Sunday, October 17, 2010

Trilateral Commission

Trilateral Commission
Thomas Allen

[Editors note: Footnotes in the original are omitted.]

In 1973, David Rockefeller, chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, founded the Trilateral Commission after Zbigniew Brzezinski approached him with the idea. Its purpose is to resolve economic and political issues facing the United States, Western Europe, and Japan and to facilitate their economic and political union. Secular humanism is its guiding philosophy. It serves as a more public venue to distract public attention from the nefarious work of the Council on Foreign Relations.

The Trilateral Commission limits its membership to about 300 and does not allow governmental officials to be members. Its members come from North America, Europe, and Japan. (Almost every major Japanese corporation is represented on the Trilateral Commission.) Most of the French members are also members of the Grand Orient of France.

Its funding comes from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation and nearly 40 major corporations doing significant business with Russia. Brzezinski, an agent of David Rockefeller, wrote the Commission’s charter and became the first director of the Trilateral Commission.

Its ultimate goal is to change the United States and Western Europe sufficiently so that they can be comfortably merged with Russia into the New World Order with a single global state. (The dismantling of the Soviet Union is part of the plan merger.) It seeks to abolish national sovereignty and establish a global taxation system. To achieve this goal, it promoted economic interdependence among the superpowers. It keeps countries in line by creating, or threatening to create, economic and political instability with debt, i.e., it uses debt “to strangle a rebellious nation into submission.” Also, it uses food as a weapon to control countries—thus, the consolidations of all seed production into the hands of a few international corporations and the replacement of open pollinated seed with patentable genetically modified seed. It supports the consolidation and control of all palatable surface and ground waters into the hands of a few. It seeks to establish a new international currency to replace gold and the dollar. According to Holly Sklar, “Economic gain and social control are inseparable goals of trilateralism.”[1] To carry out its program, its members have captured and taken control the government of the United States and other countries.

About the Trilateral Commission, Barry Goldwater writes:
The Trilateral Commission . . . is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interest by seizing control of the political government of the United States. . . . In my view the Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power—political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical. All this is to be done in the interest of creating a more peaceful, more productive world community. . . . What the Trilateralists truly intend is the creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation-states involved. They believe the abundant materialism they propose to create will overwhelm existing differences. As managers and creators of the system they will rule the future.[2]
To bring about this unification, the Trilateral Commission has sought to disarm the West, especially to eliminate nuclear weapons, in particular those held by the United States. (Actually, it is not their elimination that the Trilateralists favor so much as transferring their control to the United Nations.) The Trilateral Commission has worked to dismantle the national security apparatuses in the United States and Western Europe.

Another part of its program, is to create a new monetary system where gold is replaced as the international exchange with paper receipts (special drawing rights), which would eventually be replaced by a one-world currency. The Trilateral Commission is close to completing this goal.

It has strengthened the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), so these organizations can more easily absorb bad loans made by international financiers.

The Trilateral Commission is a collusion of multinational corporations and international banks. Only people who want to promote globalism are recruited. It owes allegiance not to any country, but to its members. Its ultimate goal is to increase the wealth and power of its members and ultimately to bring about a New World Order, which its members will control. Needless to say, members of the Trilateral Commission are Illuminists.

Members of the Trilateral Commission controlled the Carter administration. They included Jimmy Carter (President, CFR member), Walter Mondale (Vice President, CFR member), Brzezinski (National Security Advisor, CFR members), Michael Blumenthal (Secretary of the Treasury), Harold Brown (Secretary of Defense, CFR member), Cyrus Vance (Secretary of State, CFR member), Andrew Young (Ambassador to the United Nations), and Richard Gardner (ambassador to Italy, Rhodes scholar, CFR member). Carter appointed more than 20 members of the Trilateral Commission and 70 members of the Council on Foreign Relations. With George H.W. Bush (Vice President), William Brock (Special Trade Representative), Arthur Burns (ambassador to West Germany), Alexander Haig (Secretary of State), William Hewitt (ambassador to Jamaica), Donald Regan (Secretary of the Treasury), Paul Volcker (chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System), and Casper Weinberger (Secretary of Defense), the Trilateral Commission had a strong presence in the Reagan administration.[3] Bush, Burns, Haig, Regan, Weinberger, and Volcker were also members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Shattering all previous records, George H.W. Bush appointed more than 350 members of the Council on Foreign Relations or Trilateral Commission to high-level positions. They included Richard Cheney (Secretary of Defense, CFR member), Nicholas Brady (Secretary of the Treasury, CFR member), Richard Darman (Director of Office of Management and Budget, CFR member, member of Trilateral Commission), Carla Hill (United States trade representative, member of the Trilateral Commission), Colin Powell (Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, CFR member), Brent Scowcroft (National Security Advisor, member of CFR and Trilateral Commission), Dick Thornburgh (Attorney General, CFR member), and William Webster (CIA Director, CFR member). Bush was a member of both.[4]

The Trilateral Commission was also well represented in the Clinton Administration. Among the Trilateralists were William Clinton (President, Rhodes scholar, CFR member), Bruce Babbitt (Secretary of Interior, CFR member), Stephen W. Bosworth (ambassador to South Korea), Henry Cisneros (Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, CFR member), William Cohen (Secretary of Defense, CFR member), Thomas Foley (ambassador to Japan), Alan Greenspan (chairman of Federal Reserve Board, CFR member), Richard Holbrooke (ambassador to the United Nations, CFR member), Winston Lord, (Assistant Secretary of State, member of CFR and Skull and Bones), Joseph Nye (Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, Rhodes scholar, CFR member), Alice Rivlin (Director of Office of Management and Budget, CFR member), Donna Shalala (Secretary of Health and Human Services, CFR member), and Strobe Talbott (ambassador-at-large, special advisor to the Secretary of State, Rhodes scholar, CFR member).[5]

1. Dennis L. Cuddy, The Globalists: The Power Elite Exposed (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone Publishing, 2001), p. 138.

2. Dennis L. Cuddy, Now Is the Dawning of the New Age New World Order (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: Hearthstone Publishing, 2000), pp. 130-131.

3. William P. Hoar, Architect of Conspiracy: An Intriguing History (Belmont, Massachusetts: Western Islands, 1984), p. 319. Gary H. Kah, The Demonic Roots of Globalism (Lafayette, Louisiana: Huntington House Publishers, 1995), p. 51. Jim Marrs, Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids (New York, New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2000), p. 27-29.

4. Kah, p. 52. John F. McManus, The Insiders (Appleton, Wisconsin: The John Birch Society, 1996), pp. 57-58.

5. McManus, pp. 89- 90, 139-140. Marrs, p. 21.

Copyright © 2010 by Thomas Coley Allen.

[Editor's notes: The list of references in the orginial are omitted.]

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