A Letter: Some Paradoxes
Thomas Allen
[Editor’s note: The following is an excerpt from a letter written in 1988 to Mrs. Betty Eastman, Southern National Party.]
The following are a few of the many paradoxes of twentieth-century America:
1. The welfare state is based on the premise that people are too incompetent to take care of themselves. However, once such incompetent persons become government bureaucrats, they miraculously acquire the ability to take care of everyone.
2. Many of those who claim that morality cannot be legislated and, therefore, oppose such laws in general, are at the forefront of trying to legislate morality in the workplace with sexual harassment laws. Many of these same people are also in the forefront of trying to legislate compassion and love — except for unborn babies. Legislating morality may not make a person more moral, but it does reduce public overt acts of immorality. Legislating love tends to increase resentment and disdain by the recipient and giver rather than increase compassion and love.
3. Most Americans who are in the public eye condemn Nazism (National Socialism). Then an overwhelming majority of these same people began advocating and supporting most of the policies of the Nazis, such as:
a. heavy governmental regulation of business and industry;
b. governmental control and manipulation of the money supply and economy;
c. taking children from their parents and putting them into governmentally controlled institutions (Nazis called theirs youth centers; Americans call theirs daycare centers, pre-kindergarten, Head Start, etc.);
d. public education and the destruction of academic freedom;
e. abortion and euthanasia;
f. nationalized medical care;
g. discrimination against a person because of their race or ethnicity (Nazis demanded discrimination against Jews; Americans demand discrimination against Whites, especially White Southern males);
h. genocide (The Nazi program was quick and apparent; the American program of integration is slow and stealthy);
i. reducing the States to administrative districts of the federal government;
j. the institution of secret police that operates outside the law without penalty (The Nazis had the Gestapo; Americans have the Internal Revenue Service, the National Security Agency, the Central Intelligence Agency, various agencies of Homeland Security, and several other federal agencies); and
k. using the central government to control every aspect of life.
The Nazis’ worse critics are nearly always in the forefront of advocating and supporting a leviathan state that any Nazi leader would have envied. At least the Nazis adhered to the German constitution much more closely than the Americans have adhered to theirs.
Copyright © 1988, 2019 by Thomas C. Allen.
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