Tuesday, October 15, 2024

A Litmus Test

A Litmus Test

Thomas Allen

Following is a letter to the editor that appeared in The Franklin Times on Thursday, September 12, 2024. The contents of the letter are extracted from “A Credibility Test” by Thomas Allen. After the letter are a comment made by a reader and my response to his comment. I have made some additions to my response, which are enclosed in brackets. Also, I have added some additional remarks at the end.


A 'litmus test' for political candidates 

[The Franklin Times title.]

Dear editor:

Now that the election season has arrived, people need a way to discern the credible candidates from the noncredible candidates. This simple test can be used.

Does the candidate believe or act as though he believes:

1)The official story of the Kennedy assassination.

2) The official government conspiracy theory of 9-11.

3) The Democrats did not steal the 2020 presidential election but won it fairly.

4) The COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective.

5) White replacement is a hoax despite Whites falling from 89 percent of the population in 1950 to 61 percent in 2020 and with fewer Whites living in the U.S. in 2020 than in 2010.

If the candidate answers "yes" to any of these statements, his credibility is questionable. If he answers "yes" to two, he lacks credibility. If he answers "yes" to three or four, he has no credibility. If he answers "yes" to all five statements, he is ignorant beyond repair and is irredeemably stupid.

Thomas Allen


Comment and Response

Comment by a Reader


September 17, 2024 at 12:52 pm

1) what?

2) what?

3) No court has found that the Democrats “stole” the election. Anywhere. Just another right-wing conspiracy idiocy. Just because Trump claims it doesn’t make it even remotely true—pretty much the case for anything this conman says, actually.

4) I’ve had 4 covid vaccines — not dead yet, from either Covid or the vaccine. I’m guessing you think that the CDC is bought, lol?

5) Nobody is “replacing” white people. Racial demographics are changing — why is this a problem?

6) Please look up attributes of a “cult” leader, and you will see that Trump has them all.

“Credible” beliefs depend on verifiable facts, not paranoid delusions handed down from conmen and internet blogs that spin nonsensical and hateful conspiracy theories. I know such dubious “sources” make some people feel like they have “special” truths and insights. For those who get pulled into this alternative “reality,” there appears to be no solution to their madness, unfortunately. Whatever.

My Response


September 17, 2024 at 8:35pm

No court has ever ruled that the Democrats did not steal the 2020 presidential election. No court has heard a case on election fraud in the 2020 presidential election. [Courts have dismissed all cases brought before them without ever hearing the merits of the case. This argument that the election was not stolen because no court has proven that it was is like saying no Kennedy was not assassinated because no court has proven that he was.]

You are lucky [having received four COVID shots may explain his derangement]; Franklin County seems to have gotten the placebo version of the shot. If you have bothered reading the studies and articles on the vaccine that have been published since 2021, you will find that more people have been injured or died from the vaccine than from the virus. Further, vaccinated people have a greater chance of contracting COVID than unvaccinated people. [I have probably read more than a hundred studies and articles, most written by doctors and medical experts, on the COVID issue, so I do not speak from ignorance. I suspect that Abel suffers from believing known liars — almost every governmental official and health authority lied about COVID-19 and its so-called vaccine; Big Pharma  controls them.]

For a person who despises Whites and Western Civilization and the great standard of living that Whites have given people of all races, the disappearance of the White race is of no importance. [Abel is obviously a racial nihilist who practices the new morality. Also, he appears to be an albusphobe.]

Moreover, I am not a disciple of Trump.

Additional Remarks

Abel should stop watching and listening to the oligarchs’ news services. They lie all the time and preach propaganda for the benefit of the oligarchs.

Abel writes, “‘Credible’ beliefs depend on verifiable facts. . . .” Everything that I wrote in my letter is based on verifiable facts. (In the White replacement hoax, I even gave some, which can be verified with US census data.) His sources, which are based on the oligarchs' news services, are not. Their purpose is to promote the oligarchs’ agenda of concentrating all power in their hands. Abel may enlighten himself if he would study some of those blogs that he condemns. Often, they contain much more truth than do the oligarchs' news services. Nevertheless, the oligarchs’ news services do contain some truth, but it is heavily laced with toxins. One has to be able to filter out the toxins. Unfortunately, Abel seems to lack this ability. Moreover, he seems to believe without question known liars.

Further, Abel seems to believe the official story of the Kennedy assassination and the official government conspiracy theory of 9-11. To find out what he has to believe to accept them, see “A Credibility Test” by Thomas Allen.

In conclusion, since Abel believes or acts as though he believes each of the five items of the litmus test, he is ignorant beyond repair and is irredeemably stupid. Can he overcome his ignorance and see the truth? Or is he irredeemably stupid? I hope that he is able to repent.

Copyright © 2024 by Thomas Coley Allen.

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