White Privilege
Thomas Allen
Whites are accused of having “White Privilege,” which supposedly gives them all sorts of advantages over and at the expense of nonwhites, especially Blacks. “White Privilege” is the unearned assets, advantages, and benefits that White people have merely because they are White. Whites have what they have solely because of their skin color.
In “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack,” Peggy McIntosh identifies 50 things that she considers “White Privilege.” Some of them are absurd, irrelevant, and insignificant. A few insult Blacks. Some result from the desire of Blacks to be thought highly of by other Blacks. Even a few are wrong: The opposite is true. However, a few are correct. [See “Black Privilege” by Thomas Allen.]
The following is a short, but incomplete, list of the privileges that Whites have today. They greatly disagree with McIntosh’s list of privileges.
1. The privilege of being second-class citizens in the country that their ancestors founded and built.
2. The privilege of having their God-given unalienable rights as citizens of a State subordinated to civil rights granted by Congress and federal agencies to nonwhites.
3. The privilege of being led by Albusphobic Whites.
4. The privilege of being obligated to be disloyal to the White race.
5. The privilege of not defending the interests of the White race.
6. The privilege of being denied equal rights and equal protection under the law.
7. The privilege of having the legal system weaponized against them (lawfare) instead of having the legal system protect them.
8. The privilege of going to prison for trying to save the life of a Black thug as happened to Derek Chauvin.
9. The privilege of being the victim of Black criminals (see “The Dirty War: America’s Race War” by Thomas Allen).
10. The privilege of being the only race that can commit hate crimes.
11. The privilege of going to jail for peacefully protesting while nonwhites, especially Blacks, are rewarded for highly destructive riots.
12. The privilege of dying in foreign wars for people and institutions that loathe them.
13. The privilege of not being allowed to hear political speeches at church while nonwhite churches can have political speeches.
14. The privilege of being domestic terrorists.
15. The privilege of having less qualified nonwhites hired for a job instead of more qualified Whites because of race.
16. The privilege of losing their jobs to nonwhites.
17. The privilege of being fired because they are White.
18. The privilege of being victims of affirmative action and racial quotas.
19. The privilege of having nonwhites steal the credit for discoveries, inventions, and works of Whites.
20. The privilege of granting nonwhites benefits and privileges that Whites never enjoyed.
21. The privilege of being sacrificed for racial justice.
22. The privilege of being responsible for the substandard behavior of Blacks.
23. The privilege to support nonwhites.
24. The privilege of having their country destroyed.
25. The privilege of having their culture destroyed.
26. The privilege of having their history destroyed.
27. The privilege of having statues and memorials of Whites destroyed.
28. The privilege of participating in the destruction of statues and memorials of Whites.
29. The privilege of not segregating while nonwhites may segregate.
30. The privilege of not being allowed to attend meetings of nonwhites.
31. The privilege of not discriminating against nonwhites while nonwhites may discriminate against Whites.
32. Privilege of being discriminated against and not being allowed to object to such discrimination without being penalized.
33. The privilege of having nonwhites refer to Whites with racial slurs and being sued if responding by referring to nonwhites with racial slurs.
34. The privilege of being the only race that has to endure hate speech.
35. The privilege of enjoying wokeism.
36. Privilege of being the only race that can be racist.
37. The privilege of not being allowed to speak about race except to degrade Whites.
38. The privilege of worshiping archconservative St. Martin Luther King the Divine.
39. The privilege of being racial nihilists while not allowed to be racial supremacists or racial preservationists although nonwhites may be racial supremacists or racial preservationists (See “Views on Race” by Thomas Allen.)
40. The privilege of practicing the new morality of scarifying the White race on the altar of humanity while not allowed to practice the old morality of preserving their race although nonwhites can practice the old morality of preserving their races (See “Old Morality – New Morality” by Thomas Allen.)
41. The privilege of being loathed by nonwhites, especially Blacks.
42. The privilege of hating themselves and their race.
43. The privilege of living in environments that are hostile to Whites.
44. The privilege of being victims of racism.
45. The privilege of being marginalized.
46. The privilege of being humiliated.
47. The privilege of feeling guilty about being White.
48. The privilege of being victims of antiwhite inquisitions.
49. The privilege of not having their lives matter.
50. The privilege of having less qualified nonwhites admitted to a university instead of more qualified Whites because of race.
51. The privilege of having their children taught to hate their race.
52. The privilege of not being allowed to protect their children.
53. The privilege of having their education lowered to accommodate nonwhites, especially Blacks.
54. The privilege of enduring diversity training and sensitivity training.
55. The privilege of being indoctrinated with Critical Race Theory.
56. The privilege of not having college courses designed specifically for Whites.
57. The privilege of being stupid and apathetic;
58. The privilege of trying to placate nonwhites whose lust for vengeance can never be satisfied, for example, many Blacks.
59. The privilege of being degraded and bullied for being White.
60. The privilege of being masochists.
61. The privilege of being held to a higher standard than nonwhites.
62. The privilege of being blamed for all of the world’s problems and being considered the cancer of the universe.
63. The privilege of being guilty of all evils until proven innocent, which they can never do.
64. The privilege of the sin of whitism, a sin of which they can never repent.
65. The privilege of kowtowing and groveling to unappreciative nonwhites, especially Blacks.
66. The privilege of begging nonwhites, especially Blacks, for forgiveness for things that Whites have never done.
67. The privilege of being demonized.
68. The privilege of having their reputation destroyed.
69. The privilege of being penalized because of their massive contribution to mankind.
70. The privilege of being replaced by nonwhites.
71. The privilege of not having a homeland while all other races may have a homeland.
72. The privilege of participating in their own annihilation.
73. The privilege of being abolished, i.e., genocide.
74. The privilege of being the stupidest race to ever exist.
75. The privilege of being the most frightened cowards who ever existed.
According to diversity, inclusion, and equity (DIE) adherents, all the aforementioned White privileges are unearned benefits that Whites enjoy and that give them advantages over other races. Merely by being born White, they earn these privileges. Because of their White supremacy, they refuse to share these privileges with others.
Copyright © 2024 by Thomas Coley Allen.
I don't give a shit what people think of me because I'm white .. I worked the tobacco fields , cotton fields , pick corn and cleared new groud as a child . Then served our country as a US Marine for 20 years .. Soo - I've earn my rights .. " And , I am a very proud White Man !
ReplyDeleteThe wars American men fought in it had nothing to do with the safety of America. Vietnam and Afghanistan could never be a military threat to this nation. The arms industry gained from these undeclared forever wars regardless if we lose and lose we did. If it is not for the nation then it is for the privileged at the top of our society. These wars will never end because they are too profitable
DeleteThe problem with that list is that it does not negate White Privilege. In fact it emphasizes it . The people oppressing whites are privileged whites. They are not people of color. Those who control the media, Hollywood, publishing houses, and define the culture are so privileged that everyone else, including whites are in a pecking order of abuse with the Whites at the top and people of color at the back end of the bus. Question or challenge them and one will be accused of Anti Semitism. One cannot get more privileged than that