Friday, May 1, 2015

Indo-Australian: Part II

Indo-Australian: Origins and Migration
Thomas Allen

[Editor's note: Footnotes and references in original are omitted.]
    When God created a species that depends on sexual reproduction, at a minimum He must have created a male and female of the species. For most species He probably created multiple males and females. Furthermore, for species that can and do interbreed, He had to isolate them from each other until their population had built up. If they were allowed to crossbreed indiscriminately, their unique and distinguishing characteristics could be lost.
    The Indo-Australians were created about 75,000 years ago on the Anatolian Plateau. From here they spread westward into Europe and eastward into Iran. Most of those who left their Anatolian homeland settled in Mesopotamia and Iran with some even reaching East Asia.[5] By the time that they began migrating from western Asia, they had acquired the Mousterian culture from the neighboring Neanderthals. During the Würm I glaciation, they migrated eastward and southward in search of a warmer climate. Many had reached India by the end of the Würm I glaciation (c. 57,000 B.P.) where they spread across the Indo-Gangetic Plain. Here they remained until the Melanochroi population grew large enough to encroach on their lands.
    As the Melanochroi moved into the Granges valley, they drove the Indo-Australians living there into Burma. (These were the progenitors of today's Australians.) As the Melanochroic population grew in the Ganges valley, they began to move westward across the Indo-Gangetic Plain. As they moved, they forced the remaining Indo-Australians into the Deccan and down the west coast of India or to the Chota Plateau. (These Australians became the progenitors of the Pre-Dravidians.)
    Later the Melanochroi drove most of the Pre-Dravidians farther south into the coastal lands and jungles of southern India and other places that the Melanochroi found as undesirable habitats. (The Pre-Dravidians of the Chota Nagpur seemed to have remained there throughout the millennia of Melanochroic invasions.) Some Pre-Dravidians fled to Sri Lanka (Ceylon). The Vedda of Sri Lanka are the descendants of these Pre-Dravidians.
    The Indo-Australians who fled to Burma migrated down the Malay Peninsula into Indonesia. These Australians were the Wadjak man from whom today’s Australians descended.[6] For the next several thousand years, Melanochroic and Turanian tribes were continually pushing them southward and eastward. At the peak of the Würm II glaciation (c. 45,000 B.P.), Indo-Australians spread across the East Indies (Indonesia) into New Guinea with Turanians close behind. About 40,000 years ago Australians had reached Borneo[7] and Australia.[8] A few crossed the Timor Sea and settled in Australia about 30,000 years ago.[9] About 9000 B.C.[10] most of the Australians remaining in Indonesia migrated to Australia. This wave came because of Turanians pushing into Farther India. Eventually, the Melanesians and Papuans, who were the primary people pushing the Australians, drove the Australians remaining in New Guinea to Australia (c. 7000 B.C.).[11] Except for occasional encounters with the Melanesians and some minor encounters with Aryans earlier in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, they would live here free of outside interference until Aryan settlers (soldiers and convicts) arrived in 1788 A.D.[12]
    While Melanesians were pressing the Australians, Melanochroi were pressing the Pre-Dravidians. During the Würm III (Achen) glaciation about 25,000 years ago, the Dravidian Melanochroi invaded the Deccan and drove most of the Pre-Dravidians living there southward, eastward, and westward into the lower coastal lands and jungles.
    The Indo-Australians driven from India by the Dravidians into Burma spread across Farther India. As these Indo-Australians spread across Farther India, they pushed the Turanians northward and the Australians southward. About 24,000 years ago the Dravidians drove many of them from Farther India down the Malay Peninsula across the East Indies into New Guinea. These Indo-Australians became the progenitors of the Papuans. Later Dravidian invasions, beginning about 7600 B.C. and lasting several millennia, drove the remaining Indo-Australians out of Farther India except a few tribes of Negritos. The Negritos of Malaya, Indonesia, and the Philippines and the Melanesians are the descendants of these Indo-Australians.[13] By 847 B.C. the Melanesians had reached New Caledonia, and by 46 B.C. they had reached Fiji.[14]
     Some Indo-Australians journeyed to South America in their attempt to escape the Indo-Australians who had retreated to Australia fleeing from the Melanochroic and Turanian advances.[15] When the climate in Antarctica was much warmer than today, a group of Indo-Australians who had earlier migrated to Australia crossed the south Pacific to Antarctica. Traveling along the coast of Antarctica, they crossed the from the Graham Land (Palmer peninsula ) into South America.[16] They became the progenitor of the extinct Lagoa-Santa type and the extant Fuegian.
    As a result of the Turanians pushing into Farther India, a group of Indo-Australians who became known as the Ainu began migrating toward Japan. They arrived in Japan about 8000 B.C. A few centuries after the Ainus had settled in Japan, Mins crossed over from Korea to Japan. They quickly drove the Ainus out of Kyushu, Shikoku, and Honshu Islands to Hokkaido and Sakhalin Islands.
    Since the arrival of the Aryans in Australia, Australians of that continent have been in retreat. The only thing preventing the extinction of these Australians is that the Aryans had not completely opened their borders to the Turanians hordes to the north.
    Aryans and Turanians have also contributed heavy to the demise of the Fuegian. Miscegenation more than anything else is driving the Fuegians to extinction.
    In Japan the Ainu are close to extinction. However, in India the Pre-Dravidians have generally persevered. Today they account for nearly all of the extant Indo-Australians. Nevertheless, miscegenation may well cause the extinction of the Pre-Dravidians.
    Laws protect races of bloodsucking, disease carrying mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas from extinction. Unfortunately, no laws protect the races or nations of man from extinction. To the contrary, laws encourage their extinction.

Endnotes -- continued
5.  Bean, p. 104. Herbert Wendt, It Began in Babel: The Story of the Birth and Development of Races and Peoples. (Translator James Kirkup. Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1961), p. 127.

6. Gates, pp. 145 ff. G. Elliot Smith et al. Early Man: His Origin, Development, and Culture (Freeport, New York: Books for Libraries Press, Inc., 1931. Reprinted 1967), pp. 15-16.

7. Vincent Megaw and Rhys Jones, The Dawn of Man In The Putnam Pictorial Source Series (New York, New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1972), p. 73.

8. John Gowlett, Ascent to Civilization (Editors Louisa McDonnell and Emma Fisher. New York, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1984), pp. 118, 139.

9. James F. Downs and Herman K. Bleibtreu. Human Variation: An Introduction to Physical Anthropology. (Beverly Hills, California: Benziger Bruce & Glencoe, Inc., 1972.), p. 283. Megaw, and Rhys, p. 73.

10. Carleton S. Coon, The Origin of Races (New York, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1962), pp. 92, 406-407.

11. Calvin Kephart, Races of Mankind: Their Origin and Migration (New York, 1960), p. 170.

12. Herbert Wendt, It Began in Babel: The Story of the Birth and Development of Races and Peoples (Translator James Kirkup. Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1961), pp. 339-341.

13. Wendt, pp. 124, 196-197. Kephart, pp. 82-86, 169.

14. Carleton S. Coon and Edward E. Hunt, Jr., The Living Races of Man (New York, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1965), p. 171.

15. Kephart, pp. 61, 103-105.

16. Comas, p. 631.

Copyright © 2015 by Thomas Coley Allen. 

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