Sunday, March 6, 2011


Thomas Allen

People typically view diversity in two diametric ways. One group considers diversity highly desirable. The other considers it highly undesirable. Both groups can be divided into integrationists and segregationists.

As we will see, segregation preserves diversity. Integration destroys diversity.

Let’s look at the pro-diversity integrationists first. They claim that strength is achieved through diversity. Therefore, various diverse races and ethnic groups (nationalities[1]) need to be integrated. Are these people ignorant or hypocrites, or do they knowingly promote covert genocide?

Whenever diverse groups integrate, they amalgamate. They lose their distinctiveness and become indistinguishable from one another. Integration is the systematic destruction of the races and ethnic groups involved. The systematic destruction of a race or nationality is genocide. How it is done is immaterial.

The following example illustrates the destructiveness of integration. Take three jars of water. Put a red dye in one and a yellow dye in another. Integrate (mix) the jar of colorless water with the jar of red water. Uniformity is the consequence of this integration. Pale red water results. Now integrate the yellow water with the pale red water. Again uniformity results. The water is now a pale orange.

Integration has destroyed diversity. Before integration, we had three distinct jars of water: colorless, red, and yellow. After integration, we have one color of water: pale orange. Thus, integration destroys diversity.

If diversity is worth preserving, integration has to be avoided.

Those who know that integration destroys diversity and still insists on integration really hate diversity. Or they hate one or more of the groups being integrated so much that they are willing to destroy other groups to destroy the hated group. These people are promoters of genocide, but who want to conceal their genocide.

Segregationists who despise diversity usually object to their self-destruction. Being unwilling to destroy themselves to destroy diverse groups, they must abandon the covert genocide of integration and adopt some form of overt genocide. Otherwise, they must separate the diverse groups, which maintains diversity.

People who dislike the hyphenated American, e.g., Afro-American and Chinese-American, must either adopt some form of genocide or segregation of or separation from the hyphenated Americans. Most seem to have adopted covert genocide through integration. Few openly promote segregation or geographical separation.

Let’s return to our example. We have three diverse jars of water: colorless, red, and yellow. As long as we keep them separate, we maintain their diversity. They remain colorless, red, and yellow. Once we integrate them, they amalgamate and lose their diversity.

Thus, segregation and separation preserve diversity. If the objective is to save diversity and to preserve our strength through diversity, then segregation is the route to choose. If the objective is to destroy diversity, integration is the choice.

Actions that lead to the destruction of diversity must be avoided if diversity is highly desirable. Diversity should be preserved if strength is achieved through diversity. Conditions must be created to prevent various races and ethnic groups (nationalities) from destroying themselves. Only under conditions where their amalgamation is prevented can diversity be preserved.

Segregation and geographical separation preserve diversity. When diverse groups separate, they can preserve and grow their uniqueness.

One can have diversity. One can have integration. However, one can never have both. People need to decide which is more important: diversity or integration. If they choose diversity, then they must choose segregation and preferably physical separation. (Physical separation is superior to segregation at maintaining diversity.)

1. Nationality refers to a people of a common race with a common origin, traditions, culture, and language who are capable of forming or actually have formed a nation-state. When people of one nationality live in a country of another nationality, they are commonly called an ethnic group. For example, Cherokees and Japanese-Americans are ethnic groups in the United States.

Copyright © 2010 by Thomas Coley Allen.

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