Thomas Allen
The governors and mayors who force people to wear masks and federal officials who strongly urge people to wear masks claim that they are following the science. Making the same assertions are the presstitutes. However, are they really following the science? Are masks as protective as the mask-wearing proponent claim? (If wearing masks is as protective as the mask-wearing proponents claim, then mask wearers have nothing to fear from non-mask wearers. So, why do most mask wearers fear people who do not wear masks?)
First, Dr. Fauci and other governmental health officials tell people not to wear masks. Not only is wearing a mask unnecessary, but it may also do more harm than good. Later, they tell people to wear masks, even two, three, or more masks at the same time, because their lives depend on wearing masks — as these officials strongly imply. Yet, the CDC admits that there is no conclusive evidence that cloth masks protect wearers from COVID-19 — especially since most people wear them incorrectly and do not keep them clean.
Good evidence showing that masks protect people from COVID-19 and prevent its spread is scant. The studies showing that wearing masks is effective in protecting from and preventing the transmission of COVID-19 are observational studies, which are an inferior form of research.
However, the good studies are coming out that show that wearing masks have little or no benefit in preventing COVID-19. On the contrary, wearing a mask may cause more harm than not wearing one.
A Danish study found no statistical evidence that wearing a mask offered any protection. This study was a randomized controlled study of 6000 people. Interestingly, the study showed that 98.2 percent of those who wore masks and 97.9 percent of those who did not wear masks remained infection-free. Likewise, studies from Guinea-Bissau and India showed that wearing a mask does not prevent the spread of COVID-19.
Several studies on using masks to prevent the spread of influenza found that whether people wore masks or not made little or no difference. Also, whether the person was infected or not infected, wearing a mask made no difference in the transmission of the disease. Since the influenza virus is about twice the size of COVD-19, these influenza studies are highly relevant. Thus, COVID-19 studies agree with the influenza studies. Wearing masks make little or no difference. (So, why force people to wear masks — even jailing them if they are not wearing a mask?)
(In 2008, Dr. Fauci coauthored a paper on the Spanish Flu Epidemic. He discovered that most victims of the Spanish Flu died of bacterial pneumonia and not from the flu. Wearing masks caused the bacterial pneumonia.)
The Rational Ground study shows that States that required people to wear masks had more cases of COVID-19 than States where wearing masks was optional. States that required wearing masks had 27 cases per 100,000 people per day whereas States that did not require wearing masks had 17 cases per 100,000 people per day.
Moreover, the Rational Ground study found no correlation between forced mask-wearing and reduced cases of COVID-19. It also found that after a high rate of daily COVID-19 deaths, the daily death rate fell to close to zero within 20 to 30 days regardless of mask-wearing or any other nonpharmaceutical intervention, e.g., lockdowns, curfews, and stay-at-home orders.
A CDC study found that 70.6 percent of the people in the study always wore a mask and 14 percent often wore a mask 14 days immediately before they got sick with COVID-19. This compared with 3.9 percent who never wore a mask and 3.9 percent who rarely wore a mask 14 days immediately before they got sick with COVID-19. Consequently, according to this study, wearing a mask greatly increases a person’s chances of contracting COVID-19.
Sheftall’s study of wearing masks found that governments forcing people to wear masks did not noticeably affect the number of COVID-19 cases or deaths. COVID-19 cases and deaths in countries that made wearing masks optional were no worse than in countries that mandated wearing masks.
Before June 2020, WHO stated that people who are not displaying symptoms for COVID-19, such as coughing, fever, and difficulty breathing, do not need to wear a mask. (If a person tests positive for COVID-19 and shows no symptoms, he is asymptomatic and, therefore, is not sick or infectious and poses no risk to others. Most of these positive tests are just picking up inactive [noninfectious] viral particles.) Wearing a mask offers no benefits. In June, WHO began encouraging everyone to wear a mask. Why? It claimed “evolving evidence.” Where is the evidence? (Most likely, it was “evolving politics.”) Nevertheless, WHO continued to claim that asymptomatic people “rarely” transmit COVID-19. (The Wuhan study, which is described below, shows that asymptomatic people do not transmit COVID-19. Consequently, asymptomatic people transmitting COVID-19 is not rare; it is nonexistent.)
If the politicians and government health officials who claim that they are following the science were following the science, they would not force asymptomatic people to wear masks. Science shows that asymptomatic people do not transmit COVID-19.
Between May 14 and June 1, 2020, a study was done in Wuhan, China on the asymptomatic spread of COVID-19. The study involved 9,899,828 people. This study found that none, zero, not one asymptomatic person transmitted COVID-19.
According to the Wuhan study even asymptomatic people who had had a COVID-19 infection that produced antibodies did not transmit COVID-19. That is, an asymptomatic person who was or had been a carrier of live COVID-19 did not transmit the virus to others. Therefore, no need exists for an asymptomatic person who has tested positive for COVID-19 to be isolated or wear a mask.
Governments have used asymptomatic transmission as justification for forcing people to wear masks, lockdowns, and the like. The Wuhan study takes away this reason for forcing people to wear masks. Contrary to their claims otherwise, if these governors continue to force mask-wearing, lockdowns, etc., they are proving that they are not following the science.
A major reason that masks are ineffective at preventing the spread of COVID-19 is that COVID-19 is an aerosolized virus and can remain suspended in the air for hours. Although a properly fitted N95 mask may offer some protection, the cloth masks that most people wear offer none. (Hardly anyone in the public who wears an N95 mask wears it properly fitted.)
COVID-19 has a diameter between 0.06 and 0.14 microns, which is much smaller than the holes in cloth masks. N95 masks filter particles as small as 0.3 microns. Consequently, none of these masks filter out aerosolized COVID-19.
Moreover, wearing masks can be dangerous and can cause injuries and increase illnesses. Wearing a mask lowers oxygen levels in the blood while raising carbon dioxide levels. Wearing a mask quickly lowers blood-oxygen levels below the OSHA standard for employees. Lower oxygen in the blood makes COVID-19 more dangerous. Therefore, wearing a mask can increase the severity of COVID-19. Also, wearing a cloth mask may increase the risk of contracting COVID-19.
Other adverse effects from wearing a mask are facial rashes, fungal infections, and bacterial infections, especially pneumonia. Improperly wearing masks for an extended time or wearing unsterilized masks may be the cause of these infections. Also, wearing a mask may lead to inflammation of the gums and cavities.
As shown above, wearing masks offers no protection and does not prevent the transmission of or deaths from COVID-19. Masks do not prevent inhaling or exhaling aerosolized viruses. Wearing a mask only fools one into thinking that he is safe.
If political leaders and government health officials were really following the science, they would not require asymptomatic people to wear masks. Contrariwise, they would recommend that they do not wear masks.
Surely, they are aware of the studies mentioned above. (If a health official is not aware of them, he ought to be fired.) So, why do they force asymptomatic people to wear masks? What is their real agenda? Are governments promoting and forcing wearing masks to psychologically manipulate people to be vaccinated with experimental gene-therapy drugs? Is the purpose of lockdowns, forced mask-wearing, etc. to feed the lust of political leaders for power and control? Since the science is being ignored, have the presstitutes terrorized people to hysteria to advance the goal of the globalists of a one-world fascist government with only one currency, a cryptocurrency? Or, is it some combination of these things?
In conclusion, governments’ approach to COVID-19 has not been based on science. It has been based on superstition and politics. Forcing people to wear masks falls in the realm of science denial. Once again, the rich and powerful have tricked emotionally driven ignoramuses into transferring more wealth and power to the rich and powerful. This time they are doing it with the demand for mask-wearing, lockdowns, etc., and vaccination.
Allan, Steve Reminders CDC Says Facemasks Don’t Stop Covid.” September 24, 2020. https://www.!’t-stop-covid/. Accessed Sept. 24, 2020.
Boyd, Connor. “Masks ‘Don’t Stop You Getting COVID’: Top Experts Criticise ‘Troubling Lack of Evidence’ to Justify Wearing Them after Major Danish Study Concluded They Don’t Protect the Wearer.” November 19, 2020. https://www.dailymail.’T-stop-spread-Covid-experts-criticise-troubling-lack-evidence.html. Accessed Feb. 2, 2021.
Claboueh, Ravan “CDC Admits: No Conclusive Evidence Cloth Masks Work Against COVID.” New American. October 29, 2020.
Haynes, Michael. “Asymptomatic Transmission of COVID-19 Didn’t Occur at All, Study of 10 Million Finds Only 300 Asymptomatic Cases in the Study of Nearly 10 Million Were Discovered, and None of Those Tested Positive for COVID-19.” Dec. 23, 2020. https://www. Accessed Dec. 31, 2020.
Manley, John C. A. “Medical Doctor Warns that ‘Bacterial Pneumonias Are on the Rise’ from Mask Wearing." Global Research. October 06, 2020. Accessed Oct. 13, 2020.
Mercola, Dr. Joseph. “Asymptomatic People Do Not Spread COVID-19.” Accessed Dec. 4, 2020.
Mercola, Dr. Joseph. “COVID Conflicts: Asymptomatic Testing, Lack of Danger to Kids.” https://articles.merco! Accessed Dec. 29, 2020.
Mercola, Dr. Joseph. “Landmark Study Finds Masks Are Ineffective.” Accessed Dec. 3, 2020.
Mercola, Dr. Joseph. “Mask Mandates Are Absolutely Useless.”!tes/artic!es/archive/2020/12/31/pandemic-face-mask.aspx?ui=684b40cdac888b48995fb5507fa878c3c3a7bf68901. Accessed Dec. 31, 2020.
Mercola, Dr. Joseph. “What Will It Take for Masks and Face Shields to End?” Accessed Dec. 31, 2020.
Mercola, Dr. Joseph. “The Fog of COVID War — Locking Down the Healthy.” Accessed Jan. 27, 2021.
Copyright © 2021 by Thomas Coley Allen.
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