More Observations on the Russia-Ukraine Conflict
Thomas Allen
These observations are directed mostly at Biden, who is more of a communist than Vladimir Putin, and his administration, the presstitutes, and neoconservatives. When we need adult leadership, all that we have leading us are mental midgets. Whatever they say is most likely a lie. The opposite of what they say is most likely the truth.
The presstitutes including the neoconservative press have done an effective job in creating irrational hysteria toward everything Russian. People vandalize Russian restaurants even when the owners and workers are not Russian and even express their support for Ukraine. Russian conductors, singers, musicians, and other entertainers are fired and denied employment. Thus, people lose their jobs because their ancestry is Russian. Moreover, the works of Russian composers who died more than a century ago are banned. Even children are bellying children with Russian ancestry. Yes, the media have done a great job of stirring up hate. Hate makes duping gullible sheeple into a senseless war much easier — a war that only transfers ever more wealth and power to the rich and powerful while enslaving the people.
Moreover, the presstitutes have so thoroughly brainwashed the American people that about one-third want a nuclear war over Ukraine so that Ukraine can shell the Donbas Russians by maintaining a corrupt puppet government in Ukraine and the United States can operate bioweapon laboratories in Ukraine.
The United States retaliate against Russia by shutting down fast-food restaurants, internet entertainment sites, and some consumer goods exports. Over time, these embargos will make Russia healthier and stronger. Because of Russia’s lack of foresight, many countries have stolen Russia’s foreign exchange reserves, which Russia foolishly left in hostile countries. Fortunately for the United States and Europe, Russia has not yet placed a total embargo on its major exports: energy and minerals. If it does, it will economically destroy Europe and greatly damage the United States’ economy. Furthermore, the United States cannot get to the space station without Russia.
American politicians and presstitutes promote Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as a great defender of democracy. Is the reason that Americans consider Zelensky a great defender of democracy because the Ukrainian government rivals the US government in corruption? Ukraine is a center for laundering money, sex trafficking, drug trafficking, developing biological weapons, and the like for American political and business leaders.
Although Biden and the presstitutes present Putin as a dictator, he is the duly elected president of Russia. His election was less corrupt than Biden’s. Unlike Biden, Putin did not steal his election; he did not have to steal it.
Further, Democrats and Republicans are always preaching the virtues of democracy. However, Crimea illustrates their true love of democracy. More than 95 percent of the Crimeans voted to secede from Ukraine and join Russia with a plebiscite that was more honest than the 2020 American presidential election. Nevertheless, both Democrats and Republicans reject this vote — so much for their love of democracy. They only love democracy when the vote goes their way. Otherwise, they have no use for democracy. Hypocrites all!
Moreover, Zelensky is portrayed as the “free” world’s last hope against the great dictator Putin. Zelensky is advanced as a saint, yet he wears the NAZI iron cross.
Freedom has not existed in the so-called free world since World War II. Many countries in the so-called free world have acted more despotic than Russia in their approach to COVID-19. The West’s approach to COVID-19 proves that it is not the free world. A free world would not have forcibly locked down businesses, forced people to wear masks, forced people to be vaccinated with a deadly experimental gene-therapy drug to work, or forced people to have a vaccine passport to travel or enter places of business. Moreover, a free world would not have forced churches to close, nor would it suppress opposing views or facts. (Here are two articles describing freedom in America: “Freedom” and “A Letter: Freedom American Style.”)
Biden expresses support for the Ukrainian people. He feels their pain. If he really cared about the Ukrainian people and their country, he would have negotiated with Putin when Russia was begging the United States and NATO to negotiate and, by that, spared Ukraine of this war. Instead of negotiating with Russia, Biden spate in Putin’s face.
If Biden had wanted to prevent Russia from invading Ukraine, he would have entered an enforceable agreement to keep Ukraine from becoming part of NATO. Moreover, he would have pressured Ukraine to cease shelling Donetsk and Luhansk and to keep its agreement to make these two oblasts autonomous. Biden has a great deal of influence over Ukraine. He can prohibit Americans from using Ukraine for money laundering, sex trafficking, drug trafficking, bioweapons laboratories, and other illegal activity. Moreover, he can end military and financial aid to Ukraine.
Biden does not want peace because he benefits from the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Now, Biden can blame Putin for the energy problems, inflation, and other disasters that he (Biden) has caused in America. Consequently, Biden is not man enough to accept responsibility for his disasters. Is this why Biden kept insulting Putin in hopes that Putin would invade Ukraine and, thus, distract the sheeple’s attention from inflation and other crisis that Biden has created? Is this why he continues to verbally attack Putin? Biden needs this conflict to last at least until the November election.
By letting the war drag on, Putin has under impressed Europe and has encouraged European governments to remain puppets of the United States. Moreover, he encourages NATO to remain an offensive alliance that does the bidding of the United States in maintaining and expanding their imperialistic hegemony. Worse, he has encouraged the United States and NATO to initiate future wars.
What is saving Ukraine is that Putin and the ruling class in Russia may be as stupid as Biden and his administration although in different ways. Putin is fighting the war the way that wars were fought before Lincoln’s War instead of the way that wars have been fought since 1861 where rules and humanity do not exist. As a result, instead of the war lasting a few days, it has lasted long enough for the United States and NATO to conduct highly successful psychological warfare against Russia. If he had followed Lincoln and the allies in World War II, he would have ignored civilian causalities and utterly destroyed Ukraine in total war. He would fight the Ukrainians the modern away with shock and awe and consider civilian casualties as necessary or even deliberate collateral damage.
Saber-rattlers express concern about Russia’s attacking military targets near the Polish border to prevent military supplies from reaching the Ukrainian army. For the United States to condemn Russia for these attacks is extremely hypocritical. The United States are notorious for attacking targets in other countries that may be supporting hostile forces in countries where the US military is operating. Cambodia and Syria are good examples. To prevent Cambodia and Syria from supporting those with whom the United States were fighting, they invaded both countries. Thus, the United States do not stop at the borders of the countries in which they are fighting. They also invade any adjacent country that may be supporting the enemy. When one is the biggest bully in the world, one can get away with things that the lessers cannot.
Why are the Biden administration and neoconservatives so eager to have a war with Russia? Is destroying evidence in Ukraine of the Biden family’s and other American politicians’ corruption the reason? Is transferring taxpayers’ money to the military-industrial complex the reason? Is it to turn the world over to China, which will be the winner of a war between Russia and the United State?
Why are most American political leaders and NATO countries eager to turn Europe into a battlefield far more destructive than World War I and World War II combined? Why are they so eager to incinerate America with nuclear explosions? Is it to finish genociding the dying White race?
Furthermore, those who control the US government are like the Pharisees of the New Testament. Like the Pharisees, they manipulate the people into doing what is beneficial for the ruling elite and harmful to the best interest of the people.
Everything that the United States condemn Russia for doing, the United States have done worse. Before condemning Russia, the United States need to cleanse themselves first.
Please remember; just about everything that the presstitutes and the federal government are telling you about the Russia-Ukraine conflict is a lie!
(When his enemies are considered, Putin is not the bad guy in the Russian-Ukraine conflict. Klaus Schwab, one of the evilest men on the planet, has ended all relations with Russia and has expelled Putin from the World Economic Forum. Schwab is the founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum. The World Economic Forum is promoting “the Great Reset.” Under the Great Reset, no one except the global billionaire elite will own anything. A global social credit system similar to the one in China will be instituted, and all money will be replaced with a global cryptocurrency managed by the global elite. Moreover, the Great Reset implements the climate-change-green-revolution-sustainable-development-social-justice agenda; it essentially promotes wokeism. The Great Reset is a global totalitarian regime run by the global elite. Other enemies of Putin include Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer, both Clintons, Bush the Younger, and Obama — all evil people.)
Copyright © 2022 by Thomas Coley Allen.
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