming his secret society, gave him a present of making the Boer republics part of the British Empire as a step toward uniting the world under British rule.

The Boer War gave Vickers-Maxim Co., an arms manufacturer, the opportunity to test its products. This company was formed in 1897 when Vickers bought naval Construction and Armament Co. and Maxim Nordenfeldt Guns and Ammunition Co. The Rothschilds were the largest shareholders of Vickers at the time of the purchases.

The primary purpose of the Boer War was to incorporate the Boer republics into the British Empire and to extend the Rothschilds’ control over the diamond and gold mines of South Africa. (Through DeBeers, the Rothschilds have nearly monopolized the diamond industry. Through Anglo-American Corp., the giant gold mining and holding company, they control much of South Africa’s gold mines and many other mineral resources inside and outside South Africa.)

1. Jim Marrs, Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids (New York, New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2000), p.85.

2. Stanley Monteith, Brotherhood of Darkness (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone, 2000), p. 117. W. Cleon Skousen, The Naked Capitalist: A Review and Commentary on Dr. Carroll Quigley’s Book Tragedy and Hope (Salt Lake City, Utah, 1971), p. 30.

3. Monteith, p. 109. Skousen, p. 30. Marrs, p. 87.

4. Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan: A Demonology of History (Staunton, Virginia: Revelation Book, 1987), p. 87. Skousen, p. 30.

5. Dennis L. Cuddy, The Globalists: The Power Elite Exposed (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone Publishing, 2001), p. 14.

6. K.R. McKilliam, Conspiracy to Destroy the Christian West (London, England: The Board of Anglo-Saxon Celtic Deputies, n.d.), p. 12. Mullins, Curse of Cain, p. 103. Lady Queenborough, (EdithStarr Miller), Occult Theocracy (Two vols. Hawthorne, California: The Christian Book Club of America, 1933), p. 557.

7. John A. Stormer, None Dare Call It Treason (Florissant, Missouri: Liberty Bell Press, 1964), p. 21.

8. Eustace Mullins, The World Order: Our Secret Rulers (Second ed. Staunton, Virginia: Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization, 1992), pp. 35-36.

[Editor's Note: The original contains a list of references, which has been omitted.]

Copyright © 2009 by Thomas Coley Allen.

 More articles on history.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Europe After the Revolution of 1848

Europe After the Revolution of 1848Thomas Allen

[Editor’s note: Foot notes in the original are omitted.]

This paper discusses four major events that happen in Europe the quarter century following the Revolution of 1848. These events are the rise and fall of Napoleon III, the Crimean War, the unification of Italy, and the unification of Germany.

Napoleon IIIIn France a result of the Revolution of 1848 was the overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of the Second Republic, the “Social Democratic Republic.” Secret societies had organized this Revolution, and socialists directed it. However, Louis Napoleon’s rise to power meant an end to socialist rule. After he was elected president of the new republic, most of the socialist leaders were imprisoned.

Freemasonry had supported Louis Napoleon’s overthrow of Louis Philippe. Earlier during the Revolution of 1830, Freemasons had supported Louis Philippe when he deposed Charles X. The Revolution of 1830 was an Orleanist led conspiracy whose primary objective seemed to have been to change the monarchial dynasty.

Another secret society working to overthrow the monarchy was the reorganized Society of the Seasons. Controlling this Society were Caussidiere (who became perfect of police under the provisional government), Grandmesnil, Leontre (writer), and Leroux (a manufacturer). In 1846, Albert (a mechanic and later a secretary of the provisional government) and Flocon (chief editor of the Reforme, for which Leontre worked) replaced Caussidiere and Leontre.

The Dissidents was a Communist secret society involved in overthrowing Louis Philippe. Communists who had seceded from the Society of the Seasons formed it. Its leaders were Chenu, Culot, Flotte (a naval officer), and Gueret. Like the Society of the Seasons, the Dissidents wanted to institute the doctrines of Robespierre.

Between the abdication of King Louis Philippe and the implementation of the new constitution, a self-appointed provisional government ruled France. Included in this government were Etienne Arago (Freemason), Adolphe Cremieux (Jew and Freemason), Jacques Dupont de l’Eure (Carbonari and Freemason), who became the provisional president, Alphonse de Lamartine (Freemason), Alexandre Ledru-Rollin (Freemason), Marie, and Louis Garnier-Pages (Freemason). Flocon (head of the Society of the Seasons), Louis Blanc, and Paquerre were made secretaries.

Louis Napoleon, later Napoleon III, was elected president of the new republic. Apparently, Louis Napoleon, who was a Freemason and a member of the Carbonari, angered many Illuminists when he seized power in France in 1851 and proclaimed himself Emperor in 1852. One of Louis Napoleon first acts was to dissolve Masonic lodges. Soon afterwards, he allowed them to reopen with his nephew, Prince Lucian Murat, as Grand Master. Murat ran the lodges primarily for his uncle’s benefit. By 1862, Freemasons were able to pressure Napoleon III into replacing Murat. Napolean’s seizure of power apparently was not part of the Illuminists’ grand plan. They retaliated by having his son killed.

Furthermore, Napoleon III gained the hatred of Mazzini when he (Napoleon III) gained Palmerston’s favor. (After, perhaps even before, 1848 animosity existed between Palmerston and Mazzini.) After Palmerston died in 1865, Mazzini began his work to overthrow Napoleon III.

Using his powerful position in Freemasonry, Mazzini directed Freemasons in France and Germany. Mazzini got Bismark to promise to persecute the Catholic Church in exchange for Masonic support against France. Bismark delivered on his promise. Freemasons close to Napoleon III urged him to misdirect the French army to Mexico and Italy. In 1870, Prussia led the German states in an invasion and defeat of France. Born out of the Franco-German War was the German Empire promised Prussia more than a decade earlier. The war ended Napoleon III’s rule and the Second Empire.

When the Second Empire fell, the socialists and Freemasons seized power. The control of the government of France fell to 11 men, nine of whom were Freemasons (Emmanuel Arago, Cremieux, Jules Favre, Jules Ferry, Louis Garnier-Pages, Camille Pelletan, Picard, Rochefort, and Jules Simon) and three were Jews (Cremieux, Leon Gambetta, and Glass-Bizoin). They established the Third Republic, which Freemasons controlled until it fell to the Germans in 1939.

Crimean War
Under Palmerston’s leadership, the Illuminists undertook to break the alliance between Russia and Austria, the two great conservative empires of Europe, and to turn France against Russia. Accomplishment of this plan required war with Russia. To be successful, Prussia and Austria would have to remain neutral. Prussia was bought with the promise of the Empire of United Germany. Austria was threatened with carving a kingdom of Poland and Hungary out of her.

The threat to Austria was real in that French and English forces were massing along the Danube. Once Austria withdrew from her alliance with Russia, the French and English armies moved to the Crimea. Because of Austria’s capitulation, Austria lost her influence and in 1866 her last province, Venetia, in Italy.

The ultimate objective of the Crimean War was a united Germany under the Prussian monarchy and a united Italy under the Piedmontese monarchy. The alliance between Russia and Austria prevented achievement of these objectives. Once the alliance was broken, the German states and Italian states were soon united. (Another objective, an independent Polish state and an independent Hungarian state, had to wait for World War I to be achieved.)

Unification of Italy
Following the Crimean War, Illuminists began to work earnestly to unify Italy. Groundwork toward the unification had begun decades earlier.

When the unification movement began, Freemasonry and the Carbonari were outlawed in every country in Italy except Piedmont. (The Austrians had outlawed secret societies in 1820 in her two provinces, Lombardy and Venetia.) As leaders of the Revolution of the 1820s, the Carbonari forced Ferdinand, King of the Two Sicilies, to bow to their will. The Austrians entered Italy and ended the revolution. The Carbonari were driven underground throughout Italy except in Piedmont. Giuseppe Garibaldi, Mazzini, and Conte Camille Benso di Cavour, all three of whom were Freemasons, revived the society after 1830. Thus, Piedmont became the base for unifying Italy.

Modern Freemasonry had come to Italy in 1733 when Lord Sackville of England established the first Masonic lodge in Italy. The Grand Orient of Italy had been organized in 1805 in Milan under the auspice of Napoleon to unify and control Freemasonry in Italy for the benefit of the French. Thus, it claimed authority over all Freemasonry in Italy. Through the Alta Vendita, the Carbonari directed the Grand Orient of Italy.

The Carbonari was a ruse. It was a Catholic front created by Illuminists. Although controlled by Illuminists, the Carbonari were organized as a Christian society with Christ Jesus as the Grand Master. This ploy deceived the Catholic Church and seduced many Christians into joining so that they could be corrupted. To be a member, one had to be a Catholic who regularly attended the Sacraments. The Carbonari had the typical traits of a secret society with ascending degrees, unquestionable obedience to hidden masters, and a death penalty for breach of secrecy. Such features made control of the Carbonari by the anti-Catholic Illuminists relatively easy. Control, Illuminists gained and executed. Although the Carbonari were ostensibly loyal Catholics, they became the instrument of the Illuminists to destroy the power of the Catholic Church in Italy.

Daraul describes the Carbonari as follows: “The objective of this society [the Carbonari] was to constitute a body of men who would be subject to the order of a central body. . . . It formed a state within a state. . . . the Carbonari were a . . . body dedicated to revolt and to gaining of material power.”[1] Among the ancestors of the Carbonari were the ancient Mysteries, particularly the cult of Mithra, Gnosticism, Freemasonry, Templarism, Cathars, and Sufis.

In 1851, when Louis Napoleon proclaimed himself Emperor, the Carbonari moved to consolidate their gains in Italy. Later, an international group of Freemasons met in London in 1860 to plan their strategy for seizing absolute control in Italy. (Freemasonry was to be the means by which British intelligence would unify Italy.) Lord Palmerston led the group, which included Louis Kossuth and Adriano Lemmi.

Garibaldi and Mazzini led the illuministic revolution in Italy that resulted in the unification of Italy in 1860. (Complete unification was finished in 1870 when the pope lost his last vestige of temporal power and Rome fell to Italian Freemasonry.) Behind this Masonic led revolution was the British intelligence. The British intelligence, under Lord Palmerston, Prime Minister of Great Britain, planned and financed the Italian unification movement. Rich German Jews were also an important source of financing the Carbonari, Alta Vendita, and the unification of Italy and the advancement of Illuminism. (Jews were among the members of the Alta Vendita.)

In 1864, Garibaldi (who was in reality merely a tool of Palmerston, Mazzini, and Cavour) united the three Masonic groups in Italy and made himself the most powerful political leader in Italy.

Following the unification of Italy and Lord Palmerston’s death, Mazzini, with the aid of Albert Pike, went on to unify Freemasonry. Mazzini saw Freemasonry as an important and powerful weapon in revolutionizing (illuminizing) the world. To unify Freemasonry, Mazzini left all the established systems and rites in place. However, he and Pike created a supreme rite, which remained unknown to most Freemasons, except the high-degree Freemasons whom Mazzini and Pike selected. This supreme rite governed all Freemasonry.

In 1870, Mazzini and Pike entered an alliance that would give them control of Freemasonry. Pike became the dogmatic authority of Freemasonry with a title of Sovereign Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry. Mazzini became the executive authority with the title of Sovereign Chief of Political Action. Also, 1870 was the year of the Franco-Prussian War.

Unification of Germany
After the unification of Italy, came the unification of Germany. With the aid of Mazzini, Jews, and Freemasons, Prussia defeated France in the Franco-Prussian War. To break the alliance between France and Italy, Bismark, a Freemason, used Mazzini and Italian Freemasonry. The war forced France to withdraw from Italy. This withdrawal gave Mazzini and Italian Freemasonry, with Bismark’s approval and encouragement, the opportunity to force Victor Emmanuel to take Rome. Bismark agreed to provide the Italian revolutionists the arms and money that they needed to take Rome if Victor Emmanuel refused to take it. The revolutionists promised to foment sufficient agitation to prevent Italy from forming an alliance with France. With Bismark’s money, Freemasonry soon prevailed, and Italy marched on Rome.

After the war, Bismark used the Jews to replenish his war chest, and the Jews used Bismark to bring about liberal reforms in Germany that benefitted them. Both used the other to advance Prussian imperialism through subversive revolutions. Through their agent, Samuel Bleichroder, court banker of the Prussian Emperor, the Rothschild’s money financed Germany unification and expansion.

As the head of Young Germany, Jews were an important element in the unification of Germany. They sought to unify Germany under Prussian control. They intended to, and to a large extent did, control Prussia. To achieve this goal, they had participated greatly in the Revolution of 1848 in Germany, which sought Jewish emancipation and Prussian supremacy.

Arkon Daraul, A History of Secret Societies, p. 105.

Daraul, Arkon. A History of Secret Societies. New York, New York: The Citadel Press, 1961.

Fahey, Denis. Grand Orient: Freemasonry Unmasked as the Secret Power behind Communism through Discovery of Lost Lectures Delivered by Monsignor George F. Dillon, D.D. at Edinburgh, in October 1884. New and Revised Edition. Metairie, Louisiana: Sons of Liberty, 1950.

Frost, Thomas. , The Secret Societies of the European Revolutions 1776–1876. Two volumes. London, England: Tinsley Brothers, 1876.

Knight, Stephen. The Brotherhood: The Secret World of the Freemasons. Briarcliff Manor, New York: Stein and Day, 1984.

MacKenzie, Norman, ed. Secret Societies. New York, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967.

Marrs, Jim. Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids. New York, New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2000.

Mullins, Eustace. The Curse of Canaan: A Demonology of History. Staunton, Virginia: Revelation Book, 1987.

Mullins, Eustace. Secrets of the Federal Reserve. 1991.

Poncins, Leon de, Vicomte. Freemasonry and the Vatican: A Struggle for Recognition. Translator Timothy Tindal-Roberston. London, England: Briton Publishing Co., 1968.

Queenborough, Lady (Edith Starr Miller). Occult Theocracy. Two Volumes. Hawthorne, California: The Christian Book Club of America, 1933.

Roberts, J.M., The Mythology of the Secret Society. New York, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1971.

Still, William T. New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies. Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1990.

Webster, Nesta H. Secret Societies and Subversive Movements. Palmdale, California: Omni Publication, 1924.

Webster, Nesta H. World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilization. Editor Anthony Gittens. Seventh edition. Palmdale, California: Omni Publications, 1994.

Copyright © 2009 by Thomas Coley Allen.

 More articles on history.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Revolution of 1848

Revolution of 1848Thomas Allen

[Editor's note: The footnotes in the original are omitted.]

During the 1820s, the Illuminists rehearsed with revolts throughout Europe their plan for European-wide revolt in the future. The Revolution of the 1820s resulted in the abdication of the King of Piedmont (1821) and the establishment of a constitutional regime in Portugal (1822), which lasted until 1824. It led to revolts throughout the European part of the Turkish Empire in 1821 with rebellions breaking out in Walachia, Moldavia, and Greece. Rebellions also occurred in Spain, Russia, and Italy.

Revolts occurred in the European provinces of the Ottoman Empire. The most successful was in Greece. With the support of the secret society Hetairia Phileke, Greek independence was achieved in 1827.The Hetairia Phileke was a reformation of an earlier society, Hetairias, which Constantin Rhygas had formed. Greeks living in Vienna formed the Hetairia Phileke in 1814. Its organization was similar to the Bavarian Illuminati.[1] Initially, it operated from Moscow; later, in 1820, it moved its center of operation to Kishinev in Bessarabia. Its avowed goal was to liberate Greece from Turkish rule. Among its early patrons were Czar Alexander I of Russia, Count John Capodistria (who was Czar Alexander’s private secretary and secretary of foreign affairs and was the primary organizer of the Hetairia Phileke), Prince John Caradja (hospodar of Walachia), and Prince Alexander Ypsilanti (a major-general in the Russian army).[2] Among its leading members were Capodistria (who became president of Greece in 1828, which office he held until assassinated in 1831), Caradja (who wanted to become king of Walachia), Count Galati (a Greek jeweler living in Moscow), Anthymos Gazi, Petros Mavromichalis (who was governor of Maina and who wanted to become the ruler of the Peloponnesus), Pentedekas (a Greek merchant), Sekeris (a Greek merchant), Prince Michael Soutzo (who wanted to become king of Moldavia), Ypsilanti (who later became the head of the Hetairia Phileke and who wanted to become king of Rumania, i.e., Walachia and Moldavia), and Zanthos (a Greek merchant).[3] Hence, a secret society organized and executed the Greek rebellion. Yet this secret society did not originate in Greece and was never in Greece. It obtained its support from persons and countries that lacked the passion of the Greeks for independence, but who were motivated solely by a desire to damage the Ottoman Empire. Although the revolt in Greece succeeded in bringing independence, the rebellion in Walachia and Moldavia failed. Greek independence was secured in 1827 when Great Britain, France, and Russia agreed to intervene in the Greek revolt on behalf of the Greeks.

Mutinies occurred in the Spanish army; French intervention crushed them. The conflict in Spain resulted primarily from factions in the Constitutional party—the ultra constitutionalists led by the Society of the Communeros and the moderate constitutionalists led by the Freemasons—and to a lesser extent between these two factions and the absolutists, whom most European countries favored. The Communeros led the mutiny with the immediate objective of deposing the king and replacing him with a regency in the name of defending the constitution and the crown. With the aid of the French, the king and the absolutists eventually prevailed over the constitutionalists.[4]

In 1825, the Decembrist Conspiracy broke out in Russia, but it was quickly suppressed. Behind the Decembrists was the United Slavonians. The goals of the United Slavonians were to overthrow the Russian autocracy and to unite the Slavic people. This Society came into existence between 1817 and 1820, with the most likely year being 1820. Many of its members came from the military.

Revolts also broke out in Italy. In Italy secret societies were intimately involved in fomenting the revolts. Leading the Italian revolts were the Carbonari, which had heavily infiltrated the military. The Carbonari succeeded in gaining control of the Kingdom of Two Sicilies and establishing a constitutional monarchy for a few months until the Austrians crushed them. (Disagreement between the Constitutional party and the Republicans divided the Carbonari and lead to their downfall.) The Carbonari, along with the closely allied secret societies, the Italian Federati, the Guelphs, and the Adelphi, were behind the turmoil in Venetia, Lombardy, and Piedmont. In Piedmont, they forced the king to abdicate.[5]

The Revolution of the 1820s was practice for the next great upheaval—the Revolution of 1848.

The year of 1830 was the year that the leadership of the Illuminists change. B. Nubius, an Italian nobleman, succeed Weishaupt as the head of the Illuminists when Weishaupt died in 1830. Jews were the primary supporters of Nubius.[6] Then in 1837, Giuseppe Mazzini, the Italian revolutionary leader, had Nubius assassinated and became the head of the Illuminists. Mazzini led the Illuminists toward a more direct action of promoting revolutionary outbreaks.[7]

Plans for the next great revolution were made at the Masonic Congress of 1846 at Strasbourg. High-degree Freemasons and members of other secret societies attended this Congress. The Haute Vente took the lead. Among the French Freemasons’ representatives were Louis Blanc (an ardent socialist), Caussidiere (Prefect of Police in Paris during the Revolution of 1848), Adolphe Isaac Cremieux (Jew and head of Alliance Israelite Universelle) and Alexandre A. Ledru-Rollin. Among the German Freemasons’ representatives were Heckler, Fickler, and Herwegh from Baden; Robert Blum from Saxony; Karl Jacobi (a Jew and formerly a professor of mathematics at Konigsberg ); and von Gagern from Berlin.[8] The next violent revolution was to be Communism, which has lasted more than a century and a half.

Like Zionism, Communism came out of the Frankfurt Illuminists.[9] In 1807, Sigismund Geisenheimer (head clerk of the House of Rothschild), Zvi Hirsch Horowitz (chief rabbi of Frankfurt), and Isaac Hildesheim (later call Justus Hiller) established the Frankfurt Lodge of Freemasons. Among the members of the Frankfurt Lodge were all the leading bankers of Frankfurt: Adler, Ellison, Goldschmidt, Hanau, Mayer Amschel Rothschild, and Speyer.[10] About a fourth of its members were non-Jews.

To carry forth their communist revolution, the Illuminists worked through the Communist League. The Communist League was a secret society founded in 1847. It came out of the League of the Just, which sprang from the Parisian Outlaws League.[11] German refugees fleeing the suppression of the Bavarian Illuminati may have been involved in founding the Parisian Outlaws League. Among its members were Karl Marx, Baron Lionel de Rothschild, and Heinrich Heine.[12]

The Communist League commissioned Marx and Friedrich Engels to write the Communist Manifesto, which was published in 1848. (Marx and Engels wanted to destroy Europe with revolution and out of the chaos and destruction, would raise a dictatorship of Satanists.) Through Freemasonry, it immediately gained worldwide circulation. With the appearance of the Communist Manifesto, the Revolution of 1848 erupted across Europe. The purpose of the Revolution was to destroy the existing social order and to bring all the countries of Europe under the control of the Illuminists.

Behind the Revolution of 1848 were Mazzini and Lord Palmerston, who was Foreign Minister of Great Britain at this time. Palmerston’s contribution came through British diplomacy and secret service money. Mazzini’s role was organizing revolutionary sects, such as Young Italy, Young Poland, and Young Europe.

The Revolution of 1848 erupted in Paris and soon spread across much of Europe. Within a few weeks, insurrection and turmoil broke out in Baden, Vienna, Berlin, Milan, Parma, Venice, London, Spain, Naples, and Russia. Behind these insurrections and turmoil were Freemasonry and the Haute Vente.

According to Benjamin Disraeli, a Freemason, Jews were ultimately behind the Revolution of 1848.[13] They desired not so much to replace the present order with Communism or socialism, but to destroy Christendom and Christianity.

The Revolution of 1848 was not the success that the Illuminists had sought. They wanted to overthrow the established monarchs and replaced them with a Communist state. After the failed Revolution, many of the revolutionists fled to the United States and became advocators and supporters of the abolitionist war to destroy the South and later Lincoln’s war to suppress Southern independence.

As a result of the failure of the Revolution of 1848, Lord Palmerston went on to supplant Mazzini as the chief of Western secret societies. Mazzini was the person primarily responsible for Palmerston’s rise to power in the Alta Vendita. With his rise to power in the secret societies, Palmerston turned from Mazzini to Napoleon III.[14]

Following Palmerston’s death, Mazzini again gained control of the Western secret societies. With the assistance of Albert Pike, Mazzini established organizational control over Freemasonry.

Appendix: Karl Marx
Karl Marx became the most famous Communist. He was the grandson of a Jewish Rabbi. His ancestry contained an unbroken line of rabbis from the sixteenth century until his father “converted” to Christianity. Also, his mother had a long line of rabbinical ancestors. His father converted to Christianity to keep his job, not because of any convection; his father was a disciple of Voltaire. [15]

In his youth, Marx had a Christian leaning. However, during his last year in high school, Moses Hess, whom Marx called the “Communist Rabbi,” instilled Marx with a strong anti-Christian attitude and initiated him into an advance level of Satanism.[16] (Hess also converted Friedrich Engels to Communism.)

Marx embraced Communism not because he believed in it. He embraced it because he was a Satanist, and Communism was a means to destroy Christian civilization.[17]

Marx was a close associate of Mazzini. Mazzini used Marx to penetrate and subvert the growing socialist labor movement.[18]

Communism ingrains and feeds on hate, and Marx hated. He hated the proletarians, whom he avoided, and considered them as merely the raw material needed for the construction of his revolution.

After the Revolution of 1848, Marx went on to help organize the International Workingmen’s Association in 1864 in London, which became known as the First International. Actually, Marx played no active role in the founding of the First International, but was placed on the organization committee anyway. Other organizers were Wolff (a Polish Jew, and Mazzini’s personal secretary), Cremer (secretary of the English Masons’ Union), Le Lubez (a French Freemason), and Weston (an Owenite).[19] Lionel Rothschild was the controlling power behind the First International.[20] Wolff proposed organizing the Association using the statutes of Mazzini’s working men’s associates, which the Association accepted. Middle class Illuminists organized the First International to deceive and control the proletariat. It consisted of Freemasons, Communists, socialists, atheists, and Satanists. Most of its members had no real idea what life was like for the proletariat or what their hopes and dreams were—other than they did not desire the New World Order about which the illuministic First International preached. The leaders of Europe’s secret societies soon joined and gained control of the First International. In reality, it was merely a congress of secret societies disguising itself as a labor convention. It was a front for the Illuminists. The program and doctrines espoused by the First International were essentially Masonic Illuminism.[21] Out of the First International came Communism of the twentieth century.

Hoarse Greeley, member of the Columbian Lodge of the Order of the Illuminati, hired Marx in 1851 as a foreign correspondent for the New York Tribune.

Marx fled to New York in 1872 with the First International to escape Michael Bakunin’s harassment. In 1876, the First International formally dissolved when Marx merged the International Workingmen’s Party with the Socialist Party.

1. Lady Queenborough, (Edith Starr Miller). Occult Theocracy (Two Vols. Hawthorne, California: The Christian Book Club of America, 1933), pp. 438-439.

2. Thomas Frost, The Secret Societies of the European Revolutions, 1776–1876 (Vol. II, London, England: Tinsley Brothers, 1876), p. 46-47.

3. Frost, vol. II, pp. 47, 50-52, 54.

4. Thomas Frost, The Secret Societies of the European Revolutions, 1776–1876 (Vol. I, London, England: Tinsley Brothers, 1876),, pp. 282-300.

5. Frost, vol. I pp. 249ff.

6. Nesta H. Webster, World Revolution: The Plot Against Civilization (Ed. Anthony Gittens. Seventh ed. Palmdale, California: Omni Publications, 1994), p. 96.

7. Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan: A Demonology of History (Staunton, Virginia: Revelation Book, 1987), pp. 94-95.

8. Webster, pp. 134, 157.

9. Mullins, p. 94.

10. Mullins, pp. 92-93. Jacob Katz, Jews and Freemasons in Europe 1723-1939 (Translator Leonard Oschry. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1970), p. 60.

11. Dennis L. Cuddy, Now Is the Dawning of the New Age New World Order (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone Publishing, 2000), p. 31.

12. K.R. McKilliam, Conspiracy to Destroy the Christian West (London, England: The Board of Anglo-Saxon Celtic Deputies), p. 8. Mullins, p. 94, 211.

13. Webster, p. 162.

14. Denis Fahey, Grand Orient: Freemasonry Unmasked as the Secret Power behind Communism through Discovery of Lost Lectures Delivered by Monsignor George F. Dillon, D.D. at Edinburgh, in October 1884 (New and Revised Edition. Metairie, Louisiana: Sons of Liberty, 1950) p. 83.

15. The Cause of World Unrest (New York, New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1920), pp. 55-56.

16. William T. Still, New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1990), p. 130.

17. Stanley Monteith, Brotherhood of Darkness (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone, 2000),
p. 133.

18. Gary H. Kah, En Route to Global Occupation (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1992), p. 116. Queenborough, p. 219.

19. Webster, p. 181.

20. "Red Symphony Two Accounts,", Nov. 9, 2003.

21. Still, pp. 137-138.

[Editor's note: The list of references in the original are omitted.]

Copyright © 2009, Thomas Coley Allen.

  More articles on history.