Sunday, January 21, 2024

Miscegenation Is Genocide

Miscegenation Is Genocide

Thomas Allen

Genocide is the systematic destruction of a race of people. If carried to its conclusion, miscegenation results in the destruction of at least one, often both, of the races that are intermarrying. Thus, miscegenation is genocide.

To illustrate this point, let us consider an island with 50 men and 50 women of race M and 50 men and 50 women of race T. The 50 men of race M kill the 50 men and 50 women of race T. What is the result?  Genocide. Race T has ceased to exist.

Again, the 50 men of race M kill the 50 men of race T. They then rape the 50 women of race T, who then have hybrid offspring of mixed-race MT. Or, the 50 women of race T voluntarily become the wives of the men of race M and have children with them. The result is still the same; they have hybrid offspring of mixed-race MT. Finally, if the men of race M have no sexual relationship with the women of race T, the women of race T have no children. What is the result of all three of these scenarios? Genocide. Race T ceases to exist when the last woman of race T dies.

One may say that these are obvious incidents of genocide because violence and murder are involved. However, what one fails to realize is that genocide can occur without violence and can even be voluntary.

Let us return to the example island. The 50 men of race M lust (or desire or whatever verb one wants to use) after the 50 women of race T and marry them while the 50 men of race T lust after the 50 women of race M and marry them. No violence or force is involved. Each man and woman freely and voluntarily chooses his and her mate. The offspring of these mixed marriages are of mixed-race MT. When the last man and woman of race M or race T dies, that race ceases to exist. What is the result?  Genocide. Both races have ceased to exist.

Many definitions include “deliberate” extermination as part of the definition, but not all definitions do. Whether something is deliberate or not is irrelevant if the result is the same. Some definitions use “kill” while others use “exterminate” to show that genocide can be accomplished by means other than killing. 

Now let us look at two definitions of genocide:

1. John Cox: “Genocide aims to not only eliminate individual members of the targeted group but to destroy the group’s ability to maintain its social and cultural cohesion and, thus, its existence as a group.” 

2. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition: “The systematic and widespread extermination or attempted extermination of a national, racial, religious, or ethnic group.”

According to Jim Cox's definition, miscegenation leads to genocide because it not only eliminates individual members of intermarrying races by eliminating their racial offspring, but it also destroys their ability to maintain the social and cultural cohesion of the race by eliminating the existence of the race.

Miscegenation also meets the definition of the American Heritage Dictionary.  When interracial mating becomes widely accepted, it becomes systematic and widespread and leads to the extermination of the races involved. 

Genocide can just as likely be voluntary as it can be involuntary. It can be murder when one race deliberately kills another. It can be suicide when one race deliberately kills itself by breeding itself out of existence. The only real difference between genocide by murder and genocide by miscegenation is that genocide by miscegenation usually takes longer. In both cases, the results are the same. The race ceases to exist.

Thus, miscegenation is genocide. That it is voluntary does not make it any less evil or sinful. Are homosexual acts any less sinful when they occur between consenting adults? Are adultery and fornication any less sinful when they occur between consenting adults? Is genocide any less sinful when it is voluntary (miscegenation) instead of done by force (murder)? The answer to all these questions is no. They are all sins. 

The only way to avoid the sin of miscegenation and the resulting genocide is to outlaw it and punish those guilty of the crime of miscegenation.

Copyright © 2024 by Thomas Coley Allen.

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