Sunday, March 19, 2023

A Response to a Minister Re COVID


A Response to a Minister Re COVID

Thomas Allen

The following are comments to “Ministry After Covid?” by Bob Wilkin. Mr. Wilkin urges people who do not wear masks to wear masks when they are around paranoid people who fear nonmask wearers. To keep from offending mask wearers, nonmask wearers should wear masks when they are around mask wearers. 

The next four paragraphs were emailed to Wilkin, but he did not reply to them.

The next major health crisis is going to be injuries and delayed deaths from the experimental COVID vaccines. These vaccines are neither safe nor effective. (,, or Moreover, when adjusted for undercounting deaths from the vaccines and overcounting deaths from COVID, more people have died of the vaccines than of COVID in the U.S. At least 10 times more people have died of the vaccines than reported. Less than 10 percent of the people reported as dying of COVID actually died of COVID in the U.S.

As for masks, you write, “we will all need to be sensitive to fellow believers who have strong convictions about everyone wearing masks.” What about people like me who have strong convictions that wearing masks causes more harm than good? ( Are the everyone-needs-to-wear-masks proponents going to be sensitive to people like me? If masks protect, what does a person wearing a mask have to fear from a person not wearing a mask? Besides, I do not understand how a mask with gaps around the edges and holes many times larger than the virus can offer any protection from the virus. Wearing a mask as protection from the virus is like hiding behind a chain-link fence while someone is shooting at you and expecting not to be hit.

Unlike the vaccines, which are neither safe nor effective, there are treatments for COVID that are safe and effective. However, these treatments are being suppressed.

For vaccination and mask-wearing, the guiding principle should be “my body, my choice” and not “your body, my choice.” Anyone who chooses not to wear a mask or not to be vaccinated should be allowed that choice without any penalty. Likewise, anyone who chooses to wear a mask or to be vaccinated should be allowed that choice. If vaccination or mask-wearing really protects, then the vaccinated and mask-wearers have nothing to fear from those who are not vaccinated or do not wear masks. No person should force another person to be vaccinated or to wear a mask — the “your body, my choice” principle.

The knowledgeable catering to the ignorance of the ignorant keeps them ignorant. It does the ignorant no good and may even harm him. Instead, the knowledgeable should try to educate the ignorant. They should inform the ignorant of the uselessness and dangers of wearing masks as protection from a virus.

If the mask wearer is stupid, then the knowledgeable is wasting his time trying to educate the stupid. For stupid people to learn is extremely difficult and even impossible. In any event, a nonmask wearer should not become a mask wearer for the sake of the mask wearers.


People have speculated about the real purpose of the COVID-19 “vaccine.” Health officials, big medicine, and politicians claim that the purpose of the “vaccine” is to prevent people from contracting and spreading COVID-19. Moreover, a “vaccinated” person would be less likely to be hospitalized because of COVID-19 or die of it. Now, we know that these people lied to us. Studies are showing that a “vaccinated” person is more likely to contract COVID-19, be hospitalized, and die than an unvaccinated person.

Other than making a fortune for liability-free big pharma and big medicine, what is the purpose of the “vaccine?” Some speculate that its purpose is to cull the herd — the large-scale slaughter of humanity. Others speculate that its purpose is to create large-scale disability and, by that, generate enormous profits for big pharma and the medical industry. Or, could the purpose be a combination of these two? The “vaccines” cause all sorts of chronic terminal disabilities for big medicine to treat with drugs while killing the victims at various rates. 

(Many people confuse eugenics with culling the herd. Eugenics encourages high-quality people to reproduce while discouraging or preventing the reproduction of low-quality people. [Today, dysgenics is practiced as low-quality people are encouraged to reproduce while high-quality people are discouraged from reproducing.] Culling the herd means slaughtering the herd without regard to the quality of the people killed.)

Copyright © 2023 by Thomas Coley Allen.

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