Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Reason for the Loss

Reason for the Loss

Thomas Allen

As the red wave has turned into the red drop, Republican and conservative commentators look for an explanation to explain the loss. Following are some of the excuses for the loss.

1. Trump. Blaming Trump is the most popular one. If true, this means that people loathe Trump so much that they would rather have the Democrats destroy the country than have Trump as president and his endorsed candidates as Representatives, Senators, and governors.

2. McConnell. According to this excuse, Senator McConnell, a RINO, prefers being the leader of the loyal opposition and, thus, having no responsibilities. Moreover, McConnell failed to provide a vision for the Republican Party to follow or any programs and policies to solve the problems and disasters that the Democrats have inflicted on the country. Also, he failed to fund close races that Republicans could have won while funding races that the Republicans were going to win anyway.

3. McCarthy. PACs associated with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy spent money on Republican candidates running in primaries against make-American-great-again (MAGA) candidates. Consequently, money that could have been used against Democratic candidates in the general election was used against Republican MAGA candidates in the primary elections. Thus, McCarthy placed defeating MAGA candidates in primary elections above defeating Democratic candidates in the general election.

4. Abortion. Most Americans seem to want to offer their unborn and even born babies as sacrifices to Moloch. (Moloch is a pagan god who is worshiped by sacrificing children.) While most Democrats support abortion for any reason and up to and even beyond birth, many Republicans do not. (Most abortions are for birth control. Rarely is an abortion performed to save a mother’s life or for rape or incest.) Thus, Democrats turned abortion into the winning issue that exceeded the importance of the horrendous economic problems, the destruction of the country by third-world nonwhite aliens, crime, and the growing possibility of a nuclear war.

5. Failure to Keep up with the Times. Republicans have failed to keep up with the changes in how elections are conducted. Unlike Democrats, Republicans have not used these election changes. While Democrats have become masters of ballet harvesting, Republicans have not. Republicans still mostly depend on voting on election day. However, Republicans need to follow the Democrats’ example of voting early (but what prevents the Democratic vote counters from losing these early Republican votes). However, ballot harvesting and early voting are only minor issues. Voting machines malfunctions only in predominately Republican precincts and voting machines that switch votes from Republicans to Democrats are major problems and strongly suggest stealing elections. Other major issues that suggest stealing elections are shipping in truckloads of ballots even from other States mostly marked for Democrats, preventing Republican poll watchers from observing the ballot count, and frequently violating State election laws. Another scheme (scam) is mailing ballots to Republicans with incorrect addresses; the ballots are then returned to the board of election giving them legal ballots that can be filled out for Democrats. Republicans cannot overcome these disadvantages because Democrats and RINOs control the boards of elections and, therefore, the vote counting in key cities and the voting machines. Thus, Democrats can easily add Democrat votes and lose Republican votes. Moreover, Democrats can get judges to change the voting laws for the benefit of Democrats; Republicans have been unable or unwilling to do this. Furthermore, Republicans have difficulty in finding a judge to hear cases about election fraud and illegalities, and if they do find one, a higher court overturns the case. Consequently, for the Republicans to become the dominant party in the federal government ever again, they must out-cheat the Democrats.

6. Young Voters. Voters less than 30 years of age overwhelmingly voted for Democrats. Why? Because most young voters are stupid or ignorant. The ruling elite has brainwashed the young into supporting Democrats because Democrats support the agendas of the ruling elite with much more alacrity than do Republicans. Schools and universities have dumbed down and indoctrinated students so that they support the ruling elite’s agenda. The ruling elite has taught the young to hate America and Whites and to support globalism and sexual perversions. Consequently, the young vote for Democrats, who want to destroy America and genocide Whites and who promote globalism and sexual perversions.

7. Wokeism. Democrats promote the woke agenda with much more vigor than do Republicans. With alacrity, Democrats push granting special privileges to the alphabet people (LBGT+). As advocates for transgenders, Democrats are more likely to approve of mutilating children’s bodies. Democrats also champion critical race theory, which teaches the hatred of Whites because Whites are the cause of all America’s and the world’s problems — only people of color, excluding East Asians, can save humanity. Moreover, Democrats are much more likely to eliminate bail for violent crimes than are Republicans. Furthermore, Democrats favor open borders and unlimited nonwhite immigration while Republicans weakly oppose them. Thus, Republicans support and promote the woke agenda with less enthusiasm than do Democrats. Consequently, Republicans lost because they are not radical enough on social issues to satisfy wokesters. Wokesters hate Whites, Christianity, and Western Civilization and love Satan and sin so much that they will do anything to annihilate Whites, Christianity, and Western Civilization — even if it means annihilating themselves. Since Democrats are more supportive of the woke-driven agenda than are Republicans, wokesters, who seem to vote in greater numbers than their victims, voted Democrats into office.

8. January 6. Many voters vehemently disagreed with supporters of Trump taking action at the Capitol Building in an attempt to prevent a stolen election. What these people overlook are the Capitol guards opening the doors to the Capitol Building and waving people inside, Democratic provocateurs in the crowd trying to incite a riot, and Democrats refusing Trump’s offer of 20,000 natural guardsmen to protect the Capitol.

9. Money. The Democrats and their supporting PACs spent significantly more money than did the Republicans and their supporting PACs, especially in close races. Accordingly, the Democratic Party is no longer the party of the workingman and the little guy, except for welfare recipients and nonwhites. It is the party of big money and big business, and, consequently, it raises more money than the Republican Party.

Whatever the cause of the red wave becoming the red drop is, most Republican and conservative commentators are certain about one thing. Just as no election was stolen in 2020, so no election was stolen in 2022. However, when the number of ballots counted exceeds the number of registered voters, election fraud exists.

Copyright © 2023 by Thomas Coley Allen.

More political articles.

1 comment:

  1. This post is very true , and Steelwall again trying to educate us and open our eyes ! Thank you Steelwall for being so patriotic !!!
