Saturday, April 18, 2020

The Chinese Virus

The Chinese Virus
Thomas Allen

Presented below are a letter-to-the-editor on the Chinese Virus, a.k.a. the COVID-19, a.k.a. the Chinese flu, and some observations about this virus.


A disease far more dangerous and deadlier than COVID-19 is consuming America. That disease is the stupidvirus. At least 90 percent of Americans seem to be infected with the stupidvirus. With rare exceptions, all “our” political leaders and the presstitutes are infected with the supper stupidvirus.

According to, globally, between January 1 and April 7 of this year, there have been:
129,952 seasonal flu deaths this year.
11,359,394 abortions this year.
82,601 deaths of mothers during birth this year.
449,247 deaths caused by HIV/AIDS this year.
2,194,818 deaths caused by cancer this year.
262,131 deaths caused by malaria this year.
1,335,939 deaths caused by smoking this year.
668,391 deaths caused by alcohol this year.
286,574 suicides this year.
360,746 road traffic accident fatalities this year.
81,043 deaths from COVID-19.

The deaths from COVID-19 are inflated. It includes nearly every death associated with COVID-19 even if the real cause of death is something else.

If “our” political leaders were really concerned with saving lives, they would end abortions. Likewise, the presstitute would be urging ending abortions. Eliminating abortions would have eliminated two-thirds of the deaths since January 1 at no cost.

Unfortunately, “our” political leaders do not care about saving lives. They just want to concentrate all power in their hands, and the presstitutes are aiding them. Worse, most people are begging “our” political leaders to enslave them.

“Our” political leaders and presstitutes lie to us all the time. First, they tell us that wearing masks does no good. Now they tell everyone to wear masks, and some want to make wearing masks mandatory. Why should we believe anything that these known liars tell us? Regrettably, most people suffer from the stupidvirus. Thus, they can no longer think critically or rationally.

The presstitutes have done an excellent job of terrorizing the people into total hysteria. As a result, “our” political leaders have destroyed the economy and the US and State constitutions, especially the inalienable rights of assembly and religion. At least the people are learning to be good communist slaves. (My wife, who is a refugee from a communist regime, witnessed in her country under communism what is now occurring in this country.)

Some observations about the Chinese Virus plandemic follow.

– The presstitutes have managed to impress on the minds of a large number of Americans, the sheeple, that line from Zulu: “You are all going to die!”

– “Our” political leaders and the medical industry are stating more cases of the Chinese Virus than they are actually occurring. Anyone who dies who has a coronavirus or has been around someone who has or is suspected of having COVID-19 coronavirus is listed as dying from the Chinese Virus. (Coronavirus is one of the viruses that causes the common cold.) Moreover, the tests used to detect COVID-19 have many false positives, that is, these tests show more people infected with the Chinese Virus than there really are. Further, the tests do not even check for the Chinese Virus; they check residue left by the virus itself.

– The models used to estimate the number of cases of the Chinese Virus and the number of hospitalizations and deaths from the Chinese Virus are extremely inaccurate. They grossly overestimate. These models are frequently revised, and new and lower estimates are projected. Thus, the projected deaths for the United States have been revised downward from 90,000 to 81,000 to 61,000. These are the models that “our” leaders, especially governors and mayors, are using to institute totalitarian controls to destroy the economy and enslave the sheeple.

– People should not believe anything that a high-ranking member of the CDC says. (1) High-ranking federal bureaucrats are notorious liars, and nothing that they say should be believed until verified by independent sources. (2) The purpose of the CDC is not to protect or promote the health of the American people. Its purpose is to protect and promote big pharma and the medical industry. Protecting health is incompatible with protecting big pharma and the medical industry as they profit from sick people and not from healthy people. (3) Members of the Deep State and its sympathizers and antitrumpers run the CDC. Good examples of why no one should be employed in the federal bureaucracy for more than 10 years are the power-hungry control freaks at the CDC.

– Big pharma, the presstitutes, “our” political leaders, and the sheeple are clamoring for a vaccine to protect people from the Chinese Virus. By the time a vaccine is developed, it may not be effective because the virus would have most likely mutated. However, the primary purpose of vaccines is not to protect; it is to debilitate and make people dependent on the medical industry with big pharma at the helm. (Some of the proponents of the vaccine anticipate that the vaccine will kill more people than the Chinese Virus.) More important, vaccinations can be used to inject tracking devices into people. Further, some of the vaccines under development are deigned to change the DNA of the vaccinated person.

– The symptoms of the Chinese Virus match those of zinc deficiency. Chloroquine, one of the drugs being used to treat people ill with the Chinese Virus, is a zinc isonophore and has been highly effective in curing people infected with the Chinese Virus. Is the disease credited to the Chinese Virus really a zinc deficiency?

– Of course, an inexpensive cure, such as zinc and chloroquine, must be rejected because big pharma cannot make a fortune from them. Moreover, being paid by big pharma, presstitutes pooh-pooh cheap cures and lobby for a vaccine. Big pharma and the medical industry do not want to cure the Chinese Virus. They want to manage it. Big money is made in managing instead of curing. Unlike curing, which requires short-term treatment, managing requires perpetual treatment.

– Next to micromanaging our lives, “our” political leaders believe that ever more debt will defeat the Chinese Virus. Their solution to the Chinese Virus is to increase the national debt by trillions of dollars and to encourage businesses to incur more debt. Since the national debt is so high that it will never be paid, adding more trillions of dollars does not matter. Actually, all this new debt is supposed to cover the deliberate destruction of the economy. It is a bribe to keep the sheeple from waking up and revolting.

– Since face masks interfere with facial recognition technology, how long will be before “our” political leader outlaw the wearing of masks in public? Further, the common appearance of people wearing face masks in public makes life easier for thieves. They can now enter a store or bank wearing a mask, and no one will notice them being out of the ordinary.

– If anyone wants to know how the German people allowed the National Socialists to gain control of Germany, all he needs to do is to look at how the people are letting their governors establish despotic police states in their States in the name of saving them from the Chinese Virus. Hardly anyone is protesting this despotic tyranny.

– When (if?) this war against the people in the name of protecting them from the Chinese Virus ends, the presstitutes, Democrats, and other antitrumpers will blame President Trump for the destruction of the economy. Yet, governors in collaboration with the presstitutes have destroyed the economy. First Democratic governors began shutting down their States’ economies. Then, the presstitutes scared many Republican governors into closing down their States’ economies. This deliberated destruction of the country’s economy seems to be a conspiracy to bring down Trump. Most antitrumpers hope that it does. (States whose governors have not shut down their States’ economies seem to have fewer cases of and deaths from the Chinese Virus than the States whose governors have aggressively attacked their economies. These noncontrolling governors have let the people and businesses decide for themselves what protective measures are appropriate. That is, they treat their citizens like adults instead of like children.)

– One thing that has received little attention is the likelihood of the Greatest Depression that will probably occur from the governors’ deliberated destruction of the economy. Most likely, millions of premature deaths will occur as a result of the Greatest Depression. Thus, possibly to save a few thousand lives today, millions of lives will be sacrificed in the future. (Adherents of the Chinese Virus plandemic claim that the destruction of the economy will not reduce the number of deaths credited to the virus; it merely spreads the deaths over a longer period.)

– Most governors and mayors are power-hungry control freaks, who care nothing about the constitution of their State or the US Constitution. Violating their State constitutions and the US Constitution, they have closed all businesses that they consider nonessential. (No business is nonessential. If it were, it would have no customers and would soon be out of business.) Nonessential is completely subjective. Some governors consider abortion clinics nonessential since abortion is by choice. Other governors consider abortions essential. (From my perspective, liquor stores and tobacco shops are nonessential. However, these businesses will be among the last that any governor would close. If they were to close them, they would have to contend with rioters violating their social distance ukases. Moreover, bodyguards, chauffeurs, gardeners, maids, butlers and babysitters including daycare are nonessential because people can do these jobs for themselves. Likewise, takeout meals at restaurants are nonessential because people can cook at home.)

– Most governors consider churches as nonessential, and the sheeple and wimpy clergymen are letting them get away with it. Thus, most pastors resort to delivering their messages over the internet. (The internet can serve as an auxiliary, but it should not substitute for physically assembling.) At least, this makes separating pastors who follow God’s law from pastors who follow man’s law easy.

– The US Constitution forbids the US government from preventing the unalienable right of assembly. It provides no exceptions, including plandemics, for the government to violate this right of assembly. Using the fourteenth amendment, the US Supreme Court has extended this guarantee to cover State and local governments. Therefore, whenever a governor or a mayor interferes with the right of assembly, such as forbidding gatherings of more than 10 people, he violates his oath of office. All governors and local officials who have placed restrictions on assembly need to be indicted for violating their oath of office and removed from office. This will never happen because the sheeple prefer being treated like children instead of adults. They prefer safety to liberty. However, by abandoning liberty for safety, they will end up with neither —and rightly so, because they deserve neither.

– Most governors treat the people of their State as though they were children. They believe that people do not have enough intelligence to take action to reduce the likelihood of contracting the Chinese Virus. Perhaps, these governors are right. Most people are responding like young children by believing whatever the government tells them and submitting to all sorts of governmental tyranny with hardly a protest.

– This plandemic is being used as an excuse to implement every totalitarian idea conceivable. It is being used as an excuse to track everywhere people go and everything that they do. Governments are considering using cell phones to track everyone’s movements in real time. Moreover, progressives and other statist want to use the plandemic as an excuse to implement a social credit system similar to that in China to control people’s behavior (a Puritan’s dream). They want to require people to have the government’s permission to travel, work, and shop.

– “Our” political leaders and presstitute are striving to create distrust of one’s neighbors and even one’s family members. They are encouraging people to spy on each other. Thus, stupid sheeple whose lives are so dull and boring that they have to attend to other people's business report people who are four feet apart instead of six feet, crowds of eleven, and other violations of arbitrary unlawful edicts. Consequently, people no longer trust one another and society degenerates. Such is the modus operandi of communists.

– If the Chinese Virus plandemic is a psychological operation (psyop) as some speculate, then it has been highly successful. Those behind it never dreamed that they could have terrorized the masses so quickly and easily into total hysteria begging to be enslaved and begging to live in poverty as they beg to have their economy destroyed.

– Even if the Chinese Virus plandemic is not a psychological operation, control freaks in government and their presstitute coconspirators must be partying with great joy. With ease, the presstitutes terrorized the sheeple into total submission to the control freaks in government — thus, enslaving themselves to the control freaks.

– The United States are no longer the home of the brave and the land of the free. Now, they are the home of the fearful and the land of the slave.

– At least one good thing has come from the Chinese Virus plandemic. Now, we know that we do not need all those expensive school buildings to educate children. Also, we do not need to bus children to and from schools. Unfortunately, the people who suffer from the stupidvirus have so destroyed their brains that they can no longer think critically or rationally, so they have not learned this lesson.

Copyright © 2020 by Thomas Coley Allen.

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