Think Tanks and Artificial Intelligence
Thomas Allen
Under discussion now is how many jobs will artificial intelligence (AI) replace. Among the easiest jobs that AI can do is that of the “intellectuals” at the typical progressive-liberal-Democratic (PLD), neoconservative-establishment conservative-Republican (NECR), and libertarian think tanks. Their jobs are so repetitive and predictable that AI would have no problem duplicating them. A simple algorithm can do their jobs.
Progressive-Liberal-Democratic Think Tanks
PLD think tanks believe that nonwhites are good; Whites are so bad that they must be eradicated. Likewise, with Western Civilization, it must also be eradicated. However, the Southerner is so egregiously vile and evil that he must be terminated through all eternity. Needless to say, Southern culture, heritage, and traditions must be annihilated. Consequently, nothing good can be said about Whites and Western Civilization and especially about Southerners and the South.
As for religion, PLD think tanks believe that Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and all other religions are good or at least acceptable except Christianity, which is abominable. Secularism and atheism are exceedingly good. However, the primary religion of PLD think tanks is the worship of their idol, the state. They continuously feed the state, so it can grow unbounded.
As for economics, PLD think tanks believe that Marxism and statism in all their forms are good. Central planning is desirable: The more regulations, the better. An economy that depends on a free market and free enterprise is bad.
The welfare state and dependency on the government are good; independence is bad. Anything that makes people more dependent on the government, i.e., that enslaves them more, is good. Anything that frees people from the government is detrimental.
Because PLS think tanks distrust the people with weapons, they want to disarm the people. (When the people are disarmed, they offer much weaker resistance to despotism.) However, when these same people become governmental employees, i.e., politicians, bureaucrats, and soldiers, they become saints who can be trusted with weapons. Thus, PLS think tanks trust bureaucrats, soldiers, and politicians with weapons.
PLD think tanks claim that homosexual, interracial, and other illicit sexual acts are admirable while heterosexual sex within marriage is deplorable.
Furthermore, PLD think tanks maintain that integration and amalgamation are good. Segregation and separation are cataclysmic unless nonwhites segregate or separate from Whites, then it is admirable. Diversity is of upmost importance although their policies destroy it.
PLD think tanks are strong proponents of reform and promote change for change’s sake — but always in the direction of more governmental control.
Neoconservative-Establishment Conservative-Republican Think Tank
NECR think tanks are almost identical to PLD think tanks. The primary difference is that NECR think tanks want to implement the programs promoted by PLD think tanks more slowly and make them more efficient, i.e., more despotic and tyrannical. Moreover, whereas PLD think tanks are Zionists, NECR think tanks are staunch Zionists. Also, NECR think tanks are more addicted to war than are PLD think tanks. NECR think tanks never saw a war that they did not like. Thus, they are more enthralled than PLD think tanks with an ever-expanding American Empire. (PLD think tanks are also supporters of an expanding American Empire.)
Like PLD think tanks, NECR think tanks also hate Whites. Thus, they are hostile toward Western Civilization, although they usually conceal their hostility. Although they disparage Southerners and the South, they are not as venomous as PLD think tanks.
Though NECR think tanks elevate Christianity more than PLD think tanks, they subordinate it to Islam and especially Judaism.
While they give lip service to free-market economics, NECR think tanks support business-government partnerships and collaboration between businesses and government.
Although NECR think tanks often praise independence, they also seek to enslave the people to the government. Like PLD think tanks, they are proponents of the welfare state; they just want one that is more efficient. Nevertheless, they often attack welfare for individuals, except veterans. However, they are reluctant to criticize welfare in the form of subsidies, trade restrictions, etc. for businesses, especially big businesses.
Being Janus-faced, NECR think tanks defend the right of the people to possess weapons while they eagerly compromise such rights away. Their primary disagreement with PLD think tanks is about how quickly the people are disarmed.
While not as ardent supporter and promoter of homosexual and other illicit sexual acts, except miscegenation, which they fine admirable, they have no real problem with homosexual or most other illicit sexual acts. However, they are not hostile toward heterosexual marriages.
Like PLD think tanks, NECR think tanks maintain that integration and amalgamation are good. Segregation and separation are cataclysmic. Whereas PLD think tanks support nonwhites segregating and separating themselves from Whites, NECR think tanks do not.
Also, like PLD think tanks, NECR think tanks praise diversity, but not as highly. Moreover, like PLD think tanks, NECR think tanks advocate policies that destroy diversity.
The major difference between NECR think tanks and PLD think tanks is that the PLD think tanks rush forward into Marxist and statism and their concomitant despotism with abandonment while NECR think tanks cautiously move forward into Marxism and statism to make their despotism more efficient.
Libertarian Think Tanks
Like PLD and NECR think tanks, libertarian think tanks support anything that contributes to the destruction of the White man’s Western Civilization, which birthed libertarianism, and to the White man himself.
Libertarian think tanks believe that corporations, especially international corporations, and their leaders are innately good; governments and governmental leaders are innately bad. Political borders are bad.
For libertarian think tanks, homosexual, interracial, and other illicit sex acts are good. However, heterosexual marriages are not necessarily bad.
Religiously, libertarian think tanks are agnostic with a predilection toward human secularism.
Also, they oppose the welfare state and governmental control of the people. However, corporate control of the people is acceptable.
According to libertarian think tanks, the people should be armed and the government should be disarmed. Thus, libertarian think tanks trust the people with weapons, but they distrust governmental employees with weapons.
In agriculture, financial profit per acre and not production per acre is what is important. Moreover, money trumps culture, heritage, traditions, and similar intangibles. However, unlike PLD and NECR think tanks, libertarian think tanks abhor businesses collaborating with governments to gain economic advantage. For libertarian think tanks, free market and free enterprise are always good; governmental intervention in the economy is bad, i.e., Marxism and statism are evil. Consequently, libertarians never worship the state; they condemn it.
All three of these think tanks have several things in common. First, they loathe the White race. Being albusphobes, they look forward with joy to the day when the White race no longer exists. Consequently, they oppose any action, especially by governments, to preserve the White race. Second, these think tanks abominate the Southerner and the South so intensely, that they passionately strive to genocide the Southerner and to erase the South from the memory of mankind, except as the example of unadulterated evil — something so evil that it even makes Satan look holy. Third, all three advocate policies that will destroy Western Civilization. Fourth, these think tanks adore globalism and cosmopolitanism and abhor localism and provincialism. They favor open borders and unrestricted, unlimited immigration because such action is highly detrimental to the White race and its Western Civilization. (NECR, libertarian, and some PLD think tanks deny that they have such hatred of the White Race, the Southerner, the South, and Western Civilization and seek their destruction. Nevertheless, destruction is the result of the policies that they advocate whatever their motives, and, furthermore, that is how they act.)
One of the easiest jobs for AI to take over is that of the “intellectuals” of the typical PLD, NECR, and libertarian think tanks. Their thought patterns are so routine and predictable that even a mediocre programmer could write the program.
Copyright © 2020 by Thomas Coley Allen.
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