Are You a Racist?
[Editor’s note: The compiler of this list of definitions has not made any of them up. He has seen such people called racists in various books and articles.]
You are a racist if you are White and you meet one of the criteria below. Actually, according to criteria 7, all Whites are by definition racists. However, Blacks by definition cannot be racists even if they satisfy several of the criteria below unless they are labeled an “Uncle Tom.” Furthermore, by definition people of color (American Indians, mestizos, Melanochroi [people of India, Pakistan, Arabian peninsula, Somalia, Ethiopia, and the Sahara Desert], and brown Turanians [people of Farther India, the Philippines, and Pacific islands], and Indo-Australians) cannot be racist. Apparently, this is true even when the person of color would otherwise be a racist by one of the following criteria because of their beliefs about or attitudes toward Negroes. Yellow Turanians (Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese) are not racists if they meet any of the criteria below about Whites. However, if they meet any of them about Negroes or people of color, they are racists.
Not being racists, Negroes and people of color are presumably racial nihilists. (A racial nihilist rejects and denies the importance of races and racial rights; most go as far as denying the existence of races altogether. They deny and violate the rights of all races overall and their own in particular. Racial nihilists oppose racial diversity, racial rights, racial preservation, and racial independence and want to amalgamate all races into one uniform race. They promote a racially destructive multiracial society. Racial nihilism is a form of universalism that seeks to absorb all the diverse races into one vast indistinguishable mass. [Richard McCulloch, “Right and Wrong of Racism.”]) As Negroes and people of color are far more race conscious than Whites and as they promote the interest of their own race, they cannot be racial nihilists — yet by definition, they are not racists either.
A racist is:
1. a person who claims or believes that one race is innately (genetically) superior to another race, which is the classical and original dictionary definition, e.g., Blacks are superior to Whites in surviving and reproducing in low latitudes because their pigmented skin prevents ultraviolet light from destroying vitamin B-12, which is necessary for reproduction;
2. a person who claims or believes that his race is superior and, therefore, claims or believes that it has the right to rule the other races, another dictionary definition (this one is similar to number 1, but with the addition of ruling);
3. a person who claims or believes that one particular race is better than another, another dictionary definition (this one is closely related to number 1; however, believing or claiming someone is better does not necessarily mean believing or claiming that he is superior);
4. a person who claims or believes that human races have distinctive make-up that determines their respective culture, i.e., race makes the culture instead of culture making the race, another dictionary definition (no inferiority-superiority issues or hatred is necessarily implied);
5. a person who discriminates based on race (no inferiority-superiority issues or hatred is necessarily implied);
6. a person who hates another person solely because of his race, which seems to be what most people mean when they used the term, except that it cannot apply to a Black or people of color because they by definition cannot be racists (see number 123);
7. a white person, which is a common use today;
8. a person, especially a non-Black, who disagrees with Obama or any of his policies, which is a favorite definition of supporters of the Obama administration and its supporters;
9. a person who prefers living among people of his own race (no inferiority-superiority or hatred is implied);
10. a person who plays heavy metal musi;
11. a person who dresses up as a non-White or White ethnic stereotype (this seems to be becoming a favorite of self-hating White progressives);
12. a person who opposes Plan Parenthood although abortion is the leading cause of death among Black babies (similar to number 242; conflicts with 521);
13. a person who uses the term “White privilege,” which is ironic as this term is mostly used by non-Whites and self-hating White progressives to describe Whites whom they consider racists (this one contradict number 53);
14. a person who uses the term “hard-worker”;
15. a person, especially a White person, who claims or believes that free speech applies even to “racial slurs” (similar to numbers 72 and 154);
16. a person who reveres or flies the Confederate flag (no inferiority-superiority or hatred is implied);
17. a person who favors voters proving whom they are by showing photo identification before voting;
18. a person who claims or believes that SAT or IQ scores are the best predictors of university performance; therefore, admission to universities should be primarily based on SAT or IQ scores;
19. a person who tells the truth about Blacks and other non-Whites;
20. a person who wants immigration controlled or restricted;
21. a person who opposing allowing Islamic terrorists into the country, although Muslims are not a race (this one is similar to number 57, but is more specific);
22. a person who lives in a single family dwelling;
23. a person who carries his lunch in a brown paper bag or who participates in a paper bag lunch;
24. a person who complains about the fruits of his labor being taxed to support someone who is too lazy to work;
25. a person who protects the interest of his race, especially the White race (this definition does not apply to Blacks or people of color; such acts by Blacks or people of color are antiracism) (this one is similar to 46 and 47);
26. a person who claims or believes that races are real and do exist (ironically, people who smear others as racists under this definition are often in the forefront of accusing others of racial discrimination, which is an impossibility if races do not really exist) (this is similar to numbers 36 and 42);
27. a person who uses the word “race” (Presumably, this does not apply to the use of “race” in the sense of a contest. However, when the mentality and ignorance of people who smear people by calling them “racists” are considered, it may. After all, a Black teacher cowed a White professor to apologize for being a racist because he used the word “niggardly.”);
28. a person who claims or believes that genetics influences human behavior and that races have different cognitive abilities;
29. a person who claims or believes that genetics has something to do with the level of culture or civilization that a people achieves;
30. a person who recognizes and objects to the genocide of White South Africans;
31. a person who opposes Bush the Younger’s Iraqi war;
32. a person who believes in limited government or constitutionalism;
33. a person who opposes big government;
34. a person who claims or believes that authority is based on history and tradition;
35. a person who supports the police checking immigration status in routine traffic stops for another purpose;
36. a person who claims or believes that races have different qualities and ways of doing things (this is similar to numbers 26 and 42);
37. a person who participates in the sport of angling;
38. a person who is too polite or dresses too neatly;
39. a horticulturist who emphasizes native plants;
40. a person who claims or believes that Europeans, Middle Easterners, Asians, and Pacific Islanders had some influence on the cultures of American Indians before Columbus, i.e., a diffusionist (however, believing that Europeans, Middle Easterners, and Asians were too stupid to travel across the oceans to America is not racist);
41. a person who resists Martin Luther King’s tactics, which are designed to lead to violence;
42. a person who recognizes races and racial differences and regards them as valuable and important (this is similar to numbers 26 and 36);
43. a person who supports racial rights and claims or believes in the right of all races to life (preservation) and independence (control of its life in all spheres: political, social, economic, and cultural), which are best achieved through racial separation with each race having its own exclusive territory with its own sovereign government (this is the opposite of number 44 and racial nihilism);
44. a person who favors racial competition for territory, dominance, mastery, and existence, i.e., racial rights do not exist (this is the opposite of number 43);
45. a person who loves his race and desires to preserve it (similar to numbers 155 and 178);
46. a person who is loyal to the interest of his race (this is similar to number 25 and 47).
47. a person who asserts and promotes racial rights and interest (this assertion and promotion can be for all races [moral racism] or one’s own race [immoral racism]) (this is similar to numbers 25 and 46);48. a person who talks about Black crime statistics;
49. a person who waves the British flag, especially at political events;
50. a person who claims or believes that dark-skinned people in general and Negroes in particular descended from Ham because of Noah’s curse on Ham or, more correctly, Ham’s son Canaan;
Added June 3, 2016
51. a person who expresses concern about the death (genocide) of the White race;
52. a person who resists or opposes racial nihilism;
53. a person who does not believe that White males are a privileged class (this one contradicts number 13);
54. a person who believes that the Washington Redskins should keep its name “Redskins”;
55. a person who says or believes that Blacks on average are less intelligent, have a lower I.Q., than Whites on average (this one is a subset of number 1);
56. a person who cooks, eats, or serves fried chicken or watermelon (see 97 and 157);
57. a person who disdain the Islamic religion (this one is similar to number 21, but is more general);
58. a person who believes or declares that Whites ought to rule in a multiracial country containing a large number of Whites (this one is similar to number 2; however, it does not require or mean a belief in racial supremacy);
59. a businessman who has an English-only policy;
60. a person who preaches inequality;
Added June 17, 2016
61. a person who teaches the Declarations of Independence (similar to number 298);
62. a nationalist;
63. a person who disparages a non-White race or a person of a non-White race;
64. a person who puts a cross on his business advertisement (this does not apply to non-Christian religious symbols, e.g., the star of David for Jews or the crescent moon for Muslims; however, it may apply to the Hindu symbol of the swastika as ignorant people confuse it with Nazi Germany);
65. a person who uses the word “master” (whether using derivatives of “master” — “mister,” “mistress,” “Mr.,” “Mrs.,” and “Miss” — are racist has yet to be determined);
66. a person who participates in Oktoberfest;
67. a Republican who talks about President Obama’s golfing;
68. a person who suggests or believes that a non-White judge could ever be unfair or bias;
69. a person who objects to selling American technology companies to Asian companies;
70. a person who support Donald Trump for President (similar to number 545);
Added July 10, 2016
71. a person who supports a country withdrawing from the European Union;
72. a person who uses racial epithets (similar to number 15);
73. a person who believes or claims that White Americans are the lost tribes of Israel;
74. a business, including a business owned by Muslims, that does not treat Muslims the way the Muslims think that they ought to be treated;
75. a person who disparages hip-hop music;
76. a gun dealer who, when he notices a Muslim buying excessive amounts of ammunition, notifies Homeland Security that a Muslim is purchasing excessive amounts of ammunition (see numbers 80, 194, 255, 295, 331, and 555);
77. a person who draws or uses a diagram that shows Whites doing the right thing and non-Whites doing the wrong thing (presumably a diagram showing Whites doing the wrong thing and non-Whites doing the right thing is not racist);
78. a person who uses the word “brownie” when referring to a cake commonly called a “brownie” (this may also apply to a person who uses the word “Brownie” when referring to the pre-Girl Scouts club);
79. a non-Jew who displays the Star of David, a six-pointed star, especially when associated with money (does this make sheriffs and sheriffs’ deputies racist because they display a six-pointed star, the Star of David);
80. a Republican who does not pursue gun control (see 76, 195, 255, 295, 331, and 555);
Added October 10, 2016
81. a woman who wears an all-white outfit and presumably it also applies to men (does this mean that brides who wear the traditional white gowns do so because they are racists);
82. a person who believes that the Bible teaches a separationist view for the races, i.e., the races should be geographically separated and not ruled by other races (this one is similar to 43);
83. a person who claims that Martin Luther King was a communist;
84. a paleoconservative;
85. a person who condemns a Black youth who prefers idleness to working a low-paying job;
86. a person who displays the Gadsden (“Don’t Tread on Me”) flag;
87. a person who mentions or discusses Black on Black crime (this one is similar to 48);
88. a person who asks or wants Black pupils to adapt to a White school setting;
89. a cab driver who refuse Blacks for fear of being robbed or worse;
90. a person who uses the phrase “melting pot” as in praising “the United States is a ‘melting pot.'"
Added October 20, 2016
91. a person who is happy living in a racially segregated society because there are two races (presumably because in such a society he has a race against which to discriminate);
92. a person who does not support Hillary Clinton for president;
93. a person who speaks or writes about the virtues of Whites;
94. a person who sings the “Star Spangled Banner,” which is a racist song;
95. a person who promotes White pride;
96. a secessionist;
97. a person who makes or eats peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (see numbers 56 and 97);
98. a person who displays the Betsy Ross flag, the flag that represents the 13 colonies;
99. a White woman who resists or even objects to a Muslim sexually harassing or even raping her;
100. a person who uses or consumes pumpkins, pumpkin spice, or pumpkin spice latte;
Added February 4, 2017
101. a person who uses the terms “quite neighborhood” or “good schools;”
102. a person who stands for the Nationalist Anthem;
103. a person who comments on or expresses concern about terrorists or terrorism;
104. a person who believes that all lives matter and not just Black lives;
105. a person who opposes or criticizes the Black-Lives-Matter movement.
106. a person who objects to diversity (similar to number2 144 and 212);
107. a person who believes that Whites have a collective interest;
108. a White person leading the Democratic Party;
109. a person who considers or calls Martin Luther King a great American;
110. a person, especially a Republican, who wants or seeks lower prices for prescription drugs.
Added April 8, 2017
111. a White person having sex with a Black person (conflicts with number 136);
112. a Southerner;
113. a Christian (similar to number 261);
114. a person who believes that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards;
115. a supporter or fan of the New England Patriot;
116. a supporter of the Tea Party;
117. a person who says “Islamic extremist” or “illegal immigrant”;
118. a dead White author, especially one who has written a book significantly important to Western civilization;
119. according to Joseph Pearce, a person who hates or is prejudice against “someone for something that they cannot help being and for which they are themselves not culpable” (this one is similar to No. 6 except that it can be construed to go beyond race);
120. a person who celebrates St. Patrick’s Day;
121. a person who opposes wasting tax money on social programs that do not work;
122. a parent who wants his children to be healthy and intelligent;
123. a person who despises, castigates, humiliates, and oppresses people of other races (see number 6);
124. a school administrator who supports testing teachers to ensure that teachers are able to read and interpret basic English;
125. an antiracist because he is intolerant of those he has defined as abhorrent;
126. a eugenicist;
127. a person who adheres to traditional American values;
128. a person who believes that white symbolizes purity;
129. an anti-egalitarian;
130. anyone who is not a Marxist (see number 514);
131. a person, especially a White person, who denies that he discriminates;
132. a person of discernible taste;
133. a person who wears the traditional red, white, and blue flag attire;
134. white Skittles candy (which ironically was produced to celebrate Obama’s declaration of June as LGBT pride month);
135. a Jew;
136. a person, especially a White, who refuses to marry someone of another race (conflicts with number 111);
137. a person who acknowledge biological differences of races (similar to number 146);
138. a person who embraces scientific empiricism;
139. a person who disagrees with the leftist, liberal, progressive, Marxist agenda (see number 506);
140. a diary farmer or a person who drinks milk;
Added May 5, 2017
141. a White who opposes Whites becoming a minority in their own country (similar to number 203);
142. a person who expects non-White immigrants to learn English;
143. a participant in the play Peter Pan;
144. a person who does not believe or is skeptical about diversity being strength (similar to numbers 106 and 212);
145. a person who opposes flooding the country with non-White immigrants;
146. a person who perceives that other races look and live differently than his own (similar to number 137);
147. a proponent of Western civilization (similar to number 157 and 682);
148. a person who does not look someone in the eyes when talking to him;
149. a person who does not support universal tax-paid healthcare;
150. a person who uses the “OK” hand sign.
Add August 21, 2017
151. a person who expects foreigners to show up on time;
152. a person who supports or adheres to the Electoral College of the US Constitution;
153. a person who objects to banning Whites from universities or colleges campuses;
154. a person who supports free speech (similar to number 15);
155. a policeman regardless of his race;
155. a White person who wants to have White children and White families (similar to numbers 45 and 178);
156. a person who says anything that Muslim does not like;
157. a person who eats collard greens and grits (see numbers 56 and 97);
158. a person who teaches a course in Western Civilization (similar to number 147 and 682);
159. a person who refuses to issue a high school diploma to a Black who fails to complete the coarse work necessary to receive a high school diploma;
160. a person who likes classical music.
Add November 16, 2017
161. a white heterosexual male;
162. a hog farmer who builds his hog farm in a sparsely inhabited rural area where land is inexpensive instead of building it in a upper middle class suburban residential area where land is expensive;
163. a person who opposes the removal or destruction of Confederate monuments;
164. the sun and solar eclipse;
165. a person who votes for Republicans;
166. a libertarian;
167. a person who believes that the American people are worth defending by restricting immigration (similar to number 20);
168. a person who believes that America is a country instead of an idea;
169. a person who imitates a Southern accent when telling a joke;
170. a person who reads or even mentions The Camp of the Saints by Jean Raspail.
171. a person who believes that France is for the French;
172. a promoter or proponent of Dr. Seuss’ books;
173. a liberal;
174. a person who disagrees with Blacks, especially radical Blacks like members of Black Lives Matter (see number 450);
175. a person who refuses to cower to ridiculous demands of Blacks;
176. a person who quotes or paraphrase a part of Joel Chandler Harris’ Uncle Remus;
177. a person who can solve geometry and algebra problems or who teaches these subjects;
178. a White who marries a White and has White children (similar to numbers 45 and 155);
179. a person who believes in nullification;
180. a person who leaves his house to his children.
Added July 16, 2018
181. a person who sings “Jingle Bells”;
182. a person who romanticizes a white Christmas;
183. a person who objects to having his first-class airplane seat given to a Black without consent;
184. a person who acts with civility;
185. a person who selects a White male as the “sexiest man in the world”;
186. a person who practices yoga;
187. a person who makes a white snowman;
188. an armed school teacher;
189. a person who defends the US Constitution;
190. a visitor of Mount Rushmore;
191. a person who makes a derogatory remark about Allah;
192. a person who denies that he is a racist or says that he is not a racist;
193. an American living in rural parts of the country and cities decimated by years of industrial decline;
194. a promoter of gun control laws (see numbers 76, 80, 255, 295, 331, and 555);
195. a person who wears clothing styles of another culture (similar to number 11);
196. a person who denies a Black services or sales when the business is closed;
197. a person who places his own country first;
198. a person who favors allowing White South Africans to seek asylum in Europe or the United States from Black South African government’s program to genocide Whites;
199. a person who criticizes Democrats;
200. a person who objects to illegal immigrants filling schools with drugs, gangs, and violence;
201. a person who believes that a person should not be judged by the color of his skin because he notices skin color;
202. a person who believes that a Black should think for himself instead of unquestionably following the left’s agenda;
Added September 22, 2018
203. a person who desires a White America (see number 141);
204. a proponent or user of stand-your-ground laws;
205. a person who prefers the Anglo-Saxon vocabulary;
206. a person who uses the term “Anglo-Saxon”;
207. a person wishing ill for people because of skin color;
208. a person who says something bad about a race unless the race being disparaged is the White race;
209. a person who criticizes Antifa (a majority of whom is White);
210. a person who uses the word “monkeying”;
211. a cartoonist who draws a cartoon critical of a Black;
212. a person who questions “diversity is our greatest strength” (similar to numbers 106 and 144);
213. a Darwinist, evolutionist;
214. a polygenist;
215. a holocaust denier.
Added November 18, 2018
216. an opponent of globalism;
217. a paleoconservative;
218. an American who believes or advocates American first (similar to 197);
219. a person who believes that anyone accused by a Black is innocent until proved guilty;
220. a person who does not believe that someone whom a Black accuses is guilty when the person is proved innocent;
221. a prospector;
222. a person who interferes with the Establishment’s media narrative;
223. a person who recites or paraphrases language from Uncle Remus, which is ironic as Uncle Remus was a very wise man;
224. a person who brags about having Black friends;
225. a person, especially a White, who comments on issues affecting another race, especially affecting a non-white race;
226. a person who uses the word “niggardly,” which ignorant or stupid Blacks believe means the forbidden “N” word, but which means ungenerous or meager;
227. a polygenist;
228. a eugenicist;
229. a Black who despises Blacks and being Black;
230. a Blacks who believes that he is White;
231. a protectionist;
232. a person who does not believe the smear leveled against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh;
233. a White person who believes that it is OK to be White (similar to 281);
235. a person who challenges UN “investigations;”
Added January 22, 2019
236. a person who participates in a party with a cowboy-and-Indian theme;
237. a person who questions the age of a refugee;
238. a person who simplifies his vocabulary when speaking to Black people;
239. a white Mississippian;
240. Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer although this is a pro-Jewish song;
241. a person who speaks favorably about the South;
242. a person who opposes abortion (similar to number 12, but broader; conflicts with 521);
243. a person who wants to make English the official language of the United States;
244. a person who enforces a sport’s rule that results in a Black having to cut his hair in order to compete;
245. an owner or operator of stores, e.g. as the dollar stores, that sale food items at low prices;
246. a grocer who refuses or fails to locate a grocery store in a high-risk Black neighborhood;
247. a banker who refuses or fails to lend to a grocer to build a grocery store in a high-risk Black neighborhood;
248. a person who wants to learn what a racist is;
249. the National Football League because most players are Black and most coaches and owners are White;
250. a person involved with “Veggie Tales” because the villains are vegetables of color;
251. a person who posts a sign on a brick building warning that it might collapse in an earthquake;
252. a person who finds in the past guidance for the future;
253. a person who disagrees with a socialist;
254. a person who studies ancient history;
255. a person who denies a Black a conceal carry permit for a handgun (see numbers 76, 80, 194, 295, 331, and 555);
Added March 16, 2019
256. a person who asks someone, especially a non-White, for his identification;
257. a person who hated Europeans;
258. a person who uses the word “Chicago”;
259. a person who sings “Baby, Its Cold Outside”;
260. a person, especially a White, who paints his face Black;
261. a person who preaches or teaches true Christianity (similar to number 113);
262. a woman who thickens her eyebrow;
263. a non-Black who wears an Afro-type hair style;
264. a non-Black who using Black slang;
265. a person who believes that qualifications for a job are important;
Added May 22, 2019
266. air pollution;
267. a hog farmer;
268. a person who believes that his country’s borders ought to be protected;
269. a person who objects to being part of the social experiments that US courts have forced on him;
270. a person who kills a Black in self-defense;
271. a person who opposes foreign aid;
272. a person whose program has more viewers than the entirety of CNN’s prime time programs combined;
273. time;
274. a person who requires Blacks to show up to work or class on time (similar to number 151);
275. a person who speaks English, especially as a first language;
276. a White person who goes to church;
277. a White person who raises a law-abiding family;
278. a person who despises people with blue eyes;
279. a policeman;
280. a soldier;
Added July 13, 2019
281. a person who wears a shirt with “It’s Okay To Be White” printed on it (similar to number 233);
282. cauliflower and, therefore, a person that eats cauliflower;
283. white corn and, therefore, a person that eats white corn;
284. a person who does not believe everything that a non-White says;
285. John Wayne, and therefore, anyone who respects him or watches his movies;
286. a person who notice the race of a person committing a crime, especially if the perpetrator is Black;
287. a reporter who tells the truth about racial violence;
288. a person who points out the violent behavior of Blacks;
289. a person who believes that Blacks should be responsible for their behavior;
290. a person who gives the appearance of racial profiling;
291. a victim who identifies the race of the perpetrator if the perpetrator is Black;
292. a victim who demands justice if the perpetrator is Black;
293. East Asians who give Blacks an opportunity to attack them;
294. a business owner in a resort area who closes his business during times of an extremely high influx of Blacks to protect his employees and property;
295. a permit to buy a handgun and, therefore, anyone who wants to require such a permit (see number 76, 80, 194, 255, 331, and 555);
296. the pledge of allegiance and, therefore, the people who recite it;
297. the United States flag, and, therefore, the people who fly or display it;
298. the Declaration of Independence and anyone who reveres it (similar to number 61);
299. a store owner who detains a Black shoplifter;
300. a store owner who suspects a Black of shoplifting;
Added August 20, 2019
301. a Democrat (seems to conflict with number 199);
302. white paper and, therefore, people who use white paper;
303. a fat White woman;
304. a moderate crazy radical;
305. a person who insults nonwhites;
306. a person who tells a nonwhite to leave the country;
307. Abraham Lincoln, and, therefore, people who admire him;
308. Thomas Jefferson, and, therefore, people who admire him;
309. George Washington, and, therefore, people who admire him;
310. Andrew Jackson, and, therefore, people who admire him;
312. Andrew Johnson, and, therefore, people who admire him;
312. Woodrow Wilson, and, therefore, people who admire him;
313. Kate Smith, and, therefore, people who admire her or listens to her songs;
314. Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and, therefore people who read it;
315. Helen Bannerman’s The Story of Little Black Sambo and, therefore, people who read it;
316. the film “Song of the South” and, therefore, people who watch it;
317. Barack Obama and, therefore the people who admire him (seems to conflict with number 8);
318. a person who owns a white dog;
319. a dog that barks at Black strangers but not White strangers and, therefore, the owner of such a dog;
320. a person who claims that he does not notice the race of others (seems to contradict number 554);
321. a cashier of an express lain who tells a Black that he has too many items in his cart to use the express lain;
322. a person who tells the truth about a city run by Blacks;
323. a person who criticizes or makes fun of a Black Congressman;
324. a person who believes that Barack Obama was not born in the United States or was not a citizen of the United States;
325. a person who accuses someone of being a racist;
326. a person who uses the words “infest,” “infestation,” or “vermin.”
327. an American;
328. a capitalist;
329. a person who hates White people;
330. a person who wants to disqualify aliens and immigrants from welfare programs;
Added October 24, 2019
331. a person who does not hate guns (see numbers 76, 80, 194, 255, 295. and 555)
332. pressure washers and, therefore, people who use them;
333. water hoses and, therefore, people who use them;
334. Albert Schweitzer and, therefore, people who admire him;
335. a member or former member of the League of the South;
336. a store owner who uses bulletproof glass;
337. a member of the John Birch Society;
338. a person who has a Dylann Roof bowl haircut;
339. a person who uses the Moon Man symbol;
340. “Maryland, My Maryland” and, therefore, a person who admires, sings, or plays it;
341. “Dixie” and, therefore, a person who admires, sings, or plays it;
342. the Green New Deal and, therefore, a person who supports or promotes it;
343. a person who prohibits Whites from speaking about race;
344. a person who is antiwhite;
345. a person who bans people from attending a meeting about racism because of their race;
346. SpongeBob and, therefore, people who watch him;
347. a person who has pride in his culture;
348. a neoconservative;
349. a person who is anti-Black;
350. Jehovah or Yahweh and, therefore, those who worship Him;
Added December 9, 2019
351. a person who believes or agrees that the reason that slavery proliferated in the South was because its climate was more congenial to the African’s constitution;
352. a person who criticizes LeBron James, especially for his support of China’s antifree speech actions;
353. a person who denounces the Chinese;
354. a Northerner;
355. an admirer of General Robert E. Lee;
356. a white Christmas;
357. grammar;
358. black plastic jack-o’-lanterns and, therefore, those who uses them;
359. a person who desires to keep a majority of the population of the United States White;
360. all-white Adidas sneakers and, therefore, people who buy or wear them;
361. the Adidas “shackle shoes” and, therefore, people who buy or wear them;
362. Gucci’s “blackface” jumper and, therefore, people who buy or wear it;
363. Prada’s monkey figure and, therefore, people who buy or play with one;
364. the New York Police Department;
365. the enforcement of subway fare evasion laws;
366. a person who expects subway riders, especially nonwhite riders, to pay a fee to ride the subway;
367. The Deer Hunter and, therefore, a person who watches it;
368. mathematics, and, therefore, a person who uses mathematics;
369. a person who researches IQ;
370. Richard Nixon and, therefore, people who admire him;
371. Ronald Reagan and, therefore, people who admire him;
372. a person who supports the war on drugs;
373. a person who supports welfare reform;
374. the American justice system;
375. a person who uses the word “uppity”;
376. Thanksgiving and, therefore, people who celebrate it;
377. a proponent of integration;
378. a Southern Baptist;
379. a person who wants
380. a person who complains about immigrants rapist going unpunished;
Added January 23, 2020
381. Bill Buckley and, therefore, people who admire him;
382. a person who uses the word “Eskimo”;
383. a proponent of school discipline;
384. a White person who complains about a Black murdering a White;
385. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and, therefore, people who admire him;
386. a person who objects to letting dead people to vote;
387. vaccines and, therefore, those who administer or promote vaccines;
388. a native-born Austrian;
389. single family zoning and, therefore, people who practice or use it;
390. a Zionist;
391. a proponent of affirmative action;
392. a communist;
393. a person who maintains that race and ideology are intertwined;
394. a Jewish supremacist;
395. a proponent of self-government;
396. a person whom the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) hates;
397. civil discourse and, therefore, people who engage in it;
398. a person who dose not revere Martin Luther King;
399. a person who advocates for the assimilation of immigrants;
400. a Black Hebrew Israelite;
Added April 23, 2020
401. a person who wants people coming from areas with Ebola to be checked for Ebola;
402. a person who quotes Shakespeare;
403. a policy with which the Rev. Dr. William Barber disagrees, and, therefore, a person who agrees with that policy;
404. Rebekah, wife of Issac and mother of Jacob, and, therefore, anyone who does not condemn her;
405. Issac, husband of Rebekah and father of Jacob, and, therefore, anyone who does not condemn him;
406. a person who objects to someone marrying a person who is not of his race;
407. Rush Limbaugh and, therefore, anyone who admires him;
408. a person who adopts a Black child to prove that they are not a racist;
409. a person who claims that minorities are over representative in crime statistics (similar to numbers 46 and 87);
410. a person who demonizes Blacks;
411. a person who objects to demonizing Whites;
412. a person whom a woke person declares to be a racist;
413. a person who does not believe that Whites are the cause of all social problems;
414. a person who wants to make America great again;
415. travel bands and, therefore, anyone who practices or supports a travel band;
416. Pat Buchanan and, therefore, anyone who admires him;
417. a person who claims that races do not exist (conflicts with number 26);
418. a person who calls COVID-19 “the Chinese virus” (similar to 478, 580, and 684);
419. a person who claims that migrants pose a threat to public health;
420. a person who questions the need for the Martin Luther King holiday;
Added June 10, 2020
421. the coronavirus;
422. a person who criticizes a Black literary prisze-winner;
423. a person to the right of Jeb Bush;
424. a person who calls a Zimbabwean a Rhodesian;
425. a presstitute;
426. a celebrity enabled by the media;
427. federalism and, therefore, an adherent of federalism;
428. a person who protests the Chinese-Virus lockdown;
429. a person who tells the truth (see numbers 191, 261, and 322);
430. Joe Biden and, therefore, anyone who supports him;
431. a person who believes that blue lives (police) matter;
432. CNN and, therefore, anyone who watches CNN;
433. a person who opposes multiculturalism (conflicts with 512);
434. a person who criticizes foreign cultures;
435. an adherent of the American culture;
436. a person who disagrees with what a Denver Bronco football player says about racism;
437. a person who objects to a football player kneeling when the national anthem is played;
438. a person who did not post a black square on his social media accounts for "Blackout Tuesday”;
439. a person who uses the word “riot” or “rioting”;
440. a person who supports reducing Black-on-Black crime;
Added July 2, 2020
441. a victim of murder by a nonwhite murderer;
442. Franklin Roosevelt and, therefore, people who admire him;
443 Lyndon Johnson and, therefore, people who admire him;
444. National Public Radio and, therefore, people who listen to it;
445. a university administer;
446. education and, therefore, people who are educated (as opposed to indoctrinated);
447. a statue of a White person;
448. Christopher Columbus and, therefore, a person who admires him;
449. a nonblack who reads Martin Luther King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” the way King wrote it (he used the word “nigger” in the letter);
450. a person who criticizes Black Lives Matters (see number 174)
451. the Texas Rangers and, therefore, anyone who supports or admires the Texas Rangers;
452. a Union officer;
453. Aunt Jemima pancake mix and, therefore, anyone who eats pancakes;
454. Uncle Ben rice and, therefore, anyone who eats rice;
455. Mrs. Butterworth and, therefore, anyone who uses syrup;
456. the Chief Cream of Wheat and, therefore, anyone who eats it;
457. exercise rings and, therefore, anyone who uses them;
458. Eskimo Pie and, therefore, anyone who eats one;
459. a person who removes or favors removing the picture of Blacks from food packaging;
460. anything antebellum;
461. American history and, therefore, anyone who does not condemn it;
462. a person who objects to being beaten by a mob;
463. a White person who defends his property from Black looters;
464. a Whiter person who defends himself from a Black attacker;
465. a person who speaks English;
466. the FBI crime statistics and, therefore, anyone who uses them;
467. Mozart and, therefore, a person who listens to Mozart;
468. Rossini and, therefore, a person who listens to Rossini;
469. Mark Twain and, therefore, a person who reads his work (see number 314);
470. Bach and, therefore, a person who listens to Bach;
471. Haydn and, therefore, a person who listens to Haydn;
472. Beethoven and, therefore, a person who listens to Beethoven;
473. Chopin and, therefore, a person who listens to Chopin;
474. a person who believes that White lives matter;
475. Coco Pops and, therefore, anyone who eats Coco Pops cereal;
476. Rice Krispies and, therefore, anyone who eats Rice Krispies cereal;
477. grooved handles on a sword and, therefore, anyone who has or uses such a sword;
478. COVID-19 (because it infects Blacks at a higher rate than it infects Whites) (similar to 418, 580, and 684);
479. a person who requires Blacks to wear face masks (conflicts with number 480);
480. a person who exempts Blacks from wearing face masks while requiring Whites to wear face masks (conflicts with 479).
Added July 28, 2020
481. plantation and, therefore, anyone who uses that word;
482. a person who wears a mud pack;
483. “The Star Spangle Banner” and, therefore, those who sings it;
484. Jesus (related to number 113);
485. a master bedroom and, therefore, anyone who sleeps in one;
486. a person who has a different opinion;
487. a person who uses the word “Dixie”;
488. a manufacturer of skin-lightening products;
489. whatever causes the death of a Black baby except other Blacks;
490. Winston Churchill and, therefore, people who admire him;
491. a person who makes a joke about George Floyd;
492. chess and, therefore, anyone who plays it;
493. a White woman who objects to have sex with a Black man;
494. a person who rides a Harley motorcycle;
495. a woman who objects to being raped by a Black man;
496. Land O’ Lakes butter and, therefore, anyone who uses it;
497. Antifa and, therefore, its nonblack members (see number 207);
498. Black Life Matters and, therefore, its nonblack members and supporters (seems to conflict with number 500);
499. a person who uses the word “overseer”;
500. a person who does not support Black Lives Matters (seems to conflict with number 498)
More articles on social issues.
382. a person who uses the word “Eskimo”;
383. a proponent of school discipline;
384. a White person who complains about a Black murdering a White;
385. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and, therefore, people who admire him;
386. a person who objects to letting dead people to vote;
387. vaccines and, therefore, those who administer or promote vaccines;
388. a native-born Austrian;
389. single family zoning and, therefore, people who practice or use it;
390. a Zionist;
391. a proponent of affirmative action;
392. a communist;
393. a person who maintains that race and ideology are intertwined;
394. a Jewish supremacist;
395. a proponent of self-government;
396. a person whom the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) hates;
397. civil discourse and, therefore, people who engage in it;
398. a person who dose not revere Martin Luther King;
399. a person who advocates for the assimilation of immigrants;
400. a Black Hebrew Israelite;
Added April 23, 2020
401. a person who wants people coming from areas with Ebola to be checked for Ebola;
402. a person who quotes Shakespeare;
403. a policy with which the Rev. Dr. William Barber disagrees, and, therefore, a person who agrees with that policy;
404. Rebekah, wife of Issac and mother of Jacob, and, therefore, anyone who does not condemn her;
405. Issac, husband of Rebekah and father of Jacob, and, therefore, anyone who does not condemn him;
406. a person who objects to someone marrying a person who is not of his race;
407. Rush Limbaugh and, therefore, anyone who admires him;
408. a person who adopts a Black child to prove that they are not a racist;
409. a person who claims that minorities are over representative in crime statistics (similar to numbers 46 and 87);
410. a person who demonizes Blacks;
411. a person who objects to demonizing Whites;
412. a person whom a woke person declares to be a racist;
413. a person who does not believe that Whites are the cause of all social problems;
414. a person who wants to make America great again;
415. travel bands and, therefore, anyone who practices or supports a travel band;
416. Pat Buchanan and, therefore, anyone who admires him;
417. a person who claims that races do not exist (conflicts with number 26);
418. a person who calls COVID-19 “the Chinese virus” (similar to 478, 580, and 684);
419. a person who claims that migrants pose a threat to public health;
420. a person who questions the need for the Martin Luther King holiday;
Added June 10, 2020
421. the coronavirus;
422. a person who criticizes a Black literary prisze-winner;
423. a person to the right of Jeb Bush;
424. a person who calls a Zimbabwean a Rhodesian;
425. a presstitute;
426. a celebrity enabled by the media;
427. federalism and, therefore, an adherent of federalism;
428. a person who protests the Chinese-Virus lockdown;
429. a person who tells the truth (see numbers 191, 261, and 322);
430. Joe Biden and, therefore, anyone who supports him;
431. a person who believes that blue lives (police) matter;
432. CNN and, therefore, anyone who watches CNN;
433. a person who opposes multiculturalism (conflicts with 512);
434. a person who criticizes foreign cultures;
435. an adherent of the American culture;
436. a person who disagrees with what a Denver Bronco football player says about racism;
437. a person who objects to a football player kneeling when the national anthem is played;
438. a person who did not post a black square on his social media accounts for "Blackout Tuesday”;
439. a person who uses the word “riot” or “rioting”;
440. a person who supports reducing Black-on-Black crime;
Added July 2, 2020
441. a victim of murder by a nonwhite murderer;
442. Franklin Roosevelt and, therefore, people who admire him;
443 Lyndon Johnson and, therefore, people who admire him;
444. National Public Radio and, therefore, people who listen to it;
445. a university administer;
446. education and, therefore, people who are educated (as opposed to indoctrinated);
447. a statue of a White person;
448. Christopher Columbus and, therefore, a person who admires him;
449. a nonblack who reads Martin Luther King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” the way King wrote it (he used the word “nigger” in the letter);
450. a person who criticizes Black Lives Matters (see number 174)
451. the Texas Rangers and, therefore, anyone who supports or admires the Texas Rangers;
452. a Union officer;
453. Aunt Jemima pancake mix and, therefore, anyone who eats pancakes;
454. Uncle Ben rice and, therefore, anyone who eats rice;
455. Mrs. Butterworth and, therefore, anyone who uses syrup;
456. the Chief Cream of Wheat and, therefore, anyone who eats it;
457. exercise rings and, therefore, anyone who uses them;
458. Eskimo Pie and, therefore, anyone who eats one;
459. a person who removes or favors removing the picture of Blacks from food packaging;
460. anything antebellum;
461. American history and, therefore, anyone who does not condemn it;
462. a person who objects to being beaten by a mob;
463. a White person who defends his property from Black looters;
464. a Whiter person who defends himself from a Black attacker;
465. a person who speaks English;
466. the FBI crime statistics and, therefore, anyone who uses them;
467. Mozart and, therefore, a person who listens to Mozart;
468. Rossini and, therefore, a person who listens to Rossini;
469. Mark Twain and, therefore, a person who reads his work (see number 314);
470. Bach and, therefore, a person who listens to Bach;
471. Haydn and, therefore, a person who listens to Haydn;
472. Beethoven and, therefore, a person who listens to Beethoven;
473. Chopin and, therefore, a person who listens to Chopin;
474. a person who believes that White lives matter;
475. Coco Pops and, therefore, anyone who eats Coco Pops cereal;
476. Rice Krispies and, therefore, anyone who eats Rice Krispies cereal;
477. grooved handles on a sword and, therefore, anyone who has or uses such a sword;
478. COVID-19 (because it infects Blacks at a higher rate than it infects Whites) (similar to 418, 580, and 684);
479. a person who requires Blacks to wear face masks (conflicts with number 480);
480. a person who exempts Blacks from wearing face masks while requiring Whites to wear face masks (conflicts with 479).
Added July 28, 2020
481. plantation and, therefore, anyone who uses that word;
482. a person who wears a mud pack;
483. “The Star Spangle Banner” and, therefore, those who sings it;
484. Jesus (related to number 113);
485. a master bedroom and, therefore, anyone who sleeps in one;
486. a person who has a different opinion;
487. a person who uses the word “Dixie”;
488. a manufacturer of skin-lightening products;
489. whatever causes the death of a Black baby except other Blacks;
490. Winston Churchill and, therefore, people who admire him;
491. a person who makes a joke about George Floyd;
492. chess and, therefore, anyone who plays it;
493. a White woman who objects to have sex with a Black man;
494. a person who rides a Harley motorcycle;
495. a woman who objects to being raped by a Black man;
496. Land O’ Lakes butter and, therefore, anyone who uses it;
497. Antifa and, therefore, its nonblack members (see number 207);
498. Black Life Matters and, therefore, its nonblack members and supporters (seems to conflict with number 500);
499. a person who uses the word “overseer”;
500. a person who does not support Black Lives Matters (seems to conflict with number 498)
Added September 12, 2020
501. Increase Mather (of Harvard University) and, therefore, anyone who admires him and everything named after him;
502. Elihu Yale (of Yale University) and, therefore, anyone who admires him and everything named after him;
503. a person who does not consider race when hiring, i.e., a person who hires a more qualified White instead of a less qualified Black;
504. Margaret Sanger, founder of Plan Parenthood and, therefore, anyone who admires her (sim;
505. a person who is winning an argument with a liberal (see number 139);
506. a person who lives in a community that locates public housing in an area where property values are low;
507. a person who objects to rule by judges, a kritarchy;
508. a member of President Reagan’s Supreme Court;
507. a person who treats or advocates treating Blacks and Whites alike;
508. a person who believes that Western ideals transcends race (similar to 682);
509. interracial marriage and, therefore, those who have an interracial marriage and those who do not object to interracial marriages;
510. a person who supports or defends the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan;
511. a person who claims that Whites are naturally born racists (it is in their DNA);
512. a proponent of multiculturalism (conflicts with number 433);
513. a person who calls someone a “progressive”;
514. a person who calls someone a “Marxist” (see number 130);
515. a person who shield children from LGTBQ exhibits:
516. a person who suggests that a person of color, especially an American Indian, do a rain dance to help with a drought;
517. a person who calls someone “Karen”;
518. a person who uses harassment or violence to drive White staffers, teacher, or administrators from schools;
519. a person who tells the truth about Black social pathologies;
520. a struggling worker;
521. an abortionist and a person who favor abortion (conflicts with numbers 12 and 242);
522. Sir Hans Sloane, who pioneered smallpox vaccination and malaria treatment, and, therefore, anyone who admires him or receives a smallpox vaccination or a malaria treatment based on his work;
523. values of the Enlightenment and, therefore, anyone who reveres or practices these values;
524. a person who opposes expanding Medicaid;
525. National Public Radio and, therefore, anyone who listens to it;
526. a person who notices that Joe Biden’s running mate is colored after he promised to select a woman of color as his running mate;
527. a person who mispronounces Kamala Harris’ name;
528. a person who mispronounces Fatima Goss Graves’ name;
529. a person who makes the leading character of a movie a Black person;
530. the American media and, therefore, anyone who believes them;
531. a person who is not against White people;
532. Charles Darwin, Darwinism, i.e., evolution and, therefore, anyone who believes or accepts biological evolution;
533. Thomas Huxley and, therefore, anyone who admires him or accepts his theories;
534. a person who arrests Blacks for fighting other Blacks;
535. rap music and, therefore, anyone who listens to it;
536. the 1619 Project and, therefore, anyone who uses it or agrees with it;
537. Frederick Douglass and, therefore, anyone who admires him;
538. an abolitionist and, therefore, anyone who admires or supports abolitionism;
539. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson and, therefore, anyone who admires him;
540. a person whose surname is “Smith”;
501. Increase Mather (of Harvard University) and, therefore, anyone who admires him and everything named after him;
502. Elihu Yale (of Yale University) and, therefore, anyone who admires him and everything named after him;
503. a person who does not consider race when hiring, i.e., a person who hires a more qualified White instead of a less qualified Black;
504. Margaret Sanger, founder of Plan Parenthood and, therefore, anyone who admires her (sim;
505. a person who is winning an argument with a liberal (see number 139);
506. a person who lives in a community that locates public housing in an area where property values are low;
507. a person who objects to rule by judges, a kritarchy;
508. a member of President Reagan’s Supreme Court;
507. a person who treats or advocates treating Blacks and Whites alike;
508. a person who believes that Western ideals transcends race (similar to 682);
509. interracial marriage and, therefore, those who have an interracial marriage and those who do not object to interracial marriages;
510. a person who supports or defends the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan;
511. a person who claims that Whites are naturally born racists (it is in their DNA);
512. a proponent of multiculturalism (conflicts with number 433);
513. a person who calls someone a “progressive”;
514. a person who calls someone a “Marxist” (see number 130);
515. a person who shield children from LGTBQ exhibits:
516. a person who suggests that a person of color, especially an American Indian, do a rain dance to help with a drought;
517. a person who calls someone “Karen”;
518. a person who uses harassment or violence to drive White staffers, teacher, or administrators from schools;
519. a person who tells the truth about Black social pathologies;
520. a struggling worker;
521. an abortionist and a person who favor abortion (conflicts with numbers 12 and 242);
522. Sir Hans Sloane, who pioneered smallpox vaccination and malaria treatment, and, therefore, anyone who admires him or receives a smallpox vaccination or a malaria treatment based on his work;
523. values of the Enlightenment and, therefore, anyone who reveres or practices these values;
524. a person who opposes expanding Medicaid;
525. National Public Radio and, therefore, anyone who listens to it;
526. a person who notices that Joe Biden’s running mate is colored after he promised to select a woman of color as his running mate;
527. a person who mispronounces Kamala Harris’ name;
528. a person who mispronounces Fatima Goss Graves’ name;
529. a person who makes the leading character of a movie a Black person;
530. the American media and, therefore, anyone who believes them;
531. a person who is not against White people;
532. Charles Darwin, Darwinism, i.e., evolution and, therefore, anyone who believes or accepts biological evolution;
533. Thomas Huxley and, therefore, anyone who admires him or accepts his theories;
534. a person who arrests Blacks for fighting other Blacks;
535. rap music and, therefore, anyone who listens to it;
536. the 1619 Project and, therefore, anyone who uses it or agrees with it;
537. Frederick Douglass and, therefore, anyone who admires him;
538. an abolitionist and, therefore, anyone who admires or supports abolitionism;
539. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson and, therefore, anyone who admires him;
540. a person whose surname is “Smith”;
Added October 16, 2020
541. the Eskimo Nebula;
542. the Siamese Twin Galaxy;
543. the motto, “Work hard. Be nice” and, therefore, anyone who uses it or lives by it;
544. a person who uses the Chinese filler-word “neige,” which is pronounced “nee-gah” and translates as the filler-word “um”;
545. a Trump deplorable (similar to number 70);
546. a sports fan who boos the opposing team;
547. a person who sends his children to a private school;
548. a person who lives in a neighborhood with few Black residents;
549. a tree by which a Black commits suicide by hanging;
550. a White person who adopts nonwhite children;
551. a robot and, therefore, anyone who uses a robot;
552. a racist algorithm (used to censor “racist” comments) and, therefore, anyone who writes or uses one;
553. Twitter and, therefore, anyone who uses Twitter;
554. a person who considers race to be relevant (seems to contradict number 320);
555. a person who buys a gun (see numbers 76, 80, 194, 255, 295, and 331);
556. a person who does a Goggle search for “nigger”;
557. a geologist;
558. Princeton University and, therefore, anyone who attends or ever has attended it;
559. a Gaucho;
560. Joe Biden and, therefore, anyone who supports him;
561. a person who strives for perfectionism;
562. a person who feels a sense of urgency;
563. a person who believes in individualism:
564. a person who strives to be objective (see number 571);
565. a person who calls eugenics “racist” (because the person calling eugenics “racist” believes that blacks have no desirable characteristics that would improve the human race);
566. Ronald Fisher, the creator of modern statistics, and, therefore, a person who uses statistics;
567. Watson and Crick, the discovers of the DNA Double Helix, and, therefore, anyone who uses their discovery;
569. American civilization and, therefore, anyone who partakes of it;
570. Virginia’s former state song “Carry Me Back to Old Virginny” and, therefore, anyone who sings it;
571. a person who thinks objectively (see number 564);
572. a person who believes that hard work is the key to success;
573. a proponent of reopening the schools because Blacks are more susceptible to contracting the coronavirus;
574. an opponent of reopening the schools because Black have poor access to the internet than do Whites;
575. a person who participates in an educational program for gifted children;
Added December 9, 2020
576. a White working-class person;
577. national parks and, therefore, anyone who uses them;
578. a teacher who gives a nonwhite students a failing grade;
579. a person who prefers his own race to another race;
580. Covid vaccines and, therefore, those who develop them and those who give them (similar to 418, 478, and 684);
581. a Constitutional originalist;
582. Caesar Augustus and, therefore, anyone who studies or admires him;
583. Marcus Aurelius and, therefore, anyone who studies or admires him;
584. Dan Quayle and, therefore, anyone who supported him;
585. Alexander Graham Bell and, therefore, anyone who uses a telephone;
586. James Monroe and, therefore, anyone who admires him or the Monroe doctrine;
587. Zachary Taylor and, therefore, anyone who admires him;
588. John Tyler and, therefore, anyone who admires him;
589. William Henry Harrison and, therefore, anyone who admires him;
590. Francis Preston Blair Jr. (a Republican partisan of Abraham Lincoln and a Union soldier who forcibly prevented Missouri from seceding) and, therefore, anyone who admires him;
591. Benjamin Franklin and, therefore, anyone who admires him;
592. Abel P. Upshur (a diplomat who brought the independent Texas into the Union and a jurist who authored an authoritative commentary on the Constitution) and, therefore, anyone who admires him;
593. George Mason and, therefore, anyone who admires him;
594. a person who uses the term “legal vote”;
595. a person who uses the term “illegal alien”;
596. a person who uses the term “race neutral”;
597. a person who uses the term “welfare queen”;
598. a person who uses the word“handouts’”;
599. a person who uses the term “super predator”
600. a person who uses the word “crackbaby”;
601. a person who uses the term “personal responsibility”’
602. a person who uses the term “post racial”;
603. a person who wants White to pay Blacks “reparations” for slavery;
604. a person who objects to voter-fraud;
605. a piano (because it has black and white keys) and, therefore, anyone who plays a piano or listens to piano music;
606. a person who favors putting a man to death who rapes and buries teen girl alive;
607. a rock on which a Black racial slur is painted or is nicknamed with a racial slur;
608. a person who fails utterly to annihilate rocks on which a Black racial slur is painted a rock on which a Black racial slur is painted;
609. a person who opposed decriminalization of marijuana;
610. a person who asks a nonblack why he opposes Black Lives Matter;
Added March 8, 2021
611. a White boxer who knocks out a Black boxer;
612. a member of the Greek nationalist political party, Golden Dawn;
613. Chuck Yeager and, therefore, anyone who admires him;
614. the Cleveland Indians and, therefore, its fans;
615. a gardener;
616. an election official who does not certify an election stolen for a Democratic candidate (similar to numbers 673 and 692);
617. ballet and, therefore, ballet dancers or anyone who likes ballet;
618. a possessor of a mammy jar;
619. an examination that a Black fails and, therefore, anyone who gives such examination;
620. a person who does not wear a mask (see numbers 479 and 480);
621. a White person who moves into a black area;
622. a White person who leaves a black area;
623. a person who implements a non-discriminatory policy that results in group differences if Blacks don’t benefit;
624. a person who uses the acronym VAPA (Visual and Performing Arts);
624. a person who uses the acronym AIDS;
625. a person who uses the acronym GLAAD and, therefore, gays (conflicts with number 633);
626. a person who uses the acronym MALDEF and, therefore. Latino advocators;
627. Tom Brady and, therefore, anyone who admires him;
628. Otto von Bismarck and, therefore, anyone who admires him;
629. Immanuel Kant and, therefore, anyone who admires him or follows his philosophy;
630. a Portlander;
631. an instructor of mathematics that asks students to show their work and find the right answer;
632. an instructor of mathematics that focus on getting the “right” answer;
633. a person who opposes same-sex marriages (conflicts with number 625);
634. a person who uses a merit-based system;
635. chocolate and, therefore, anyone who eats it;
636. NASCAR and, therefore, anyone who participates in or watches it;
637. Dwight McKissic and his followers and supporters;
638. Coca Cola and its upper managers;
639. a Balinese;
640. Dr. Seuss Books and, therefore, those who read them;
Added June 3, 2021
641. a person who uses the word “cakewalk”;
642. a person who says “Merry Christmas”;
643. a person who celebrates Christmas;
644. a person who uses logic and reason;
645. a person who believes in the rule of law;
646. a teacher who grades the quality of a student’s writing;
647. a White person who teaches martial arts;
648. a person who used the phrase “Kung Flu”;
649. a person who tells the truth about the poor academic performance of Black students;
650. a person who hears someone speak the truth about poor academic performance of Black students;
651. a person who judges others by their character and not by their race;
652. lawns and, therefore, anyone who owns a lawn;
653. single family home and, therefore, anyone who lives in a single family home;
654. a person who uses the word “blacklist”;
655. a person who uses the word “freeholder”;
656. a person who uses the word “grandfathered”;
657. a person who uses the word “blackballed”;
658. a person who uses the word “gyped”;
659. a person who uses the word “picnic”;
660. a person who uses the word “nitty-gritty”;
661. the Claiborne Expressway in New Orleans and, therefore, anyone who uses it;
662. Interstate 81 in Syracuse, New York, and, therefore, anyone who uses it;
663. a woman who combs her hair;
664. a person who evaluates people based on anything other than race;
665. a bank and, therefore, any person who requires an ID to open a bank account or to cash a check;
666. a person who requires an ID buy a gun;
667. a car rental company and, therefore, any person who requires an ID rent a car;
668. a hotel and, therefore, any person who requires an ID to check into a hotel;
669. a bar and, therefore, any person who requires an ID to enter a bar;
670. an airline company and, therefore, any person who requires an ID to board an airplane;
671. a corporation and, therefore, its high-level officials who require a government ID for meeting in which shareholders vote;
672. major league baseball and, therefore, any team or person who requires a photo ID to pick up tickets from the Will Call booth;
673. a person who supports election security (see number 616 and 692);
674. a person who uses the term “Anglo-Saxon”;
675. the Academy Awards and, therefore, anyone who participates in it;
676. a person who objects to illegal drugs entering the United States from Mexico or Chinese sources;
677. a person who says something that another person perceives to be racist;
678. libraries and, therefore, anyone who use them;
679. the Dewey Decimal System and, therefore, anyone who use it;
680. the SAT and ACT (see number 18);
Added July 13, 2021
681. McDonald’s (twice: once for spending too little on advertisements targeting Blacks and again for spending too much money targeting Blacks);
682. a person who does not denounce Western civilization (similar to numbers 147, 158, and 508);
683. “The Eyes of Texas” and, therefore, anyone who sings it;
684. a person who believes that COVID-19 came from a laboratory in China (similar to numbers 418, 478, and 580);
685. a person who uses the phrase “sold down the river”;
686. a person who uses the phrase “no can do”;
687. a person who uses the phrase “long time no see”;
688. a person who uses the phrase “peanut gallery”;
689. a tomboy;
690. an American;
691. the weather;
692. laws and, therefore, anyone who follows them (similar to numbers 616 and 673);
693. a white person who teaches a language of color;
694. a person who rejects the notion that white teachers should teach in white schools;
695. person who rejects the notion that black teachers should teach in black schools;
696. the British Broadcasting Company and, therefore, anyone who works for it or listens to its programs;
697. Hawaiian Asians;
698. a person who requests another person to wear a mask;
699. a person who requests another person to turn down the volume on his boom box;
700. John James Audubon and, therefore, anyone who admires his work;
701. ornithologists;
702. Bachman’s sparrow;
703. Wallace’s fruit dove;
704. a person who reveres or adheres to the Bill of Rights;
705. a person who hold up three fingers to indicate the number three;
706 Joe Biden and, therefore, the people who support him;
707. Hunter Biden and, therefore, the people who cover for him;
708. Critical Race Theory and therefore, anyone who promotes it;
709. a person who believes that only citizens should be eligible to vote;
710. Gone With the Wind and, therefore, a person who likes the movie or book;
711. the First Amendment and, therefore, anyone who admires, reveres, or defends it;
712. the National Basketball Associations and, therefore, anyone who plays in the NBA, who is employed by a team in the NBA, or who watches NBA games;
713. Phil Jackson, the all-time winningest coach in the NBA and, therefore, anyone who admires him;
714. guitars and, therefore, anyone who plays a guitar or listens to guitar music;
715. diapers and, therefore, anyone who uses diapers;
716. forks and, therefore, anyone who uses a fork;
717. a person who believes that violent crime is rising;
718. Birth of a Nation and, therefore, anyone who likes the movie;
719. fireworks and, therefore, anyone who uses or enjoy them;
720. the Olympic rule that bans marijuana, and, therefore, anyone who enforces or supports it;
Added October 13, 2021
721. rock hammers and, therefore, a person who owns or uses one;
722. parkin cake and, therefore, anyone who makes or eat ones;
723. the Chamberlin Rock at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and, therefore, anyone who reveres it;
724. “The Great Commission” (outlined in Matthew 28:16–20) and, therefore, anyone who participates in it;
725. a person who resists being mugged and robbed by Blacks;
726. FOX News and, therefore, anyone who watches it;
727. a member of Chabad;
728. Mahatma Gandhi and, therefore, anyone who admires him;
729. a person who claims that Blacks lack natural gifts;
730. a person who claims that Blacks have natural gifts;
731. a person who is interested in race;
732. a person who chooses a lesser qualified Black person over a more qualified White person;
733. a person who does not believe that the apes from which human beings evolve to be human beings;
734. an employee of CVS;
735. a person born in the United States;
736. an employee of Google;
737. Ben Shapiro and, therefore, anyone who uses his services;
738. an employee of Raytheon;
739. a person who perceives Haitians as backwards, impoverished, superstitious drags on any nation in which they live;
740. a person who thinks that South Africa is not enlightened enough to have women with penises;
741. criminal law and, therefore, anyone who supports criminal law;
742. arrests and, therefore, anyone who make an arrest (see number 534);
743. incarceration and, therefore, anyone involved with incarceration except the person incarcerated;
744. standardized tests and, therefore, anyone who gives or promotes them;
745. mortgages and, therefore, anyone holds a mortgage;
746. Harvard University and, therefore, anyone who attends or has attended or works or has worked there;
747. Declaration of Independents and, therefore, anyone who reveres it;
748. a person who trusts science that counters the technocratic transhumanist Deep State narrative;
749. a person who defends his State against aggression;
750. Cecil Rhodes and, therefore, anyone who received a Rhodes scholarship;
Added June 8, 2022
751. a person who wears second-hand clothes;
752. a person who tries to discipline Black troops;
753. a person who lets his dog stay indoors;
754. white rice and, therefore, anyone who eats it;
755. Justin Wilson, the Louisiana chef, and, therefore, anyone who uses his receipts or eats dishes made following one of his receipts;
756. a professor defending his country against military aggression;
757. a participant in the Seattle annual Halloween Pumpkin Parade;
758. a person who believes that black males faint from shock when they see pumpkins;
759. a person who uses the word “spooky”;
760. a person who uses the phrase “kitchen cabinet”;
761. a person who did not vote for Barack Obama (seems to conflict with number 761);
762. a person who supports lower taxes;
763. a person who supports States’ rights;
764. dissent, especially a person who practices it during a Democratic administration;
765. Mario Cuomo, Governor of New York, and, therefore, anyone who admires him;
766. Bernie Goetz (the 1984 New York City subway shooter) and, therefore, anyone who admires or supported him;
767. a person who is obsessed with racism;
768. a person who is concerned about crime (see number 717);
769. a person who uses the word “that”;
770. a person who votes for a Black candidate (seems to conflict with number 761);
771. steam-powered trains and, therefore, anyone who rides one or helps to build and maintain them;
772. a person who is critical of the culture or attitude of nonwhites;
773. a person who disputes Critical Race Theory (conflicts with number 708);
774. a person who builds or uses an underpass that is constructed “too low” for busses used by minorities to get through;
775. a person who requires a student to submit his work by a specific time;
776. Kyle Rittenhouse and, therefore, anyone who believes that he is not guilty;
777. Black Friday and, therefore, anyone who shops on Black Friday.
778. ports of entry and, therefore, anyone who uses one;
779. a person who uses the word “looting”;
780. a person who believes that Koreans eat dogs;
781. a White person who resists or interferes when a Black is attacking another White;
782. an Israeli;
783. genes and heritability and, therefore, anyone who thinks that they are real and not social construct;
784. Lord of the Rings and, therefore, anyone who reads the books or watches the original movies;
785. China and the Chinese;
786. a person who believes in or advocates freedom;
787 a person who criticizes Stacey Abrams for being maskless in a classroom;
788. a person who aids Ukraine;
789. a person who nominates a person for a Supreme Court Justices based on race;
790. school honor programs and, therefore, anyone who participates in them;
791. a juror who expresses familiarity with FBI crime statistics;
792. a person who warns that people will have to learn to speak Spanish;
793. a good-looking man;
794. a person who wants to prevent people of color immigrant-invaders infected with Covid from entering our country as an asylum-seeker;
795. opera and, therefore, anyone who watches it or listens to it;
796. a person who works in an office instead of at home;
797. a person who questions the use of Black-Lives-Matters funds;
798. Robert Mugabe and, therefore, anyone who admires or supports him;
799. Tucker Carlson and, therefore, anyone who admires him;
800. a right-winger;