Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Great Britain at the End of the Nineteenth Century

Great Britain at the End of the Nineteenth CenturyThomas Allen

[Editor's note: The footnotes in the original have been omitted.]

At the end of the nineteenth century, three great events happened that would have a great impact on Great Britain and the world. They were establishment of the Rhodes Scholarship, formation of the Fabian Society, and the Boer War.

Cecil Rhodes and the Rhodes ScholarshipOne of the most important Illuminists to rise to power, fame, and wealth at the end of the nineteenth century was Cecil Rhodes, “the progenitor of the modern secret societies.”[1] He obtained enormous wealth through exploiting the diamond and gold fields of South Africa and gaining monopolistic control of the diamonds and gold of South Africa for the Rothschilds. Between 1890 and 1896, he was the prime minister of the Cape Colony. He dreamed of Great Britain controlling contiguous territory from Egypt to the Cape of Good Hope and extending British rule throughout the world. He wanted to make the British Empire so great and powerful that war would become impossible. (Great Britain was his surrogate for world government.) To pay for achieving his goal, Rhodes’ secret society would gradually gain control of the wealth of the world.

The Round Table Group became a society for the financial elite, and the Fabian Society became a society for the intellectual elite. Although the two societies had some differences, both, nevertheless, had the same socialistic objective, where the elite would rule the people and use the same tactic of gradualism.

With the aid of William T. Stead, a Theosophist and spiritualist and a social reformer and imperialist, and Alfred Milner, who was a 33rd degree Freemason, Rhodes, a Freemason, established a secret society, the Society of the Elect, in 1891 with Rhodes as its leader.[2] Baliol Brett (Lord Esher) soon joined.

Rhodes used the Jesuit and, to a lesser extent, Freemasonry, as the models for his organizational structure. He organized his society with an inner circle and an outer circle. The inner circle was called the Society of the Elect, and the outer circle, the Association of Helpers. Controllers of the inner circle were the “Circle Initiates” and included Rhodes, Stead, Brett, Milner, and Victor Rothschild. Nathaniel Mayer Rothschild and Arthur Balfour were also chosen to be part of the Circle of Initiates.[3] Milner later organized the Association of Helpers as the Round Table Group. The British Rothschilds provided the money.

The principal objective of his society was to gain control of the government, the economy, the media, and education. Initially, Illuminists would capture influential positions gradually and surreptitiously. Within several decades, these Illuminists would hold enough influential positions that they could openly and more quickly fill key positions with other Illuminists. When Illuminists obtained control of these four aspects of society, the Illuminists could usher in Lucifer’s New World Order.

After Rhodes’ death in 1902, the Society of the Elect set up the Rhodes Trust. Among the members of the Society of the Elect at this time were R. H. Brand of Lazard Freres, Sir Alfred Beit, and Sir Alfred Milner. Sir George Parkin became the Organizing Secretary of the Rhodes Trust while Milner became its chief trustee.[4]

Rhodes’ fortune was used to establish the Rhodes Trust. This Trust has been an important component of the Nimrodic goal of world domination. Its purpose is to train young men in the ways of Illuminism.

The Rhodes Trust funded the Rhodes scholarships. These scholarships paid for attendants to Oxford University where the students are trained to become Illuminists. Quigley described the Rhodes scholarships as follows:

The [Rhodes] scholarships were merely a facade to conceal the secret society, or, more accurately, they were to be one of the instruments by which members of the secret society could carry out Rhodes’ purpose.[5]
The Fabian Society
The Fabian Society was founded in 1883. Its early members included, Anne Besant (later leader of the Theosophical Society), Edward Carpenter (poet laureate of British socialism), Percival Chubb (a governmental clerk), William Clarke (a disciple of Mazzini), Havelock Ellis (an apostle of free love), Lord Richard B. Haldane, Ramsay MacDonald (a founder of the Labor Party and first prime minister of a Labor Party government), Frank Podmore (a spiritualist), George Bernard Shaw (a dramatist and a Communist), Sidney Webb (a civil servant and later MacDonald’s Minister of Labor), Beatrice Webb (a socialist economist), Charlotte M. Wilson (an anarchist), and H.G. Wells (a writer).[6] The organizers of the Fabian Society were from the upper and middle classes. Most of its founders were Freemasons. They intended to use the Fabian Society to gain power and position.

The object of Fabian Society was to bring about a world revolution to establish global socialism—not through a worker’s uprising, but through gradualism. Its goal was to establish a godless, classless one-world socialist state. As outlined by H.G. Wells, its program included expropriation of private property through taxation, increase and expansion of public education and public services, governmental programs feeding school children, governmental takeover of health care, establishment of minimum wage, and transfer of child-rearing from parents to government. (For all practical purposes, the Fabian program has been carried out.) The only real difference between Fabian socialists and Communists is the tactics used to establish a world socialist state, which both seek. Communists use revolution to establish socialist governments. Fabians use propaganda, legislation, and, most importantly of all, indoctrination of school children and university students. “. . . these intellectual revolutionaries would acquire power and influence in the official and unofficial opinion making and power-wielding agencies of the world.”[7] Once such influence and power were obtained, a one-world socialistic state could quietly be established.

To achieve their goal, Fabians infiltrated academia, so they could indoctrinate the youth of England. They also established themselves in the political parties and the government. The Fabian Society concentrated on capturing key positions in the government bureaucracy where socialistic regulations could be written instead of winning elective political offices. They sought gradually to socialize Great Britain. The Fabian Society was closely associated with British intelligence. (British intelligence and the Fabian Society used Anne Besant to capture control of the Theosophical Society.)

In 1893, Keir Hardie and Friedrich Engels founded the Independent Labor Party (I. L. P.) It was the Party of the socialists. A majority of the Fabians belonged to it. Most of its leaders were Fabians. The Independent Labor Party soon took over the active political work of the Fabian Society. The Fabian Society then concentrated on its literary works and propaganda. Later, in 1900, the Fabians founded the Labor Representation Committee, which became the Labor Party in 1906.

The Boer War
The nineteenth century closed the way it began—with war. Although the Boer War (1899-1902) was much smaller than the Napoleonic Wars, it, nevertheless, served the Illuminists to test brutal tactics for use in future wars. The first use by a major European power of concentration camps, starvation, and disease as important weapons of war to defeat an enemy came in the Boer War. The British destroyed the Boers’ farms and refused to take prisoners, shooting Boers who attempted to surrender. The British used these uncivilized weapons in its genocidal war against the Boers (Afrikaans), the descendants of the Dutch settlers in South Africa. Directing the British in the use of these weapons was Sir Alfred Milner, who was Governor-General and High Commissioner of South Africa from 1897 to 1905 and an agent of the Rothschilds.

Milner is credited with starting the war; he certainly was an ardent advocate of war with the Boers. Stead promoted the war in the British press. As the political advisor of Queen Victoria and King Edward II, Brett persuaded them to support the war. Thus, these three men, who had assisted Rhodes in forming his secret society, gave him a present of making the Boer republics part of the British Empire as a step toward uniting the world under British rule.

The Boer War gave Vickers-Maxim Co., an arms manufacturer, the opportunity to test its products. This company was formed in 1897 when Vickers bought naval Construction and Armament Co. and Maxim Nordenfeldt Guns and Ammunition Co. The Rothschilds were the largest shareholders of Vickers at the time of the purchases.

The primary purpose of the Boer War was to incorporate the Boer republics into the British Empire and to extend the Rothschilds’ control over the diamond and gold mines of South Africa. (Through DeBeers, the Rothschilds have nearly monopolized the diamond industry. Through Anglo-American Corp., the giant gold mining and holding company, they control much of South Africa’s gold mines and many other mineral resources inside and outside South Africa.)

1. Jim Marrs, Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids (New York, New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2000), p.85.

2. Stanley Monteith, Brotherhood of Darkness (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone, 2000), p. 117. W. Cleon Skousen, The Naked Capitalist: A Review and Commentary on Dr. Carroll Quigley’s Book Tragedy and Hope (Salt Lake City, Utah, 1971), p. 30.

3. Monteith, p. 109. Skousen, p. 30. Marrs, p. 87.

4. Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan: A Demonology of History (Staunton, Virginia: Revelation Book, 1987), p. 87. Skousen, p. 30.

5. Dennis L. Cuddy, The Globalists: The Power Elite Exposed (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone Publishing, 2001), p. 14.

6. K.R. McKilliam, Conspiracy to Destroy the Christian West (London, England: The Board of Anglo-Saxon Celtic Deputies, n.d.), p. 12. Mullins, Curse of Cain, p. 103. Lady Queenborough, (EdithStarr Miller), Occult Theocracy (Two vols. Hawthorne, California: The Christian Book Club of America, 1933), p. 557.

7. John A. Stormer, None Dare Call It Treason (Florissant, Missouri: Liberty Bell Press, 1964), p. 21.

8. Eustace Mullins, The World Order: Our Secret Rulers (Second ed. Staunton, Virginia: Ezra Pound Institute of Civilization, 1992), pp. 35-36.

[Editor's Note: The original contains a list of references, which has been omitted.]

Copyright © 2009 by Thomas Coley Allen.

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