Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Ethnic Cleansing

Ethnic Cleansing
Thomas Allen

[Editor’s note: This article was submitted in 1992 to the “Southern National Newsletter” of the Southern National Party.]

Many people are concerned about the war in Bosnia and the ethnic cleansing occurring in that country. However, few of these people seem concerned about the ethnic cleansing occurring right here in the South.

Between 1861 and 1865 the United States government invaded the South and tried to kill as many Southerners as it could.  Not only did it kill Southern soldiers defending their homes, but it also killed Southern women and children.  It even killed the slaves whom it claimed it was trying to free.

Next came the First Reconstruction, which lasted until 1877. During this period the might of the United States government supported various local scalawags and carpetbaggers, who tried to remold the South into the image of Yankeedom by political means.

Most patriotic Southerners resisted this political effort to remake them. However, a new type of Southern was given birth during the First Reconstruction — the New South Southerner.  (The New South Southerner is basically a populist scalawag.) The New South Southerner led the economic reform of the South. What politics failed to do, economics would do. The South would be industrialized like the North. Agrarianism would be replaced by industrialism. Along with industrialization came hordes of Yankee immigrants to manage Southern factories and to remold the South into the image of Yankeedom. This economic assault has been largely successful. It has destroyed many unique aspects of the Southern way of life. This economic assault continues even today.

Next came the Second Reconstruction, which began in 1954. Like the First Reconstruction, the Second Reconstruction is a political assault against the South. It seeks to destroy Southerners by the genocide of integration.

Along with the Second Reconstruction has come an even more intense attack against that which is uniquely Southern: the Confederate flag; songs of the South, such as “Dixie,” “Maryland, My Maryland,” and “Old Virginny”; the immortal, eternal Confederate soldier and the monuments that honor him; etc.

(The Confederate flag flew in Lithuania when the Lithuanians were struggling to free themselves from the oppression of the Soviet Union. The Confederate flag flew in Berlin as the Berlin Wall fell. Oppressed Europeans recognize the Confederate flag for what it is: the symbol of liberty.  Perhaps this explains the antagonism against the flag.  It represents what the enemies of the South despise:  LIBERTY!)

The South and all that is Southern must be destroyed.  It must be remade into the image of Yankeedom. As long as the South retains any of its unique character and identity, the spark of freedom lives. This spark must be smothered out so that all can live under the enslavement of Yankeedom.

Southerners need to end the ethnic cleansing of the South before it is too late.  Southerners need to stop the ethnic cleansing of the South before the South and all that is Southern is completely annihilated. Southerners must unite and throw off the yoke of their oppressors and murders! There is only one way that Southerners can put an end to the genocide being inflicted upon them. There is only one way that Southerners can retain those unique Southern characteristics not yet destroyed and resurrect those lost. That way is a free and independent confederation of free and independent Southern States. The time has come to flee from ethnic cleansing towards freedom. The time has come for secession!

Copyright © 1992, 2021 by Thomas Coley Allen.

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