A Propositional or Genetic Country
Thomas Allen
Is America a propositional (creedal) country or a genetic country? Namely, is America a set of ideals (a set of principles) or a nation? (A nation or nationality is a people of the same biological race [species] who have a common origin, culture, language, and history; who have common traditions and customs; and who are capable of forming or constituting a nation-state.)
Neoconservatives and most other conservatives and libertarians believe that being an American means believing in a set of ideals (propositions, creeds); being an American is certainly not genetic. Consequently, America is not a nation but is a set of ideals.
Likewise, nearly all liberals, progressives, socialists, and other left-wingers believe that America is a set of ideals. Nevertheless, they greatly disagree with conservatives and libertarians about what these ideals are or should be. All agree that America is not a nation; it is not genetic.
The guiding creed of most conservatives, libertarians, and left-wingers is that “all men are created equal with certain unalienable rights.” For conservatives and libertarians, this creed means equal opportunity. For left-wingers, it means equal outcome.
(Believing that America is a propositional country inspires many conservatives to promote the invasion of other countries to impose their ideals on them. Left-wingers think likewise, but their ideals differ from those of conservatives.)
Accordingly, conservatives, libertarians, and left-wingers support the immigration of nonwhites. They even place the immigration of nonwhites above Whites. They merely differ in the number allowed entry within a specific time.
Conservatives want to limit the influx of immigrates such that the immigrants can be assimilated. Conservatives who believe that America is a set of ideals want to limit immigration not to protect the genetic American nation. They want to restrict immigration so that the immigrants come in such a small number that they can be fully assimilated, integrated, into their conservative set of American ideals. Yet, true assimilation requires miscegenation and, consequently, genocide; thus, most conservatives are racial nihilists who have no concerns about replacing Americans of all races with motley mongrel men.
The left takes the Jacobin approach and wants to flood the country with as many nonwhite aliens as possible in the shortest amount of time. It wants to utterly destroy the country so that it can rebuild the country in its own image. To achieve its Luciferian creed, the left must destroy America as a genetic nation, which is achieved by flooding the country with nonwhites.
Most libertarians support unlimited immigration. However, most fail to see the destructive effects of such immigration. Unwittingly or not, they ally themselves with the left in destroying America as a nation.
Like libertarians, conservatives are aiding the left’s program to destroy the American nation by not vigorously opposing letting nonwhites reside in the United States.
No matter which approach is taken, the race of the founding fathers ceases to exist. The left’s approach is merely quicker and far more obvious than the conservatives’ approach. Yet, in the end, both result in the death of the country that the founding fathers established — they established a nation and not a propositional country.
Ideals (proportions, creeds) transcend borders. Borders cannot contain them. However, borders are essential to the preservation of nations. If being an American is a set of ideals, creeds, no one has to come to the United States to be an American. Everyone can be an American wherever he is.
However, if the United States are a nation and being an American is genetic, then allowing nonwhites to become residents destroys America. Supporting the immigration of nonwhites means supporting the destruction of the American nation.
Will conservatives and libertarians ever learn? Or, will they forever support the left in its drive to destroy America? So far, nearly all conservatives and libertarians are supporting the left’s war against the American nation.
The founding fathers wrote and ratified the US Constitution to keep the government under the law – a nomocracy. Contrary to what most conservatives, libertarians, and left-wingers assert, the founding fathers did intend for the Constitution to establish a teleology — a society based on abstract principles of natural rights, equality, democracy, etc. The founding father intended for the United States to be a White nation and not to be a propositional country.
The American nation divides into several ethnicities. Among these ethnicities are the Southerner, Yankee, Northerner, and Westerner. Other nations inhabiting the United States are the Southern Negro and the Northern Negro and the ruminants of various Indian tribes. However, the population of nearly all Indian tribes is too small to support a nation-state.
With the massive invasion of Turanians and mestizoes from Latin America, one or more new nations are being formed in the United States. With the growing numbers of Turanians from Asia and Melanochroi from Asia and Africa, these people may soon be forming new nations within the United States.
Although most Whites and Indians and many Negroes may be willing to sacrifice themselves to form motley mongrel man, most of the newcomers are not so eager to sacrifice themselves.
Americans can assimilate Europeans because Americans and Europeans share a common race (Aryan, Homo albus), religion (Christianity), and major culture (Western Civilization). Whites from Europe and elsewhere do not destroy the genetic make of the American nation. However, some whites are much more difficult to assimilate than others. Because they are White Christians, Assyrians from the Middle East can assimilate without great difficulty. However, the assimilation of White Muslims from the Middle East like the Kurds and from the Maghreb like the Berbers are more difficult to assimilate because of religious and cultural differences. Likewise, because of religious differences, historical tribalism, and avariciousness and overbearingness especially at the higher echelons, Jews are more difficult to assimilate. Nonwhites cannot fully assimilate without destroying the American nation.
Copyright © 2021 by Thomas Coley Allen.
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