Black Supremacy and White Privilege
Thomas Allen
Presented below are a letter-to-the-editor on the removal of Confederate statues, White supremacy versus Black supremacy, Whites prostrating before Blacks, self-respect, and the death of the White race.
People who want to remove Confederate monuments and memorials are filled with hate of the South (Dixiephobia) and especially everything related to the Confederacy (Confederaphobia). Yet, these same people preach tolerance and diversity. However, they are among the most intolerant people and despise diversity. They cannot tolerate anything related to the South and especially the Confederacy, which illustrates their hatred of diversity.
They say that Confederate monuments and memorials are hurtful: They hurt the feelings of Blacks. Thus, they must come down. Yet, these Confederaphobes care nothing about the feelings of the people who revere these monuments and memorials as honoring their ancestors who defended their homeland from the invading horde during Lincoln’s War.
Confederaphobes are extremely self-centered and selfish people, who demand all be sacrificed to satisfy their bigotry, prejudices, and desires. They do not want any remembrance of the Confederacy or even the South.
According to my wife, who is a refugee from a Communist country, among the first things that the Communists did when they started taking over the country was to tear down historical and cultural monuments and memorials. The destruction of Confederate monuments and memorials comes straight out of the Communist handbook.
White Supremacy Versus Black Supremacy
One major and important difference exists between today’s Black supremacy and yesterday’s White supremacy. Under Black supremacy, Whites are forced to work without compensation to support Blacks. Under White supremacy, Blacks were never forced to support Whites without compensation. Even under slavery, Blacks were well paid with housing, food, medical care, and even some retirement benefits. Moreover, slaves typically consumed about 90 percent of their production.
Whites Prostrating Before Blacks
Under slavery and Jim Crow, White supremacists never required or expected Blacks to prostrate themselves before the superior White race. However, today under Black supremacy, Whites prostrate themselves before Blacks in abject submission to Black supremacists. Not only do Blacks expect Whites to prostrate pathetically before Blacks, but they also expect Whites to give Blacks everything that Blacks demand. Black supremacy has achieved a level beyond anything White supremacy ever sought. Thus, systemic White privilege is the privilege of Whites to prostrate themselves before their Black masters. Furthermore, systemic White privilege is the privilege of Whites to eradicate their history, culture, and race.
During the height of White supremacy, Blacks may have acted humbly, but they never lost their self-respect. (Now, arrogance has replaced that humility.) However, under Black supremacy, White albusphobes, progressives, liberals, wokespersons, and social justice warriors have no self-respect. On the contrary, under Black supremacy, White albusphobes, progressives, liberals, wokespersons, and social justice warriors loath and debase themselves. Moreover, they wimpishly grovel before their Black masters. They have no self-respect. How can any Black, Asian, Latino, or even a self-respecting White have any respect for such people? Blacks may manipulate and use them to advance the Black agenda, but Blacks find them deplorable. Self-respecting Whites, Asians, and Latinos pity them and find them despicable, and some even abhor them. All consider them no better than traitors of the White race.
(According to Urban Dictionary, a wokesperson is “a person who considers himself/herself woke and readily spouts wokeish statements, especially on social media, on behalf of the entire ‘woke community’.” “Woke” means “A self-congratulatory, close-minded, emotionally-driven, politically-biased ideology and movement based on oversimplified, ill-conceived, uncritical, hypocritical, exaggerated, self-righteous, or irrational arguments justified by self-deceptive rationalization and self-serving, over-glorified, hollow gestures and politically-motivated lip service referred to as virtue-signaling, which often attract angry, sheltered, impressionable youths, self-important, crowd-pleasing, over-privileged, political-posturing, public figures, and narcissistic, willingly-ignorant, emotionally-regressive, left-wing ‘advocates’ and also often deal with multifaceted, questionable or misrepresented topics superficially, excessively, irresponsibly, and inappropriately.” “Social justice warrior” means “In the broadest sense, a person that uses complex serious social, economic and political issues as a way to further their own agenda by claiming they are fighting to ‘correct a wrong.’ Specifically, it is used to refer to people claim to be fighting for social justice but are actually validating their own ego, looking for special treatment, or attention.”)
Death of the White Race
The White race is dying from the decay within. It may not survive another 50 years. Unfortunately, most Whites do not care, and many Whites joyfully look forward to the day when the White race is no more. About a third of Whites are albusphobes; they loath the White race so much that they wish that the White race never existed. (Regrettably, these albusphobes do not hasten that glorious day of the death of the White race by removing themselves from it now. They prefer to remain a blight on it.) About half of the Whites are racial nihilists, who do not care about any race, especially the White race; the apathetic Whites, who are indifferent about the White race; and cowards, who fear to defend their race from genocide. Only about one-sixth of Whites are fighting to preserve their race. Most of those who are defending the White race are older Southerners who have not been thoroughly reconstructed. Soon after they die, most likely, so will the White race. So far, the genocide of the White race has been highly successful and will most likely succeed.
Copyright © 2020 by Thomas Coley Allen.
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