Friday, July 3, 2009

A Conspiratorial View of the War for Southern Independence

A Conspiratorial View of the War for Southern Independence
Thomas Allen

[Editor's note: To reduce the length of this article, the footnotes in the original have been omitted.]

Our story begins in 1845 when Giuseppe Mazzini, an Italian revolutionist, came to the United States and organized the Young American movement. The Young American society was modeled after his Young Italy, a secret society whose objective was to overthrow the established governments of Italy and unite Italy under a republican government.

Mazzini was an Illuminist of the highest degree, probably the highest Illuminist in the world at this time. He was a believer in violent revolutions and a forefather of Communism. He organized the Revolution of 1848, whose purpose was to overthrow the monarchs of continental Europe and replace them with a communist state. Lord Palmerston, the British Foreign Minister, backed Mazzini and his revolution with British diplomacy and money. After the failed Revolution of 1848, Palmerston replaced Mazzini as the head of the Illuminists. Mazzini went on, along with Garibaldi, to unify Italy 1860. (Lincoln offered Garibaldi command of the Union army.)

Illuminists are today’s globalists and supporters of world government and the New World Order. They include international financiers, Trilateralists, Bilderbergers, Communists; Talmudic Jews and Fabian Socialists; members of the Skull and Bones and the Council on Foreign Relations; and the inner most circles of the New Agers, Freemasonry, Rosicrucians, and Zionists.

In 1845, Mazzini organized the Young American movement in the United States, which he directed for some years afterwards. This movement was primarily active in rural areas as a farmer’s movement. It also was active in the abolitionist movement. Mazzini became the godfather of the antislavery campaign. The abolitionists became front men for the Illuminists, who wanted to destroy the United States and their Constitution. Years before the War for Southern Independence, the Young American Masonic conspiracy was active in the South promoting the abolitionist cause.

Also, involved in the founding of the Young America movement was Edwin DeLeon. DeLeon became an adviser to President Jefferson Davis and the chief propagandist of the Confederacy in Europe. While DeLeon led the expansionist wing of the Young America, William Lloyd Garrison, a spiritualist, led the abolitionist wing.

Garrison was a leading abolitionist and a friend of Mazzini. Garrison published the abolitionist newspaper The Liberator, which he started in 1831. Unnamed backers financed his paper, so it could be distributed free through the South.

The abolitionist movement was in effect an undeclared war against the Southern States. (Until the War for Southern Independence, most Americans viewed the United States as a "confederation of states associated under the provisions of a compact, the Constitution of the United States.")

Agitation over slavery, which many in the South had been working to eliminate, would be used to cause the war that the Illuminist wanted. This agitation was to conceal the drive for total control of the economy of the United States. Lincoln knew that the war was over the economy and not slavery, so did most Southerners. (Charles Adams goes as far as to describe the war as one large tax revolt by Southerners. They opposed the high protective tariff that Lincoln promised, which would make Southerners pay proportionally a much larger share, upwards to 80 percent of the total tariffs collected, than did Northerners while Northerners received proportionally a much higher benefit from federal expenditures.) Intelligent people in both sections knew that technological advances would end slavery. However, the Illuminists wanted war. They did everything that they could to cause war while remaining concealed in the background. They succeeded.

The abolitionist movement grew out of the Essex Junto of New England. (The Essex Junto was the New England secessionist movement that calumniated in the Hartford Convention of 1814.) Associated with the abolitionist movement were the pseudo religious cults of Unitarianism and Transcendentalism, which were often called "the New England religion." Both sects reduce Jesus to a mere human albeit an extremely good man. They also rejected the bodily resurrection of Jesus from death.

Transcendentalism was based on the Jewish Cabala. It invalidated the Bible by claiming that no final authority in any religious matter existed. Thus, the abolitionists like Garrison could deny any authority for slavery in the Bible in spite of the many passages to the contrary.

Fervently worked the abolitionists to thwart the Southern emancipation movement. They wanted a destructive war against the South. Emancipation was irrelevant except as an excuse for war.

In 1859 John Brown, the father of modern-day terrorism, led an armed invasion of the South. His objective was to promote a slave revolt. Prominent abolitionists financed his invasion: Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Dr. Samuel Gridley Howe, Rev. Theodore Parker, Franklin Benjamin Sanborn, Gerrit Smith, and George Luther Stearns. This group became known as the Secret Six. Other leading New Englanders who aided Brown were Samuel Cabot and John Murray Forbes.

Higginson was from a leading New England banking family and a national leader of American Freemasonry. He funneled money from British radicals to abolitionists in Massachusetts who agreed with his goal of abolishing the United States Constitution and dissolving the United States. Stephen Higginson, who had been involved in the Essex Junto, was his grandfather.

Howe was from a wealthy banking family and husband of Julia Howe, who wrote the anti-Southern song the "Battle Hymn of the Republic." Howe and his wife, Julia, founded The Commonwealth, an antislavery tabloid.

Parker was a leading Transcendentalist and Congregationalist minister and an activist in the Masonic tradition. He married into the Cabot family. He was the principal organizer of the Secret Six to finance John Brown’s raid.

Sanborn was a disciple of Parker and Ralph Waldo Emerson. In 1857 he became Brown’s chief agent in New York.

Smith was the first to finance Brown. He was the son of John Jacob Astor’s business partner. Holding more than a million acres, he was the largest land owner in New York. Smith was also a financial backer of Mazzini.

Stearns was the leader of the Free Soilers (the Free Soilers were antislavery agitators in Kansas). He provided Brown and his terrorist gang money and a farm in Kansas from which to operate.

Cabot paid for rifles for Brown to use in Kansas. Later his bank, Cabot Bank, lent Brown money for his terrorist operations. This loan was never repaid, and no attempt to collect it was made.

Forbes was a wealthy railroad builder and a member of the Republican National Committee. Forbes was also a financial backer of Emerson.

Plans for the Harper’s Ferry raid were laid at the Massachusetts State Disunion Convention, which Higginson called in 1857. Its objective was to split the United States. This convention was little more than a continuation of the Essex Junto. However, instead of New England States leaving the Union, the Southern States would be driven out of the Union.

After Brown was executed, he became a martyr of the abolitionists. Emerson, ideological leader of the abolitionists conspiracy, eulogized him and promoted him as a saint. Emerson was a Young America supporter and an agent of the British imperialists.

Years before the War for Southern Independence, Illuminists had sent agents to the South to take control of key positions and to agitate for secession. These agents included John A. Quitman, John Slidell, and Albert Pike. Thus, Illuminists were behind the abolitionists and others in the North provoking the Southern States to secede and the provocateurs in the South advocating secession.

Quitman, a New Yorker, moved to Mississippi and married into a prominent Southern family. He carried a warrant to form a Scottish Rite organization in Mississippi. By 1848 he had been inaugurated as Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the 33rd degree, and all lodges in the South were directed to obey him. Quitman became an outspoken leader of the secessionist movement in the South. (Freemasons controlled the secessionist movement.) He also promoted the annexation of Mexico and financed an invasion of Cuba, which was a goal of Young America. (For his involvement in the planned Cuban invasion, he was indicted.)

Slidell, an agent of the Rothschilds, led the secessionist party in Louisiana. He was from New York and a Masonic protégée of Edward Livingston, Grand Master of New York. (Livingston, who was President Jackson’s Secretary of State, was a coconspirator with Aaron Burr.) Slidell became a commissioner to Europe assigned primarily to the Court of France. After the War, he went to England. Here he became one of the Queen’s Counsels in London and lived the remainder of his life in luxury.

Slidell’s second in command in Louisiana was Judah P. Benjamin, a Jew. Benjamin and Slidell were partners in the same law firm. Like Slidell, Benjamin was also an agent of the Rothschilds. Benjamin became the Attorney General of the Confederate government. Later President Davis appointed him Secretary of War and then Secretary of State. After the War, he too went to England and became one of the Queen’s Counsel for Lancashire.

Albert Pike moved from New York to Missouri in 1831 and then to Arkansas in 1833. He received 4th through 32nd degrees of the Scottish Rite in 1853 and the 33rd degree in 1857. Pike was then tasked with organizing Freemasonry for the political leadership of secession. Pike, a brigadier general, became Indian commissioner for the Confederacy and was sent to Oklahoma. Here he raised an army of Indians, which was so barbarous that President Davis disbanded it. After the war, Pike was convicted of treason (war crimes), but President Johnson soon pardoned him. (Pike was also a speaker and an official at the Republican Party convention in 1855. Freemasonry organized the Republican Party.) After his pardon, Pike would climb to the very pinnacle of Freemasonry and eventually become the most powerful man on Earth as the head of the Illuminists.

Howell Cobb was the chairman of the convention held at Montgomery, Alabama, that officially established the government of the Confederacy. He was the Scottish Rite Supreme Commander.

After the North had pushed the South beyond any reasonable forbearance, the Southern States sought independence. The Northern States were determined to reduce them to provinces to be exploited for the benefit of the North—primarily the banking and industrial interest in the North. Finally war broke out. To provoke a war, Lincoln sent a fleet to reinforce Fort Sumter.

Lincoln was an agent of the Illuminists if not an Illuminist himself. The Illuminist wanted war, and Lincoln gave it to them.

Thus, the Illuminists maneuvered the people of the North and the South into a war that neither wanted. With this war, the Illuminists achieved much of their goal of destroying the United States Constitution. The Reconstruction amendments, the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments, especially the last two, overturned much of the original Constitution and reduced the States to administrative provinces subservient to the United States government. Perhaps more importantly in furthering the Illuminists’ goal was the precedence set by the imperial presidency of Lincoln during the war and by the Radical Republicans in Congress and the Johnson and Grant administrations during Reconstruction.

Some people claim that a goal of the Illuminists was to split the United States into two small, weak countries that the Rothschilds could easily control. However, Russia prevented such foreign intervention by sending two fleets to the United States, one to San Francesco and the other to New York. This maneuver by the Russians prevented the French and Spanish troops in Mexico from entering the war for the Confederacy. Thus, James de Rothschild lost his domain of Mexico and the Southern States, and Lionel Rothschild lost his domain of the Northern States. Because Russia spoiled this Rothschild dream, it was chosen for the communist revolution and decades of brutal communist rule.

A flaw in this claim is Great Britain. At this time the Rothschilds had as much influence over the British as they did over the French. If they had really wanted to split the United States in two countries, Great Britain would have entered the war as an ally of the Confederacy. The Russian fleet would have been no match for the British fleet, which ruled the oceans. Furthermore, with British rule of the seas, Russia could not send troops to the United States. It could have only aided the United States by marching across Europe. Such action would have been highly unlikely. That Russia could have defeated the combined armies of Prussia and the other German states, Austro-Hungary, and lesser European powers on its way to invade France is highly unlikely. Great Britain, France, Sardinia, and Turkey had just defeated Russia in the Crimean War.

More important, Lord Palmerston was Prime Minister of Great Britain during the War for Southern Independence. At this time, he was a member of the inner most circle of the Illuminists and probably was the highest ranking Illuminist in the world. If the Illuminists had desired an independent Southern Confederation, Great Britain would have come to the aid of the South in spite of any domestic opposition. After all, Lord Palmerston had recognized the government of Louis Napoleon in 1852 in spite of opposition from his party, the Prime Minister, Parliament, and the Queen. He did have the support of the press as his Masonic brothers control the press.

Contrary to what many conspiratorial historians believe, the War for Southern Independence was not fought to split the United States into two or more countries. Members of the Knights of the Golden Circle, Young America, and descendants of the Essex Junto may have believed division was the objective. The objective, however, was not division, but the consolidation of power. True, the Illuminists wanted war, but they did not want war to divide the United States into multiple countries. They wanted war to destroy the United States Constitution and the sovereignty of the States. They wanted war to consolidate political power in the federal government (one government is easier to control than many, which is why the Illuminists want to consolidate all political power into a one world government) and to make the United States a great military power that they would control. All these goals they accomplished. If division were the objective, surely the European powers, which the Illuminists controlled, would have guaranteed a division by direct intervention instead of relying on the Confederate army, which they knew was no matched for the Union army over time. (The Union army essentially had the resources of the world behind it. The Confederacy had barely more than the resources of the Southern States.)

The war ended, like all wars, as a great blood sacrifice to Lucifer. On the altar of Illuminism, 365,000 Yankees and 258,000 Confederates had been sacrificed. Most of them were Aryans.

Southerners had fought to preserve the God-given unalienable rights and liberties of mankind embodied in the Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights. They fought for the dispersal and decentralization of power as opposed to the illuministic goal of the concentration and centralization of power. The South had the highest concentration of anti-Illuminists of any place in the world. The great Christian revival and conversions that occurred among the Confederate soldiers during the war accented this anti-Illuminism. The Illuminists had to destroy the South. Destroy her they did.

When the War for Southern Independence concluded with the surrenders of Robert Lee, Joseph Johnston, Richard Taylor, Kirby Smith, and Stand Waite and the capture of President Jefferson Davis, Reconstruction began. Reconstruction was merely a continuation of the war on a different level. Reconstruction continued the plundering and destruction of the South.

During Reconstruction, the United States army occupied the South. State governments were not allowed to function without the consent of the federal government. While the newly freed slaves, who knew nothing of government, were allowed to vote, many Aryans were striped of their franchise. A coalition of Negroes, carpetbaggers, and scalawags backed by the United States army controlled the governments of the Southern States during much of Reconstruction. These antisouthern governments imposed ruinous taxation, acquired enormous debts, and in general improvised the South so greatly that more than one hundred years were needed to recover. Furthermore, the United States government undertook a policy to deny Southern Aryans justice.

For the Illuminists, the purpose of the war and Reconstruction was to punish Southerners because they had the audacity to oppose a basic principle of Illuminism—Oriental despotism. Southerners saw in Lincoln an Oriental despot, and his conduct during the war proved them right. Once in office Lincoln ignored the United States Constitution and establish a dictatorial central government. After his assassination, the Radical Republicans in Congress led by Senator Charles Sumner of Massachusetts and Representative Thaddeus Stevens (Stevens was a bachelor, who lived with a female mulatto) of Pennsylvania continued his and the Illuminists’ program of destroying the South.

How much involvement that the Radical Republicans had with Lincoln’s assassination may never be fully known. They certainly were not disappointed with his death. He showed that he would treat the Southern States much less harshly than the Radical Republicans desired. His death, which the Radical Republicans blamed on the South, was a propaganda victory for them. They used it to whip up popular support in the North and to squash any organized opposition to their draconian Reconstruction program. If high-level Illuminists did not actually order his association, they almost certainly consented to it.

The weapon that the Radical Republicans undertook to use to destroy Southern Aryans was the Negro. They promised Negroes social and political equality, which both President Lincoln and President Johnson opposed. White Northern scum was sent South to fraternize with Negroes in their shacks. Many freed slaves adopted the life of idleness—the United States government had become their new master and was supporting them, as it does even to this day. Many were vagrants, drunkards, and criminals. When the Southern States attempted to bring order by adopting antivagrancy work codes and laws proscribing immorality, miscegenation, and the like, Radical Republicans condemned them. Although these laws copied almost verbatim similar laws in the North, they were not appropriate for the South. The South needed destroying.

Furthermore, the United States government forced the Southern States to enfranchise Negroes while most Northern States did not allow them to vote. To increase the political power of the Negroes, and those who controlled them, many Aryans were denied the vote. Thus, Southern haters could easily manipulate ignorant Negroes to the disadvantage of the Southern States and Southern Aryans.

Negroes were organized into Union Leagues and Loyal Leagues. These societies had elaborate ceremonies, passwords, and solemn oaths. Members spent much time marching and drilling. Stern discipline was imposed. Members were intimidated and promised death if they voted for a Democrat. Negroes who deviated from the society’s directives were often whipped. Northerners filled them with inflammatory speeches promising them land owned by Aryans. Thus, racial hatred was instilled in Negroes.

The destruction of the South and the imposition of martial law on the Southern States were carried out, in part, through the Reconstruction Acts. Under the threat of military might, the Southern States were coerced into ratifying the three Reconstruction amendments to the United States Constitution. Samuel P. Chase, Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court, supported the Reconstruction Acts and resisted all challenges to them. He led the Court in declaring them constitutional.

Chase was a New York banker. Between 1830 and 1860, he actively aided fugitive slaves in Ohio. He was Lincoln’s Secretary of the Treasury. As Secretary of the Treasury, he developed the national banking system and issued the first paper money of the United States not backed by gold.

Reconstruction formally ended in 1877, but efforts to reconstruct the South into the image of Illuminism continue to this day. One of the most odious elements of Reconstruction still found in the South today is federal supervision of elections.

ReferencesAdams, Charles. For Good and Evil: The Impact of Taxes on the Course of Civilization. Lanham, Maryland: Madison Books, 1993.

Allen, Gary. None Dare Call It Conspiracy. Seal Beach, California: Concord Press, n.d.

Allen, Thomas Coley. Albert Pike: A Brief Introduction to the Greatest Freemason of the Nineteenth Century. Franklinton, North Carolina: TC Allen Co., 2007.

Chaitkin, Anton. Treason in America From Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman. New York, New York: New Benjamin Franklin House, 1984.

Cuddy, Dennis L. Now Is the Dawning of the New Age New World Order. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone Publishing, 2000.

Dunning, William A. Reconstruction, Political and Economic 1865-1877. New York, New York: Harper & Brothers, 1907, 1935.

Fahey, Denis. Grand Orient: Freemasonry Unmasked as the Secret Power behind Communism through Discovery of Lost Lectures Delivered by Monsignor George F. Dillon, D.D. at Edinburgh, in October 1884. New and Revised Edition. Metairie, Louisiana: Sons of Liberty, 1950.

Henry, Robert Selph. The Story of Reconstruction. New York, New York: Grosset & Dunlap: Publishers, 1938.

Hoar, William P. Architect of Conspiracy: An Intriguing History. Belmont, Massachusetts: Western Islands, 1984.

Johannsen, Robert W. Reconstruction 1865-1877. New York, New York: The Free Press, 1970.

Kelly, Clarence. Conspiracy Against God and Man: A Study of the Beginnings and Early History of the Great Conspiracy. Belmont, Massachusetts: Western Islands, 1974.

Marrs, Jim. Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids. New York, New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2000.

Mullins, Eustace. The Curse of Canaan: A Demonology of History. Staunton, Virginia: Revelation Book, 1987.

Preuss, Arthur. A Dictionary of Secret and Other Societies. St. Louis, Missouri: B. Herder Book Co., 1924.

Roberts, Archibald E. Emerging Struggle for State Sovereignty. Fort Collins, Colorado: Betsy Ross Press, 1979.

Scott, Otto J. The Secret Six; John Brown and the Abolitionist Movement. New York, New York: Time Books, 1979.

Still, William T. New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies. Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1990.

Wardner, James W. Unholy Alliances: The Secret Plan and the Secret People Who Are Working to Destroy America. James W. Wardner, 1996.

Copyright © 2009 by Thomas Coley Allen.

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